A Julia implementation of tensor decomposition algorithms
- Compatible with Julia v0.7/v1.0
- The following functions for Tucker decompositions, except for
, return aTucker
, which containsfactors::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}
(1-dimensional array for Kruskal decompositions), and the relative reconstruction errorerror::Float64
High-order SVD (HOSVD) [3]
hosvd{T,N}(tnsr::StridedArray{T,N}, core_dims::NTuple{N, Int}; pad_zeros::Bool=false, compute_error::Bool=false)
Canonical polyadic decomposition (CANDECOMP/PARAFAC)
candecomp{T,N}(tnsr::StridedArray{T,N}, r::Integer, initial_guess::NTuple{N, Matrix{T}}; method::Symbol=:ALS, tol::Float64=1e-5, maxiter::Integer=100, compute_error::Bool=false, verbose::Bool=true)
. This function provides two algorithms, set bymethod
argument, for fitting the CANDECOMP model:- ALS (default): Alternating least square method [3]
- SGSD: Simultaneous generalized Schur decomposition [1]
Non-negative CANDECOMP/PARAFAC by the block-coordinate update method [7]
nncp(tnsr::StridedArray, r::Integer; tol::Float64=1e-4, maxiter::Integer=100, compute_error::Bool=false, verbose::Bool=true)
Remark. Choose a smaller
if the above functions throwERROR: SingularException
Symmetric rank-1 approximation for symmetric tensors by shifted symmetric higher-order power method (SS-HOPM) [4]
sshopm{T,N}(tnsr::AbstractArray{T,N}, alpha::Real; tol::Float64=1e-5, maxiter::Int=100, verbose::Bool=false)
. This function requires a shifting parameteralpha
and returns an eigenpair of tnsr, represented by a tuple(Float64, Vector{Float64})
. Note that this functions does NOT check symmetry of input tensors. This implementation takes both dense representationStridedArray
and sparse representation(Matrix{Int64}, StridedVector, Integer)
, which contains indexes, as column vectors of the matrix in the first component of the tuple, corresponding values, and dimension of a mode. -
Sparse (semi-)nonnegative Tucker decomposition by the alternating proximal gradient method [6]
spnntucker{T,N}(tnsr::StridedArray{T, N}, core_dims::NTuple{N, Int}; core_nonneg::Bool=true, tol::Float64=1e-4, hosvd_init::Bool=false, max_iter::Int=500, max_time::Float64=0.0, lambdas::Vector{Float64} = fill(0.0, N+1), Lmin::Float64 = 1.0, rw::Float64=0.9999, bounds::Vector{Float64} = fill(Inf, N+1), ini_decomp = nothing, verbose::Bool=false)
- Tensor-CUR for 3-mode tensors [5] is a randomized algorithm and returns a
, which includes indexes of c slabs (along axis slab_index) and r fibers, matrix U, and the relative reconstruction error of slabs. Note that this function samples with replacement, and the numbers of repeated samples are stored inCweight
tensorcur3(tnsr::StridedArray, c::Integer, r::Integer, slab_axis::Integer=3; compute_u::Bool=true)
- PARAFAC2 for 3-mode tensors by the alternating least square method [2] takes an array of matrices, which may not be equally sized, and factorizes the matrices under a constraint on row space. The below function returns a
, which contains factors and diagonal effects D of each matrix, a common loading matrix A, and the relative error.
parafac2{S<:Matrix}(X::Vector{S}, r::Integer; tol::Float64=1e-5, maxiter::Integer=100, verbose::Bool=true)
- Common parameters:
: Data tensorr::Integer
: Number of components/factorstol::Float64
: Tolerance to achievemaxiter::Integer
: Maximum number of iterationsverbose::Bool
: Print status when iterative algorithms terminate
Here is a quick example of code that fits the CANDECOMP model:
julia> using TensorDecompositions
julia> u = randn(10); v = randn(20); w = randn(30)
# Generate a noisy rank-1 tensor
julia> T = cat(3, map(x -> x * u * v', w)...) + 0.2 * randn(10, 20, 30)
julia> size(T)
(10, 20, 30)
julia> F = candecomp(T, 1, (randn(10, 1), randn(20, 1), randn(30, 1)), compute_error=true, method=:ALS);
NFO: Initializing factor matrices...
INFO: Applying CANDECOMP ALS method...
INFO: Algorithm converged after 4 iterations.
julia> [size(F.factors[i]) for i = 1:3]
3-element Array{Any,1}:
julia> F.props
Dict{Symbol,Any} with 1 entry:
:rel_residue => 0.18735979193091348
julia> F.factors[1]
10x1 Array{Float64,2}:
- Julia 0.7/1.0
- TensorOperations
- Distributions
- StatsBase
- ProgressMeter
- FactCheck
- Inefficiency of unfolding (matricizing), which has a significant impact on the performance of
) andparafac2
- Improving performance
- More algorithms for fitting CANDECOMP/PARAFAC and non-negative tensor decompositions
- Probabilistic tensor decompositions
- Algorithms for factorizing sparse tensors
- Tensor completion algorithms
[1] De Lathauwer, L., De Moor, B., & Vandewalle, J. (2004). Computation of the canonical decomposition by means of a simultaneous generalized Schur decomposition. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 26(2), 295-327.
[2] Kiers, H. A., Ten Berge, J. M., & Bro, R. (1999). PARAFAC2-Part I. A direct fitting algorithm for the PARAFAC2 model. Journal of Chemometrics, 13(3-4), 275-294.
[3] Kolda, T. G., & Bader, B. W. (2009). Tensor decompositions and applications. SIAM Review, 51(3), 455-500.
[4] Kolda, T. G., & Mayo, J. R. (2011). Shifted power method for computing tensor eigenpairs. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 32(4), 1095-1124.
[5] Mahoney, M. W., Maggioni, M., & Drineas, P. (2008). Tensor-CUR decompositions for tensor-based data. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 30(3), 957-987.
[6] Xu, Y. (2015). Alternating proximal gradient method for sparse nonnegative Tucker decomposition. Mathematical Programming Computation, 7(1), 39-70.
[7] Xu, Y., & Yin, W. (2013). A block coordinate descent method for regularized multiconvex optimization with applications to nonnegative tensor factorization and completion. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 6(3), 1758-1789.
- Thank @alyst for making the package compatible with Julia 1.0.