a PWA web page for share text/file between devices.
before this tool, i used
IM tools like wechat, telegram
//i don't want to login account () -
transfer tools like localsend, snapdrop
//efficient with large files, but have to run on both device sametime and in same net (not convenience)
and finaly i keep use this tool.
- don't have to install app
//just access via web (support PWA if use https) - don't have to run in same net
- don't have to run at same time on both side
//just upload onetime, and access anytime (it's convenience for text and small files)
//may not efficient for large files
this proj fork from https://github.com/TransparentLC/cloud-clipboard
and may not be able to merge to upstream.
- a modified version front ui in client/
- a golang implement server in golang branch
- a python implement server in py3 branch
a online demo https://demo1.ez2.fun/
//for golang version, see server-go/README.md
access in browser