- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13107743/documentation-for-writing-gnome-shell-extensions
- https://developer.gnome.org/gi/stable/
- http://mathematicalcoffee.blogspot.de/2012/09/gnome-shell-javascript-source.html
Depending on your distro there are several places to check for log output
- journalctl -f | grep gnome-session
- journalctl -f /usr/bin/gnome-session
- tail -f ~/.cache/gdm/session.log (GDM users)
- tail -f ~/.xsession-errors
You can see extensions and errors etc via Looking glass
- ALT+F2 -> lg
You might start gnome-shell-extension-prefs via gnome-shell-extension-prefs
or to limit to a specific extension uuid via: gnome-shell extension [UUID]
- Upload extension on https://extensions.gnome.org/
- It should be a zip file containing at least the two files
- metadata.json and
- extension.js.
- Note that the UUID inside your metadata.json must conform to GNOME Shell UUID guidelines. These guidelines can be found on the GNOME Wiki (https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell/Extensions/UUIDGuidelines).
- These files need to be in the root directory of the zip file.
- Use zip -j when making your zipfile to ensure this. Other files like stylesheet.css are optional.