This module is based on the Moya encapsulated network API architecture.
- Mainly divided into parts:
- BoomingSetup: Set the configuration information at the beginning of the program.
- basePlugins:Plugins that require default injection, generally not recommended.
- baseURL: Root path address to base URL.
- baseParameters: Default basic parameters, like: userID, token, etc.
- baseMethod: Default request method type.
- updateBaseParametersWithValue: Update default base parameter value.
- PluginSubType: Inherit and replace the Moya plug-in protocol to facilitate subsequent expansion.
- configuration: After setting the network configuration information, this method can be used in scenarios such as throwing data directly when the local cache exists without executing subsequent network requests.
- outputResult: When the last network response is returned, this method can be used in scenarios such as key failure to re-obtain the key and then automatically re-request the network.
- NetworkAPI: Add protocol attributes and encapsulate basic network requests based on TargetType.
- ip: Root path address to base URL.
- parameters: Request parameters.
- plugins: Set network plugins.
- stubBehavior: Whether to take the test data.
- retry:Network request failure retries.
- request: Network request method and return a Single sequence object.
- NetworkAPI+Ext: Protocol default implementation scheme.
- NetworkAPIOO: OOP converter, MVP to OOP, convenient for friends who are used to OC thinking
- ip: Root path address to base URL.
- path: Request path.
- parameters: Request parameters.
- plugins: Set network plugins.
- testData: Network test data.
- testTime: Network test data return time, the default is half a second.
- request:successed:failed:: Network request method.
- X: extension function methods etc.
- mapJSON: to JSON string.
- toDictionary: JSON string to dictionary.
- BoomingSetup: Set the configuration information at the beginning of the program.
Provide some test cases for reference.🚁
- OO Example 1:
class OOViewModel: NSObject {
let userDefaultsCache = UserDefaults(suiteName: "userDefaultsCache")!
func request(block: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
let api = NetworkAPIOO.init()
api.ip = ""
api.path = "/headers"
api.method = APIMethod.get
api.plugins = [
NetworkLoadingPlugin(options: .init(text: "OOing..")),
NetworkCustomCachePlugin.init(cacheType: .cacheThenNetwork, cacher: userDefaultsCache),
NetworkIgnorePlugin(pluginTypes: [NetworkActivityPlugin.self]),
api.mapped2JSON = false
api.request(successed: { response in
guard let string = response.bpm.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true) else {
extension UserDefaults: CacheConvertable {
public func readResponse(forKey key: String) throws -> Moya.Response? {
guard let data = data(forKey: key + "_response_data") else {
return nil
let statusCode = integer(forKey: key + "_response_statusCode")
return Moya.Response(statusCode: statusCode, data: data)
public func saveResponse(_ response: Moya.Response, forKey key: String) throws {
set(, forKey: key + "_response_data")
set(response.statusCode, forKey: key + "_response_statusCode")
public func clearAllResponses() {
let dict = dictionaryRepresentation()
for key in dict.keys {
removeObject(forKey: key)
- MVP Example 2:
enum LoadingAPI {
case test2(String)
extension LoadingAPI: NetworkAPI {
var ip: APIHost {
return BoomingSetup.baseURL
var path: APIPath {
return "/post"
var parameters: APIParameters? {
switch self {
case .test2(let string):
return ["key": string]
var plugins: APIPlugins {
var options = NetworkLoadingPlugin.Options.init(delay: 2)
options.setChangeHudParameters { hud in
hud.detailsLabel.text = "Loading"
hud.detailsLabel.textColor = UIColor.yellow
let loading = NetworkLoadingPlugin.init(options: options)
return [loading]
class LoadingViewModel: NSObject {
func request(block: @escaping (_ text: String?) -> Void) {
Task {
do {
let response = try await LoadingAPI.test2("666").requestAsync()
let json = response.bpm.mappedJson
let model = LoadingModel.deserialize(from: json, designatedPath: "data", options: .CodingKeysConvertFromSnakeCase)
block(model?.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true))
} catch {
- MVVM Example 3:
class CacheViewModel: NSObject {
struct Input {
let count: Int
struct Output {
let items: Observable<[CacheModel]>
func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
let items = request(input.count).asObservable()
return Output(items: items)
extension CacheViewModel {
func request(_ count: Int) -> Observable<[CacheModel]> {
.compactMap { $ }
.observe(on: MainScheduler.instance) // the result is returned on the main thread
.catchAndReturn([]) // return null on error
- Chain Example 4:
class ChainViewModel: NSObject {
struct Input { }
struct Output {
let data: Observable<NSDictionary>
func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
let data = chain().asObservable()
return Output(data: data)
func chain() -> Observable<NSDictionary> {
Observable.from(optional: "begin")
extension ChainViewModel {
func requestIP(_ stirng: String) -> Observable<String> {
return ChainAPI.test.request()
.map { (($0 as? NSDictionary)?["origin"] as? String) ?? stirng }
.observe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
func requestData(ip: String) -> Observable<NSDictionary> {
return ChainAPI.test2(ip).request()
.map { ($0 as! NSDictionary) }
.catchAndReturn(["data": "nil"])
.observe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
- Batch Example 5:
class BatchViewModel: NSObject {
struct Input { }
struct Output {
let data: Observable<[String: Any]>
func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
let data = batch().asObservable()
return Output(data: data)
func batch() -> Observable<[String: Any]> {
.observe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
.map { [$0, $1, $2].compactMap {
$0 as? [String: Any]
.map { $0.reduce([String: Any](), +==) }