This is a REST api made with django Rest Framework that tracks the prices of the products in This api uses Django Rest framework for serialization of input and output to transfer through the API endpoint.
It uses Celery-Beat in order to periodically update and track the prices of the products and flag them inactive if they're not tracked by any User. Redis server has been used as a backend for Celery worker.
Django-Rest-Knox has been used for authentication.
POST /api/login
key | Type | Description |
email |
string |
Required. Email of the User |
password |
string |
Required. Password |
POST /api/register
key | Type | Description |
email |
string |
Required. Email of the User |
password |
string |
Required. Password |
Authtoken are returned in response during Login or Registration. These need to be send as header in the following format
key | value |
Authorization |
Token {Auth Token Provided in Response} |
So if the Authtoken is abcd
then the value of Authorization
should be Token abcd
Endpoints provided below require authorization through authtoken to be accessed.
POST /api/logout
GET /api/user
POST /api/products/create
key | Type | Description |
url |
string |
Required. Url of the Daraz Product to be added |
POST /api/products/delete
key | Type | Description |
productId |
integer |
Required. Product Id of the product being deleted |
id : userId,
email: userEmail,
products : [
id : productId,
title : productTitle,
url : productUrl,
image_url : productImageUrl,
prices: [
{ date : dateWhenThisPriceWasTracked,
price : price
expiry : expiryDateofToken,
token : authToken,
user : UserObject
user : UserObject,
token : authToken
id : productId,
title : productTitle,
url : productUrl,
image_url : productImageUrl,
prices: [
{ date : dateWhenThisPriceWasTracked,
price : price
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd darazscarape-api
Install requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the Django server
python runserver
Start redis server
sudo service redis-server start
Start celery backend
celery -A backend worker -l INFO
Start Celery Beat Scheduler
celery -A backend beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler