This repository contains the PyTorch code for the paper "Imitation Learning from Purified Demonstrations" in ICML 2024.
Experiments were run with Python 3.6 and these packages:
- pytorch == 1.1.0
- gym == 0.15.7
- mujoco-py ==
- Train Diffusion Models with Few Optimal Demonstrations
python --env_id 1/2/3/4 --il_method diffusion --action diff
- Behavior Cloning with Purified Demonstrations
python --env_id 1/2/3/4 --c_data 1/2/3/4 --il_method diffusion --action diff --diff_t 5/10/30/50/100 --noise_level 1/2/3
- GAIL with Purified Demonstrations
python --env_id 1/2/3/4 --c_data 1 --il_method diffusion --action gail --denoise --diff_t 5 --noise_level 1/2/3 --seed 0/1/2/3/4
The re-implementation of BCND/DWBC/WGAIL/2IWIL/IC-GAIL/WGAIL can be found in core/
For any questions, please feel free to contact me at
title={Imitation Learning from Purified Demonstrations},
author={Wang, Yunke and Dong, Minjing and Zhao, Yukun and Du, Bo and Xu, Chang},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
We thank the authors of VILD. Our code structure is based on their source code and we also use some of expert data collected by VILD.
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[4] InfoGAIL: Interpretable Imitation Learning from Visual Demonstrations. NeurIPS 2017
[5] Imitation learning from imperfect demonstration. ICML 2019.
[6] Extrapolating beyond suboptimal demonstrations via inverse reinforcement learning from observations. ICML 2019.
[7] Better-than-demonstrator imitation learning via automatically-ranked demonstrations. CoRL 2020.
[8] Variational Imitation Learning with Diverse-quality Demonstrations. ICML 2020.
[9] Learning to Weight Imperfect Demonstrations. ICML 2021
[10] Robust Adversarial Imitation Learning via Adaptively-Selected Demonstrations. IJCAI 2021.
[11] Unlabeled Imperfect Demonstrations in Adversarial Imitation Learning. AAAI 2021.