A new-bee's personal distribute transaction frame for Java .
import this jar using maven
config in application.yml
port: 11118
url: jdbc:mysql://
username: root
password: @@@@@@
mode: tcc
U can config different database even different type of dataSource in ur distribute project ! Replace tcc to saga to enable saga mode
Start fist server and config in toml or not.
Use @GlobalTransactional on the mothod u wanna use distribute transactional .
@GlobalTransactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void rpcTest() {
Notice : there's no default rollbackFor exception , U must name one at least !
Now it's all done , try globalTransaction .
mode: tcc
just simple like that !
mode: saga
Due to some SAGA mode that already exists can't promise data consistency ,U can make that happen using fist .
Due to the lock in SAGA , the TCC mode is more effective , but SAGA maybe more reliable cause SAGA won't hold the connection till the transaction ends , less JDBC connection run out Exception .If there's no such high demand in data consistency , U can use SAGA and implement the lock interface by doing nothing to improve concurrency , or U can use different lock with different group , it's up to u .
To define the group to seperate different service group in one instance , this will lock the instance untill globalTransaction finish . Every group using different lock ,same group in different instance don't relate .
U can implement org.chad.notFound.lock.FistLock to implement ur own lock and announce it as a Bean . By default I use a simple lock, which can only lock single instance. U can use a distribute lock to keep data consistency in distribute and multiple instance situation .