Get startet with npm install
(/frontend and /backend) to create necessary modules and run ng serve
(/frontend) and node server.js
(/backend) to start your local servers. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. To enable the Google API calls, it is necessary to serve the application on https, even in local environment. Therefore, you need to use a self-assigned certificate and set your local environment ready to trust. After some additional changes (backend: server.js must include key/cert and create https-server => see commented lines, frontend: I need to add proxy configuration and adapt my routes in api-services), the frontend part can be served with a command including the key/cert ng serve --ssl true --ssl-cert <path>/filename.crt --ssl-key <path>/filename.key --open
which will open automatically on https://localhost:4200/
The project at /frontend is hosted by Netlify meanwhile /backend is hosted by Vercel.
- 💠 Angular v18 standalone with routing + nested routes on id
- 🔁 Google Routes/Places API usage in backend
- 🔍 Custom search-input form component combined with Google Places API
- 📋 Custom form components (text-, textarea- & select-input)
- 🔧 Custom validation Angular/Express-Validator
- 📧 Mail service with node.js & nodemailer for Backend
- 📶 Http interception + custom snackbar modal
- 🌚/🌞 Custom color theme (dark/light mode)
- 🌐 i18n (internationalization) - translate to german or english
- 📱 Responsive design 400px > width < 1800px via flexbox & media queries
All services take input for calculating the offer by addresses, timestamps and checkboxes/radio buttons as well as customer data like name, email, phone and notes. For full control, custom form components in combination with custom validation are used. The example of figure 2 shows built-in required-validator as well as custom time-related validation to be highlighted via red warning symbol and regarding validation message. Data validated by backend inform user via (custom) snackbar-message of invalid input.
Data from Google, based on the RoutesAPI and PlacesAPI, is used for the calculations and address suggestions/autocompletion. The user can type in the search field for his address and gets a max of 5 addresses listed as a result of the current input. Figure 3 shows, that after every change of the search input, a request is sent providing the listed options in the response. Clicking on an option sends a final request to get all details to the selected address/place, which is necessary to continue the service. If no option is selected, the form will be invalid and the regarding validation message displayed. Google demands to display their logo if a map or place-data (in this case the address options) are used.
The webpage offeres two theme settings:
$\textsf{\color{red}Patch:}$ Added sessionToken to address-input.component to upgrade billing efficency (now only a session is charged instead of each request).
- - update Google Places API to Places API (New)
- - update email format