Hao Xu*, Tianwen Fu*, Peng Song, Mingjun Zhou, Chi-Wing Fu, and Niloy J. Mitra (*joint first authors)
The following image illustrates this project:
This is an automatic method to design non-circular gears, which takes two shapes as inputs.
The generated gears are optimized not only to resemble the input shapes (left) but also to transfer motion continuously and smoothly (middle). Further, our results can be 3D-printed and put to work in practice (right).
See implementation details in our project homepage.
This project is written in python, and is based on the following packages:
- shapely
- NumPy
- matplotlib
- scipy
- openmesh
- pyyaml
The entry of the code is the "main" function in the file "main_program.py", in which the function takes two shapes as inputs. We prepare a bunch of example input shapes in the directory "silhouette". To use any one of them as the input, you just need to type the file name into the function "find_model_by_name". Once the program is running, a new directory, python_dual_gear/debug/yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss_shapenames, will be created. You can find all the intermediate and final results inside that folder.
If you met problems, or have questions on this project, don't hesitate to contact us at [kevin.futianwen@gmail.com] or [haoxu@cse.cuhk.edu.hk]