- pipes send the result of one process to another ( send the output of one commend to the next command instead of displaying on the screen)
: pipe> >> < <<
: redirection
# wc: word count
ls | wc -l # ls the number of the folder or file in the current directory
# redirection 將結果輸出到list.txt
ls > list.txt
# add the information onto the end of the existing file
ls >> list.txt
# redirect the standard output with one & standard error with 2 輸出
# std output: 1, std err: 2
ls /notreal 1>output.txt 2>error.txt
# take information from a file
cat < list.txt
# use the command version of ```echo``` instead of the builtin version, we would write
command echo
![](https://i.imgur.com/CiK3QG6.png =300x)
: print text to the standard output
: represents the user's $HOME environment variable
: create sets or ranges
touch <new file>
: create a new file
# 不能有空格
echo /tmp/{1,2,4}/file.txt
# Output: /tmp/1/file.txt /tmp/2/file.txt /tmp/4/file.txt
echo /tmp/{1..4}/file.txt
# Output: /tmp/1/file.txt /tmp/2/file.txt /tmp/3/file.txt /tmp/4/file.txt
echo {00..100}
echo {00..30..3}
# Output: 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
echo {a..z..2}
# Output: a c e g i k m o q s u w y
echo {cat,dog}_{01..05}
# Output: cat_01 cat_02 cat_03 cat_04 cat_05 dog_01 dog_02 dog_03 dog_04 dog_05
: put the output of one command inside another (command substitution)
# retrieve and transform stored values
echo $a
# Output: HelloWorld
echo ${b}
# Output: BashCommand
echo ${greeting:6:3} # start print at the 6th character and 3 character
man bash # check the paramter using "/" and input the keyword you want to search
greeting="hello there"
echo ${greeting/there/everybody} # replace there with everybody
# Output: hello everybody
echo ${greeting//e/_} # replace all using "//"
# Output: h_llo th_r_
echo ${greeting/e/_} # replace all using "//"
# Output: h_llo there
: puts the output of one command inside another. Often used together with string manipulation tools. e.g. path, file size, IP address
uname -r # get the release version of the kernel
echo "The kernel is $(uname -r)."
# Output: The kernel is 3.0.4(0.338/5/3).
echo "Result: $(python3 -c 'print("Hello from Python!")' | tr [a-z] # transform
: arithmetric expansion does math
echo $((2 + 2))
# Output: 4
Bash script run inside of a noninteractive shell
- Bash script
- text file that contains a series of commands
bash script.sh
- Executable bash script (general way)
- includes a sheband as the first line
#!/usr/bin/env bash
(tells the shell when the script is run & the path to whatever program should run the script) - make executable with
chmod +x myscript
- run locally with ./myscript or myscript if in the $PATH
- includes a sheband as the first line
- keep in mind of
for remind you some situation e.g. read only./script.sh
: run the script on the right directorydeclare -p
: show all the variables that have been set in the current session
# script.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "The value of the myvar variable is: $myvar"
echo "The value of the myvar variable is: $myvar"
declare -r myname="Eric" # read only (cannot change the variable)
echo "The value of the myname variable is: $myname"
echo "The value of the myname variable is: $myname"
declare -l lowerstring="This is some TEXT" # transform into lower case
echo "Lower string is: $lowerstring"
lowerstring="Let's have the LOWER CASE"
echo "Lower string is: $lowerstring"
declare -u upperstring="This is some TEXT" # transform into upper case
echo "Upper string is: $upperstring"
upperstring="Let's have the UPPER CASE"
echo "Upper string is: $upperstring"
# Output
The value of the myvar variable is: Hello
The value of the myvar variable is: World
The value of the myname variable is: Eric
./myscript.sh: line 14: myname: readonly variable
The value of the myname variable is: Eric
Lower string is: this is some text
Lower string is: let's have the lower case
Upper string is: THIS IS SOME TEXT
Upper string is: LET'S HAVE THE UPPER CASE
Supported Arithmetric Operations +, -, *, /, %, **
: (arithmetic expansion) return the result of mathematical operations
: (arithmetic evaluation) perform calculation and change the value of variables
Bash can do integer math, but not decimal or fractional
To do more precise math, consider using bc
or awk
echo $a
# Output: 6
echo $a
# Output: 7
echo $a
# Output: 6
a=$a+2 # bash treat this as a string not a number
# Output: 6+2
# To prevent bash treating the number as string, we use declare
declare -i b=3 # treat as integer
b=$b+3 # no black here
# Output: 6
# for more precise math
declare -i c=1
e=$(echo "scale=3; $c/$b" | bc) # scale: 位數
echo $e
# Output: 0.166
echo $RANDOM
# to get reduce range from 1 to 20
echo $((1 + RANDOM % 20)) # range from 1 to 20
[ ... ]
: an alias for test and is used to test, evaluate, expression (builtin function) 注意前後要空格
use help test
for more information
- 0: success
- 1 or other number: failure
: read the value of the return status
# test whether a file exist
if test -f "$FILE"; then
echo "$FILE exists."
# another way
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
echo "$FILE exists."
# test string operator (=, !=, >, <)
# >: str1 sorts before str2 lexicographically
[ "cat" = "dog" ]; echo $?
[ "cat" = "cat" ]; echo $?
[ 4 -lt 5 ]; echo $? # less than
# Output: 0
[ 5 -ge 3]; echo $? # greater or equal to
# Output: 0
[ ! 5 -ge 3]; echo $? # not greater or equal to
# Output: 1
[[ ... ]]
: extended test
- same operations as test, and add a few other features
- can create a more complex logic (multiple conditions is allowed in one single test)
# whether my home directory is directory & whether the Bash binary exists
[[ -d ~ && -a /bin/bash ]]; echo $?
# Output: 0
[[ -d ~ && -a /bin/mash ]]; echo $?
# Output: 1
[[ -d ~ || -a /bin/bash ]]; echo $?
# Output: 0
[[ -d ~ ]] && echo ~ is a directory
# Output: /home/mobaxterm is a directory
[[ -d /bin/bash ]] && echo ~ is a directory
# since /bin/bash is not a directory, so doesn't output anything
# regular expression
[[ "cat" =~ c.* ]]; echo $?
# Output: 0
echo -e
: control special character
change color: e.g. \033[5mMyStIcAl sPhErE\033[0m
: tab, \n
: new line
echo -e "Name\t\tNumber"; echo -e "Eric\t\t123"
# Output
#Name Number
#Eric 123
echo -e "This text\nbreaks over\nthree lines"
# Output
#This text
#breaks over
#three lines
printf "..."
: Output text using placeholders and formatting
printf "The results are: %d and %d\n" $((2+2)) $((4/1))
![](https://i.imgur.com/nOWmYCR.png =600x)
- support indexed and associative arrays
- remember only one-dimension array is supported in bash (no nested array)
# declare indexed array (use ```-a```)
declare -a snacks=("apple" "banna" "orange")
echo ${snacks[2]}
# Output: orange
echo ${snacks[@]} # @ output the whole array
for i in {0..6}; do echo "$i: ${snacks[$i]}"; done
# Output
#0: apple
#1: banna
#2: orange
#3: mango
#6: grapes
# declare associative array (use ```-A```)
declare -A office
office["building name"]="ABC"
echo ${office["building name"]} is in ${office[city]}
- use some standard tools
: find storage utilizationfree
: find out the memory- use
to extract text from output
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Briefly summarize of system information
freespace=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}')
freememory=$(free -h | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}')
printf "Current system report is summarized below\n"
# printf -v logdate "%(%Y-%m-%d)T"
printf "\tKernel Release:\t%s\n" $(uname -r)
printf "\tBash Version:\t%s\n" $BASH_VERSION
printf "\tFree Storage:\t%s\n" $freespace
printf "\tFree Memory:\t%s\n" $freememory
Current system report is summarized below
./system_report.sh: line 7: /home/mobaxterm: is a directory
Kernel Release: 3.0.4(0.338/5/3)
Bash Version: 4.1.17(0)-release
Free Storage:
Free Memory:
if ...
# if ... else if ... else
if ...; then
elif ...; then
- while
echo "While Loop"
declare -i n=0
while (( n<10 ))
echo "n: $n"
(( n++ ))
- until
echo "Until Loop"
declare -i m=0
until (( m==3 ))
echo "m: $m"
(( m++ ))
- for
echo "For loop"
for i in {0..6}
echo $i
declare -a fruits=("apple" "banana" "cherry")
for i in ${fruits[@]}
echo $i
case $animal in
cat) echo "Feline";;
dog|puppy) echo "Canine";;
*) echo "No match" # else
esac # case spell backward
#!/usr/bin/env bash
greet() {
echo "Hi there, $1. What a nice $2"
# argument start from $1
greet Eric morning
greet Andy evening
- $@: represent the list of arguments given to a function
- $FUNCNAME: represents the name of the function
declare -i i=1
for fruit in $@; do
echo "$i: ${fruit}"
(( i+=1 ))
display_result apple banana cherry grapes
- common usage for log file
- Write to files with output redirection operators (
)echo "abc" > output.txt
: overwrites the contentsecho "abc" >> output.txt
: append to the end of txt
- Read from files with input redirection (
) and read commandwhile read line; do echo $line; done < input.txt
- can read log files with regular expression
# f represents line
while read f
do echo " $f"
done < ~textfile.txt
- include quote viewer, a dice roll, or a card draw
- text that represent a string, filename, and so on
- are represented by numbered variables ($1, $2, and so on)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $0: represent the bash script
echo "The $0 script got the argument $1"
echo "Argument 2 is $2"
./myscript Banana Cherry
- loop for all arguments
for i in $@
echo $i
- allow us to pass information into a script from the CLI
- Are a combination of a dash and a letter (like
) - are accessed using the getopts keyword
- can accept arguments of their own
- can be specified and used in any order
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while getopts u:p: option; dp
case $option in
u) user=$OPTARG;;
p) pass=$OPTARG;;
echo "user: $user / pass: $pass"
./myscript -u Eric -p password123
- used to enable or disable certain features of a script
# ab (flags without colons after them that means I just wanna know whether these flags are used)
while getopts u:p:ab option; dp
case $option in
u) user=$OPTARG;;
p) pass=$OPTARG;;
a) echo "got the A flag";;
b) echo "got the B flag";;
echo "user: $user / pass: $pass"
./myscript -u Eric -p password123 -a
./myscript -u Eric -p password123 -ab
- add
in front ofu:p:
while getopts :u:p:ab option; dp
case $option in
u) user=$OPTARG;;
p) pass=$OPTARG;;
a) echo "got the A flag";;
b) echo "got the B flag";;
?) echo "I don't know what $OPTARG is"
echo "user: $user / pass: $pass"
- script often need input as they run
- the read keyword allows us to gather input, pausing the script unit input is provided
- input is stored in a variable
- allows user input
echo "What is your name?"
read name
echo "What is your password?"
read -s pass # secret (not show on the screen)
read -p "What's your favorite animal? " animal
echo "name: $name, pass: $pass, animal: $animal"
help read
echo "Which animal"
select animal in "cat" "dog" "bird" "fish"
echo "You selected $animal"
What if the user will simply ignore our request. e.g. just by pressing
ignoring input prompts. Might cause problem with empty information -
Sol1: give it a default value to prevent empty situation
#!/usr/bin/env bash
read -ep "Favorite color? " -i "Blue" favcolor
echo $favcolor
- Sol2: use condition to provide users the information
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $#: the number of arguments provided at the command line
if (($# < 3)); then
echo "This command requires 3 arguments:"
echo "username, userid, and favorite number."
echo "username: $1"
echo "userid: $2"
echo "favorite number: $3"
- Sol3: use loops to continue without specifying some kind of input
- It might be irritated for the users, so recommend to give it a default value
read -p "Favorite animal?" fav
while [[ -z $fav ]] # check whether it is empty -z
read -p "Cannot be empty! " fav
echo "$fav was selected."
# give defualt value cat [...]: default format
read -p "Favorite animal? [cat]" fav
while [[ -z $fav ]] # check whether it is empty -z
fav="cat" # set the value equal to whether the default would be
echo "$fav was selected."
: regular expression
# {4}: 4 digits, ask
read -p "What year? [nnnn] " year
until [[ $year =~ [0-9]{4} ]]; do
read -p "A year, please! [nnnn] " year
echo "Selected year: $year"
- tips: read the errors carefully, observe line numbers in errors
- check quotes and escaping
- single quotes ('') and double quotes ("")
- check spacing in tests
will fail but [[ $a -gt 3 ]] will work
- check closure of expansions and substitutions
- add
statement to keep track of parameter flow - use the
built-ins to troubleshoot logic (to guarantee a successful or failed exit code) - break down complex scripts into smaller parts
- Tell Bash to print out commands before it executes them
set -x
and turn it off, you can useset +x
- check the user's Bash version before running the script
[[ ! $BASH_VERSION -ge 4 ]] && echo "You'll need to update to Bash 4+." && exit
- check if the user has nonstandard tools your script uses
[[ ! -a $(which nmap) ]] && echo "This script use Nmap, which was not found on this system." && exit
- write the script so that it's compatible with the Bourne Shell (sh) instead of just Bash