4.5.0 (2025-01-18)
- data: djibouti & ethiopia Numbers Format Added (5c4e5d7)
4.4.0 (2024-12-16)
- country-data: update Philippines phone format (621003d)
- add react 19 peer dependency (216ec0d)
4.3.0 (2024-05-18)
- country-data: add Dominican Republic formatting mask and area codes (79f7cf2)
- country-data: add Puerto Rico formatting mask (4b8721a)
- format number for The Netherlands (2e612cd)
4.2.9 (2024-04-29)
- undo: fix undo/redo keys for macOS (544151e)
4.2.8 (2024-04-20)
- country-data: add support for Cayman Islands and Greenland (df90c60)
4.2.7 (2024-04-15)
- country-data: update German phone format (dab8f12)
4.2.6 (2024-02-22)
- some CSS variables (62f901f)
4.2.5 (2024-02-12)
- types: export missing types (59181de)
4.2.4 (2024-02-04)
- build: change build folder to dist, fix repo link (7d495c9)
4.2.3 (2024-02-03)
- remove unreachable d.ts references (01c084b)
4.2.2 (2024-01-29)
- CountrySelectorDropdown: fix preferred countries ordering (9ba9082)
4.2.1 (2024-01-24)
- export ref type (13fd47d)
4.2.0 (2024-01-15)
- CountrySelector: render preferred country list divider as hr element (d1df651)
- CountrySelector: update countries ordering logic (bcb8b89)
4.1.0 (2024-01-11)
- add disableFocusAfterCountrySelect prop (f2750e0)
- usePhoneInput: add ability to skip focus on input after country change in country setter (8277809)
4.0.4 (2023-11-11)
- country-data: add additional Australia formats (9453169)
4.0.3 (2023-11-02)
- countryData: add country codes for Puerto Rico (411a441)
4.0.2 (2023-10-31)
- safari autofocus bug (b7acf49)
4.0.1 (2023-10-27)
- update Sweden format mask (1500e0b)
4.0.0 (2023-10-22)
allow type prefix if input is empty (08e5811)
CountrySelector: add library prefix to country selector list-item id (b45af25)
CountrySelector: fix country name overflow (09e7097)
fix dynamic format mask with disableDialCodeAndPrefix (5cb1e11)
forceDialCode: fix e164Phone value update when input is cleared (0c353e0)
getCursorPosition: reuse isNumeric utility function (65d8618)
getCursorPosition: update cursor position logic, fix cursor jump on disabled dial code values (5256439)
guess initial country when dial code is disabled (c79adc3)
handlePhoneChange: return current country on partial dial code match (dbbf20d)
history: ignore history events on empty input (9c781c1)
ignore input handling if user typed non digit character (b175b4e)
PhoneInput: make ref inherit inner input-ref (819b48d)
PhoneInput: rename formattedValue to displayValue in onChange metadata arg (3479ae5)
PhoneInput: support ref forwarding (f2d3de8)
rename displayValue to inputValue in onChange callback (e78a13e)
rename getCountryCurrentFormat to getCountryMaskFormat, add it to export (fca84d4)
rename getCountryMaskFormat helper function to getActiveFormattingMask (aec5e9e)
return country object instead of iso2 code from usePhoneInput and onChange (17c1365)
usePhoneInput: fix e164Phone value on setCountry (cec0700)
usePhoneInput: log error if an invalid country code is passed to setNewCountry (6098a99)
fix!: rename flag image component to FlagImage (c4b0abd)
fix(usePhoneInput)!: rename return property names (42e4ef2)
fix!: return E164 phone in onChange callback (939275a)
feat!: add support for multiple masks per country (f758bb3)
- add disableFormatting prop (e6ada39)
- add inputRef prop (386f396)
- add state property to the forwarded ref (e008c90)
- disableFormatting: move disableFormatting prop to getCountryMaskFormat util function (935d6ff)
- PhoneInput: add most used input props as top level props for easy integration (7a29744)
- FlagEmoji component is no longer exported, use FlagImage instead
- "phone" is renamed to "inputValue", "e164Phone" is renamed to "phone"
- phone value is unified to E164 format
- the value of the country format can be of type object
3.1.2 (2023-08-23)
- export guessCountryByPartialPhoneNumber, removeDialCode and getCountry helper functions (04d46aa)
- remove country guess from initial value when disableDialCodeAndPrefix is true (d26b977)
- set default value for country prop in guessCountryByPartialNumber and getCountry helpers (c539617)
3.1.1 (2023-08-22)
- FlagEmoji: add empty alt attribute to flag image, fix types for FlagEmojiProps (17b2bb6)
3.1.0 (2023-08-18)
- add flags prop for passing custom flag urls (2a1a010)
3.0.2 (2023-08-17)
- CountrySelectorDropdown: prevent form submit on select country (2e3b817)
3.0.1 (2023-08-16)
- build: fit d.ts file extension for esm import (e3a4f07)
3.0.0 (2023-08-15)
- country-data: remove area-codes for countries that have priority 0 (28809d0)
- remove areaCodeMatch from guessCountryByPartialNumber util function (a4008ad)
2.3.2 (2023-07-24)
- data: Update Ivory Coast Phone Number Format to Support 10 Digits After Area Code (45565e9)
2.3.1 (2023-07-06)
- change CountryIso2 type to string (98b63f2)
- set "us" if the wrong default country value was provided (83e08e0)
2.3.0 (2023-07-04)
- country-selector: add search to country-selector dropdown (ebe6cca)
2.2.3 (2023-06-30)
- data: add some missing US area-codes (3f7b77e)
2.2.2 (2023-05-05)
- usePhoneInput: move onChange call from the useHistoryState state setter to value update effect (6ab8da7)
2.2.1 (2023-04-23)
- update Australia format mask (2506e7f)
2.2.0 (2023-04-21)
- validation: add formatMatch return value, make areaCodesMatch not affect isValid (48715ef)
- add country value to onChange callback (39fcf48)
- validation: add country prop to validation function, add dialCodeMatch return property (97f19e7)
2.1.0 (2023-03-16)
- make defaultCountry not required, set us as defaultCountry (41e96e3)
2.0.4 (2023-03-15)
- add onChange callback to usePhoneInput, remove useEffect from PhoneInput (423bef9)
2.0.3 (2023-03-11)
- infinite loop when passing empty string value on react v18 (c593432)
2.0.2 (2023-03-11)
- usePhoneInput: fix value change handle after initial render (c00caa1)
2.0.1 (2023-03-10)
- buildCountryData: fix countryData filter, add validation of passed country values (a62ea19)
2.0.0 (2023-03-10)
cursor: fix cursor position on autofocus (a7805fb)
cursor: set cursor position on initialization (4176553)
history: add history initial value function setter, fix state comparing (5893db6)
PhoneInput: fix call onChange callback after redo/undo and country change (e8f5ffc)
store country in history, update country flag on undo/redo (8259173)
usePhoneInput: fix dial code population on phone removal after the first render (2b14c61)
usePhoneInput: remove double rendering on initialization (241e3e1)
refactor!: remove usePhone hook, change hideSpaceAfterDialCode with charAfterDialCode (69731ae)
hook has been removedhideSpaceAfterDialCode
prop was changed withcharAfterDialCode
1.8.8 (2023-03-04)
- update Chinese format mask (bf264a6)
1.8.7 (2023-02-28)
- correctly set an initial-country flag when value is provided (26c97d7)
- handle dial code change using selector when forceDialCode is set (541e26d)
- prevent country change when dial code or area-code is not changed (9d68653)
- use default mask for countries with empty mask (b08a70c)
1.8.6 (2023-02-22)
- remove node version from package.json (c9c4057)
1.8.5 (2023-02-12)
1.8.4 (2023-02-11)
- add initial value formatting, fix flash on mount (e67c694)
- set cursor to the end on autofocus (017b0de)
1.8.3 (2023-02-05)
- CountrySelectorDropdown: re-implement scrolling using the native scrollIntoView function (df3da41)
1.8.2 (2023-02-03)
- CountrySelector: fix dropdown closing by clicking on the selector button (b149f6d)
1.8.1 (2023-01-29)
- build: switch back to webpack builder (934090c)
1.8.0 (2023-01-29)
- CountrySelector: omit onClick event type (28e4e48)
- CountrySelectorDropdown: add css variables for top and left properties (13660bb)
1.7.0 (2023-01-21)
- improve auto-scrolling of the dropdown (b17f2fa)
- add accessibility for country-selector dropdown (08e414f)
- CountrySelector: change onEscapePress callback with onClose, call it on dropdown blur (bda69a2)
- CountrySelector: pass rootProps to renderButtonWrapper callback (2fabc58)
1.6.5 (2023-01-14)
- forceDialCode: allow dial code change if a new phone has been pasted (367f872)
1.6.4 (2023-01-12)
- docs: update url to ua flag emoji (cab3db9)
- PhoneInput: remove console error on phone autofill (2b483cf)
- prevent change of dial code when forcedDialCode is true (7bd87f4)
1.6.3 (2023-01-10)
- add type="button" in CountrySelector (7c7040c)
v1.6.2 (2023-01-09)
- Country flags lazy loading, update Twemoji cdn url
- fix(flag): add lazy loading, update cdn url
- chore(release): 1.6.2 [skip ci]
v1.6.1 (2023-01-04)
- Add scrolling of the dropdown to the selected country
- imp(country-selector): scroll dropdown to guessed country
- fix(country-selector): fix scroll to guessed country
- imp(country-selector): scroll dropdown to selected country on mount
v1.6.0 (2022-12-30)
- Phone validation
- feat(validation): add phone validation
- imp(validation): add validation stories
- feat(country-guess): add areaCodeMatch to country guess result
v1.5.2 (2022-12-22)
- Cursor position fixes
- imp(tests): add tests for cursor position
- imp(cursor): improve cursor position on backspace and delete key removal
- fix(cursor): improve position cursor on paste
v1.5.1 (2022-12-11)
- Fix dropdown closing, update docs
- Update issue templates
- imp(docs): add code of conduct
- fix(country-selector): close dropdown on click while dropdown is open
- imp(docs): add contributing doc
v1.5.0 (2022-12-09)
- Add renderButtonWrapper prop to CountrySelector, remove css injecting
- fix: remove lockfile from docs package
- feat(storybook): add example of usage with mui, chakra and antd
- imp(docs): add docs for usage with UI libraries
v1.4.0 (2022-11-18)
- Make PhoneInput component controlled, small fixes
- feat: add value prop to the PhoneInput, allow component be controlled
- fix(format): improve formatting with disabled dial code
- feat(utils): add buildCountryData util
v1.3.0 (2022-11-10)
- Add docs, fix box-sizing
- feat(docs): add docs subpackage, init docusaurus project
- imp(docs): update features list on docs website
- imp(docs): add usage examples to component apis
v1.2.0 (2022-11-02)
- Add countries property
- feat: add countries property, add ability to filter country-list
- fix: rename availableCountries prop to countries
- imp(storybook): add OnlyBalticCountries story
v1.1.0 (2022-10-30)
- Add CSS variables
- imp(styles): add css variables
- imp(docs): add css-variables to readme
- fix: update stylelint-config-standard-scss dependency
v1.0.1 (2022-10-28)
- Release v1.0.0