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105 lines (65 loc) · 3.9 KB


What is Ontopanel?

Ontopanel is a plugin in that helps domain experts to build ontologies and method graph in a simpler way.

It is designed within the framework of the Materials Open Laboratory (MatOLab) by Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) to solve the problems encountered by domain experts when building ontologies graphically using, such as ontology reuse, ontology transformation and data mapping.

It consist of three tools, their tutorials can be found in Ontopanel video tutorials :


Ontopanel-Library is a XML library for ontology conceptualization that provides a set of shapes to represent each element of the OWL specification. It is based on Chowlk library.


EntityManager is a tool that allows user to upload their ontologies and export entities in It contains a default ontology- MSEO, the ontology developed in the MatOLab project.


Convertor is a tool that validates current graph and convert it into into OWL. It can also realize data mapping -- to combine experimental dataset with the method graph.


This project is the frontend of Ontopanel and works with Ontopanel-backend. provides access to load plugins by adding the URL of your plugin script in the web application via Extra-plugins. However, this feature is turned off for the official web application. Therefore, you must set up your own server, such as a GithubPage, to allow the application to load your own plugins.

To load this plugin in your own application, you can

  1. make it a default plugin: put the script file in the plugins folder and add it to the default plugin list. In this case, user can awalys find this plugin in the default plugin list.

    // plugin folder
  2. add URL of your script file to Extra-plugins. It will disappear if the cache is cleared.

In both case, leave the folder unchanged, just add your plugin script. In this project, the plugin script is added as a default plugin. Its source code is bundled and minizied into one single file through webpack and put in plugin folder.

// source code of Ontopanel-frontend

// bundled file of Ontopanel-frontend


Clone the project

git clone

Add backend address:

// file location: ontopanelSource\vars.js
// change the host address below in the file to your own address.
export const hostAddress = "";

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the app

// use webpack dev server
npm run start

// to build
npm run build

Set up the server

The drawio folder in the project is simply an old clone of, for development purpose. To set up the server:

  1. Update the drawio folder to its latest version.
  2. Bundle the ontopanel files into one.
  3. Put it under drawio-plugin folder: \drawio\src\main\webapp\plugins.
  4. Host drawio folder on GithubPage.

Related repositories and links

Ontopanel GithubPage repository with tutorials - repository of Ontopanel online demo.

Ontopanel online demo -, contains the Ontopanel plugin hosted on the GithubPage.

Ontopanel-backend - Ontopanel's frontend source code.


Yue Chen (

Markus Schilling (