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Traders said there were some busy dealings in Freddie Mac and Federal National Mortgage Association securities because underwriters from last week 's heavy slate of real estate mortgage investment conduit issues moved to gather collateral for new deals .
The spokesman further said that at least two more offers are expected from other companies within two weeks .
Two unrearranged TcR delta transcripts had a size similar to that of the functional TcR delta mRNA -LRB- 2.3 and 1.3 kb -RRB- found in TcR gamma/delta+ T lymphocytes .
Endothelial cells -LRB- EC -RRB- act as APC for resting PBL in vitro , and may have important roles in vivo in the pathogenesis of allograft rejection and delayed hypersensitivity .
Some fixed-income investors had expected a further drop in stock prices after the nearly 200-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average on Friday .
The indicator reached a peak in January 1929 and then fell steadily up to and through the crash .
`` Now we are looking for the time to place buy orders , '' he said .
The Dutch company had n't notified Burmah of its reason for increasing the stake , he said .
Studies with 5' deletion CD20 promoter-CAT constructs have previously revealed two regions of the promoter between bases -186 and -280 and between bases -280 and -454 which contained positive regulatory elements .
`` The new structure will enable United Biscuits to focus clearly
Foreign bonds surged as the dollar weakened against most major currencies .
`` The pendulum is swinging back to black and white , '' says Richard DeMoulin , the general manager of Eastman Kodak Co. 's professional photography division .
Transfection studies reveal that the I kappa B-alpha mRNA and the encoded protein are potently induced by NF-kappa B and by homodimers of p65 and of c-Rel .
Merrill Lynch 's commission revenue grew 21 % , however , to $ 462.8 million , on higher share prices and volume and on strong sales of mutual funds .
COMMERCIAL PAPER : High-grade unsecured notes sold through dealers by major corporations in multiples of $ 1,000 : 8.40 % 30 days ; 8.33 % 60 days ; 8.26 % 90 days .
`` Stocks have become more sensitive to factors not directly tied to the domestic economy , '' Mr. Moore says , citing the exchange rate for the dollar on currency markets , the foreign-trade balance and inflows of foreign capital .
I show it to my friends , and they all say ` wow . '
Investment banking revenue fell 22 % to $ 296.6 million on fewer equity and municipal underwritings .
We have investigated the molecular and biochemical basis for activation of interleukin 3 -LRB- IL3 -RRB- gene expression in primary human T lymphocytes following CD3 and CD2 receptor stimulation or activation by phytohemagglutinin plus phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate .
The Business Men 's Assurance unit represented about $ 288 million of the company 's $ 488 million in 1988 revenue , and the unit 's operating income was about $ 10 million , said the spokesman .
In contrast , AP-1 from PHA-activated cells contains c-Jun and low levels of c-Fos .
But last year , buoyed by increased use in advertising and other commercial applications , sales increased 5 % , and they are expected to jump at least that much again this year .
But for photofinishers , developing costs for black-and-white film are higher .
Charles Beseler Co. , a leading maker of photographic enlargers , introduced last month a complete darkroom starter kit targeted at teen-agers who want to process their own black-and-white photographs .
And , with many of his 70,000 workers , Mr. Smith 's damn-the-torpedoes attitude has caught on .
We 're about to see if advertising works .
Traders said retail investors seemed to be hugging the sidelines until a measure of volatility is wrung out of the market .
The biggest beneficiary of the black-and-white revival is likely to be International Paper Co. 's Ilford division , known in the industry for its premium products .
As usual , few favorable reviews were heard for that ever-present marching band of program traders , although most serious studies suggest they only play the music that others write .
This study used a high titer anti-38,000-M-LRB-r-RRB- serum to screen bacteriophage lambda cDNA expression libraries and identified human islet and placental clones encoding jun-B , the nuclear transcription protein , of predicted 38,000 M-LRB-r-RRB- .
SHV , which last year merged its North Sea oil and gas operations with those of Calor Group PLC , has been pegged by speculators as a possible suitor for Burmah Oil in recent weeks .
This established a clear difference between both stimuli , indicating that Rel is the functionally active factor .
Purchase of the 76-story structure is subject to execution of a definitive agreement , approval by the boards of Seafirst and its parent company BankAmerica Corp. , and approval by regulators .
When it was all over and stocks had staged a huge recovery , Big Board officials were self-congratulatory about how well the day had gone .
Other companies are introducing related products .
Which celebrity endorsers are most believable ?
Latency breaking activity , however , was transferred from activator to reporter cells when active , exogenous virus was added .
Net proceeds from the offering are expected to be close to $ 200 million .
Gel-shift analysis reveals the constitutive presence of nuclear factors in resting PBL that bind to the proximal AP-1 site of the IL-2 promoter and that contain immunoreactive c-Jun but not c-Fos protein .
The spokesman said Laidlaw would n't increase its stake in ADT beyond 30 % `` without a great deal of thought '' because of British takeover regulations that require a company acquiring more than 30 % to extend an offer to the rest of the company 's shareholders .
The newsletter Medicine & Health , which first disclosed her selection by Dr. Sullivan , said she is 44 years old and she studied at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine .
Tax1 strongly activates the enhancer activity of this motif , in both epithelial HeLa and lymphoid Jurkat cells .
Gray Friday reflects a panic mainly by the takeover arbitragers , rather than the small investor , as their highly margined investments in the `` deal '' stocks are jeopardized by the unexpected drying up of the lubricant for deal financing .
On Seventh Avenue , designers have been advancing the monochrome look with clothing collections done entirely in black and white .
U.S. Banknote said it is in negotiations to sell `` certain facilities , '' which it did n't name , to a third party , and it needs the extension to try to reach a definitive agreement on the sale .
Thus , higher bidding narrows the investor 's return while lower bidding widens it .
Government National Mortgage Association 9 % securities for November delivery were quoted late yesterday at 98 4\/32 , down 30\/32 from Friday ; 9 1\/2 % securities were down 27\/32 at 100 5\/32 ; and 10 % securities were at 102 2\/32 , off 24\/32 .
The real key is to have the economy working and interest rates down . ''
Dealers said morning activity was hectic as prices dropped in response to gains in the stock market and losses in Treasury securities , but trading slowed to moderate levels in the afternoon .
He gives pep talks in periodic `` family briefings '' beamed internationally on `` FXTV , '' the company 's own television network .
This time , Wall Street 's plunge of 6.9 % Friday was followed by yesterday 's 1.8 % loss in Tokyo .
The players were heckled by a patron during a July 4 , 1988 , game with the Martinsville Phillies .
He also lets workers vent steam through an elaborate grievance procedure and , as a perk , fly free in empty cockpit seats .
Clonal assay showed that the suppression was irreversible and appeared analogous to the commitment of murine erythroleukemia -LRB- MEL -RRB- cells to terminal differentiation .
If you side with the arbitragers and raiders , you clearly have more to fear from private investors than from regulators , although the Delaware courts should never be underestimated .
Though Mr. Colton says expanding FHA lending would result in `` no cost to the government , '' the mere diversion of funds from other parts of the economy and from other forms of housing -LRB- such as low-income -RRB- to the single-family home market would result in a major expense .
BSN will initially acquire a 15 % interest in Birkel , a closely held concern .
This increased processing and secretion correlated with the stimulation of IL-1 beta convertase mRNA accumulation .
Leveraged buy-outs of airlines would be subject to approval by the transportation secretary under a bill passed by a House subcommittee .
Operating revenue rose 13 % to $ 22.2 million from $ 19.7 million in the year-earlier quarter .
At Kodak , which largely ignored the market for years , black-and-white film sales now account for nearly 15 % of the company 's $ 3 billion in film and paper sales annually , up from 10 % three years ago .
A BMA spokesman said `` runaway medical costs '' have made health insurance `` a significant challenge , '' and margins also have been pinched by changes in the mix of life-insurance products consumers now demand .
Chicken business is off largely because of more competition from grocery-store convenience food , home-delivered pizza and other takeout fare , says a spokesman for the report , a publication of NPD Group , a market research firm in Port Washington , N.Y .
Source : Fulton Prebon -LRB- U.S.A . -RRB- Inc .
Various cellular stimuli relieve this inhibition by mechanisms largely unknown , leading to NF-kappa B nuclear localization and transactivation of its target genes .
On Oct. 16 , 1987 -- the Friday before the Black Monday crash -- the New York market dropped 4.6 % , and Tokyo followed on Monday with a 2.4 % drop .
New un-advertisers include Burt Hill Kosar Rittlemann Associates , a Butler , Pa. , architectural firm .
Maybe after the staffers explain their work to the Poles , they 'd be willing to come back and do the same for the American people .
`` It was an entirely different pattern from what we 're seeing now , '' Mr. Moore says .
There was no detectable binding of in vitro translated Jun/Fos heterodimer -LRB- AP-1 -RRB- to the NF-AT sequence , and the NF-AT sequence was unable to inhibit the binding of Jun/Fos to the AP-1 sequence .
Short-term interest rates fell yesterday at the government 's weekly Treasury bill auction .
The latest 10-year notes were quoted late at 100 3\/32 for a yield of 7.97 % , compared with 101 9\/32 to yield 7.84 % .
Labor problems are the last thing Mr. Smith needs right now .
`` We have no plans to adjust our asset allocation in foreign equities , '' said Masato Murakami , chief portfolio manager in the pension fund management department at Yasuda Trust & Banking Co .
The base rate on corporate loans at large U.S. money center commercial banks .
The barometer , developed by analysts at Columbia University 's Center for International Business Cycle Research here , reached a record high of 223.0 in August , the latest month available , and the Columbia researchers estimate that it has moved even higher since then .
The 7 1\/8 % issue of Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority of New York , due 2019 , was off 5\/8 at 98 1\/8 bid .
Bal 31 deletion mapping data suggested that one GATA-1 motif , one GT motif , and two NF-E2/AP1 motifs together formed the functional core of HS-40 in the erythroid-specific activation of the zeta 2 globin promoter .
There was no new-issue activity in the derivative market .
A Kentucky Fried Chicken spokesman , however , disputed the notion that the delivery service experienced problems in some markets where testing has been discontinued .
To correlate changes in nuclear factor binding in vitro with transcriptional activity in vivo and define the structural requirements for IL-2 promoter repression , we used transient DNA transfections .
`` No meeting is scheduled because the expansion shows no sign of going off the tracks , '' Mr. Moore reports .
Nintendo Co. , a Japanese maker of video games , electronic information systems and playing cards , posted a 23 % unconsolidated surge in pretax profit to 61.41 billion yen -LRB- $ 429 million -RRB- from 50 billion yen -LRB- $ 349.9 million -RRB- for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31 .
It declined to discuss its plans for upgrading its current product line .
Bear Stearns is the holding company for Bear , Stearns & Co. , the investment banking and brokerage firm .
`` It has an archival , almost nostalgic quality to it , '' says Owen B. Butler , the chairman of the applied photography department at Rochester Institute of Technology .
There were n't any extraordinary items .
Surprisingly , the levels of SRF constitutively expressed in T cells are consistently higher than in other cell types .
Added another executive at a big bank : `` We were all a little goosey over the weekend trying to forecast what would happen -LCB- Monday -RCB- , but it 's been very quiet .
In exchange for the $ 76 million they are owed , creditor banks will receive 3.9 million shares of BancOklahoma common stock and the proceeds from the future sales of four subsidiary banks to private buyers , the bank holding company said .
`` That 's the appeal .
It also rose last Friday , while the stock market sagged .
After years of fading into the background , two-tone photography is coming back .
IBM 's earnings tumbled 30 % in the third quarter , slightly more than expected .
Agip S.p . A. and Societe National Elf Aquitaine , the state oil companies of Italy and France , respectively , submitted an offer to buy Gatoil Suisse S.A .
Tokyo 's market turned out to be a bad bellwether for U.S. trading .
The minimum unit is $ 100,000 .
Induced myeloid differentiation of K562 cells with downregulation of erythroid and megakaryocytic transcription factors : a novel experimental model for hemopoietic lineage restriction .
Sales for the total group rose 27 % to 168.1 million Irish punts compared with 132.6 million Irish punts a year ago .
Intel , based in Santa Clara , Calif. , is the market leader for traditional microprocessors with its 8086 family that forms the heart of IBM-compatible personal computers .
Goldman , Sachs & Co. , and Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. are lead underwriters .
A UNIFIED EUROPE poses labor problems and prospects for U.S. firms .
BSN also is offering $ 850 face amount of new notes and 64 common-stock warrants for each $ 1,000 face amount of its convertible debt outstanding .
London 's Financial Times-Stock Exchange 100-share index , the most closely watched market barometer , ended at its intraday high of 2163.4 , down 70.5 , or 3.2 % .
Serum response factor -LRB- SRF -RRB- binds to a site adjacent to the NF-kappa B site in the IL-2R enhancer , and both sites together have strong transcriptional activity specifically in T cells .
In contrast , c-fos mRNA is absent from resting T cells and is induced on PHA activation .
Were it true that a weak currency paves the way for trade surpluses , then presumably Argentina would be the center of today 's global economy .
Here are price trends on the world 's major stock markets , as calculated by Morgan Stanley Capital International Perspective , Geneva .
Nuclear factor of activated T cells -LRB- NF-AT -RRB- is a transcriptional activator involved in the induction of IL-2 gene expression .
You ca n't say the same with black and white . ''
Asset-management fee revenue grew 12 % to $ 151 million .
French President Francois Mitterrand fought to set a date for the conference during the EC summit in Madrid last June , but the move was scuttled because of opposition by Mrs. Thatcher and West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl .
HIV-1 Nef protein inhibits the recruitment of AP-1 DNA-binding activity in human T-cells .
He also feels that the rise of such computer-based practices as program trading has diminished the stock market 's relevancy to the economic outlook .
Nobuto Yasuda , a director at Yamaichi Investment Trust & Management Co. , called yesterday 's session `` a good scenario '' for Japan .
J.P. Industries Inc. said it signed a definitive agreement to sell its Builders ' Hardware Group to closely held Nalcor Inc. of Beverly Hills , Calif .
The company reported a loss after taxation and minority interests of 14 million Irish punts , compared with a loss of 9.3 million Irish punts for the year-earlier period .
The yield was 5.245 % .
We propose a model in which binding of a myeloid-specific factor -LRB- PU.1 -RRB- allows a general factor -LRB- Sp1 -RRB- to bind in a tissue-specific fashion thereby contributing to the myeloid-specific expression of CD11b .
Just days after the 1987 crash , major brokerage firms rushed out ads to calm investors .
A spokesman for Gatoil said that the Swiss oil concern was examining the offer , submitted last Friday , along with two other offers , also submitted last week .
`` The color print today is far superior to prints of 10 years ago .
In fact , Lever Bros. confirms that its Sunlight brand does contain chlorine bleach , even though it is n't listed on the label for the powder version .
`` And it 's important that we be accurate . ''
Other components of the long leading indicator include a ratio of prices to unit labor costs in manufacturing industries , the M2 version of the money supply , adjusted for inflation , and the volume of new home-building permits .
The approach was further extended to cell separation by the efficient recovery and elution of human CD37 B lymphocytes from peripheral blood .
Yet parents demand them .
In an attempt to give new momentum to European Community plans for a single currency , EC government leaders are likely to agree to set a date for starting formal talks on amending the EC 's founding Treaty of Rome .
It therefore makes no sense for each market to adopt different circuit breakers .
`` We 're seeing nothing out of the ordinary , '' said one official at a Top 10 bank .
1,25 alpha-Dihydroxicholecalciferol -LRB- VitD3 -RRB- and retinoic acid -LRB- RA -RRB- are important regulators of the proliferation and differentiation of several cell types .
In vivo the Sp1 site is bound only in myeloid -LRB- U937 -RRB- cells , not in cervical carcinoma -LRB- HeLa -RRB- cells .
Multiple TcR delta transcripts deriving from an unrearranged TcR delta gene were detected in both polyclonal and clonal CD3-CD16+ natural killer -LRB- NK -RRB- cell lines .
But it opposes an American Medical Association proposal for creating a `` registered care technologist , '' as `` potentially divisive '' ; it says the job would entail an unwanted new doctor 's `` bedside '' extension .
UAL , which triggered the slide , opened Monday at $ 224 , down about 20 % from Thursday 's close .
We show that this sequence binds the transcription factor Sp1 in vitro and in vivo .
Many investors , trying to outperform the market 's major indexes , have flocked to these small issues in recent weeks .
Mobility shift assays with various mutant probes and B cell nuclear extracts demonstrated that the core sequence TAAT was essential for binding to this site .
`` It seems computers as hobbies have waned , '' says Ian Brightman , Beseler 's chairman and chief executive officer .
For the nine months , the newspaper chain had almost a 23 % increase in profit to $ 23.6 million , or 83 cents a share , from $ 19.2 million , or 68 cents a share .
FMC Corp. and Baxter International say unions also wo n't like plant relocations and needed restructuring , which means layoffs .
But the task of improving market performance remains unfinished .
The takeover was submitted for approval by the West German cartel office , BSN said .
Nestor Hinzack , an analyst at brokerage firm Burdett , Buckeridge & Young Ltd. , described the market 's performance as `` sheep-like '' as investors fled to bluechip Australian stocks and shunned entrepreneurial companies they perceived as having any takeover premium built into the price .
These results should contribute to a better understanding of the regulation of IL3 gene expression in human T lymphocytes .
The law does allow the RTC to borrow from the Treasury up to $ 5 billion at any time .
Over a third of 618 hospitals surveyed by consultant Hewitt Associates use a `` clinical ladder , '' basing advancement on performance and education .
Donald Trump withdrew his $ 7.54 billion offer for American Air , citing the `` recent change in market conditions . ''
But markets can operate with greater or lesser efficiency .
Portrait studios accustomed to shooting only in color report a rush to black-and-white portrait orders .
Two years ago , Tokyo 's biggest fall came the day after New York 's 22.6 % Black Monday plunge , when the Nikkei average fell 14.9 % .
About 12 % have retired from a full-time job , while 54 % were asked to stay on full time .
The new group will comprise all of United Biscuit 's manufacturing and marketing operations in the food sector apart from those based in the U.S. .
Foreign Bonds
He says the test is continuing in Chicago , Columbus , Ohio , and a few other cities .
Processing of black-and-white commercial film jumped 24 % last year to 18.7 million rolls .
As recently as 1975 , the stock market -- as reflected in the Standard & Poor 's index of 500 common stocks -- was rated by the National Bureau of Economic Research as the best of the 12 leading indicators that then made up the Commerce index .
The market for so-called junk bonds has been setting the stage for Friday 's dramatic march for several weeks .
In the year-ago quarter , the natural gas concern had net income of $ 25.2 million , or 34 cents a share , on revenue of about $ 1.46 billion .
But several large banks said yesterday they detected no signs of unusual demand for credit that would signal such difficulties .
COMMERCIAL PAPER placed directly by General Motors Acceptance Corp. : 8.30 % 5 to 44 days ; 8.20 % 45 to 59 days ; 8 % 60 to 89 days ; 7.875 % 90 to 119 days ; 7.75 % 120 to 149 days ; 7.625 % 150 to 179 days ; 7.375 % 180 to 270 days .
But the company declines to comment .
Our markets were closely tied to the stock market , '' said Joel Kazis , manager of trading at Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co .
One customer , Dayna Brunsdon , says she spurned a color portrait for black and white because `` it 's more dramatic .
Omnicare Inc. , which intends to expand its position in the medical and dental markets , said it acquired a cotton and gauze products division from closely held Sterile Products Corp. for $ 8.2 million .
`` We had no operating problems at all , '' Mr. Phelan said after the market closed .
At the close , the Nikkei average of 225 stocks stood at 34468.69 , down 647.33 points , or 1.8 % .
Chicken chains also are feeling more pressure from McDonald 's Corp. , which introduced its McChicken sandwich this year and recently tested the sale of individual pieces of chicken .
The comparable lead times for the Commerce index , whose components include the stock market , are far shorter -- 10 months before recessions and only three months before recoveries .
Together , these results show that NF-kappa B controls the expression of I kappa B alpha by means of an inducible autoregulatory pathway .
`` The RTC is going to have to pay a price of prior consultation on the Hill if they want that kind of flexibility . ''
Although sequences located between -559 and -88 of the zeta 2 globin gene were dispensable for its expression on enhancerless plasmids , they were required for the HS-40 enhancer-mediated activity of the zeta 2 globin promoter .
Under the agreement , Intel will invest $ 3 million to acquire a 4 % stake in Alliant , a maker of minisupercomputers for scientists and engineers .
PMA induced the expression of both CD14 and CD23 mRNA and protein .
Nevertheless , lobbies such as the National Association of Home Builders -LRB- NAHB -RRB- continue to pressure Capitol Hill for more special-interest spending .
Additionally , the region between bases -107 and -59 of the IL3 promoter containing putative AP-2 and Sp1 binding motifs appears necessary for basal level expression of the IL3 gene .
`` We did n't trade much today , as our policy now is to wait and see , '' said a fund manager at Taisho Life Insurance Co .
Church 's Fried Chicken Inc. and Popeye 's Famous Fried Chicken Inc. , which have merged , are still troubled by overlapping restaurant locations .
Because UPS drivers are n't permitted to load their own vehicles at the depot , say these couriers , packages often get buried in the load and are delivered late .
Flights are `` missions . ''
The 3H-thymidine uptake procedure was employed , incorporating multiple microbiological antigens .
As Mr. Colton of the NAHB acknowledges : `` Government is not going to solve the problem ... .
In comparison to K562 , nucleated erythroblasts from adult human bone marrow exhibited a similar but nonidentical pattern of nuclear factor binding in vivo at the HS-40 region .
We find that a short enhancer element containing the NF-kappa B binding site from the interleukin-2 receptor alpha-chain gene -LRB- IL-2R alpha -RRB- is preferentially activated in T cells .
IL-2 gene transcription is affected by several nuclear proteins .
The closely held Hertz Corp. had annual revenue of close to $ 2 billion in 1988 , of which $ 1.7 billion was contributed by its Hertz Rent A Car operations world-wide .
And Fairfax County , Va. , Water Authority 's 7 1\/4 % issue of 2027 was down 3\/4 at 99 7\/8 bid .
The detection of this protein selectively in extracts of lymphoid cells correlates with the presence of the E box-binding activity LEF1/BCF1 in these cells ; this binding activity was previously shown to be efficiently recognized by antiserum directed against E2A gene products .
UAL fell $ 56.875 , to $ 222.875 .
The yield on the benchmark issue rose to 7.97 % from 7.82 % .
Interaction between NF-kappa B- and serum response factor-binding elements activates an interleukin-2 receptor alpha-chain enhancer specifically in T lymphocytes .
Absolutely not .
His On-Broadway Photography studio in Portland , Ore. , doubled its business last year and , he says , is booked solid for the next five .
In fact , some economists contend that the latest easing started last week .
Emanuel Goldman , a PaineWebber Inc. analyst , predicts Kentucky Fried Chicken will post an 11 % drop in 1989 net income .
All sequence motifs within the functional core of HS-40 , as mapped by transient expression analysis , appeared to bind a nuclear factor -LRB- s -RRB- in living K562 cells but not in nonerythroid cells .
CLUBBING A FAN was n't the Baltimore Orioles ' fault .
That 50 % is now held by Clifford Parker , Regatta 's president and chief executive officer , who will continue to manage Regatta 's operations under Gitano .
And this week the Tennessee Valley Authority plans to price a $ 3 billion offering , its first public debt borrowing in 15 years .
The market opened sharply lower , with the Nikkei average down nearly 600 after 20 minutes .
The charge on loans to brokers on stock exchange collateral .
The average discount rate was 7.42 % on new six-month bills , the lowest since the average of 7.35 % at the auction on July 31 , 1989 .
It has previously been shown that transcripts of the E2A gene can be detected in a wide range of cell types .
It supplies commercial and industrial equipment including earth-moving , aerial , compaction and electrical equipment , compressors , cranes , forklifts and trucks .
The J delta 1 segment was correctly spliced to C delta ; in addition the four C delta exons were found to be already assembled .
The guy who throws an intercept 'Cause his receiver slips Should somehow be advised that we At home can read his lips .
Many U.S. trading operations , wanting to keep a watchful eye on Japanese trading as an indication of where U.S. trading would begin , were fully staffed during the Tokyo trading session .
The manufacturer of ultrasound diagnostic systems , based in Ambler , Pa. , reported a nine-month net loss of $ 2.43 million compared with net income of $ 2.71 million , or 44 cents a share , for the nine-month period a year earlier .
Five patients were found with repeated maximal responses to adenovirus antigen ; in one of these adenovirus nucleotide sequences were present in a synovial biopsy specimen .
The sudden `` flight to quality '' that triggered Friday 's explosive bond-market rally was reversed yesterday in a `` flight from quality '' rout .
`` To maintain that dialogue is absolutely crucial .
Sales of Ilford 's four varieties of black-and-white film this year are outpacing growth in the overall market , although the company wo n't say by exactly how much .
Arthur M. Goldberg said he extended his unsolicited tender offer of $ 32 a share tender offer , or $ 154.3 million , for Di Giorgio Corp. to Nov. 1 .
Darman hopes to prod Congress to finish a deficit plan .
Including the stake DIG already held , DIG holds a total of about 25 % of Di Giorgio 's shares on a fully diluted basis .
McClatchy publishes the Sacramento -LRB- Calif . -RRB- Bee and Tacoma -LRB- Wash . -RRB- News Tribune , and other papers in Western states .
More important , housing programs run by HUD , the VA , and FmHA are awash in red ink .
The association , a majority of whose 156,000 members build fewer than 25 units a year , is like many other business lobbies .
National Heritage stock fell 12.5 cents yesterday to close at $ 1.375 a share in New York Stock Exchange composite trading .
Such attitudes have given Federal flexibility , not only to rapidly implement new technology but to keep its work force extraordinarily lean .
Since 1984 , firms offering prepurchase house appraisals , to deter overpaying , rose to 40 % of those the council polled , from 28 % .
The 3,000 hours of work will save the state $ 55,000 .
Pittsburgh consultant David Bear is selling a soft approach to clients who want exposure yet shun pushy ads .
Even food products and automobiles , which have long depended on color , are making the switch .
These are all market excesses -LRB- putting aside the artificial boosts that the tax code gives to debt over equity -RRB- , and what we 've seen is the market reining them in .
Is this what the home builders want ?
He said Friday 's Wall Street decline was `` well within the range of volatility '' that Yasuda Trust plans for when it charts its overseas investment strategy .
It is time to recognize that the New York Stock Exchange , the futures markets and the options markets , though physically separate , have actually become so closely intertwined as to constitute one market effectively .
`` Markets in this region are n't so geared to leveraged buy-outs , and their economies generally are in good shape , but there 's no doubt that Asia is still following America 's lead . ''
Jurkat cells were transfected with plasmids containing either the intact IL-2 promoter or its AP-1 , NF-AT , and NF-kB motifs .
This paper describes how the expression of the monocyte-macrophage Ag , CD14 , and the low affinity Fc receptor for IgE , CD23 , were inversely regulated during VitD3- and RA-induced monocytic differentiation of human U-937 monoblasts .
Individual investors , investment firms and arbitragers who speculate in the stocks of takeover candidates can suffer liquidity and payment problems when stocks dive ; those investors often borrow heavily to buy their holdings and use the stocks as collateral for loans .
Serial bond yields were up about 0.05 percentage point .
Waterford has decided against paying an interim dividend .
What 's happening in photography mirrors the popularity of black and white in fashion , home furnishings and cinematography .
`` Most of the action was during the night session , '' said Michael Moore , trading manager at Continental Bank .
If it is correct to find that concerns over corporate debt and LBOs caused Gray Friday , what are the implications for policy makers ?
Similarly , Kuala Lumpur 's composite index yesterday ended 27.5 % above its 1988 close .
Traders said yesterday 's modest easing did n't stir much enthusiasm because it had been widely expected .
Seafirst Corp. said it signed an agreement with builder Martin Selig to purchase its headquarters building , the Columbia Seafirst Center , for $ 354 million .
Ilford , for example , recently introduced a black-and-white film that can be processed quickly by color labs .
Nuclear expression of NF-kappa B occurs after its induced dissociation from its cytoplasmic inhibitor I kappa B alpha .
The affinity of the BAT box binding proteins for the BAT box was approximately 25-fold less than for the octamer sequence and the BAT box binding proteins dissociated from the BAT box 10-fold more rapidly than from the octamer sequence .
Phorbol ester and tumor necrosis factor-alpha induction of nuclear NF-kappa B is associated with both the degradation of performed I kappa B alpha and the activation of I kappa B alpha gene expression .
Treasury Securities
Moreover , it says the RTC 's total obligations may not exceed $ 50 billion , but that figure is derived after including notes and other debt , and subtracting from it the market value of the assets the RTC holds .
`` There is no pressing need to sell the unit , but we are doing it so we can concentrate on our core business , renting automobiles in the U.S. and abroad , '' said William Slider , Hertz 's executive vice president .
The French group currently ranks second after Barilla Group of Italy , whose sales are chiefly in the Italian market .
Commodities : Dow Jones futures index 129.72 , off 0.15 ; spot index 130.16 , up 0.91 .
Any such attempt to distinguish `` good debt '' from `` bad debt , '' or to draw the line at a particular industry , such as the airlines , is likely to blunt the spur that the proper amount of leverage provides both to equity markets and economic efficiency in general .
We have now examined expression of the mouse E2A gene at the protein level using polyclonal antisera directed against distinct portions of the E2A protein to probe blots of cellular extracts .
A temporary cessation of trading may indeed discourage a selling panic from feeding on itself .
It 's in their top five `` work values . ''
Enron Corp. , Houston , said the sale of preference units of its newly formed Enron NGL Partners L.P. master limited partnership subsidiary will result in an undetermined gain in the fourth quarter .
This resurgence of I kappa B-alpha protein acts to restore an equilibrium in which NF-kappa B is again inhibited .
Average of top rates paid by major New York banks on primary new issues of negotiable C.D.s , usually on amounts of $ 1 million and more .
Two polyadenylation sites were present in the fourth C delta exon .
The NK-kappa B transcription factor complex is sequestered in the cytoplasm by the inhibitory protein I kappa B-alpha -LRB- MAD-3 -RRB- .
While Friday 's plunging stock market prompted new fears about the economy 's prospects , a little-known indicator that has faithfully foreshadowed the economy 's ups and downs by exceptionally long lead times points to a sustained rise in overall business activity .
That culture , carefully crafted by Mr. Smith , leaves little , if any , room for unions .
J.P. Morgan posted a $ 1.82 billion loss for the third quarter , reflecting a big addition to loan-loss reserves .
To make them directly comparable , each index is based on the close of 1969 equaling 100 .
Reluctant Advertisers Try Soft-Sell Spots
But though couriers work as many as 60 hours a week during the autumn rush , they leave early during slack times while still being assured of a minimum paycheck .
CALL MONEY : 9 3\/4 % to 10 % .
It points to the pernicious impact of local government regulation , particularly zoning and building fees , which pushes the price of housing out of the reach of low- and middle-income people .
The company said the $ 3.1 million reserve was created to reflect doubt about the collectability of receivables owed to National Heritage by some of the real estate partnerships it manages .
Basing on these experiments , trans-cellular activation of EBV was tested by cocultivation of BZLF 1-expressing R59Z activator cells with the R7-57 reporter line .
Among other Asian and Pacific markets , Malaysia and Singapore had the biggest losses , with the Kuala Lumpur composite index in Malaysia falling 11.5 % and Singapore 's Straits Times Industrial Index down 10 % .
But volume rose only to 162 million shares from 143 million Friday .
That caused investors to flee stocks and buy high-quality Treasury bonds , which are safer than other types of securities .
That does n't thrill Procter & Gamble Co. , maker of Cascade dishwasher detergent .
But some fast-food industry analysts say problems with keeping chicken warm and fresh must be solved first .
Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan has chosen Antonia Novello to be the next surgeon general , Bush administration officials said .
Although the union-bidder expects to patch together a substitute offer , consisting of less cash , the failure to get cash from Japanese and American banks confirmed a growing fear among arbitragers that the pageant of high-leverage takeover deals is ending .
In Hong Kong , the Hang Seng Index fell 180.60 to finish at 2601.70 .
`` We would like to wait and see until trading goes around through Europe and New York . ''
The benchmark 30-year Treasury bond was quoted late at a price of 101 19\/32 , compared with a closing price of 103 12\/32 Friday .
Intel Corp. said it reached an agreement with Alliant Computer Systems Corp. to develop software standards for Intel 's i860 microprocessor .
Michael J. Fox replaced Bruce Willis in third place ; Cher placed fourth for the second time .
The company also said expenses incurred by the previous board and management in the recent contest for control were recognized primarily in the first quarter ended Sept. 30 .
Until two years ago , sales of black-and-white film had been declining steadily since the 1960s .
For example , it recommends nonchlorinated dishwasher detergent and puts Sunlight on its environmentally safe list .
The Sp1 transcription factor binds the CD11b promoter specifically in myeloid cells in vivo and is essential for myeloid-specific promoter activity .
LONDON LATE EURODOLLARS : 8 5\/8 % to 8 1\/2 % one month ; 8 5\/8 % to 8 1\/2 % two months ; 8 9\/16 % to 8 7\/16 % three months ; 8 1\/2 % to 8 3\/8 % four months ; 8 1\/2 % to 8 3\/8 % five months ; 8 1\/2 % to 8 3\/8 % six months .
The rules should be established by agreement of the officials of all affected exchanges acting under the oversight and with the approval of the government regulatory agencies .
This time around , they 're moving even faster .
After the game -LRB- `` Bluefield lost , 9-8 , stranding three runners in ... the ninth , '' he noted -RRB- , trouble began .
UPS wo n't discuss its labor practices , but , according to Mr. Cleveland , a former UPS employee , and others , union work rules prohibit UPS drivers from doing more than carrying packages between customers and their vans .
Mortgage securities gave up most of Friday 's gains as active issues ended 24\/32 to 30\/32 point lower .
CURBING WAGE BOOSTS will get high priority again in 1990 collective bargaining , a Bureau of National Affairs survey of 250 companies with pacts expiring next year indicates .
In this study we identified a sequence element present in the most proximal region located between bases -214 and -201 , TTCTTCTAATTAA , which is important in the high constitutive expression of CD20 in mature B cells and the induction of CD20 in pre-B cells .
A company spokesman questioned the validity of the list , noting that chlorine is present in all major dishwasher detergents .
`` All the things that we set up to slow down the process , to let people know that the market was in an extreme position , worked extremely well . ''
Sales rose more than 7 % to $ 94.9 million from $ 88.3 million .
The company said it can redeem the warrants at its option for $ 1 each .
Peripheral blood T-cells exhibited significant proliferation in response to a recombinant fragment of jun-B -LRB- amino acids 1-180 -RRB- in 12 of 17 -LRB- 71 % -RRB- recent-onset IDDM subjects , 8 of 16 -LRB- 50 % -RRB- ICA-positive first-degree relatives of IDDM subjects who were at risk , 3 of 12 -LRB- 25 % -RRB- other autoimmune disease subjects , and 0 of 10 healthy control subjects .
U.S. Banknote said `` there can be no assurance '' a sale agreement would be concluded .
Gross revenue rose 21 % to $ 580.4 million from $ 478.9 million .
Interspec Inc. reported a net loss of $ 2.4 million for the fiscal third quarter ended Aug. 31 .
Of course , Washington had n't been silent in the days leading up to the debacle , and its tendency to meddle in the leverage equation remains a troublesome prospect , but those preliminary steps should n't distract us from the basic market fundamentalism that was at work on Friday .
A leading authority on the business cycle , Mr. Moore also is a member of the Business Cycle Dating Group , the panel of private economists that decides for the government when expansions and recessions begin and end .
Odds and Ends
It also said the tender offer would probably have to be extended further to complete financing arrangements .
Mutual regulation of the transcriptional activator NF-kappa B and its inhibitor , I kappa B-alpha .
The Crest Report , which tracks consumer purchases , says customer traffic at chicken restaurants fell 10 % in the second quarter , while the overall fast-food customer count was down 2 % .
-- West Germany 's 6 3\/4 % issue due June 1999 ended at 98.30 , up 0.91 point to yield 6.99 % .
Even if that is so , however , it 's probably the case that no barriers should have been erected to stop the procession before the end of the rout -LRB- e -RRB- .
The fan said he was punched and kicked by one player and that the other broke his jaw with a baseball bat .
Bear Stearns 's chief economist , Lawrence Kudlow , in the Sept. 29 issue of the firm 's Global Spectator :
The S&L bailout agency would be restricted by a new bill in how it raises capital .
Intent on wooing customers , the company is also increasing its sponsorship of black-and-white photography classes .
James Alexander , a Burmah spokesman , said SHV had previously owned `` a little under 5 % '' of Burmah for about two years .
It has 750 workers at three production units in southwest Germany , and is that nation 's leading producer of pasta sauces .
The choices will be based on research by the San Diego Environmental Health Coalition and will include products like Murphy 's Oil Soap and other noncorrosive cleaners .
The offer , which also includes common and preferred stock purchase rights , was to expire last night at midnight .
PROPOSALS ARISE for coping with the shortage of nurses .
Reserves traded among commercial banks for overnight use in amounts of $ 1 million or more .
She pointed out that even after Monday 's 10 % decline , the Straits Times index is up 24 % this year , so investors who bailed out generally did so profitably .
`` Unions would have a profound effect on the whole culture of the company , '' says Bernard La Londe , a professor at Ohio State University at Columbus and a Federal consultant .
The day 's decline was generally in line with analysts ' weekend predictions .
The Financial Times 30-share index closed 79.3 points lower at 1738.7 .
Site-directed mutagenesis further demonstrated that the enhancer function of one of the two NF-E2/AP1 motifs of HS-40 is mediated through its binding to NF-E2 but not AP1 transcription factor .
Merrill Lynch & Co. 's net income dropped 37 % , while Bear Stearns Cos. posted a 7.5 % gain in net , and PaineWebber Group Inc. 's profit fell , but would have risen without a special gain a year ago .
New Jersey Turnpike Authority 's 7.20 % issue of 2018 was off 3\/4 at 98 1\/2 bid , yielding 7.32 % , up 0.07 percentage point from late Friday .
`` Singapore took the hit because when people want to get out , they tend to go where the liquidity is , '' said Elizabeth Hambrecht , a regional analyst with Baring Securities -LRB- Hong Kong -RRB- Ltd .
The BAT box and Oct-2 were also implicated in the induction of CD20 in the pre-B cell line , PB-697 , via phorbol esters .
`` That secrecy leads to a proposal like the one from Ways and Means , which seems to me sort of draconian , '' he said .
Lineage-specific expression is controlled at the level of mRNA transcription .
Synchronized circuit breakers would not have halted the slide in prices on Friday , but they probably would have made for smoother , less volatile executions .
The results suggest that there exists a functional antagonism between VitD3 and RA that may have important implications for the regulation of certain immune and inflammatory responses through their inverse effects on CD14 and CD23 gene expression .
Okadaic acid increased the synthesis of the interleukin-1 beta precursor and mature forms and their secretion .
Had the futures and options markets been open , additional liquidity would have been provided and the decline , most probably , would have been less intense .
A widening of that magnitude , said one New York trader , is `` not a favorable number ... .
Stocks : Volume 416,290,000 shares .
Retailer Sees Pitfalls In Environmental Push
In August , Di Giorgio , a San Francisco food products and building materials marketing and distribution company , rejected Mr. Goldberg 's offer as inadequate .
Separately , PaineWebber posted net income for the third quarter of $ 16.8 million , or 41 cents a share , reflecting a `` broad-based improvement '' in the company 's core businesses .
`` This is America , '' he says .
And so it was on Gray Friday .
All NK clones and cell lines studied were found to express hGATA-3-specific mRNA , suggesting that hGATA-3 may be involved in the regulation of the unrearranged TcR delta gene expression in NK cells .
In particular , they said , firms such as First Boston Corp. and Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. began making a market in junk issues early in the session when prices hit severely depressed levels .
Mr. Simmons said the third-quarter results reflect continued improvements in productivity and operating margins .
Also under the agreement , debenture holders will get one million shares of common stock in exchange for $ 7.7 million in debentures and holders of BancOklahoma 's series A preferred stock will receive 1.25 shares of common stock for every share of preferred they own , the company said .
The kit , which has a suggested retail price of $ 250 and has already become a bestseller , was introduced after retailers noticed numerous requests from parents for children 's photography equipment .
Waterford said the appointment of a new management team and the signing of a comprehensive labor agreement are expected to enhance the company 's long-term prospects .
Despite traders ' complaints , Mr. Phelan said the links with the Chicago futures market worked as planned in Friday 's rout to provide a cooling-off period .
Human CD3-CD16+ natural killer cells express the hGATA-3 T cell transcription factor and an unrearranged 2.3-kb TcR delta transcript .
Gitano Group Inc. said it agreed to buy 50 % of Regatta Sport Ltd. , a closely held apparel maker , with the assumption of $ 3 million of contingent debt .
In contrast , CsA inhibited the IL-2 promoter and the NF-AT , but not the AP-1 and NF-kB plasmids .
Using magnetic beads with attached DNA containing the Escherichia coli lac operator , fusion proteins comprising the DNA-binding lac repressor could be affinity-purified and recovered by gentle elution conditions , such as with a lactose analogue or by enzymatic means using either deoxyribonuclease -LRB- DNase -RRB- or restriction endonucleases .
THE CHECKOFF : The National Academy of Engineering gives two inventors of the semiconductor microchip a $ 350,000 achievement award ... .
The Ways and Means plan would create another possible obstacle to selling sick thrifts .
K mart agreed to acquire Pace Membership Warehouse for $ 322 million , expanding its presence in the growing wholesale-store business .
Indirect subsidies , through the FHA , for instance , are little better .
American Continental 's thrift unit , Los Angeles-based Lincoln Savings & Loan Association , is in receivership and the parent company has filed for protection from creditor lawsuits under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code .
NEATNESS does count -- at least in the grocery store .
Like its parent that year , `` Bluefield was not having a good year , '' the judge said .
In contrast , the Commerce Department 's widely followed index of leading indicators , while up in August , has fallen repeatedly since reaching a high early this year .
Dex inhibited the IL-2 promoter and the AP-1 , but not the NF-AT and NF-kB plasmids .
`` A lot of investor confidence comes from the fact that they can speak to us , '' he says .
It was shown by transient expression assay that HS-40 behaved as an authentic enhancer for high-level zeta 2 globin promoter activity in K562 cells , an erythroid cell line of embryonic and/or fetal origin .
But the far stronger showing of the Columbia index `` makes a recession any time soon highly unlikely , '' says Geoffrey H. Moore , the director of the Columbia facility .
A. manual typewriters , B. black-and-white snapshots , C. radio adventure shows .
This effect is largely independent of the CD2:lymphocyte function-associated Ag-3 pathway .
`` It 's pure psychology , '' said William Au Yeung , an account executive for Drexel Burnham Lambert -LRB- HK -RRB- Ltd. in Hong Kong .
A protein of the AP-1 family is a component of nuclear factor of activated T cells .
Their mission is to keep clients from fleeing the market , as individual investors did in droves after the crash in October
Other companies that are currently using two-tone ads include American Express Co. and Epson America Inc .
New management at Kentucky Fried Chicken , a unit of PepsiCo Inc. , has fought back with new medium and large chicken sandwiches for the lunch crowd .
Its ragged behavior through much of 1989 has prompted some forecasters to anticipate the start of a new recession perhaps before year 's end .
Here are auction details :
Other brokerage firms , including Merrill Lynch & Co. , were plotting out potential new ad strategies .
The induction of CD20 mRNA was temporally associated with induction of Oct-2 mRNA and a BAT box-deleted CD20-CAT construct , in contrast to the wild type , was poorly induced by phorbol esters .
To achieve maximum liquidity and minimize price volatility , either all markets should be open to trading or none .
The CD20 -LRB- B1 -RRB- gene encodes a B cell-specific protein involved in the regulation of human B cell proliferation and differentiation .
But some industry observers believe the resurgence of black and white is only a fad .
Tokyo stock prices bounced back in early trading Tuesday following a 1.8 % plunge on Monday .
Both of the New York-based companies print stock certificates and currency .
Negative transcriptional regulation of human interleukin 2 -LRB- IL-2 -RRB- gene by glucocorticoids through interference with nuclear transcription factors AP-1 and NF-AT .
Its radio series features such spots as `` Floodlights : Evening Wear for Urban Structures '' and `` Building a Place to Park . ''
Richard Crisman , the account manager for the campaign , says Gap did n't intentionally choose black and white to distinguish its ads from the color spreads of competitors .
The functional domains of HS-40 were also mapped .
Overexpression of SRF in B cells causes the IL-2R enhancer to function as well as it does in T cells , suggesting that the high level of SRF binding in T cells is functionally important .
Black-and-white film costs consumers a little less than color film , and processing costs the same .
The value of the acquisition was n't disclosed .
Some traders said the high-yield market was helped by active institutional buying .
Explains Sheila MacDonald of the National Taxpayers Union : `` It treads in two worlds .
The assessment of synovial lymphocyte reactivity to adenovirus antigen stimulation was undertaken in patients with persistent or recurrent inflammatory arthritis .
The benchmark 30-year bond , for example rose one point in early Japanese trading in reaction to a quick 600-point drop in the Tokyo stock market .
`` There 's lots of supply , '' the New York trader said .
A study by Safeway 's Scanner Marketing Research shows soap sales climbed 5 % when bars were neatly stacked on shelves instead of dumped in a wire basket ... .
-- Dick Emmons .
`` We 've taken more than our fair share .
In composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange , the company closed at $ 25.25 a share , down 25 cents .
In Big Board composite trading yesterday , PaineWebber closed at $ 18.50 , up 75 cents .
It was assigned a mark of 80 out of a possible 100 , compared with scores ranging as low as 69 for the other components .
The New York Stock Exchange now has the capacity to handle a volume of nearly a billion shares a day .
Retail profit surged , but the company said it was only a `` modest contributor '' to third-quarter results .
Both p105 and p98 were found to form stable complexes with other Rel/NF-kappa B family members , including p65 and c-Rel .
The index slid 647.33 points , or 1.8 % , on Monday .
To characterize regulatory sequences important for promoter activity , we performed linker scanning analysis of the 92-bp CD11b promoter and demonstrate that a sequence at bp -60 is essential for CD11b promoter activity .
The charge on loans to depository institutions by the New York Federal Reserve Bank .
Stimulation of interleukin-1 gene transcription may be caused by the stimulation of transcription factor activities , including those of AP-1 , by these protein phosphatase inhibitors .
The market upheaval apparently has n't triggered any cash crunch -- yet .
The percentage rates are calculated on a 360-day year , while the coupon-equivalent yield is based on a 365-day year .
But when stocks began to climb instead , prices of Treasury bonds declined .
McClatchy Newspapers Inc. said improvements in advertising and subscription revenue led to a 21 % gain in third-quarter profit to $ 8.8 million , or 31 cents a share , from $ 7.2 million , or 25 cents a share .
Merrill Lynch 's profit slid 37 % in the third quarter .
What happened Friday was the worst of all worlds .
Laidlaw is 47%-controlled by Canadian Pacific Ltd. , a Montreal transportation , resources and industrial holding concern .
Pershare net fell to 423.3 yen from 457.7 yen because of expenses and capital adjustments .
At 3:30 , after intense telephone negotiations between the trading markets and Washington , the futures exchanges reopened .
Yes , the broader exchanges got caught up in the spiral , but they rode the tiger up all year .
Surface marker analysis showed that HMBA-induced cells expressed reduced levels of glycophorin A , CD5 , CD7 and CD11b .
Should the SEC and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission -LRB- which , with the SEC , regulates the Chicago stock-index markets -RRB- be unable to agree , the issue may have to be resolved by decision of the Treasury secretary .
This time , the firms were ready .
Dr. Novello , an expert on pediatric kidney diseases , is deputy director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development .
More taunting in the parking lot , the players said , led to a fight .
The institutions appeared confident that Japanese regulators would step in to ensure orderly trading if necessary , and there was considerable speculation during the day that the Finance Ministry was working behind the scenes to do just that .
Major indexes declined more than 8 % in Australia and New Zealand and 6.5 % in Hong Kong .
The association is pushing an extensive and expensive wish-list , which would substantially boost spending above the current level of more than $ 15 billion annually .
The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether a federal court may dismantle a merger that has won regulatory approval but been ruled anticompetitive in a private suit .
The reversal was even more evident among shorter-term Treasury securities .
The builders like the subsidies , but at the same time they tend to be fiscal conservatives in terms of major issues , such as the balanced-budget amendment . ''
Pilots , as well , routinely fly overtime to ensure that none are furloughed during seasonal lows .
Thus , market participants yesterday were looking ahead nervously to Wall Street 's opening .
NCNB 's profit more than doubled .
`` In essence , we run the show . ''
At this point , the options markets also shut down and once more left all sales to be handled by the New York Stock Exchange .
The offers are scheduled to expire in mid to late November .
U.S. companies wanting to expand in Europe face `` tough pressure '' from unions in nations such as West Germany , which play a big consulting role in management decisions , he says .
Exposure to VitD3 rapidly induced the de novo expression of CD14 mRNA and protein .
The rationale is that an interruption of trading will allow investors to reconsider their strategies , calm sellers and lead buyers to enter the market at indicated new price levels .
Dow Jones industrials 2657.38 , up 88.12 ; transportation 1304.23 , off 102.06 ; utilities 214.73 , up 2.77 .
p105 and p98 precursor proteins play an active role in NF-kappa B-mediated signal transduction .
U.S. Banknote said it believes the sale , if completed , apparently would satisfy antitrust issues raised by the U.S. Justice Department about U.S. Banknote 's offer to buy International Banknote .
They cite the emergence of still electronic photography , more newspapers turning to color on their pages and measurable improvements in the quality of color prints .
The New York Stock Exchange , under its own rules , remained open .
Levels of other nuclear factors involved in IL-2 regulation were not altered by EC , although NFAT-DNA complexes migrated at a slightly different mobility .
In addition , some IDDM sera that contain antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase also coprecipitate a 38,000-M-LRB-r-RRB- protein from islets .
It said the loss resulted from startup and introduction costs related to a new medical ultrasound equipment system .
All eyes were on Tokyo at the opening because it was the first major market to trade since Friday 's 190.58-point plunge on Wall Street .
Monday 's slide came in a relatively calm session that did n't provide much direction for other markets .
No lytic effect on the reporter cells could be measured , neither by cocultivation of activator cells nor by coincubation of BZLF 1-containing cell lysates .
And Kodak is distributing an instructional video to processors on how to develop its monochrome film more efficiently .
The French group has an agreement giving it the right to buy all the shares outstanding , and this could be completed within a few months , a BSN spokeswoman said .
TEMPORARY WORKERS have good educations , the National Association of Temporary Services says ; its survey of 2,508 such employees shows 82 % with more than a high-school education , and 31 % with college degrees .
We propose that , while maximum inhibition may involve interaction with both transcription factors , AP-1 is the primary target of Dex
The Rel/NF-kappa B family of transcription factors is composed of two distinct subgroups , proteins that undergo proteolytic processing and contain SWI6/ankyrin repeats in their carboxyl termini -LRB- p105 , p98 -RRB- , and those without such repeats that do not require processing -LRB- p65 , c-Rel , RelB , and Dorsal -RRB- .
His ploy : 60-second radio spots that offer helpful hints .
On Friday , mortgage issues gained as much as 1 5\/32 .
Finally , we did genomic footprinting of the HS-40 enhancer region in K562 cells , adult nucleated erythroblasts , and different nonerythroid cells .
Strikingly , costimulation with EC results in a dramatic increase -LRB- up to 15-fold -RRB- in the c-Fos content of AP-1 .
`` There 's always a risk of lost messages , '' says John Fitzgerald , chairman of Ketchum Advertising USA , which created similar radio spots for Pittsburgh National Bank .
The composition of NF-AT protein is still not fully elucidated .
Closely held U.S. Banknote offered the $ 7 a share , or $ 126 million , for as many as 14.9 million shares , or 78.6 % , of International Banknote 's shares outstanding .
Fidelity Investments placed new ads in newspapers yesterday , and wrote another new ad appearing today .
Enhanced IL-2 transcription correlates with increased c-fos synthesis and increased Fos content of AP-1 .
`` We do n't just hand the customer the package .
Companies `` feel black and white will convey a stronger statement , '' says Marc L. Hauser , a Chicago photographer who is working on a black-and-white print ad for Stouffer Food Corp. 's Lean Cuisine .
Why all the interest ?
Transfection of cells with full length E2A cDNA leads to appearance of protein co-migrating with the 73 kDa protein on SDS gel electrophoresis and co-migrating with LEF1/BCF1 on mobility shift analysis .
Both Dex and CsA inhibited the binding of transcription factors AP-1 and NF-AT , but not of NF-kB and OCT-1/OAF , to their corresponding sites on the IL-2 gene promoter .
Finally , no transcription of the RAG-1 gene could be detected in all NK cell lines or clones analyzed .
It considered running them during tomorrow night 's World Series broadcast but decided not to when the market recovered yesterday .
Proliferation to tetanus toxoid did not differ significantly between the groups .
Volume more than doubled to 959.3 million shares from 457.7 million Friday .
Both issues are dated Oct. 19 .
If you identify with the besieged managers , you must concede that speedy and effective relief from the excesses of the takeover market is more likely to come from the marketplace than from Washington .
They said the exchange 's trading procedures , personnel , equipment and links with other exchanges could n't have performed better .
`` For us institutional investors , the chance for buying has come . ''
But when Popular Photography , a leading magazine for photographers , selected 15 of the greatest photos ever made for its latest issue celebrating photography 's 150th anniversary , all were black and white .
The downgrades were prompted , Moody 's said , by the continuing turmoil in the junk bond market and the suspension of dividends on CenTrust 's preferred stock .
Two years ago when the NAHB lobbied for the $ 19 billion omnibus housing bill , the organization `` basically dropped out of the taxpayers ' coalition , '' says Ms. MacDonald .
Sales surged 40 % to 250.17 billion yen from 178.61 billion .
The average of interbank offered rates for dollar deposits in the London market based on quotations at five major banks .
Still , despite the sudden reappearance of stock-market turbulence , managers of Japanese investment funds said they were n't planning to unload U.S. or European equities .
`` We are only going to sell at the right price . ''
It 's time for the exchanges and the Securities and Exchange Commission to agree on joint conditions for halting trading or staying open .
Setting a date to start treaty negotiations has no legal significance in itself , but could be viewed as an important psychological push .
Florida Board of Education 's 7 1\/4 % issue of 2023 was 5\/8 point weaker at 99 1\/2 bid .
The i860 , introduced earlier this year , is Intel 's entry in the crowded market for reduced instruction set computing , or RISC , computers .
The smaller stocks in the Tokyo market 's second section also posted their biggest decline of the year .
But Congress did n't anticipate or intend more public debt , say opponents of the RTC 's working-capital plan , and Rep. Charles Schumer -LRB- D. , N.Y . -RRB- said the RTC Oversight Board has been remiss in not keeping Congress informed .
Overexpression of the p50 , p65 and Rel proteins in these cells showed that significant activation of the IL-2R alpha kappa B site was observed only with Rel and Rel plus p65 .
The dollar also moved higher in Tokyo .
The so-called circuit breakers devised by the Big Board and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to quell free falls in stock and futures prices were n't triggered yesterday because the markets were higher for most of the day .
`` If New York does n't collapse , I see maybe another 5 % on the downside , not counting the risk of bad news out of China , '' he said .
In the year-earlier quarter , the company reported net income of $ 955,000 , or 15 cents a share .
The company 's remaining business is the manufacture and sale of engine and transmissions products for industrial and transportation applications .
Richard Chenevix-Trench , a director at Hong Kong-based Baring International Fund Managers Ltd. , said the market probably has n't hit bottom yet but is close .
`` We have a couple or three tough weeks coming . ''
The need for hurried last-minute telephone negotiations among market officials will disappear once rules are in place that synchronize circuit breakers in all markets .
Many also use recruiting bonuses , tuition reimbursement , loan repayment or child-care help .
Says Mr. Dahlen , `` We 'll still be forced to sell items we might not philosophically agree with . ''
The Treasury 's benchmark 30-year bond , ended about 1 3\/4 points lower , or down about $ 17.50 for each $ 1,000 face amount .
Mr. Jarrell , former top economist at the Securities and Exchange Commission , teaches at the University of Rochester 's Simon Business School .
The old and revised numbers both include over-allotment provisions .
A third of 439 companies surveyed by the Employee Relocation Council report a rise in 1988 sales losses over 1987 .
Is this a case where private markets are approving of Washington 's bashing of Wall Street ?
The business , based in St. Louis , had sales of more than $ 14 million in the fiscal year ended March 31 , Omnicare said .
Total revenue reached $ 2.83 billion , up 10 % from $ 2.57 billion .
But NAHB support for subsidies is not related to the current housing crunch ; over the years the NAHB has backed a host of public programs .
After all , the stock market 's response to the collapse of the UAL deal might be taken to confirm the anti-debt direction of regulators .
Fully 80 % of employees who say their bosses treat them with respect , but only a third of those who do n't feel respected say they 're satisfied with where they work .
In exchange for the other $ 40 million , the FDIC will receive additional warrants entitling it to buy 60 % of BancOklahoma 's common stock outstanding , up from the 55 % option the FDIC received under terms of the 1986 capital infusion .
Notably absent from the Columbia index is the stock market , which Mr. Moore says `` is simply no longer such a good indicator of the economy 's long-range prospects , though it still is useful for anticipating some short-run twists and turns . ''
Profit from trading for its own account dropped , the securities firm said .
The Rochester , N.Y. , photographic giant recently began marketing T-Max 3200 , one of the fastest and most sensitive monochrome films .
This fall , Gitano began manufacturing moderately priced clothes aimed at department stores under the Gloria Vanderbilt trademark , which Gitano recently acquired .
These complexes undergo stimulus-responsive processing to produce active p50/c-Rel and p55/c-Rel complexes .
Bear Stearns said net in the first quarter ended Sept. 29 reached $ 22.1 million , or 23 cents a share , from $ 20.5 million , or 20 cents a share , in the year-earlier quarter .
Lytic transition of Epstein-Barr virus -LRB- EBV -RRB- is initiated by distinct immediate early regulators of the viral cycle , in synchronization to temporary , permissive conditions during host cell differentiation .
These data suggest that transcriptional activation of human embryonic zeta 2 globin gene and the fetal/adult alpha globin genes is mediated by erythroid cell-specific and developmental stage-specific nuclear factor-DNA complexes which form at the enhancer -LRB- HS-40 -RRB- and the globin promoters .
The IL-2R alpha enhancer binds NF-kappa B poorly and is only weakly activated by the NF-kappa B site alone .
Hard on the heels of Friday 's 190-point stock-market plunge and the uncertainty that 's followed , a few big brokerage firms are rolling out new ads trumpeting a familiar message : Keep on investing , the market 's just fine .
Using transfection and reporter gene assays specifically designed for primary T lymphocytes in conjunction with gel retardation assays , Western blot analyses and UV cross-linking studies , we found that c-Jun , c-Fos , and octamer-binding proteins play a major role in transcriptional activation of the IL3 gene via their interaction with two specific regions contained within the IL3 5'-flanking sequence .
The federal government has had to pump in $ 2.28 billion into the VA housing program since 1984 to keep the fund afloat and the VA requested an additional $ 120 million for the fiscal year just ended .
Southwestern blotting and UV cross-linking studies confirmed that the BAT box binding proteins were Oct-1 and Oct-2 .
This activation was not observed in undifferentiated embryocarcinoma F9 cells .
Sequence analysis of nine different 2.3-kb cDNA clones obtained from NK-derived polyA+ RNA confirmed that they corresponded to an unrearranged TcR delta gene .
The rating agency also reduced the ratings for long-term deposits to B-3 from Ba-3 and for preferred stock to Ca from Caa .
She has also served on several task forces on acquired immune deficiency syndrome .
`` It was a pretty wild day .
9.83 % , standard conventional fixedrate mortgages ; 7.875 % , 2 % rate capped one-year adjustable rate mortgages .
If all the bondholders and holders of one million common shares accept the offer , BSN will increase its debt by $ 9 million , but it also will recognize a $ 2 million gain from retiring the old debt , said Michael J. Blumenfeld , president .
But as Japanese stocks rebounded , Treasurys retreated and ended just modestly higher .
Budget director Darman said he wo n't give federal agencies much leeway in coping with Gramm-Rudman spending cuts , which took effect yesterday .
The rating agency said about $ 85 million in securities was affected .
The latest crewcut in the equities markets reminds me of the joke T. Boone Pickens tells about the guy who was run over by the parade .
-LRB- See related story : `` And Bills to Make Wishes Come True '' -- WSJ Oct. 17 , 1989 .
The average discount rate on new three-month Treasury bills was 7.37 % , the lowest since the average of 7.36 % at the auction on Oct. 17 , 1988 .
Rebounding stocks and weaker Treasury prices drove municipal bonds 1\/4 to 3\/4 point lower in late dealings .
If takeover premiums become excessive , if LBO dealmakers become too aggressive , then the private market will recognize these problems more quickly and accurately than will policy makers , and the markets will move with lightning speed to impose appropriate sanctions .
BMA 's investment banker , Alex . Brown & Sons Inc. , has been authorized to contact possible buyers for the unit .
Pfizer , Fluor and GE see big `` EC 92 '' pluses : a push for job training and ease in moving and finding workers .
But the NAHB was created in 1943 out of an organization that made its name fighting a Roosevelt administration proposal to take over all defense housing production .
MRA Staffing Systems signs up nurses for paid travel , promising annual income up to $ 50,000 and free or subsidized housing .
FEDERAL FUNDS : 8 3\/4 % high , 8 1\/2 % low , 8 5\/8 % near closing bid , 8 3\/4 % offered .
The brokerage firms learned a lesson the last time around , when frightened investors flooded the phone lines and fled the market in a panic .
The truth is , Washington understands politics better than economics .
In 1989 , Regatta will have sales `` in excess of $ 10 million '' and will show a profit , Mr. Parker said .
But the chain is quickly realizing the pitfalls of such endorsements .
Negotiable , bank-backed business credit instruments typically financing an import order .
Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. by yesterday afternoon had already written new TV ads .
Over the full post-World War II era , the Columbia index , on the average , has entered sustained declines 14 months before the onset of recessions and turned up eight months before recoveries .
Terms were n't disclosed , but a J.P. Industries spokesman said the amount J.P. Industries will get for the group is `` a little better than expected by the marketplace , and the marketplace had been expecting $ 25 million to $ 30 million . ''
The offer is n't contingent on a certain amount of debt or stock being exchanged .
But its performance did bear some resemblance to events of two years ago , during the October 1987 global stock market crash .
The grand marshal of this parade would appear to have been excess leverage .
Prices on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange tumbled in heavy trading .
`` It 's a question of how much credibility you gain for the possible loss of recognition . ''
It more than doubled Federal 's long-term debt to $ 1.9 billion , thrust the company into unknown territory -- heavy cargo -- and suddenly expanded its landing rights to 21 countries from four .
Brokers and fund managers said the region 's markets were reacting to Friday 's Wall Street plunge even though that decline was due to local factors such as failed corporate buy-outs and a deteriorating junk-bond market .
Bonds : Shearson Lehman Hutton Treasury index 3393.51 , off
HERE 'S a retailer that 's getting tough in the push for environmentally safe packaging and products .
Omnicare said the division operates under the trade name ACCO and supplies the medical and dental markets .
These results show that protein phosphatase 1 and 2A inhibitors exert multiple effects on cytokine production in human monocytes and suggest that these two phosphatases play important roles in regulating interleukin-1 production .
The 13-week bills mature Jan. 18 , 1990 , and the 26-week bills mature April 19 , 1990 .
It would like to peg the ceiling on Federal Housing Administration mortgage guarantees to 95 % of the median price in a particular market , instead of limiting it to $ 101,250 ; reduce -LRB- or even eliminate -RRB- FHA down-payment requirements and increase the availability of variable-rate mortgages ; expand the Veterans Affairs Department loan guarantee program ; provide `` adequate '' funding for the Farmers Home Administration -LRB- FmHA -RRB- ; increase federal funding and tax incentives for the construction of low-income and rental housing , including $ 4 billion in block grants to states and localities ; and `` fully fund '' the McKinney Act , a $ 656 million potpourri for the homeless .
SPRUCING UP THE DIGS : About 200 employees of the Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development for four months painted walls , polished and carpeted floors , bought plants , cleaned windows and blinds , and hung pictures at the agency 's Baltimore office .
`` Nobody has the right to tell me how much I can work . ''
But volume was thin at 526.2 million shares , compared with 574.7 million Friday .
In contrast to MEL cells , however , K562 cells acquired a macrophage-like morphology and exhibited a complete failure to generate benzidine-positive cells .
`` We would have to wait until we have collected on those assets before we can move forward , '' he said .
Others note that some investors were disappointed because they had expected a more aggressive easing .
The loss of more customers is the latest in a string of problems .
Lots of other entries made up the parade , of course -- notably a surprisingly large increase in producer prices , signalling Federal Reserve tightness ; and the Bush administration 's -LRB- temporary ? -RRB- defeat in trying to lower the capital-gains tax .
It could do damage to us . ''
Mr. Bandow is a Cato Institute fellow .
The stimulation of interleukin-1 alpha production by okadaic acid was more modest than that of interleukin-1 beta .
The plan would permit the bank holding company to retire its bank and debenture obligations through exchanges of cash and equity .
FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP . -LRB- Freddie Mac -RRB- : Posted yields on 30-year mortgage commitments for delivery within 30 days.
To the extent that Friday 's sell-off reflected a sudden reappraisal of the excesses of leverage , the message is that Wall Street and the private markets are fully capable of imposing the appropriate incentives and sanctions on corporate behavior .
The New York Stock Exchange adopted two specific circuit breakers : If the Dow Jones index falls 250 points in a day , the exchange will halt trading for one hour ; if the decline hits 400 points , the exchange will close for an additional two hours .
Contributing to the selling pressure were dispatches by several investment firms advising clients to boost their stock holdings and reduce the size of their cash or bond portfolios .
The futures exchanges followed their own pre-set circuit breakers and shut down at about 3 p.m. for 30 minutes , after the Standard & Poor 's 500 stock index had fallen 12 points , or about 100 points on the Dow Jones index .
The human erythroleukemia cell line K562 can be induced to differentiate along the erythroid and megakaryocytic lineages .
Resolution Funding is a division of Resolution Trust Corp. , the new federal agency created to bail out the nation 's troubled thrifts .
David Sanders , a longtime pilot , bristles at the mere suggestion that a union might tamper with his flight schedule .
The campaign won a Cleo award as this year 's best ad by a specialty retailer .
Moody 's also said it believed the proposed sale of 63 CenTrust branches to Great Western Bank could , if completed , endanger the thrift 's funding and market position .
RJR Nabisco pays up to $ 30,000 of losses , including improvements .
The group normally convenes only when a change in the economy 's general course seems likely .
Omnicare said it expects the division to add `` substantial sales volume and to make a positive contribution to our earnings in 1990 and beyond . ''
Industrial production is expected to have declined 0.2 % , according to a consensus of economists surveyed by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report .
Gatoil Suisse owns an oil refinery in Switzerland with a capacity of 70,000 barrels a day , along with a network of gasoline retailing outlets .
Consider Gap Inc. , whose latest ad campaign features black-and-white shots of Hollywood stars , artists and other well-known personalities modeling the retailer 's jeans and T-shirts .
Dr. Novello 's office said she would n't talk with reporters , and it refused to release any information about her .
The advertising industry is buzzing with rumors that Kentucky Fried Chicken will drop Young & Rubicam and seek a new ad agency .
The `` social dimension '' -- worker concerns -- of the European Community 's plan to open its internal borders in 1992 could set the effort `` off the rails '' if not done reasonably , says General Electric senior vice president Frank Doyle .
`` Those shares which had posted gains on M&A speculation were dashed with cold water , but as far as major stocks are concerned , there is n't much impact . ''
The FHA alone lost $ 4.2 billion in fiscal 1988 ; the government 's equity in the agency , essentially its reserve fund , fell to minus $ 2.9 billion .
A careful look reveals that where deal financing has been secured , the target 's stock price was not affected on Friday .
Mr. Smith 's managers have , at times , been called `` Ho Chi Minh 's Guerrillas . ''
The expression of hGATA-3 , a T cell-specific factor known to be involved in the regulation of the transcription of TcR delta locus , was analyzed by Northern blot , in cultured NK cell population and clones -LRB- but not in freshly derived cell populations -RRB- .
So said a federal judge , in a case involving two players for the minor league Bluefield , Va. , Orioles , a Baltimore farm team .
In a related move , Enron said it increased the number of the partnership 's units it will offer to 6,930,000 from 5,500,000 .
It once pushed for a national housing production goal set by the federal government and has regularly advanced anti-recession housing measures .
-LRB- Both took further hits yesterday . -RRB-
PRIME RATE : 10 1\/2 % .
Deal stocks led the market down as they absorbed the heaviest losses .
Subsequently , I kappa B-alpha mRNA and protein levels are quickly induced by the activated NF-kappa B .
This was accompanied by downregulation of two transcription factors normally expressed in erythroid , mast and megakaryocyte lineages .
Monday , October 16 , 1989
Jay Goldinger , who often trades overnight for Capital Insight Inc. , Beverly Hills , Calif. , said trading in Tokyo was `` very active '' but highly volatile .
These rate indications are n't directly comparable ; lending practices vary widely by location .
The ads touted Fidelity 's automated 800-number beneath the huge headline , `` Fidelity Is Ready For Your Call . ''
It would have been too late to think about on Friday .
The firm 's drop in net reflected weaker revenue in transactions for its own account -- a decline of 19 % to $ 314.6 million on reduced revenue from trading fixed-income securities .
The judge dismissed the fan 's suit against the team , however , ruling the Orioles innocent of negligent hiring , and not responsible for a fight that was outside the players ' employment .
But in the end , customers ' wishes are what will prevail .
We developed eukaryotic vectors suitable to imitate the processes involved in lytic transition in cell culture systems .
A year ago , net at the New York investment banking firm was $ 20.9 million , or 50 cents a share , including a special pretax gain of $ 46.3 million from the sale of the company 's interest in National Car Rental Systems Inc .
NF-kappa B controls expression of inhibitor I kappa B alpha : evidence for an inducible autoregulatory pathway .
It is demonstrated here with human T lymphocytes and monocytes that different stimuli , including tumor necrosis factor alpha and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate , cause rapid degradation of I kappa B-alpha , with concomitant activation of NF-kappa B , followed by a dramatic increase in I kappa B-alpha mRNA and protein synthesis .
The price was n't disclosed .
Association of the newly synthesized I kappa B alpha with p65 restores intracellular inhibition of NF-kappa B DNA binding activity and prolongs the survival of this labile inhibitor .
In a sharply weaker London market yesterday , Waterford shares were down 15 pence at 50 pence -LRB- 79 cents -RRB- .
We therefore examined the effects of EC on T cell nuclear factors known to regulate IL-2 transcription , including c-jun and c-fos-two components of the transcription factor AP-1 , NFAT , and others .
The ceremonies began Friday afternoon when word spread that the UAL buy-out was collapsing .
The dollar also rebounded , while bond prices plummeted and Treasury bill rates soared .
Let 's not have one market shut down for 30 minutes when the Dow declines 100 points and another shut down for an hour after a 250-point decline .
Yesterday was , in the words of New York Stock Exchange Chairman John J. Phelan Jr. , just your `` reasonably normal , 400 million-share , up 88-points day . ''
`` It 's got a classic spirit and carries over emotionally , '' says Alfred DeBat of Professional Photographers of America .
But in the absence of panicky trading , its presence was never overtly felt .
Export sales for leisure items alone , for instance , totaled 184.74 billion yen in the 12 months , up from 106.06 billion in the previous fiscal year .
U.S. Banknote said that as of Oct. 13 , 16.1 million shares , or about 84.3 % of the fully diluted shares outstanding , had been tendered .
Thus the response of K562 cells to HMBA may provide a useful experimental system for studying the molecular mechanisms responsible for downmodulation of lineage-restricted transcription factors during hemopoietic lineage commitment .
But there is also the possibility that shutting down markets will intensify fears and cause an even more abrupt slide in prices .
A 73 kDa protein was identified by this analysis : this protein is highly enriched in cell lines of B lymphoid origin as compared to pancreatic beta-cells and fibroblast cells .
The cell system described in these experiments provides a tool for the detection of EBV reactivation and demonstrates the potential of the lytic regulatory gene BZLF 1 .
-LRB- Of course , specialists ' actions alone can never prevent a major crack in stock prices .
On the other hand , only one of the apparently nonfunctional sequence motifs was bound with factors in vivo .
In summary , our data suggest that changes in the composition of transcription factor AP-1 is a key molecular mechanism for increasing IL-2 transcription and may underlie the phenomenon of costimulation by EC .
We conclude from these results that the functional activity of members of the rel family is regulated by their interaction with DNA and that Rel can be a potent transcriptional activator on specific kappa B sites .
Waterford Wedgwood PLC , a financially troubled Irish maker of fine crystal and Wedgwood china , reported that its pretax loss for the first six months widened to 10.6 million Irish punts -LRB- $ 14.9 million -RRB- from 5.8 million Irish punts a year earlier .
`` We hope the trend lasts , '' says Laurie DiCara , Ilford 's marketing communications director .
Trading was hectic during the morning , with players trying to gauge whether equities would continue Friday 's free fall or stabilize after a brief spot of weakness .
Despite labor-shortage warnings , 80 % aim for first-year wage increases of under 4 % ; and 77 % say they 'd try to replace workers , if struck , or would consider it .
Source : Telerate Systems Inc .
The setback , in which Treasury bond prices plummeted , reflected a rebound in the stock market and profit-taking .
R7-57 reporter cells , on the other hand , signaled induced activity of the lytic origin of EBV replication -LRB- ori Lyt -RRB- .
Net income rose 11 % to 29.62 billion yen from 26.68 billion .
Dollar : 141.85 yen , off 0.25 ; 1.8685 marks , off 0.0055 .
Furthermore , the VitD3- and the PMA-induced CD14 expression was inhibited as a temporal consequence of the RA-induced differentiation .
Since 1984 , more companies give sales-loss aid , as many real-estate values depreciated , the council says .
Citing a $ 3.1 million provision for doubtful accounts , Dallas-based National Heritage Inc. posted a loss for its fourth quarter ended June 30 .
`` I think the willingness of securities companies to make markets for high-yield issues improved the sentiment for junk bonds , '' said John Lonski , an economist at Moody 's Investors Service Inc .
Tokyo share prices rebounded Tuesday morning , with the Nikkei index of 225 selected stocks rising 618.69 points to close the morning session at 35087.38 .
The move is in line with BSN 's strategy of gradually building its share of the European pasta market through external growth .
But they search for ways to limit the damage .
Chicken Chains Ruffled By Loss of Customers
Domestic leisure sales , however , were lower .
U.S. Banknote said Citibank extended the expiration date of its commitment for senior secured financing to Nov. 15 .
FOREIGN PRIME RATES : Canada 13.50 % ; Germany 8.50 % ; Japan 4.875 % ; Switzerland 8.50 % ; Britain 15 % .
Among the firms were Merrill Lynch & Co. and Dean Witter Reynolds Inc .
At Merrill Lynch , third-period net was $ 41 million , or 34 cents a share , down from $ 65.6 million , or 58 cents a share , a year ago .
`` Black and white has n't made the same quantum leaps in technological development as color , '' says Mr. Butler of the Rochester Institute .
LONDON INTERBANK OFFERED RATES -LRB- LIBOR -RRB- : 8 1\/2 % one month ; 8 1\/2 % three months ; 8 7\/16 % six months ; 8 3\/8 % one year .
Investors have reacted by ignoring recent efforts to float junk bonds by Ohio Mattress and by forcing Ramada to postpone indefinitely its planned junk-bond sale and restructuring .
Two stable B cell lines were established : R59Z activator cells were used to induce lytic EBV expression in a constitutive manner by the production of the BZLF 1 trans-activator -LRB- Zta -RRB- .
Yet on matters close to , er , home ...
Tax-exempts started the session flat to a touch higher on anticipation of further stock market erosion , but bond prices rapidly turned south as it became more clear that a repeat of the October 1987 crash was n't at hand .
The Dow Jones industrials closed up 88.12 points , at 2657.38 , the fourth-biggest gain ever , after being down as much as 63.52 points in the morning .
But the process of convening the intergovernmental conference does n't require unanimity .
The rally erased about half of Friday 's 190.58-point plunge , but analysts are cautious about the market 's outlook .
What happened Friday shows that financial markets are not yet sufficiently coordinated to handle another meltdown in prices .
The Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing on the bill next Tuesday .
HOME-SALE LOSSES rise , but they 're often covered by employers .
Aimed at commercial photographers , the film can be used in very low light without sacrificing quality , says Donald Franz of Photofinishing Newsletter .
Enron said each unit will be priced in the $ 19-to-$21 range and will represent about 80 % of the partnership equity .
Now , that 's reactionary : Letter Carriers union president Vincent Sombrotto accuses Philadelphia postmaster Charles James of `` 12th century ... oppressive management tactics .
The eukaryotic transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B -LRB- NF-kappa B -RRB- participates in many parts of the genetic program mediating T lymphocyte activation and growth .
In this study we analyzed the T cell receptor -LRB- TcR -RRB- delta transcripts expressed by CD3-CD16+ cells and we investigated whether these cells expressed the hGATA-3 T cell transcription factor and the recombination-activating gene -LRB- RAG -RRB- -1 .
The Bravo Zulu award , the Navy accolade for a `` job well done , '' is bestowed on Federal 's workers who surpass the call of duty .
Kentucky Fried Chicken also is testing home-delivery of chicken , which could be a hit with stay-at-home diners .
`` That 's good news , because we all swim in this water . ''
A new approach to facilitate immobilization and affinity purification of recombinant proteins and selected human B lymphocytes has been developed .
Transcriptional regulation of interleukin 3 -LRB- IL3 -RRB- in primary human T lymphocytes .
`` Unless there is a panic , this is the best time to buy , as was the case two years ago , '' he said .
The bond market seemed to ignore evidence that the Federal Reserve eased credit conditions slightly by allowing the federal funds rate to drift as low as 8 1\/2 % .
By 10 a.m. Tokyo time , the index was up 435.11 points , to 34903.80 as investors hailed New York 's overnight rally .
Hertz Equipment had operating profit before depreciation of $ 90 million on revenue of $ 150 million in 1988 .
While reaching blockbuster proportions yesterday , the volume was still well within the 600 million-share capacity that the exchange has said it can handle daily since beefing up its computers after the October 1987 crash .
Functional antagonism between vitamin D3 and retinoic acid in the regulation of CD14 and CD23 expression during monocytic differentiation of U-937 cells .
Not surprisingly , he sometimes bites .
Those two offers were private and the spokesman refused to identify the bidding companies .
THE STOCK MARKET AVOIDED a repeat of Black Monday as prices recovered from an early slide , spurred by bargain-hunting institutions and program traders .
Typically , it must be mailed to a handful of processors and may take a week or more to be processed and returned .
Based largely on the recent strength in their index , called the long leading indicator , the Columbia analysts foresee uninterrupted economic growth through the rest of this year and next year as well .
Gold also rose .
We studied the functional interaction between human embryonic zeta 2 globin promoter and the alpha globin regulatory element -LRB- HS-40 -RRB- located 40 kb upstream of the zeta 2 globin gene .
The messages resemble the Business Traveler , a daily dose of travel tips developed by Mr. Bear and sponsored by travel agencies in several major cities .
Transfection studies indicate that the I kappa B alpha gene is specifically induced by the 65-kilodalton transactivating subunit of NF-kappa B .
The bond-equivalent yield on three-month Treasury bills , for example , was quoted late yesterday at 7.72 % , compared with 7.16 % Friday .
Laidlaw Transportation Ltd. said it raised its stake in ADT Ltd. of Bermuda to 29.4 % from 28 % .
The bond market 's focus on stock activity was so strong yesterday that it overshadowed today 's slate of economic data , which includes the government 's report on August U.S. merchandise trade and September industrial production .
While inducing CD14 expression , VitD3 concomitantly suppressed the basal , PMA- , and RA-inducible CD23 expression in a dose-dependent manner .
FAST-FOOD chicken chains , faced with a worsening business slump , are struggling to hatch some new marketing strategies .
Offsetting the Remic-related purchases were continued heavy sales by mortgage originators , which are producing increased amounts of fixed-rate mortgage-backed issues with lower rates .
BZLF 1 , transiently expressed in R7-57 reporter cells , was the only EBV trans-activator found , sufficient in inducing the viral lytic cycle .
The multibillion-dollar prospects , where the bidder must line up a consortium of banks and\/or issue billions in high-yield debt , were where the damage was concentrated .
The offer , made June 1 , has been extended several times .
DIG is a unit of DIG Holding Corp. , a unit of Rose Partners L.P .
The percentage change is since year-end .
More money for HUD will increase the deficit and destabilize the economy ; more money to municipalities that are wrecking their local housing markets will further insulate them from the destructive effects of their policies .
Lymphocytes from the site of disease suggest adenovirus is one cause of persistent or recurrent inflammatory arthritis .
Junk bonds also recovered somewhat , though trading remained stalled .
Using the DNA affinity precipitation assay , we observed that Tax1 is able to efficiently induce the binding of Rel , whereas PMA is not .
Bangkok , Manila , Seoul , Taipei and Jakarta escaped with slightly smaller losses .
But such spots can be too soft .
As liquidity on that market weakened , prices fell sharply .
`` Our intent is to promote the best alternative , '' he says .
The broader Tokyo Stock Price Index sank 45.66 , or 1.7 % , to 2600.88 .
Traders can vary their strategies and execute their orders in any one of them .
Without detailing specific product breakdowns , Nintendo credited its bullish upsurge in sales -- including advanced computer games and television entertainment systems -- to surging `` leisure-oriented '' sales in foreign markets .
Hertz Equipment is a major supplier of rental equipment in the U.S. , France , Spain and the U.K .
In contrast , U-937 cells induced by RA strongly increased their expression of CD23 mRNA and protein , whereas they completely lacked detectable CD14 cell surface or mRNA expression .
Alliant , based in Littleton , Mass. , will license its parallel-computing technologies to Intel , providing users a way to let many i860 microprocessors in a single computer work on a problem simultaneously .
Witness the fact that trading in some stocks closed early Friday and opened late Monday because of an excess of sell orders . -RRB-
Mr. Goldberg is the sole general partner in Rose Partners .
Role of AP-1- and octamer-binding proteins in control of IL3 gene expression .
Although the average citizen is probably not harmed too much from Washington 's rhetorical war against Wall Street regarding excessive financial leveraging , actual legislation would probably impose considerable harm .
The recent difficulties in the junk-bond markets and the scarcity of bank capital for recent deals underscores the wisdom of letting the free markets operate .
The decline in the German Stock Index of 203.56 points , or 12.8 % , to 1385.72 was the Frankfurt market 's steepest fall ever .
The Poles might do better to view it as a Trojan Horse .
A major source of the recent strength in the long leading indicator has been the performance of the Dow Jones corporate bond-price index , which is not a part of the Commerce index .
In over-the-counter trading , Interspec fell 37.5 cents to $ 4.25 .
For baby boomers who grew up being photographed in color , black and white seems eye-catching and exotic .
The national economic interests are much better served allowing the private interests of bankers and investors be the ultimate judges of the investment quality of various LBO deals and leveraged restructurings .
The agency said it confirmed American Continental 's preferred stock rating at C .
In August , the bond measure was at its highest monthly average since early 1987 .
These cDNA were 2343 bp long and their transcription initiation site was located 814 bp upstream from the J delta 1 segment .
Thus , autoreactive T-cells identify a novel antigen , p38 jun-B , in IDDM and appear to indicate subjects at risk for the development of clinical disease .
PaineWebber Inc. filmed a new television commercial at 4 p.m. EDT yesterday and had it on the air by last night .
In Tokyo , trading is halted during lunchtime .
Recent isolation of the CD11b promoter shows that 92 base pairs -LRB- bp -RRB- of 5'-flanking DNA are sufficient to direct myeloid-specific expression of a reporter gene .
Source : Telerate Systems Inc .
With nowhere else to go , sellers , and particularly program traders , focused all their selling on the New York Stock Exchange .
-- Britain 's 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007 ended 1 1\/8 higher at 111 19\/32 to yield 10.12 % , while the 11 3\/4 % notes due 1991 rose 21\/32 to 98 26\/32 to yield 12.74 % .
Through the years the association has been an active member of the taxpayer 's coalition , pushing for such initiatives as the balanced-budget amendment .
`` Friday 's flight to quality was no longer needed once the stock market found its legs , '' he said .
DIG Acquisition Corp. , the New Jersey investor 's acquisition vehicle , said that as of the close of business yesterday , 560,839 shares had been tendered .
When asked `` What went wrong ? '' the unfortunate victim replied , `` It was a combination of things . ''
Transcription factor jun-B is target of autoreactive T-cells in IDDM .
Hospitals have signed up to use the messages to promote fundraisers , and Equitable Gas Co. is considering the format to offer energy tips to consumers .
Output at Japanese-owned and managed plants in the U.S. is due to rise 42 % .
The Tokyo Stock Exchange index for the second section fell 100.96 , or 2.7 % , to 3655.40 .
Bear Stearns posted a 7.5 % gain , while PaineWebber had a decline due to a year-ago gain .
Northern analysis demonstrated coordinate downregulation of alpha globin and gamma globin in addition to the two lineage-restricted transcription factors , SCL and GATA-1 .
The August rise marked the fifth straight monthly gain for the indicator , which uses the 1967 average as a base of 100 .
He said capital spending next year will rise to about $ 45 million from about $ 35 million this year .
If she is nominated by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate , Dr. Novello would succeed C. Everett Koop , who rattled liberals and conservatives alike with his outspoken views on a range of health issues .
Of greater help , the Big Board chairman said , was the `` natural circuit breaker '' of the weekend , that provided a breathing period that `` brought rationality back to the market .
The operational freedom has also given Federal a leg up on archrival United Parcel Service Inc. , the nation 's largest employer of United Brotherhood of Teamsters members .
The closely watched rate on federal funds , or overnight loans between banks , slid to about 8 3\/4 % last week , down from its perceived target level of about 9 % .
We now report that EC costimulation causes increased levels of IL-2 mRNA as a result of increased IL-2 transcription in PBL .
The key U.S. and foreign annual interest rates below are a guide to general levels but do n't always represent actual transactions .
What really spooked the crowds along Wall Street , however , was the sudden concern that , whatever the reason , the pool of debt capital is drying up .
Federal Express , Dow Chemical , Ford and National City Corp. will buy the home or let the worker sell to an outside firm , but usually wo n't cover a loss .
A harder sell , says John Kosar , the firm 's president , would `` detract from the profession . ''
Moreover , whereas both Tax and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate -LRB- PMA -RRB- are able to efficiently induce the binding of NF-kappa B to the IL-2R alpha kappa B site , PMA is functionally inactive .
According to diplomatic sources in Brussels , most EC leaders agree that talks should begin in the second half of 1990 , and will make a declaration on that during a summit meeting in Strasbourg , France , on Dec. 8 and 9 .
Investment-grade corporate bonds ended one to 1 1\/2 point lower .
In New York Stock Exchange composite trading yesterday , Di Giorgio closed at $ 31.50 a share , down $ 1.75 .
TREASURY BILLS : Results of the Monday , October 16 , 1989 , auction of short-term U.S. government bills , sold at a discount from face value in units of $ 10,000 to $ 1 million : 7.37 % , 13 weeks ; 7.42 % , 26 weeks .
U.S. auto makers plan to decrease car production 10.4 % in the fourth quarter , with virtually all the decline coming from the Big Three .
Target antigens defined by autoantibodies in IDDM include insulin , a putative glycolipid that reacts with islet cell antibodies , and a 64,000-M-LRB-r-RRB- protein recently identified as glutamic acid decarboxylase .
When the market went into its free fall Friday afternoon , the investment firm ordered full pages in the Monday editions of half a dozen newspapers .
Also trying to snare a portion of the $ 2 billion-a-year industry is Agfa Corp. , a unit of Bayer AG .
Some companies are starting to tackle that problem .
Alliant said it plans to use the microprocessor in future products .
SHV also owns 40 % of Calor .
Far better for policy makers to concentrate on the war against drugs , Panama and the deficit , all of them parades that seem never to end .
Under the terms of the contract , New York-based Gitano has the option to acquire the remaining 50 % of Regatta , a maker of men 's and women 's clothes sold primarily in department stores , under certain conditions .
Transcriptional activation of human zeta 2 globin promoter by the alpha globin regulatory element -LRB- HS-40 -RRB- : functional role of specific nuclear factor-DNA complexes .
A Fidelity spokesman says the 800-line , which already was operating but which many clients did n't know about , received about double the usual volume of calls over the weekend .
Slated for market by the end of the year , the paper `` could have been introduced a long time ago but the market was n't there then , '' says an Agfa spokesman .
Tomorrow , the Resolution Funding Corp. will provide details of its first bond issue , which is expected to total between $ 4 billion and $ 6 billion and carry a maturity greater than 20 years .
CALL IT un-advertising .
BSN S.A. , a leading French food group , said it agreed to acquire Birkel G.m.b . H. , a West German pasta maker .
Immobilization and recovery of fusion proteins and B-lymphocyte cells using magnetic separation .
Moreover , explains one HUD official , the NAHB remains susceptible to internal pressure from members that specialize in subsidized production .
Meanwhile , agency supply is expected to weigh heavily on the market today when the Federal Home Loan Bank prices a $ 2.3 billion offering of one-year , three-year , five-year and 10-year maturities .
Now , as for tomorrow , hell , who knows ?
Mr. Freund , former chief economist of the New York Stock Exchange , is a professor of economics at Pace University 's business school in New York .
We previously reported that human umbilical vein EC provide costimulatory signals to PHA-stimulated PBL via CD2:lymphocyte function-associated Ag-3 and an unidentified ligand pair , resulting in a three- to eight-fold enhancement of IL-2 production .
James Cleveland , a courier who earned a Bravo Zulu for figuring out how to get a major customer 's 1,100-parcel-a-week load to its doorstep by 8 a.m. , considers himself far more than a courier .
BancOklahoma Corp. said it completed a restructuring agreement previously agreed to by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. , creditor banks and subordinated debenture holders .
BSN Corp. said it will begin an offer tomorrow to exchange up to one million of its common shares and all of its $ 16.6 million in 7 3\/4 % convertible debentures due 2001 for a package of new debt and common stock warrants .
Gitano , which makes budget-priced apparel sold mainly through mass merchandisers like K mart and Wal-Mart , said the Regatta acquisition will enhance its strategy to expand into department stores .
We demonstrate that the p105 and p98 precursors share functional properties with the I kappa B proteins , which also contain SWI6/ankyrin repeats .
Association with the precursors is sufficient for cytoplasmic retention of either p65 or c-Rel , both of which are otherwise nuclear .
Declining issues swamped advancers , 941-105 .
In many ways , our financial markets are better prepared today to handle a decline than they were two years ago .
Trading was heavy at about one billion shares , compared with 473.9 million Friday .
The only strong opposition to changing the EC treaty comes from British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher , who is opposed to creating a single EC currency .
The FDIC , which in 1986 provided $ 130 million in open-bank assistance to BancOklahoma 's Bank of Oklahoma , Tulsa , unit will continue to maintain $ 90 million in preferred stock in the Tulsa bank unit .
And the chain is testing products that are n't fried , such as `` char-grilled '' chicken , to try to win health-conscious consumers .
Futures trading , however , was halted altogether at 3:45 , after the futures markets had dropped an additional 30 points , which is the daily limit for price declines .
What does n't belong here ?
Here we demonstrate that hexamethylene bisacetamide -LRB- HMBA -RRB- induced K562 cells to differentiate along a third pathway .
The results for the half were worse than market expectations , which suggested an interim loss of around 10 million Irish punts .
Options markets stopped trading in many securities .
These observations suggest a second pathway leading to NF-kappa B induction , in which processing of the precursors rather than phosphorylation of I kappa B plays a major role .
Other Asian and Pacific markets had sharper losses than Tokyo , but the selling wave stopped short of precipitating another market crash .
Investment banking revenue climbed 25 % , while commission revenue advanced 31 % on a stronger retail market .
Shares also closed sharply lower across Europe , particularly in Frankfurt , although London and a few other markets recovered some ground after stocks began to rebound in New York .
The only plug for the sponsor is a brief mention at the end of the spot .
Also , a UAL group tried to get financing for a lower bid , possibly $ 250 a share .
Hilton lost 20 % on Friday ; Paramount lost almost 11 % .
The acquisition strengthens BSN 's position in the European pasta market .
Electron microscopy revealed a marked increase in granules resembling those specific for eosinophils .
The response element for NF-AT is a sequence localized between -285/-254 in the IL-2 regulatory region .
Similarly , Agfa is sponsoring scores of photography contests at high schools and colleges , offering free black-and-white film and paper as prizes .
Direct federal subsidies for housing construction have proved intolerably expensive in the past , and inevitably are twisted to the benefit of well-connected developers and lobbyists , as demonstrated by the ongoing HUD scandal , or congressmen .
The latest reading of 223.0 was up from 222.3 in July and 215.3 as recently as March .
In 1988 the Cincinnati company earned $ 3.1 million , or 32 cents a share , on revenue of $ 148.5 million .
Birkel is West Germany 's second-biggest producer of pasta , with sales of 250 million marks -LRB- $ 133.4 million -RRB- in 1988 .
A spokesman for Laidlaw declined to disclose the price the Toronto transportation and waste services concern paid for the additional shares , which he said were acquired `` over the last couple of weeks . ''
We propose a model in which NF-kappa B and I kappa B-alpha mutually regulate each other in a cycle : saturating amounts of the inhibitory I kappa B-alpha protein are destroyed upon stimulation , allowing rapid activation of NF-kappa B .
Hertz Corp. of Park Ridge , N.J. , said it retained Merrill Lynch Capital Markets to sell its Hertz Equipment Rental Corp. unit .
Corporate Issues
The physiologic relevance of this increase was demonstrated by the proliferative advantage provided by EC to PBL suboptimally stimulated with mAb OKT3 .
Photographic companies are scrambling to tap the resurging market , reviving some black-and-white product lines and developing new ones .
After Treasury bill rates plummeted as much as 0.70 percentage point on Friday , they gave back three-fourths of that amount yesterday .
Proliferation of the K562 cells was also suppressed .
BSN currently has 4.6 million common shares outstanding .
Competitors are known as the `` enemy . ''
Mortgage-Backed Securities
Moody 's Investors Service Inc. downgraded its ratings on the subordinated debt of CenTrust to Caa from B-3 .
ADT , a security services and auctions company , trades on London 's Stock Exchange .
He described Friday 's plunge in the U.S. as a `` fleeting '' event resulting in part from excessive merger and acquisition activity .
After the 1987 plunge , markets agreed that it would be wise to halt trading whenever panic conditions arose .
Goodrich wo n't ensure loss coverage , but will prevent a `` catastrophic loss '' ; it has given some employees the full purchase price when values fell from concern over dangers posed by a disposal site .
Thomas G. Dahlen , Big Bear 's executive vice president , said the chain is still reviewing its product list to avoid such problems .
U.S. Treasury bonds were higher in overnight trading in Japan , which opened at about 7:30 p.m. EDT .
Professionals dominated municipal trading throughout the session .
Other fund managers were similarly sanguine .
The session losses left municipal dollar bonds close to where they were before the 190.58-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average Friday prompted a capital markets rally .
There were no new issues .
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 9 % securities were at 97 1\/4 , down 3\/4 .
Despite this lower affinity , a trimer of the BAT box sequence was as efficiently transactivated by an Oct-2 expression vector as was a trimer of the octamer sequence in HeLa cells .
In its nicely produced publication `` Where Will Our Children Live ? '' the NAHB does acknowledge that `` of course , the full measure of housing affordability can not be provided by the federal government . ''
No upregulation of megakaryocyte or lymphoid markers occurred .
The arbitragers and takeover initiatiors got killed on Gray Friday , while the besieged managers of prospective targets cheered lustily .
But in New York yesterday , the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 88.12 to close at 2657.38 on heavy volume of 416,290,000 shares , although declining issues still outnumbered advancing ones on the broad market .
United Biscuits -LRB- Holdings -RRB- PLC , a British food producer , announced the creation of a European group to bring together its trading interests in the region .
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat , HIV-1-LTR , contains binding sites for several cellular transcription factors which contribute to HIV-1 gene expression . New York Stock Exchange composite trading yesterday , Bear Stearns shares closed at $ 13.625 , down 25 cents .
BANKERS ACCEPTANCES : 8.40 % 30 days ; 8.35 % 60 days ; 8.27 % 90 days ; 8.20 % 120 days ; 8.15 % 150 days ; 8.02 % 180 days .
It is concluded that adenovirus may be one cause of persistent or recurrent inflammatory arthritis .
Using black and white , `` we can make housewives look like stars , '' says John Perrin .
Cell-specific expression of helix-loop-helix transcription factors encoded by the E2A gene .
Prices of Treasury bonds tumbled in moderate to active trading .
It also recommends better retirement and day-care benefits , and basing pay on education , experience and nurses ' demanding work schedules .
The lytic transition of Epstein-Barr virus is imitated by recombinant B-cells .
The Columbia economists also have reconstructed how the long leading index would have behaved , had it existed , in 1929 , before the stock market crash in October that ushered in the Great Depression .
`` We wanted to highlight the individual , not the environment , '' he says , `` and black and white allows you to do that better than color . ''
`` You can shift out of reality with black and white , '' he adds .
The E2A gene encodes transcription factors of the helix-loop-helix family that are implicated in cell-specific gene expression as part of dimeric complexes that interact with E box enhancer elements .
Different modes , like chemical induction , lytic superinfection with EBV and single gene trans-activation converted the recombinant ori Lyt element in R7-57 reporter cells .
Revenue derived from interest and dividends jumped 30 % to $ 1.4 billion .
J.P. Industries , which is based in Ann Arbor , Mich. , said the sale completes a previously announced program to divest itself of its hardware and plumbing supplies operations .
We asked whether dexamethasone -LRB- Dex -RRB- and cyclosporin A -LRB- CsA -RRB- inhibit IL-2 gene transcription by interfering with the activity of nuclear proteins that bind to the IL-2 promoter .
Still , most consumers are n't plunking black-and-white film into their cameras to take family snapshots .
To reinforce employees ' dedication , Mr. Smith pays well .
The transactivator HTLV-I Tax activates the promoter of the gene coding for the interleukin 2 alpha-chain receptor -LRB- IL-2R alpha -RRB- via a kappa B site that can bind several protein species of the rel family .
Federal , on its own , had n't been doing very well overseas .
The growing financial difficulties of recent high-leverage restructurings or takeovers , such as Resorts International , Integrated Resources , and Campeau 's retailing empire , have cast a pall over the entire market for high-yield securities .
Portrait studios have also latched onto the trend .
Isao Ushikubo , general manager of the investment research department at Toyo Trust & Banking Co. , also was optimistic .
Blue Arrow of Britain plans to return to the name Manpower and take a big write-off .
They expect a 2.6 % rise in 1990 in the gross national product , after adjustment for inflation .
The transcriptionally active factors mediating the effect of the HTLV-I Tax transactivator on the IL-2R alpha kappa B enhancer include the product of the c-rel proto-oncogene .
BSN said it is making the offer to shrink its capital and increase shareholder value .
The continuing series of HUD scandals is a sadly predictable result of pork-barrel politics .
Among benchmark issues : -- Japan 's No. 111 4.6 % bond due 1998 ended on brokers screens at 96.15 , up 1.17 point .
And classic black-and-white movies are enjoying a comeback on videocassette tapes , spurred , in part , by the backlash against colorization of old films .
This sequence element was referred to as the BAT box and its deletion significantly reduced the activity of a CD20 promoter-CAT construct in B cells .
The brokerage also reported a loss of $ 2.2 million from the discontinued operations and disposal of its Fine Homes International Limited Partnership real-estate subsidiary .
When the market opened here , bonds prices fell as the stock market regained strength .
The new expiration date is the date on which DIG 's financing commitments , which total about $ 240 million , are to expire .
In Australia , Sydney 's All Ordinaries index closed at 1601.5 , down 8.1 % , its biggest drop since October 1987 .
But prices of junk bonds , which were battered Friday in near standstill trading , rebounded to post small gains after a volatile trading session .
However , only that located at the 3' end appeared to be utilized in the 2.3-kb cDNA .
PBL constitutively express c-jun transcripts , and the level of c-jun mRNA is not altered by PHA activation in the absence or presence of EC .
This was evidenced by the ability of the AP-1 site to compete with the NF-AT site for binding to NF-AT and by the capacity of immobilized anti-Jun and anti-Fos antibodies to deplete NF-AT-binding activity from nuclear extracts of activated T cells .
But while the NAHB has suggested actions that states and localities should take to reduce regulatory barriers , the association has proposed no activist legislative program -- comparable to , say , its detailed request for more federal subsidies -- to eliminate counterproductive controls .
All told , the federal government already guarantees more than $ 900 billion of mortgages .
Burmah , which owns the Castrol brand of lubricant oils , reported a 17 % rise in net income to # 43.5 million -LRB- $ 68.3 million -RRB- in the first half .
The addition of cycloheximide completely blocked the VitD3 induction of CD14 mRNA expression , indicating that the induction was dependent on ongoing protein synthesis .
Since founding the company , the charismatic Vietnam vet , who is still only 46 years old , has fostered an ethos of combat .
FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION -LRB- Fannie Mae -RRB- : Posted yields on 30 year mortgage commitments for delivery within 30 days -LRB- priced at par -RRB- .9.82 % , standard conventional fixed rate-mortgages ; 8.70 % , 6\/2 rate capped one-year adjustable rate mortgages .
The sequence located upstream of the J delta 1 segment corresponded to the previously reported germ-line sequence .
Retail investors dumped holdings on a massive scale , pushing some blue-chip shares down as much as 20 % .
Analysts cited memories of two years ago , when many small investors held on to their shares after the October crash but the West German market continued to decline steeply for the next three months .
Analysts are downbeat about IBM 's outlook for the next few quarters .
Revenue was $ 444.9 million , including net interest , down slightly from $ 450.7 million .
It is n't ordinary like color . ''
Sales grew almost 7 % to $ 279.1 million from $ 261.3 million .
AMR opened Monday at $ 80 , down nearly 20 % from Thursday 's close .
The results show for the first time that a DNA-binding protein can be used for affinity purification of fusion proteins as exemplified by the specific and gentle recovery of beta-galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase from bacterial lysates using immunomagnetic separation .
Underlying this optimism is the index 's longstanding ability to signal recessions or recoveries , as the case may be , by substantially greater periods than the Commerce Department 's index of leading indicators .
Japanese investors and traders expressed relief that the Tokyo market did n't fall more sharply .
Investment-grade corporate bonds , mortgage-backed securities and municipal bonds also fell .
But rather than set the tone for other markets , Japan 's major institutional investors chose to remain on the sidelines .
The computer giant partly cited a stronger dollar and a delay in shipping a new high-end disk drive .
CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT : 8.05 % one month ; 8.02 % two months ; 8 % three months ; 7.98 % six months ; 7.95 % one year .
However , the phosphorylation of the precursor interleukin-1 alpha cytokine was increased .
That 's just the beginning , '' he says .
Fidelity , for example , prepared ads several months ago in case of a market plunge .
Responses to jun-B were not related to age , sex , or human leukocyte antigen status .
Our results are consistent with the view that the DNA-binding activity LEF1/BCF1 is a homodimer of E2A proteins ; the selective appearance of this putative cell-specific transcription factor in B lymphoid cells seems to be attributable , at least in part , to the elevated E2A protein concentrations in these cells .
The complicated language in the huge new law has muddied the fight .
It is impossible to know whether that theory is realistic .
Cell type- and stage-specific expression of the CD20/B1 antigen correlates with the activity of a diverged octamer DNA motif present in its promoter .
The moves may help the firm solidify its dominance of the U.S. temporary-help market .
The myeloid integrin CD11b is expressed selectively on the surface of mature macrophages , monocytes , neutrophils , and natural killer cells .
U.S. Banknote Co. said it again extended the expiration date of its $ 7-a-share tender offer for International Banknote Co. to Nov. 15 .
Although the Tiger acquisition has brought Federal a long way toward becoming the global player it wants to be , it also has brought problems .
It is the vast shadow government of 15,000 congressional staffers that helps create such legislative atrocities as the 1,376 page , 13-pound reconciliation bill that claimed to be the budget of the United States .
These results suggest that in human T lymphocytes both Dex and CsA inhibited IL-2 gene transcription through interference with transcription factors AP-1 and NF-AT .
`` We have sufficient cash flow to handle that , '' he said .
A midmorning rebound brought it back to show a gain of about 200 at the end of the morning session , but the rally failed in the afternoon , and the market closed near the day 's low .
A natural gas rule was struck down by a federal appeals court .
Costimulation of peripheral blood T cell activation by human endothelial cells .
Sales for the Pittsburgh-based producer of specialty steels and other materials fell to about $ 265 million in the third quarter from $ 320.5 million a year earlier , he said .
One big obstacle is that few drugstores develop the film anymore .
If you guessed black-and-white snapshots , you 're right .
`` We went down 3\/4 point in 10 minutes right before lunch , then after lunch we went up 3\/4 point in 12 minutes , '' he said .
EC alone do not induce c-fos mRNA but augment the level of c-fos mRNA in PHA-activated T cells by 3- to 10-fold .
Burmah Oil PLC , a British independent oil and specialty chemicals marketing concern , said SHV Holdings N.V. of the Netherlands has built up a 6.7 % stake in the company .
`` The HUD budget has dropped by more than 70 % since 1980 , '' argues Mr. Colton .
The August trade deficit is expected to have widened to $ 9.1 billion from $ 7.58 billion in July .
We demonstrate that , in normal human T cells , an AP-1 protein is a component of the NF-AT protein complex .
Agfa recently signed Olympic gold medalist Florence Griffith-Joyner to endorse a new line of black-and-white paper that 's geared to consumers and will compete directly with Kodak 's papers .
Those results included a $ 2.7 million charge related to the retirement of debt .
Prices for the 416.3 million shares that changed hands during the session were carried on the exchange 's trading tape with barely a delay , officials said .
But the session was orderly , in contrast to the market 's four-day closure after the 1987 crash .
Markets --
Many employers have already begun moving to southern countries such as Spain and Italy , where wages are low and unions are weaker ; demand for trained labor and managers will rise there , FMC says .
Some give lump-sum incentives .
Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that this HS-40 enhancer-zeta 2 globin promoter interaction is mediated by the two GATA-1 factor binding motifs located at -230 and -104 , respectively .
The stock market has lost some precursory power , analysts at the Columbia center claim , because of the growing impact of international developments .
Unfortunately , the organization 's desire for pork tends to override its commitment to overall fiscal responsibility .
AMR slid $ 22.125 , to $ 76.50 .
Allegheny Ludlum Corp. expects to report third-quarter net of about $ 34 million , or $ 1.50 a share , down from $ 38.4 million , or $ 1.70 a share , a year earlier , Richard P. Simmons , chairman and chief executive officer , told institutional investors in New York .
Telephone service has been improved for customers trying to reach their brokers , and specialists -- who I believe should stay , despite the urgings of some post-crash critics -- have larger capital positions .
The data also indicate that CD2 receptor activation and phytohemagglutinin plus phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate stimulation augment T cell IL3 gene expression through the same cis- and trans-activating signals .
The presence of an AP-1 protein in the NF-AT protein complex may regulate NF-AT-binding activity through protein-protein interaction .
The new circuit breakers , if they are to be applied at all , will require that futures and options trading continue as long as the New York Stock Exchange remains open .
Diplomatic sources said Mr. Kohl may now agree to set a date for the conference to make it clear that West Germany is still committed to EC unity .
In the first nine months of 1988 , net was $ 85 million , or $ 3.76 a share .
`` They 've been laggard , '' he says , `` but they 'll have to become more aggressive . ''
In the first 25 minutes of Tuesday 's trading the Nikkei index soared 664.83 points , to 35133.83 .
Together these results suggest that the BAT box binding proteins are important in the B cell specific expression of CD20 and perhaps CD21 .
The Sacramento , Calif. , company also attributed improved performance to a lower effective tax rate and higher interest income .
No fiddling with systems and procedures will ever prevent markets from suffering a panic wave of selling .
In addition , the macrophage transcription factor PU.1 binds the CD11b promoter in vitro and in vivo close to the Sp1 site .
The regulation had prevented pipeline firms from passing part of $ 1 billion in costs along to customers .
Cross competition experiments with an octamer sequence from the Ig heavy chain promoter , the BAT box , and a TA-rich sequence present in the CD21 promoter revealed that all three sequences bound the same nuclear proteins suggesting that the BAT box binding proteins were Oct-1 and Oct-2 .
Rates are determined by the difference between the purchase price and face value .
He said the third-quarter estimate indicates profit for the nine months of $ 4.65 a share , `` almost equal to the full-year 1988 earnings '' of $ 108.6 million , or $ 4.81 a share .
Several analysts said Malaysia and Singapore had the biggest losses because they are relatively open to rapid cash flows .
Late yesterday Ginnie Mae 9 % securities were yielding 9.39 % to a 12-year average life assumption , as the spread above the Treasury 10-year note narrowed 0.01 percentage point to 1.42 .
There 's nothing unusual about business groups pushing for more government spending .
Junk bonds opened as much as four points lower but staged a modest comeback as stock prices firmed .
Trendy magazine advertisements feature stark black-and-white photos of Hollywood celebrities pitching jeans , shoes and liquor .
The group consists of Weslock Corp. and JPI Modern Inc .
For the third year in a row , consumers voted Bill Cosby first and James Garner second in persuasiveness as spokesmen in TV commercials , according to Video Storyboard Tests , New York .
As a result , high-yield mutual funds have declined across the board and the many firms planning to sell $ 11 billion in junk bonds before year-end are experiencing anxious times .
Each warrant allows the holder to buy one BSN share for $ 10.75 a share at any time over the next seven years .
Under terms of the offer , the sporting goods maker will swap $ 9 face amount of 9 1\/4 % subordinated notes due 1996 and one warrant for each common share .
The rate is considered an early signal of changes in Fed policy .
Moody 's Investors Service Inc. said it reduced its rating on $ 281 million of senior and subordinated debt of this thrift holding company , to C from Ca , saying it believes bondholders will recover only `` negligible principal . ''
Annualized average rate of return after expenses for the past 30 days ; not a forecast of future returns .
And black-and-white photography classes are crowded with students .
BMA Corp. , Kansas City , Mo. , said it 's weighing `` strategic alternatives , '' for its Business Men 's Assurance Co. unit , and is contacting possible buyers of the life and health insurance operation .
A unit of troubled Southmark Corp. , the operator of nursing homes and retirement centers said it sustained a net loss of $ 1.6 million , or nine cents a share , compared with net income of $ 1.3 million , or eight cents a share , a year earlier .
At its low , shortly before Wall Street opened , it was off more than 130 points .
The company deliberately understaffs , stretching employees ' schedules to the limit .
An Association of Academic Health Centers report urges freeing nurses from duties that do n't require special skills .
Typical rates in the secondary market : 8.40 % one month ; 8.40 % three months ; 8.40 % six months .
Hong Kong is the region 's next most open market , but many foreign investors have been staying away from it since it plunged in June amid political turmoil in China .
United Biscuits said the combined group , which will include businesses such as McVities biscuits and Terry 's confectionery , will have annual sales of more than # 1.5 billion -LRB- $ 2.35 billion -RRB- and trading profit of more than # 160 million -LRB- $ 251 million -RRB- .
Such features have been especially attractive to professional photographers and marketing executives , who have been steadily increasing their use of black and white in advertising .
Kent Colton , NAHB executive vice president , argues that the U.S. faces a multifaceted housing crisis -- reduced affordability of homes for first-time buyers , increased homelessness , and lower apartment construction rates -- that will be `` very difficult '' to solve `` without expanded federal resources . ''
I would n't have a problem if other programs had taken a similar hit . ''
Big Bear does n't care for disposable diapers , which are n't biodegradable .
Nuclear extracts from primary human T lymphocytes were analyzed by electrophoretic DNA mobility shift assays .
TREATING EMPLOYEES with respect is crucial for managers , says consultant Hay Group after surveys of a million workers .
About 72 % reimburse for all or some losses .
Big Bear Supermarkets Inc. , a grocery chain based in San Diego , plans to display shelf cards and distribute pamphlets recommending products deemed safe for the environment .
Copyright 1999 Academic Press .