Basic usage examples for Hetzner Cloud API Requires an API token exported to as environment variable:
export HCLOUD_TOKEN=someverylongstring
You can generate a token in the Hetzner web gui under "Access -> API Tokens"
This is really unfinished, especially with regards to error handling and informative output. If you want a more complete solution hetznercloud-py looks promising.
Of course the official cli client written in Golang should be mentioned as well.
Personal preferences can be stored in a config file, per default to be found at $HOME/.hcloud/config.json
or supply one with the -f switch.
Requires the excellent requests module.
~/sandkasten/hetznercloud% export API_TOKEN=someverylongstring
~/sandkasten/hetznercloud% ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
path to configfile
-d, --debug debug mode
servers Server commands
keys Ssh key commands
images image commands
servertypes servertype commands
floatingips floating ip commands
locations location commands
~/sandkasten/hetznercloud% ./ servers -c -n myfirstcloudserver
server myfirstcloudserver created
~/sandkasten/hetznercloud% ./ servers -l
- Server id 724668 - myfirstcloudserver - - ubuntu-18.04/cx11 (starting)
~/sandkasten/hetznercloud% ./ servers -D -n myfirstcloudserver
server myfirstcloudserver deleted