- Open https://www.e-bebek.com/
- Search for "kaşık maması" in the search bar and click last product from the results of the search.
- It has to be verified that the opened product and the product clicked in the search result are the same.
- Click the add to cart button.
- Click the cart button from the right modal opened.
- Click on the complete shopping button.
- It is verified that the member login screen is opened.
- The project must be written in the Java programming language.
- Maven should be used.
- Codes must be shared via github.
- Selenium and JUnit/Testng should be used for the script to be written.
- Using Assertions, tests should be checked to see if it works correctly.
- Log should be used.
- Page object model should be implemented.
- It should be developed in accordance with OOP principles
- Java 17
- Spring-boot 3.0
- JUnit 5.9.1
- Web Driver Manager (bonigarcia) 5.3.1
- Selenium 4.6.0
- log4j 1.2.17