In addition to the dependencies in requirements.txt, the HSREnv
depends on pyyolo.
Please follow these instructions to install pyyolo, and then change the paths in to your installation path.
To run the HIL-MT server:
python hilmt/
To run the server in debug mode, set the DEBUG
flag to True
To rollout a demonstration of the SetTable
python --domain dishes --task SetTable --data data --teacher
Available tasks are: ClearTable
and SetTable
in the dishes
domain; and Pyramid<n>
(pyramid of height n
) in the pyramid
Annotated demonstrations will be saved in the path provided to --data
To implement new domains, inherit from Env
(or its subclass HSREnv
) -- see PyramidEnv
for example.
To implement new tasks, inherit from Agent
(or its subclass HierarchicalAgent
) -- see PyramidAgent
for example.
Human teleoperation is performed by actions starting with Record_
, which pause the script to allow human control and record it.
Before training, the recorded demonstrations must be fixed to format the recorded control as robot control.
To fix all demonstrations in a path:
python -c "import fix; fix.fix_record('data/dishes/SetTable_fix', 'data/dishes/SetTable_rec')"
To train controllers for the ClearTable
and SetTable
python --domain dishes --tasks ClearTable SetTable --data data
All controllers but the last will be trained independently from all their available data.
The last controller (SetTable
in this case) will be trained with detailed mode selection with the data of past tasks and with new demonstrations added one by one.
The results of training will be saved in results/dishes/ClearTable.SetTable
Use --runs <n>
to repeat training for n
independent trials.
Use --independent
to train the last controller only independently of the other tasks.
Use --full-batch
to train the last controller from all available data, rather than stopping when enough demonstrations were given to successfully train and validate the controller.
To rollout a trained controller:
python --domain dishes --task SetTable --model model --data eval
Data from the evaluation experiment will be saved in the path provided to --data