This repository is dedicated to collecting the latest planners which are developed in ROS.
the project document's url is mkdocs project
git clone --recursive
- C++11 standard, use Rviz to show algorithm, so you should install ROS.
- map_server
- ompl
- ...(wait to test)
I will write an installation srcipt to install these requirements.
run the script
- cd Local-Planner
- catkin_make
- source devel/setup.bash
- launch script, e.g.
roslaunch astar_planner a_star_planner.launch
- to do: update display errors in rviz
- todo: 提取hybrid a star planner
- to do
- have done!
- to do
- to do
- from hkust
- to do
- to do
- to do
- to do
- to do: 需要提取
- to do