G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics. https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab307
Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) performed at AgResearch Invermay (New Zealand) for Strigops habroptilus, the kākāpō parrot.
Single-ended and double-digested with MspI and PstI.
Alignment with BWA, referenced-based SNP calling with Stacks, filtering with VCFtools, and population genomic analyses estimating inbreeding.
1- SNPcalling.md: demultiplexing, pre-processing (trimming & quality control), alignment, and referenced-based SNP calling
2- SNPfiltering.md: post SNP-calling filtering for depth and missing data
3- Inbreeding.md: multiple methods for estimating inbreeding metrics
Email for questions: y.al.foster@gmail.com OR yasmin.foster@postgrad.otago.ac.nz
Female kākāpō, Lisa. A Stewart Island founder.
Photo: Jake Osborne. Kākāpō field ranger extraordinaire.