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Evaluation Metrics for NLP based IR and QA

Order-Unaware Metrics


$$ Recall@K = \frac{# \ of\ passages\ @K\ that\ are\ relevant}{total\ # \ of\ relevant\ passages} $$

Order-Aware Metrics


MRR means Mean Reciprocal Rank.

$$MRR = \frac{1}{|Q|}\sum_{i=1}^{|Q|}\frac{1}{rank_{i}}$$


$|Q|$ denotes the total number of queries;

$rank_{i}$ denotes the rank of the first relevant result;

Fundamental Concepts

static word embedding vs. dynamic(contextualized) word embedding

They are both embedding, which means we use a low-dimension vector to represent a word. We call the embedding is static in the sense that it will not change with the context once been learned; while dynamic or contextualized embedding represents a word among its contexts.


In two sentences: “Apple sells phones” and “I eat an apple”, dynamic embeddings will represent “apple” differently according to the contexts, while static embedding can not distinguish the semantic difference between two “apples”.

Algorithm Evolution


Info Card

Basic Idea

Trade-off between Effectiveness and Efficiency. ColBERT is in the center of below compromise matrix.

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  • The Most Effective, but Least Efficiency

    Fully dynamic in both representation and interaction between every word of query and document.

    • All-to-All Dynamic Representation, All-to-All Interaction (cross-encoder)

      All-to-All Interaction|center

  • The Compromises

    • Static Representation, Query-Document Interaction

      Query-Document Interaction|center

    • Intra-Passage Dynamic Representation, No Interaction (single-encoder)

      Representation based similarity|center

    • Intra-Passage Dynamic Representation, Query-Document Interaction (multi-encoder)


  • The Comparison

    ColBERT attains similar MRR w/ BERT while 10~100x better latency.

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How Does It Work?

  • Topology

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  • Scoring Metric

$$S_{q,d} = \sum_{i \in[|E_q|]}\max_{j \in [|E_d|]} E_{q_i} \cdot E^T_{d_j}$$

  • Hyper-parameters

    • encoder: BERT-base-uncased
    • FC: out-dim = 128, in-dim = 768
    • Query Max Len = 32
  • Data Layout

    (N, S, E), N is batch size, S is sequence length, E is embedding size

How It Can Be Used?

As an end-to-end Retriever

Each query is encoded into $N_q$ vectors with dimension as $E$; for each vector of the query, it will retrieve top-$k'$ from doc vector database(in this paper $k'= k$), that means we will get $K \le N_q \times k'$ candidate for one query; then MaxSim will be used to rank the similarity between the query and $K$ candidate docs and get the final top-$k$. In the paper, FAISS IVFPQ indexing is used to index the document vector database.

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As a Re-ranker

To decrease retriever time consumption, can use sparse retriever to do the first-round filtering, and ColBERT do the re-ranking based on the much smaller set generated by retriever, a typical coarse-to-fine idea.

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Yet, we need to pay attention to the recall of the sparse retriever, once true candidates are missed, we cannot get it back in re-ranker.

Effects and Efficiency


Greatly better latency than all-to-all models, greatly better MRR than static models and no-interaction models.

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Good MRR and Recall lifting, at the expense of latency increase.

Another interesting observation: While to Recall@1000, we can see that ColBERT re-ranker's recall is bounded by its precedent BM25 retriever, it can only get to 81.4% which is BM25'S recall@1000, even we can see ColBERT retriever can get 96.8% which is much better.

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Info Card

Basic Idea

ColBERT-v2 is an end-2-end retriever.


  1. Evaluation Metrics For Information Retrieval
  2. Introduction to Information Retrieval: Evaluation
  3. ColBERT: Efficient and Effective Passage Search via Contextualized Late Interaction over BERT(slides)