An easy way to read and share papers for scientific research
Prepare virtual environment (venv):
python -m venv .venv . .venv/bin/activate pip install -U -r requirements.txt
Prepare static files:
python collectstatic
Establish database
python migrate
Run Server
python runserver
Configure Apache (take '/var/www/' as example):
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} WSGIDaemonProcess paperhub python-home=/var/www/ python-path=/var/www/ WSGIProcessGroup paperhub WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/ WSGIPassAuthorization On <Directory /var/www/> <Files> Require all granted </Files> </Directory> Alias /static /var/www/ <Directory /var/www/> Options -Indexes Require all granted </Directory>
Configure server side for mini program
$ cat .env OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-xxxxxx OPENAI_PROXY_URL=xxxxxx WX_APP_ID=wxxxxx WX_SECRET=xxxxxx WX_DEBUG=False WEB_APP_ID=wxxxxx WEB_APP_SECRET=xxxxxx AZURE_KEY=xxxxxx AZURE_ENDPOINT= AZURE_LOCATION=eastus AZURE_PATH=/translate PUBMED_DIR=/path/to/pubmed/ DB_NAME=xxxx DB_USER=xxxx DB_PASSWORD=xxxx DB_HOST=xxxx DEV_DB_NAME=xxxx DEV_DB_USER=xxxx DEV_DB_PASSWORD=xxxx DEV_DB_HOST=xxxx LOCAL_DB_NAME=xxxx LOCAL_DB_USER=xxxx LOCAL_DB_PASSWORD=xxxx LOCAL_DB_HOST=xxxx DJANGO_ENV=production # production / development / local / sqlite
Start Django application locally.
# run this command in a separated terminal . .venv/bin/activate python runserver
Use SSH start to reverse tunnel (take '' as an example).
# run this command in another new terminal ssh -nNT -R *:8000:localhost:8000
This will map 8000 port on remote server to 8000 port on local machine.
On remote server,
should set the option:GatewayPorts yes
Configure Apache on remote server.
<VirtualHost *:8443> ... SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /path/to/.../fullchain.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/.../privkey.pem ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ... </VirtualHost> </IfModule>
This will open 8443 port as https server, and map the request/response to 8000 on remote server.
After all these, port 8443 on the remote server could be accessed as, which could be set as a safe domain in Mini Program development.
Q: How do I configure a SOCKS5 proxy server when installing packages with pip?
A: Before calling pip install, define the environment variable ALL_PROXY:
export ALL_PROXY=socks5://
Q: What should I do if I encounter the following error during installation:
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: Missing dependencies for SOCKS support.
A: You need to remove the proxy configuration first, install the PySocks package, and then use the proxy again:
pip install PySocks