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Renkon-Core: An FRP evaluator


Renkon is an FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) evaluator for building interactive web and Node.js applications. A program consists of a set of reactive nodes. Each node reacts to input changes and produces an output. Other nodes that depend on the output, in turn, produce their outputs, and updates on nodes propagate through the "dependency network."

Renkon stands out from other reactive web UI frameworks in three ways:

  • Native Promises and Generators in JavaScript are integrated cleanly.
  • Following the original FRP, discrete events and continuous values are separated.
  • The definition of reactive nodes can be edited dynamically, even from within the environment itself.

This results in a very simple yet powerful framework compared to some existing ones:

  • No need for "duct tapes" like useEffect. Asynchronous actions and state updates are nicely integrated.
  • No need to manually create reactive state values and manage them by resetting them.
  • Existing libraries, such as interfaces to an LLM, can be directly used.
  • Quickly explore by modifying code in the live environment.
  • The program is isomorphic to a box and wire diagram, opening up the possibility of different editing modes.

Here is a simple example code:

const mod = import("./foo.js");
const hundred = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(100), 500));
const timer = Events.timer(1000);
console.log(mod.ten() + hundred + timer);

The first line with import returns a promise that resolves to a JavaScript module. Let us assume that it exports a function called ten() that returns number ten (10). The node hundred is a Promise that resolves to 100 after 500ms. timer is an event that produces a new value every 1000ms. The last line with the console.log() call depends on three nodes (mod, hundred, and timer), and when each of these has a value, the console.log function is executed, and you see an output in the console. After mod and hundred have resolved, each time timer updates, the console.log() line is reevaluated. Consequently, you'd see a new console.log output added to a sequence like 1110, 2110, 3110...

Note that Renkon is a different language from JavaScript, though the surface syntax of it draws upon JavaScript. In other words, a JavaScript parser can parse any Renkon program but they work differently.

FRP in Nutshell

Functional Reactive Programming is a clean way to describe an application as an acyclic graph of data dependency. Lately, all popular UI frameworks have reactivity based on the same basic idea.

However, the original FRP had two concepts that recent reactive frameworks failed to incorporate. One is the clear definition of logical time and functions on the time domain. The other is the clear separation between "events" that only exist at certain instants on the time domain and "behaviors" that exist continuously on the time domain. As you use Renkon and read this document, you will see the benefits of these concepts.

When you construct an application in FRP, you think of the application state as a set of "nodes," and each node's value is a function of time t. A node is a function that uses values from other nodes and computes its value. In other words, a node depends on other nodes, and the dependency relationship forms a graph. When a "leaf" node changes its value due to an event occurring at time t, the changes are propagated through the dependency graph. The result is that the application state is computed consistently for logical time t. When a set of nodes compute the values the computation is done at the same logical time, regardless of how much CPU time they actually use. This notion is sometimes called "synchronous," in the sense that all computation takes exactly 0 time.

As described above, an event is a function that has a value only at certain instants on the timeline. What is the value of an event when there is no value in Renkon? Renkon is based on JavaScript, and JavaScript conveniently has undefined and null. They may be treated interchangeably in a regular JavaScript program, but Renkon uses undefined to indicate that the value does not exist at the time, while null is used to indicate that the value does exist but is empty. In other words, a node won't be evaluated when one of the dependencies is undefined.

Renkon-Core, Renkon-Web and Renkon-Node

The evaluator of Renkon is written in JavaScript (TypeScript), and it independent from Web-based or Node-based execution enviornment. Renkon-Web is the web-based environment with in-world code editor. Renkon-Node is the Node.js based environment that can load a program from a file.

Refer to the README of each of those for their specifics, including how to set up your program.

Renkon by Examples

Let us describe some more building blocks of Renkon. These are called "combinators," which combine other FRP nodes to do more things.

The examples below assumes the web-based environment, where the browser built-in features such as document.querySelector() is available.

const collection = Behaviors.collect([], Events.or(button, timer), (current, value) => {
    if (typeof value === "number") {
         return [...current, value];
    return [];
const timer = Events.timer(1000);
const button = Events.listener(document.querySelector("#myButton"), "click", evt => evt);

In the example above, Events.or() is a combinator that produces a new value when one of the arguments, in this case, button or timer, gets a value. Behaviors.collect is a combinator that starts from the initial value specified as the first argument, in this case []. The combinator uses the second argument, in this case Events.or(button, timer) as the trigger. When the trigger gets a value, the value of the combinator is computed by applying the updater function as the third argument to the current value, and the value from the trigger, and the value returned from it becomes the new value. (In other languages, the combinator may be called followed by or fby; it is an initial value followed by updates.)

The button node is created by the Events.listener call. It adds a DOM event listener (in this case, click) to the button named myButton.

Because the Event.or combinator "forwards" the value from one of the arguments, the value argument for the updater is either a DOM click event coming from the button click or a number coming from timer. The body of the updater checks the type of value, and if it is a number, it appends the value to the collection. If not, it resets collection to an empty array. In effect, the collection gets a new element each second but resets when the user presses the button.

It is cumbersome to write the test of incoming value in collect. There is a variation called select that can take a pair of the triggering event and reducer function as variable-length arguments. The above collection node can be written as:

const collection =[], button (current, value) => [], timer, (current, value) => {
  return [...current, value];

There are two pairs. One is for the button trigger and its reaction, and another is timer trigger and its reaction.

Some combinators have both the "Event" variant and "Behavior" variant, depending on whether the value should be available only at the instant or kept until it changes again. In the example above, collect and timer have both variants, but Events.or does not have a Behavior counterpart. (... at the moment at least; it could be a kind of select operation that keeps the last value from whichever argument). In general, anything that is used as a kind of "trigger" should be an event, whose value is cleared after the event's time t. In the above example, Behaviors.collect can be changed to Events.collect, and the program would produce the same sequence of output in the developer console, as the collection value is computed and the console.log line that depends on the collection is executed at time t. But if you want to use the array in other parts of the program at a later time, it should be a behavior that keeps the value.

A constant value is treated as a behavior, meaning that it is a function that always returns the same value:

const a = 3;
const b = a + 4;

In the program above, a is a behavior that is always 3, and b is also a behavior that is always 7.

A Promise is treated as something resolves to a value treated as Behavior.This means that the value of the node is undefined until the Promise resolves, and then the resolved value is available later on.

A Generator typically generates values repeatedly over time, and each result is treated as an event. Imagine that there is a JS library named "llama" that returns a word from an LLM at a time. In the following code, llama.llama() returns an async generator. We have a combinator called that gets a new value when the generator produces it.

const gen = llama.llama(enter, {...config.params}, config);
const v =;

const log = Behaviors.collect([], v, (a, b) => {
    if (b.done) return [...a, b.value];
    return a;

There are "natural conversions" between Events and Behaviors. You can convert an event to a behavior by making it a "step function" where the last value of the event becomes the current value of the behavior.

const anEvent = Events.timer(1000);
const b = Behaviors.keep(anEvent);

To create an event from a behavior, we assume that the behavior's time domain is discretized in the implementation, and make an event that fires when the value of the behavior changes.

const aBehavior = Behaviors.timer(1000);
const e = Events.change(aBehavior);

Creating DOM Elements as Values.

Renkon is agnostic to the display and DOM manipulation mechanism. For example, one can write this on a page that has a div called "output," and its text content updates every second:

const timer = Events.timer(1000);
document.querySelector("#output").textContent = `${timer}`;

But this way of assigning a value quickly becomes unwieldy.

One can use the HTM library (Hyperscript Tagged Markup) from the Preact community. HTM is like JSX used by React and other frameworks, but it instead uses JavaScript's built-in "tagged templates" feature to construct virtual DOM elements. It can "render" virtual DOM elements as actual DOM elements. HTM is a great match with a reactive framework, as the virtual DOM elements themselves can be used as values within the framework. In other words, instead of writing code that "does" something on a DOM element to make it so, you write code to produce a value that says the DOM should "be" like this. If you have the collection in the example above, you can make a list of spans for each element and "render" them:

const preactModule = import('');
const html = preactModule.html;
const render = preactModule.render;

const dom = html`<div class="foo">${ => html`<span>${word}</span>`)}</div>`;
render(dom, document.querySelector("#output"));

Yes, Renkon being agnostic of the display mechanism means that you can load HTM dynamically from your program and use it.

The dom behavior is computed whenever collection changes, and the render function is invoked as its dependency, dom, is updated.

Breaking out a Cyclic Dependency

FRP has a strong notion that an event or a behavior has at most one value at a given time t. If your program has a cyclic dependency, for example:

const a = b + 1;
const b = a + 1;

then the system cannot compute a consistent result for time t. This program is invalid.

However, this restriction is too strong in many practical use cases. Let us say that you want to create the reset button in the above example from your program dynamically, but only when there is a certain number of elements. This means that the dynamically created button depends on the value of collection, but collection depends on the output from the button. This is circular.

There are two ways to break such typical cyclic dependencies. One is called "send/receive." A send combinator can request a "future" update on the receiver:


const reset = Events.receiver();
const resetter = (evt) => Events.send(reset, "reset");
const timer = Events.timer(1000);
const collection = Behaviors.collect([], Events.or(reset, timer), (current, value) => {
    if (typeof value === "number") {
        return [...current, value];
    if (value === "reset") {return [];}

const buttonHTM = ((collection) => {
   if (collection.length > 5) {
       return html`<button onClick=${resetter}>reset</button>`
   return html`<div></div>`;

render(buttonHTM, document.querySelector("#buttonHolder"));

In this example, the reset node created by Events.receiver() gets a value in the "next evaluation cycle" when the Events.send combinator is invoked. The resetter is a vanilla JS function, so it can be attached to the HTM virtual DOM as an event handler (onClick). The buttonHTM is either a button virtual DOM or an empty div.

Another way to accommodate cyclic dependency is to use the "$-variable" specification. Let us say that we want to use the HTML's AbortController, which is used to stop a fetch request in the middle. Because an LLM typically generates output words one at a time, a fetch call typically uses the Connection: "keep-alive" mode. The long running request can be aborted when the AbortController signals. The following is code taken from the popular llama.cpp client code:

const response = await fetch(config.url, {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(completionParams),
    headers: {
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'text/event-stream',
    signal: abortController.signal,

Notice that the headers property has 'Connection': 'keep-alive' and the signal property uses an AbortController.

A chat interface would call this code multiple times, but a new AbortController needs to be created for each call. Let us say that upon the completion of the request, an array called responses that holds onto the all responses from the LLM gets a new element at the end. In this setting, responses depends on the abortController because the fetch call that uses the abortController updates it. At the same time, the abortController depends on responses as the abortController node needs to get a new value upon the completion of a request.

const abortController = Behaviors.collect(
    new AbortController(),
    (old, _new) => {
        return new AbortController();

const responses = Behaviors.collect([], result, (chunks, resp) => {
    if (resp.done) return [...chunks, resp.value];
    return chunks;

The trigger for the abortController node is Events.change($responses). The dollar sign ("$") means that the trigger depends on the value of responses in previous evaluation cycle. You could imagine that in a programming language that allows a "prime" (') in a variable name, it would be written as response'. The Events.change combinator fires when there is a change in responses, effectively when responses gets a new element.

For responses, the result trigger is the result from a generator that includes the sentence from the generator. Its done property indicates whether the generator has exited or not. if done is true, it means the request is completed, so the responses array gets updated. The return chunks part means that the fetch call is still ongoing, so chunks simply returns the current value.

You can think that collect is the third way to break cyclic dependency; the node depends on itself, but the updater uses its own value as the "previous" value, and with the current input at time t, it produces a value for time t.

Live Editing

We explained the language in isolation above, but it is part of a live-editable environment. One can have a text editor on the same page as your application.

We discussed the dependency graph above, but how does a node determine what other nodes it depends on? The answer is "it uses variable names." Let's see what it means with a simple example:

const a = 3;
const b = a + 4;

The language system examines the definition of each node. For a, it determines that a does not depend on any other variable. It also examines b (a + 4), and it figures out that b needs "something named a to compute b's value. The system does not need to know what actually is a; b just remembers that it depends on a node named a. To evaluate b, the value associated with a is looked up, and if the value is different from the last time b was evaluated, then b is updated with the new value.

In this way, one can simply swap out the definition of a at runtime. This is the basis of the Live editing of Renkon program.

One could imagine to update the definition of a in the live manner to this:

const a = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(10), 1000));
const b = a + 4;

When you make this live edit, the value of a becomes undefined but b keeps its current value. When the Promise resolves, b is evaluated to become 14.

One can experiment Renkon code in the default Renkon page. Check the following video.

You open the editor in the drawer, and paste the code. Note that the pasted test has <script type="reactive"> that surrounds the program part, and then a div element named output.

When you press the "Update" button, the content as is is added to the document. So you can include DOM elments as well as code. If you open the developer console, you can see that what you put in the editor indeed is a part of the HTML.

You can simply edit the code in the editor, in this video add some style to the "words". Notice that the collection array is kept when you update code so that you can experiment things quickly.


There are numbers of combinators that can be used to combine other FRP nodes.


Events.listener(dom: HTMLElement|string, eventName:string,
                                 handler: (evt:any) => void, options?:any)

Events.listener creates an event node that fires when a specified DOM event occurs. The first argument can be a string; in that case, the element found with querySelector is used.


Events.delay(node, delay: number)

The event specified in the first argument will trigger delay logical milliseconds later. The first argument can be either a behavior or an event; if it is a behavior, the change will be delayed with this combinator.


Events.timer(interval: number)

This creates a node that fires at the specified interval in logical time. The value is a multiple of the interval.



This converts a behavior to an event. When the value chagnes in the behavior, the event fires.



This event fires when one of the dependencies fires. If two or more dependencies fire at the same logical time, the implementatio chooses the left-most one. The value of the event is the value of the dependency that fired.


Events.collect<I, T>(init:I, event:Event, updater: (c: I, v:T) => I)

This event fires when the event argument fires. the previous value, starting from the init and the new value of the event is passed to the updater function and the returned value is used as the value of the event. Because this is an event, even though the value is kept internally, the value is not available at the other logical time.


Events.observe(callback:ObserveCallback, options?:any)

This creates an event that fires when the callback function is invoked. For example:

const inputs = Events.observe((notifier) => {
    window.onmessage = (event) => {
    return () => window.onmessage = null;
}, {queued: true});

The optional argument can specify "queued", which returns an array of potentially a multiple values for the same logical time.



The event shallowly scan the object's properties (it may be an array or an object). If there are promises found, they are waited to resolve, and the shallow copy of the object with resolved values is used as the value of the event.<T>(generator:Generator<T>)

This event takes an async generator as its argument. The event gets a new value when the promise returned from the generator resolves.

const gen = llama(aString, params, config);  // the llama function from the llamacpp 
const value =;



This behavior takes an event as argument, and keeps the last value fired as its state.


Behaviors.collect<I, T>(init:I, event:Event, updater: (c: I, v:T) => I)

This behavior updates when the event argument fires. the previous value, starting from the init and the new value of the event is passed to the updater function and the returned value is used as the value of the event.<I>(init:I, ...event:Event, updater: (c: I, v:any) => I, ...)

This behavior updates when one of the events fires. The corresponding two-argument function is called with the current value and the event's value, and the value returned becomes the node's new value.

In the current implementation, has to be a top-level node such as:

const v =, ...);



This creates a node that fires at the specified interval in logical time. The value is a multiple of the interval.


Behaviors.delay(stream, delay: number)

The behavior or event specified in the first argument will become the value of the behavior after delay logical milliseconds. The first argument can be either a behavior or an event.



The event shallowly scan the object's properties (it may be an array or an object). If there are promises found, they are waited to resolve, and the shallow copy of the object with resolved values is used as the value of the event.



This behavior applies the regexp to the names of the existing nodes, and gather the values of them as an object, keyed by the name. Note that the test to find matching node names is done once at setupProgram (or updateProgram) call. In other words, this node is not reactive to the regexp change. It is adviced to give a constant string as the regexp argument to avoid confusion.

APIs to manipulate the ProgramState object

The Renkon evaluator holds a set of Renkon FRP nodes and topologically sort them according to their dependency relationship. When an evaluation step starts, the evaluator walks through the sorted list, and evaluate them as necessary.

All runtime data structure is stored in an instance of the ProgramState class. The instance itself is visible as global Renkon variable. You can instantiate ProgramState and set up your program without calling the view() function. For example you can use Renkon evaluator in this way in a regular JavaScript code:

const state = new ProgramState(0);
state.setupProgram([`const a = Events.timer(100); const b = a + 10;`]);

This code snippets creates an instance of ProgramState with the initial time to be zero (0), and setup nodes in it by calling setupProgram() method with the renkon program text. Then the evaluate() method with a logical time as argument evaluates necessary nodes.

The following is a list of methods of ProgramState


constructor(startTime:number, app?:any, noTicking?:boolean);

The arguments are startTime for the initial value for the logical time, app that is an any object to be stored in the app property, and noTicking flag to specify if it does not start a animationFrame evaluation cycle.



This method takes an array of strings that contain renkon programs. A string can contain any number of node definitions, and you can think that all strings are concatenated to form one program.

If there are duplicated definition for the same name, the latter definition is used.

Also refer to the updateProgram() method. setupProgram mutates the ProgramState and may break the on going evaluation cycle if called from the Renkon program it is running.



This is similar to setupProgram() but intended to be called from the Renkon program itself. The scripts value is temporarily kept until the current evaluation cycle finishes, and then it is used to call setupProgram on the ProgramState. The ProgramState object keepts the array of program text in the scripts property, so if you want to add the definition of a node, you can call the method like this:

state.updateProgram(...state.scripts, "const x = a + b;")



This method triggers an evaluation step. The argument is the logical time. It updates the values of nodes as necessary, and then clears out values of Events with undefined.


This method sets the value of a Event.receiver(). For example, let us say your program is set up like this:

const state = new ProgramState(0);
state.setupProgram([`const rec = Events.receiver(); console.log(rec)`]);

Then you can "inject" a value into the rec node by calling registerEvent from outside:

state.registerEvent("rec", {text: "hello"});

and then:


will show the result in the console, as the "rec" gets a value and the console.log(rec) will be evaluated.



This method takes a set of node definitions from a function definition, and effectively appends the node definitions to exsting scripts.

The function has to have the structure that looks like:

function component1(a, b) {
    const c = a + 42;
    const d = b + Events.timer(100);
    const {h} = import("../preact.standalone.module.js");
    const html = h("div", {color: "#d22"}, c, d);
    return [html];

where the function arguments ("a", "b", etc.) are not relevant for the merge operation semantically, but they help the syntax checker to know what are referenced by the set of nodes in the body. The last return value is not used for merge but the function has to return an array.

The merge operation takes the source code of this function, and "c", "d", "h" and "html" are added to the ProgramState.



The component method creates a separate ProgramState instance, sets up the new ProgramState with the definitions in func. The func function is expected to have the form (the same as merge):

export function componentFunc(a, b) {
    const c = a + 42;
    const d = b + Events.timer(100);
    const {h} = import("../preact.standalone.module.js");
    const html = h("div", {color: "#d22"}, c, d);
    return [html];

On the calling side, you use this function from your owning Renkon program:

  const {componentFunc} = import("./component.js");
  const component = Renkon.component(componentFunc);
  const a = Events.timer(100);
  const instanceOfComponent = component({a, b: 10000});
  const html = instanceOfComponent.html;

Here, component node is the componentized function componentFunc, and the instanceOfComponent is an instance of the component. The html property is available on instanceOfComponent because the last return line specifies that that is exposed from the component.




This method takes a partial path, and based on where the base program is installed tries to construct a full URL when running on the substrate OS.




The Renkon evaluator allows you to set breakpoints on the evaluation of a node. Those three methods updates the breakpoints for the evaluator.

When the evaluator evaluated a node whose name is in the breakpoints list, it hits the debugger statement of the JS developer tool. You can inspect the "trace" displayed in the console that shows the evaluated nodes in that evaluation cycle.

Comparison to Other Frameworks

No useEffect Needed

Renkon does not need the equivalent of useEffect in React. React forces you to manually provide the dependencies in the array for useEffect, yet it does not have the equivalent of Events.or. So if you want to have a block that uses two possible update sources, but typically only one updates, you'd have to check which dependency was updated manually.

No await, async, then, and Promise.all Needed

Promises in JavaScript are powerful and useful, but the extra syntax and understanding how execution works require some experience. Renkon makes those integrated.

No Signals Needed

Renkon does not need a new construct to have a reactive value. There are proposals to add "Signals" to JavaScript, but they require you to assign your value to the value property.

Signals are conceptually close to Behaviors, but not having the Events counterpart complicates your program.

In the tutorial of Preact's Signals, the addToDo function needs to explicitly clear text.value. Imagine that someone wants to add two to-do items that happen to have the same text. If you don't clear the value, the user cannot do it. But then, how would the creator of the program know that addToDo is the right place to clear the value? Later on, the app gets a feature that requires the use of text.value.

If one were to write a similar To-Do program in Renkon, the "text" node would be an event that depends on the user click event. The dependency graph is updated at the event's time t, with all places that use text being updated, then the value becomes unavailable. Next time, the user may submit the exact same content for text, and the program adds the second entry as expected.

computed(), effect(), and batch() of Signals are also not necessary in Renkon.

Maps and Sets Can Be Used in a Sane Way

One of the issues with building a large application in React is that it is not easy to get it right with Maps and Sets in data. Imagine if you have 1,000 elements in a Map and make a list of virtual DOM elements for each, and then render it. First, an element added itself may not trigger the update detection, so you might have to copy the Map with 1,000 elements and then add a new entry. React's reconciliation logic tries to be fast, but it would still need to compare two long lists of data to add one element.

In Renkon, one could add the new entry to the Map as data and just add a new virtual DOM element to the already existing list of virtual DOM, or you can actually call appendChild() directly.

No Excess Screen Updates

Signals are touted as a way to reduce unnecessary DOM updates, and using HTM+Preact with Renkon has the same benefits. The above-mentioned Preact's Signal tutorial mentions some rendering optimizations; as shown above, Renkon allows even more direct DOM manipulation.


an experimental reactive web development framework







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