Go Lang library to send messages to MSTeams via Incoming Webhooks.
package main
import "github.com/ykorzikowski/msteams-go-webhook"
import "fmt"
func main() {
webhookUrl := "https://hooks.slack.com/services/foo/bar/baz"
section1 := msteams.Section {
ActivityTitle: "Larry Bryant created a new task",
ActivitySubTitle: "On Project Tango",
ActivityImage: "https://teamsnodesample.azurewebsites.net/static/img/image5.png",
Markdown: true
section1.AddFact(msteams.Fact { Name: "Assigned To", Value: "Unassigned" })
potentialAction1 := msteams.PotentialAction {
Type: "ActionCard",
Name: "Add a comment",
potentialAction1.AddInput ( msteams.Input {Type: "TextInput", Id: "comment", IsMultiline: false, Title: "Add a comment here for this task"})
potentialAction1.AddAction( msteams.Action {Type: "HttpPOST", Name: "Add comment", Target: "http://..."})
payload := msteams.Payload {
Type: "MessageCard",
Context: "http://schema.org/extensions",
ThemeColor: "0076D7",
Summary: "Larry Bryant created a new task",
Sections: []msteams.Section{section1},
PotentialActions: []msteams.PotentialAction{potentialAction1},
err := msteams.Send(webhookUrl, "", payload)
if len(err) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("error: %s\n", err)
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