We crawled the restaurant reviews from multiple websites.
3-class construction criteria for each source of data.
Criteria is decided by us(human) after examining the actual review data.
0 (Negative) |
1 (Positive) |
2 (Ambiguous) |
diningcode | 0,1,2 | 4,5 | 3 |
kakaomap | 1,2 | 4,5 | 3 |
mangoplate | 별로 | 맛있다! | 괜찮다 |
poing | 0,1 | 4,5 | 2,3 |
siksin | 1.0,1.5,2.0 | 4.5,5.0 | 2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0 |
Number of samples for each source in kr3_raw
0 (Negative) |
1 (Positive) |
2 (Ambiguous) |
diningcode | 6024 | 84328 | 16288 |
kakaomap | 44844 | 103471 | 19795 |
mangoplate | 18504 | 161424 | 48134 |
poing | 373 | 20479 | 3818 |
siksin | 2560 | 25041 | 100208 |
Total | 71066 | 388823 | 182957 |
- Eliminated emojis('😀'), escape sequences('\n', '\b'), speical characters('~','&'), 한글 자모('ㅋ','ㅠ')
- Used spell checker
- Limited length (
2 < len(review) < 4001
These preprocessing deicisons are based on the vocabulary of pre-trained model we used. For exmaple, keeping 'ㅋ' might be a good strategy in other case where 'ㅋ' is included in the vocabulary.
hadn't gone through any of the preprocessing mentioned above.
We crawled 'Region' as the region where the restaurant is located, and 'Category' as the category of food. We want to warn the usage of 'Region' because they are often the querys we used in the crawling process, instead of the real crawled information.