A C++ library for performing the sequential line search method (which is a human-in-the-loop variant of Bayesian optimization).
The core algorithm is implemented in include/sequential-line-search/*.hpp
and src/*.cpp
. This repository also contains the following example demos:
- bayesian_optimization_1d: A simple demo of the standard Bayesian optimization applied to a one-dimensional test function.
- sequential_line_search_nd: A simple demo of the sequential line search method applied to a multi-dimensional test function.
- bayesian_optimization_1d_gui: A visual demo of the standard Bayesian optimization applied to a one-dimensional test function.
- bayesian_optimization_2d_gui: A visual demo of the standard Bayesian optimization applied to a two-dimensional test function.
- preferential_bayesian_optimization_1d_gui: A visual demo of the preferential Bayesian optimization with a simple pairwise comparison query style applied to a one-dimensional test function.
- sequential_line_search_2d_gui: A visual interactive demo of the sequential line search method applied to a two-dimensional test function.
- sequential_line_search_photo: A visual interactive demo of the sequential line search method where a photograph is enhanced using six-dimensional parameters.
This library has a python binding, named pySequentialLineSearch
Yuki Koyama, Issei Sato, Daisuke Sakamoto, and Takeo Igarashi. 2017. Sequential Line Search for Efficient Visual Design Optimization by Crowds. ACM Trans. Graph. 36, 4, pp.48:1--48:11 (2017). (a.k.a. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2017) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3072959.3073598
- Eigen http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/ (
brew install eigen
/sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
) - NLopt https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/ (included via gitsubmodule)
- timer https://github.com/yuki-koyama/timer (included via gitsubmodule)
- mathtoolbox https://github.com/yuki-koyama/mathtoolbox (included via gitsubmodule)
- nlopt-util https://github.com/yuki-koyama/nlopt-util (included via gitsubmodule)
- parallel-util https://github.com/yuki-koyama/parallel-util (included via gitsubmodule)
- (None)
To build these demos, the CMake variable: SEQUENTIAL_LINE_SEARCH_BUILD_COMMAND_DEMOS
should be set ON
- Qt5 http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/ (
brew install qt@5
/sudo apt install qt5-default
) - rand-util https://github.com/yuki-koyama/rand-util (included via gitsubmodule)
- tinycolormap https://github.com/yuki-koyama/tinycolormap (included via gitsubmodule)
To build these demos, the CMake variable: SEQUENTIAL_LINE_SEARCH_BUILD_VISUAL_DEMOS
should be set ON
- Qt5 http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/ (
brew install qt@5
/sudo apt install qt5-default
) - enhancer https://github.com/yuki-koyama/enhancer (included via gitsubmodule)
- tinycolormap https://github.com/yuki-koyama/tinycolormap (included via gitsubmodule)
To build these demos, the CMake variable: SEQUENTIAL_LINE_SEARCH_BUILD_PHOTO_DEMOS
should be set ON
. They require runtime environments to support OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile and GLSL 3.3.
- pybind11 https://github.com/pybind/pybind11 (included via gitsubmodule)
To enable python binding, the CMake variable: SEQUENTIAL_LINE_SEARCH_BUILD_PYTHON_BINDING
should be set ON
We use cmake (3.3 or above) for managing the source codes. You can compile the core module and the demo applications at once by, for example,
git clone https://github.com/yuki-koyama/sequential-line-search.git --recursive
cd sequential-line-search
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
Then you can run the applications by, for example,
We tested on macOS (10.15) only. We are aware that the visual demos cannot be built as it is in other OSs; some OpenGL paths etc. need to be resolved. Pull requests welcome.
is a subset of Python bindings of the C++ library. Tested on Python 3.6
, 3.7
, and 3.8
It can be installed via PyPI:
pip install git+https://github.com/yuki-koyama/sequential-line-search
brew install cmake eigen
Ubuntu 18.04/20.04
sudo apt install cmake libeigen3-dev
Note: User interaction part is omitted from these examples.
#include <iostream>
#include <sequential-line-search/sequential-line-search.hpp>
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using sequential_line_search::SequentialLineSearchOptimizer;
double AskHumanForSliderManipulation(const std::pair<VectorXd, VectorXd>& slider_ends)
// ...
// ...
return slider_position;
int main()
// Instantiate an optimizer
constexpr int dim = 6;
SequentialLineSearchOptimizer optimizer(dim);
// Iterate optimization steps
constexpr int num_iters = 15;
for (int i = 0; i < num_iters; ++i)
// Retrieve a slider space
const std::pair<VectorXd, VectorXd> slider_ends = optimizer.GetSliderEnds();
// Query slider manipulation
const double slider_position = AskHumanForSliderManipulation(slider_ends);
// Feed the slider manipulation result to the optimizer
// Display the found solution
std::cout << optimizer.GetMaximizer() << std::endl;
return 0;
import pySequentialLineSearch
import numpy
def ask_human_for_slider_manipulation(slider_ends):
# ...
# ...
return slider_position
def main():
optimizer = pySequentialLineSearch.SequentialLineSearchOptimizer(6)
for i in range(15):
slider_ends = optimizer.get_slider_ends()
slider_position = ask_human_for_slider_manipulation(slider_ends)
if __name__ == '__main__':
We have tested the C++ portion of our codebase on macOS using the clang compiler and on Ubuntu 20.04 using the g++ compiler. As for the Python portion, it has been tested on versions 3.7 through 3.11.
- ARD Matern 5/2 kernel (default; recommended in [Snoek et al. NIPS 2011])
- ARD squared exponential kernel (used in [Koyama et al. SIGGRAPH 2017])
The optimizer API takes a boolean named use_map_hyperparameters
as input. If this is true
, the optimizer calculates the kernel hyperparameters for every iteration via the MAP estimation, as described in [Koyama et al. SIGGRAPH 2017]. If this is false
, the optimizer just uses default values, making the optimization more efficient.
Finding the global maximizer of the acquisition function is a difficult problem since it often has multiple local maxima and is high-dimensional.
This implementation offers two approaches for this problem:
- The first option is to perform DIRECT (a derivative-free global optimization algorithm) and then refine the solution using L-BFGS (a gradient-based local optimization algorithm).
- The second option is to perform L-BFGS multiple times with many different initial solutions and then pick up the best solution.
See src/acquisition-function.cpp
for details.
The following acquisition functions are supported:
- Expected improvement (EI) [default; used in the original paper]
- Gaussian process upper confidence bound (GP-UCB)
This implementation assumes that the search space is always [0, 1]^D. When you want to handle a different search space, you need to normalize the target space into [0, 1]^D manually.
A slider space is constructed by choosing two end points. One of the two end points is always selected by maximizing the acquisition function (i.e., x^{EI} when using EI as the acquisition function). The other end point is selected by one of the following options:
- The point that provides the largest expected value (i.e., x^{+}) (default; used in the original paper)
- The point that is selected in the last subtask (i.e., x^{chosen}) (suggested in [Koyama+, 2020])
Sequential Gallery (SIGGRAPH 2020) is a more recent publication on the same topic (i.e., human-in-the-loop design optimization).
- Project page: https://koyama.xyz/project/sequential_gallery/
- GitHub: https://github.com/yuki-koyama/sequential-gallery
BO as Assistant (UIST 2022) is a research project using this library for a different purpose (i.e., for generating design suggestions during slider manipulation).
- Project page: https://koyama.xyz/project/bo-as-assistant/
MIT License.
Issue reports, suggestions, requests, and PRs are highly welcomed.
Yuki Koyama (yuki@koyama.xyz)