Build during the curfew(Bangladesh), thousands of students where killed and got injured. July 2k24
If the cell is alive, then it stays alive if it has either 2 or 3 live neighbors
If the cell is dead, then it springs to life only in the case that it has 3 live neighbors
User flow
@startuml gameOfLife
actor User
User --> (Home)
(Home) --> (PreModel)
(Home) --> (CustomPattern)
note left of (PreModel)
List of defined models
- auto fill form
- can increase the grid size
end note
(PreModel) --> (FiveCellPattern)
note bottom of (FiveCellPattern)
- min space: [4x4]
- clip: none
end note
(PreModel) --> (Glider)
note bottom of (Glider)
- min space: [4x4]
- clip: none
end note
(PreModel) --> (LightWeightSpaceShip)
note bottom of (LightWeightSpaceShip)
- min space: [5x6]
- clip: none
end note
(PreModel) --> (MiddleWeightSpaceShip)
note bottom of (MiddleWeightSpaceShip)
- min space: [7x7]
- clip: none
end note
(CustomPattern) --> (UserForm)
note right of (UserForm)
- user can insert a predefine at a giver offset
end note
(PreModel) --> Simulate
(UserForm) --> Simulate