- fix RRULEs being escaped
- automatically sync calendars every X hours / days / ?
- manual events / inbuilt calendar source
- api for local events
- ui for creating local events
- ui for viewing local events
- ui for removing / updating local events
- bills
- [-] barcode scanner for bills
- barcode scanning from images sucks, find a better way?
- add all_day to events
- fix newlines in produced ics
- add date controls to default view
- inject attachment descriptions at runtime
- chrono cleanup / remove usage of any deprecated functions
- [-] maybe remove payee fields from bills (bloat)
- add dedicated ui for attachments (bills etc)
- priority for events, default from source
- allow users to filter which events they want to see in their calendar / integrate with priority system
- allow multiple export links
- add min_priority to export links
- [-] keep track of uids so that we can present lately added / modified events
- [-] import rules
- change import templates to be per-user, don't modify original data
- either at runtime (prob not worth it) or import
- allow "pinning" of events / moving them to the local calendar
- show modifications since pinning
- [-] more homepage views / week overview
- week overview: handle overlapping events
- [-] allow users to set a default timezone for ui
- [-] local event tags
- local event filters
- ui
- [-] local event bulk delete
- soft delete for local events
- [-] local event RRULEs
- Convert local events to an event source generated locally
- [-] vim keybindings
- [-] "scrubbable navigation with heatmap"
- import ics files that aren't hosted anywhere
- add proper error handling to frontend
- i18n
- track user attendance of events / maybe automatically based on location?
- addressbook
- [-] native app
- geofencing
- clock-in-n-out
- notifications
- api keys
- headless mode / system user dictated by a config file
- turn persist_events automatically off / on based on source behaviour
- [-] try automatically caching internal links on current page
- automatic geolocation + manual override
- remind when to leave / maps integration
- clock-in-n-out
- [-] teamwork integration
- more default themes, custom theme support
- maybe try #D0A657
- automatic weather location based on planned event attendance
- allow for comparing location checks in import templates
- automatically add events for all pictures in gallery / photos / photoprism integration
- automatic syncing between instances / per user
- embeddable export links / public calendar views with privacy options