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Inventory and Payment application with Microservices architecture

🎯 Description

This project is building ecommerce full application includes client side using ReactJS and server side using Microservices architecture with FastAPI and Redis as a database. There are two microservices, one for products and the other for orders. I used Redis Stream as message broker among microservices and Redis database.

💹 Flowchart

    participant Client
    participant Microservice-Payment
    participant Microservice-Inventory
    participant Microservice-Order

    par Client to Microservice-Payment
        Client->>Microservice-Payment: Place an order for items
    and Client to Microservice-Inventory
        Client->>Microservice-Inventory: Search and browse products

    Microservice-Payment-->>Client: Retrieve order details
    Microservice-Inventory-->>Client: Retrieve product details

    Microservice-Payment ->> Microservice-Inventory: Reserve/Update Inventory
    Microservice-Inventory-->>Microservice-Payment: Inventory confirmation

    Microservice-Payment ->> Microservice-Order: Create Order Entry
    Microservice-Order-->>Microservice-Payment: Order Confirmation

    Microservice-Payment-->>Client: Payment Confirmation & Order Receipt


🔗 Teck Stack

  • ✅ FastAPI
  • ✅ Microservices
  • ✅ Redis-om
  • ✅ Redis-Stream
  • ✅ React
  • ✅ TypeScript
  • ✅ Vite
  • ✅ React-Router-Dom
  • ✅ Bootstrap-Dashboard

🚀 Start the project

In invertory-microservice directory run the following command:

uvicorn main:app --reload

In payment-microservice directory run the following command:

uvicorn main:app --reload --port=8001

(Redis Stream) Turn on Redis server in inventory-microservice and payment-microservice directories:


📚 Learning Notes

  1. FASTAPI.BACKGROUND TASKS is used to run a function in the background. It is useful for tasks that need to run after a request, but that the client doesn't really have to be waiting for the result. What is different between Background task and message queue, is that background task is not persistent, it will be lost if the server is restarted. So, it is not suitable for long running tasks. For long running tasks, we need to use message queue.
  2. Some workflows for MVC.
    • POST and GET a new product http://localhost:8000/products/
  "id": "01H28HATR7JG2YBH22ABPJWW33",
  "name": "product",
  "price": 20.0,
  "quantity": 100

Order this product id in http://localhost:8001/orders/

  "id": "01H28HATR7JG2YBH22ABPJWW33",
  "quantity": 10
  "pk": "01H28HDT0QXZKAE3F49HPJNN99",
  "product_id": "01H28HATR7JG2YBH22ABPJWW33",
  "price": 20.0,
  "fee": 4.0,
  "total": 24.0,
  "quantity": 10,
  "status": "pending"
  • In 5 second, the product was delete in inventory DELETE localhost:8000/products/01H28HATR7JG2YBH22ABPJWW33
  • Copy pkfrom order response and GET http://localhost:8001/orders/01H28HDT0QXZKAE3F49HPJNN99
  "pk": "01H28HDT0QXZKAE3F49HPJNN99",
  "product_id": "01H28HATR7JG2YBH22ABPJWW33",
  "price": 20.0,
  "fee": 4.0,
  "total": 24.0,
  "quantity": 10,
  "status": "refunded"

Status changed to refunded because the product was deleted in inventory, there is time limit setting for this case.

  1. Initial setup for ReactTS (frontend). Change the following in tsconfig.json, and remove "allowImportingTsExtensions": true,
   /* Bundler mode */
  "moduleResolution": "node",
  "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,

And tsconfig.node.json file, changed the following:

"moduleResolution": "node16",

4.Microservices architecture for frontend building. I should build two frontend React apps, one for inventory and the other for payment. But for this demo, I used one proxy to create two services connection. In real world, we should use two frontend apps.

server: {
    proxy: {
      "/api": {
        target: "",
        changeOrigin: true,
        rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/api/, ""),
      "/app": {
        target: "",
        changeOrigin: true,
        rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/app/, ""),

💖 Hope this project can help you to understand Microservices architecture and Redis Stream. If you like it, please give me a star ✨. I need your support to keep going. Thank you so much! 💖