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all of the redis method

DEV Version

  • Redis version: 3.2.12
  • Go version: 1.11

How to install

Use go get to install or upgrade (-u) the redis-full package.

go get -u


Like on the command line using redis to use it!

- use in beego

1)add a init file

package dbs

import (
	redis ""

var RedisDB redis.RedisCache

func initRedis() {
	hosts := beego.AppConfig.String("")
	password := beego.AppConfig.DefaultString("redis.password", "")
	database := beego.AppConfig.DefaultInt("redis.db", 0)
	MaxIdle := beego.AppConfig.DefaultInt("redis.maxidle", 100)
	MaxActive := beego.AppConfig.DefaultInt("redis.maxactive", 1000)
	IdleTimeout := time.Duration(beego.AppConfig.DefaultInt("redis.idletimeout", 600)) * time.Second

	RedisDB = redis.NewRedisCache(hosts, password, database, MaxIdle, MaxActive, IdleTimeout, 24*time.Hour)

	if err := RedisDB.CheckRedis(); err != nil {
		panic("Redis Server:" + hosts + " Connect failed: " + err.Error() + "!")
	} else {
		beego.Info("Connect Redis Server(" + hosts + ") to successful!")
  1. register to init.go
package dbs

func init() {
  1. use it! so easy!

For Example, a model file:

package models

import (

// 用户表结构体,用于接收数据库查询出来的对象,数据类型和数据库尽量保持一致
type User struct {
	Id          int64 `json:"id" db:"id"`

// 添加用户时,接收用户传值的对象
type ReceiveUser struct {
	Name  string `json:"name" db:"name"`
	Age   int64  `json:"age" db:"age"`
	Email string `json:"email" db:"email"`

// 查询用户
func SelectUser(id int64) (resObj *User, resErr error) {
	// 定义redis的key, id转string类型
	redisKey := "test:user_" + strconv.FormatInt(id, 10)

	// 定义接收数据的对象
	var user User

	// 先从缓存查询,没有再从数据库查
	if err := dbs.RedisDB.GetJSON(redisKey, &user); err != nil {
		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "key not found") {
			// key不存在,就重新查询一次

			// 预处理SQL语句
			selectSql := "select * from users where id=? limit 1"

			// 打印日志
			beego.Debug("[sql]: "+selectSql, id)
			err := dbs.MysqlDB.Get(&user, selectSql, id)
			if err != nil {
				if err.Error() == "sql: no rows in result set" {

					// 将空值添加到缓存, 有效期1小时
					if err1 := dbs.RedisDB.SetJSON(redisKey, nil, tools.OneHour); err1 != nil {
						return nil, err1
					// 返回空值
					return nil, nil
				} else {
					// 打印错误日志
					// 返回错误信息
					return nil, err

			// 将结果添加到缓存
			if err2 := dbs.RedisDB.SetJSON(redisKey, &user, tools.OneDay); err2 != nil {
				// 打印错误日志
				// 返回错误信息
				return nil, err2

			// 返回结果给用户
			return &user, nil

	// 空值返回用户信息
	if user.Id == 0 {
		// 因为正常情况下,ID是从1开始的。0就表示读取出来的值是空值
		return nil, nil
	} else {
		return &user, nil

Be careful!

- The GETJSON method and SETJSON method is depend on each other!
- Before the Objects are stored to redis, it will first serialized using JSON.
- Objects were taken out from the redis, before using, it will first deserialization using JSON.

More documentation, please be patient!


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