vcf2avinput is a Python script for converting VCF files to ANNOVAR avinput format. It aims to replace convert2annovar in ANNOVAR software. The VCF files generated by following callers are supported:GATK4(mutect2, haplotypecaller), DeepVariant, Strelka, Varscan.
Currently it's only a simple python script so no need to install. Just copy to you folder and run it. Nonetheless it needs vcfpy package to run.
pip install vcfpy
It takes a left-normalized and siplited VCF file as input and it outputs an avinput format file. After that you can use ANNOVAR to annotate the avinput file. YOUR_INPUT.avinput [DATA_BASE_FOLDER] -buildver [hg19|hg38] --outfile [OUTPUT_PREFIX] -remove -protocol [DATA_BASE_NAMES] -operation [OPERATION] -nastring . --otherinfo --polish
To make a left-normalized and splitted VCF file you can use bcftools as recommended here
bcftools norm --force -m-both -o ex1.step1.vcf ex1.vcf.gz # split
bcftools norm --force -f human_g1k_v37.fasta -o ex1.step2.vcf ex1.step1.vcf # left normalize
# generate my_sample.avinput my_sample.vcf
# only extract sample S1 -s S1 my_sample.vcf
# manually assign type as mutect2 -t mutect my_sample.vcf
# show help -h
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.