Lokalise lets you manage keys and translations of your app, game or website – either on your own or with a team of collaborators. Built for developers, Lokalise offers neat features including inline suggestions, project chat, export webhooks and an API, so you can easily integrate with your projects workflow.
You can install Django-Lokalise From Pypi:
pip install django-lokalise
First you need to add lokalise
INSTALLED_APPS = [ # ... 'lokalise', ]
Than you have to add lokalise.middleware.ReloadTranslationsMiddleware
middleware as early as possible
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( ... 'lokalise.middleware.ReloadTranslationsMiddleware', ... )
Add to your urlpatterns:
urlpatterns = [ url(r'^lokalise/', include('lokalise.urls')), ]
Add webhook at Download section of lokali.se project such as http://example.org/lokalise/hook and use Gettext(.po) format