Provide a simple way to serialize variable, structure, etc.
dybuf helps to read/write primary type variables (ex: int, float, etc.) in/out memory space. dypkt provides high layer wrappers(functions) to serialize composite data (ex: object, network protocol, etc.).
All functions are implemented in macros or static inline functions, you should set
folders as include directories. -
Include the header file
#include "dypkt.h"
- Use dypkt API for pack. (Write to memory)
// Create a dypkt structure pointer, refer to a 1024 bytes memory
uint8 mem[1024];
dypkt* dyp = dyp_pack(null, mem, 1024);
// Option, append version & protocol information
dyp_append_protocol(dyp, "bjson); // binary json
dyp_append_protocol_version(dyp, 0x010001); // version 1.0.1
// Append your data
dyp_append_int(dyp, 0, 123); // append a int with value 123
dyp_append_string(dyp, 1, "hi"); // append a string with value "hi"
// Option, append EOF
// Release
uint size = dyp_get_position(dyp0);
// Now, you can send mem to remote or save to file.
fwrite(mem, size, 0, fid); // write to fid
- Use dypkt API for unpack. (Read from memory)
// Receive the data form remote or read from file.
uint8 mem[1024];
uint size;
size = fread(mem, 1024, 1, fid);
// Create a dypkt structure pointer, refer to data memory
dyp = dyp_unpack(null, mem, size, false);
// Read all data
while(dyp_get_remainder(dyp)>0) // read all
dype type;
uint index;
type = dyp_next_type(dyp, &index); // get type first
if (type==dype_f)
// function
dype_fid func_id = (dype_fid)index;
if (func_id==dype_f_eof)
break; // eof
else if (func_id==dype_f_protocol)
char* protocol_name =
dyp_next_protocol(dyp, null);
// You should copy the name to other memory if you want to keep it.
else if (func_id==dype_f_proto_version)
uint64 ver =
dyp_next_protocol_version(dyp); // read version
else if (type==dype_int)
int64 value =
else if (type==dype_string)
char* str =
dyp_next_cstring(dyp, null);
// You should copy the str to other memory if you want ot keep it.
// other types
// Release
// If you know the order of appended data, you can just call
// dyp_next_xxx in order to get the data.
- Binary json translation
- Document