1.4.10 - 09/02/2023
- u1/ut99->ut3/4: fixed bad converted location for some movers that were using CoLocation property
- ue1/ue2->ut3/4: fixed bad rotation of emitters converted from light lensflares
- ue1/2->ut3/4: changed effective sound radius to be exactly like in UE1/UE2
- u2->ut3/4: added support for DoorMover
1.4.9 - 30/01/2023
- all: fixed no conversion from .t3d file with UTF-16 encoding
- u2/uc2/ut2003/4->ut4: added support for mover materials override u1: alarm trigger
- u2->ut3/ut4: fixed Sunlight actors being converted to PointLight instead of DirectionalLight
- u2/uc2/ut2003/4->ut4: fixed 64x64 terrains not being converted
- package exporter tool: can now also use the Simple Texture Exporter (UE1/UE2 only) + fixed crash if folder not existing
- package exporter tool: enabled texture format conversion
- all: fixed converted movers having bad scale
- ui: progress bar refreshed more often before end of conversion
1.4.8 - 27/01/2023
- all: fixed ressources (textures, sounds, staticmeshes) not being visible in converted map if original ressource filename had unsupported char "~" (replaced by "_" on ut4 editor import)
- all: .t3d file provided by user as map input is no longer being deleted
- u1/ut99: fixed bad texture align when panU or panV < 0
1.4.7 - 26/01/2023
- u1/ut99->ut4: fixed converted brush movers to staticmeshes having 'flipped' uv if original MainScale < 0
1.4.6 - 25/01/2023
- u1/ut99->ut4: brush movers are now converted into staticmeshes
- u1/ut99/u2/uc2/ut2003/4->ut3/4: increased light radius by 10%
- u1/ut99->ut3/4: decreased light intensity from 35 to 15
1.4.5 - 24/01/2023
- package exporter tool: now also export to bmp texture packages
- conversion settings: added extra scale factors
- uc2/u2/ut2OO3/4->ut4: fixed staticmeshes CullDistance and NoColision properties not properly converted
- uc2/u2/ut2OO3/4->ut4: fixed terrain fliped visibility if original had DrawScale3D.Z < 0 (made material double sided)
- uc2/u2/ut2003/4->ut4: fixed terrain bad scale3d for Z axis
1.4.4 - 23/01/2023
- uc2->ut3/ut4: added support for UCCTFBlueFlagBase, UCCTFRedFlagBase, UCJumpSpot, UCPickup_Health_Super,UCPickup_Health_Medium, UCPickup_Health_Small, UCPickup_PowerUp_Invis, UCPickup_PowerUp_UDamage actors
- u2/uc2/ut2003/4->ut3/ut4: fixed bad texture alignement for brushes with prepivot set
- u2/uc2/ut2003/4->ut3/ut4: fixed some rare brushes converted causing either editor crash on import or having bad scale.
- u2/uc2->ut4: fixed staticmesh conversion crash when no material set
1.4.3 - 23/01/2023
- u2/ut2003/ut2004/uc2->ut4: fixed staticmeshes hidden after map save in editor
- ui: export panel - better design
1.4.2 - 23/01/2023
- u2/ut2003/ut2004/uc2->ut3/ut4: fixed converted staticmeshes bad export format (.obj fliped with .mtl)
1.4.1 - 22/01/2023
- all->ut4: fixed all converted sound actors have same radius
- extractor tool: now staticmeshes are now also exported from map package when using Epic Games extractor
- conversion settings: now allow change the radius factor of all lights
- ui: fixed recent conversion history not working properly
1.4.0 - 21/01/2023
- Added support for ut2003/4/unreal 2 conversion to Unreal Tournament 3 (note: terrain not yet converted)
- u1->all: fixed conversion crash with Unreal 1 patch v227f
- u1->u2/ut2003/4: fixed messed up brushes if they originally had PrePivot value set
- u2->ut4: fixed bad uv of converted staticmeshes
- tool: package extractor now also export staticmeshes from map package when using Epic Games extractor
- ut2003/4/ut3: fixed overidded materials not being converted properly for staticmeshes
- ui: conversion history, last conversion is now on top of list
- ui: added extra logs when converting staticmeshes
- tech: java upgrade 19.0.1 -> 19.0.2
1.3.0 - 18/01/2023
- uc2: Added support for Unreal Championship 2 (Experimental)
- ui: added recent conversion history in menu
- ui: added menu "Tool -> Extract package" that allows extracting package either from umodel or Epic Games extractor easily
- ui: conversion settings, deleted 'Prefered extractor'
- u1/ut99/ut2003/4: fixed some lights not being properly converted to spotlight actor
- u1/ut99/ut2003/4: replaced directional lights to spotlights
- u1/ut99/ut2003/4: ZoneInfo actors with fog info are now converted into AtmosphericFog actors
- ut2003/4: fixed bad color if original light had brightness > 255
- u2: fixed sometimes staticmeshes from map package not being exported
- all: lightning intensity modified (experimental)
1.2.2 - 14/01/2023
- u1/ut99->ut3/ut4: all textures are now correctly aligned
1.2.1 - 09/01/2023
- ut99->ut3/ut4: custom textures are now converted
- ui: Added UT Converter logo icon + welcome unreal games screenshots
- ui: conversion settings page is now less confusing
- ui: changed style to dark theme
- u1/ut99->ut3/ut4: much more textures got correct alignment now (still WIP)
- ui: removed auto launch browser to wiki after conversion (replaced with visible link at bottom)
- ui: decreased log level for unsupported material type (less log spam for ue3 converted maps)
- Legal: Set licence to Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
- Legal: Added license user agreement for install
- all: reverted default texture export format to .tga (some textures in .png were washed out)
- all: fixed regression default volume sound factor was 2 instead of 1
- udk->ut4: fixed regression conversion non working
- ut3->ut4: fixed regression bug AmbientSound actor radius conversion error
- tech: UserConfig.json is now ApplicationConfig.json with format changed containing some game config (user will need to set again the game paths at next start in ui)
1.2.0 - 03/01/2023
- Added support for Duke Nukem Forever 2001 (Experimental)
- ui: map scale factor can now be customized
- u1/ut99->ut3: interpactors (movers) now collide_all by default
- u1/ut99->ut3: sheet brushes causing BSP holes are now converted into semi-solid brushes (will remove many bsp holes)
- ut99->ut3/ut4: fixed convertor crash when converting SpectatorCam (Assault maps)
- dependencies: now umodel is embedded in program
- all: better lightning radius
- ui: now opens wiki github page at end of conversion
- ui: now program checks for updates at startup (can be desactivated in settings)
- all: if actor filter is on and contains brush actor, the big additive brush will still be added
1.1.1 - 22/12/2022
- u2/ut2003/4->UT4: fixed menu to convert to UT4 not available
- tech: upgraded to latest java version (17->19)
1.1.0 - 21/12/2022
- Added Unreal 1/UT99 -> UT3 conversion
- UE1/UE2: fixed no sound actor created from actors with sound properties (e.g Lights)
- all: group property is now properly converted
- u1: now checks if patch from oldunreal.com is installed prior to conversion (ucc.exe needed)
- ui: renamed program from UT4X Converter to UT Converter since it helps converting not to UT4 only
- ui: added menu entry to github project wiki page
1.0.4 - 25/11/2021
- removed references to utforums since it has been set to read-only permanently (https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/unreal-tournament-discussion/announcements/413461-unreal-tournament-forum-changes) updated readme for installation procedure
- "Check for updates" menu now opens github releases page
1.0.3 - 25/11/2021
- all: textures are now exported by default to .png (better quality and alpha layer) instead of .tga
- all: flat brushes (water, fire torches, ...) that were causing bsp holes are no longer deleted but converted instead into semi-solid brushes
- all: mover brushes are now converted to semi-solid brushes instead of solid brushes to prevent potential bsp holes
- all: added extra scale options for conversion
- ut3: now correctly handling "SoundSlots" property
- ut3: fixed some resources not exported from map package
- all: fixed lift destination for non moving movers
- all: fixed some potential resources not exported
- ut99: fixed bad export package name for textures in map package causing no texture match in UT4 import and bad scaling
- ui: fixed some alignment issues, added github project link in menu
- ci: fixed github build
- tech: migrated from Java 13 to Java 17
1.0.0 - 22/02/2020
- ut3: added support for terrain conversion
- unreal 2: added support for terrain conversion
- ut2004: enhanced terrain conversion with alpha layers conversion
- ut2004, u2, ut3: fixed 3d scale for movers with 3d scale != 1
- ut2004, ut3: added support for WeaponLocker and UTWeaponLocker
- install: program is now bundled as an Windows installer containing Java Runtime Environnement (JRE) which makes the filesize significantly larger while embedding Java 13 runtime binaries.
- tech: migrated from Java 8 to Java 13 version
- tech: migrated to Java FX 13
- all: smoothing group information is now correctly converted for staticmeshes
- all: added support for bHidden property
- all: fixed rare case where resources where not converted from map package
- ui: xnview is no longer needed for conversion
0.9.5 - 04/01/2020
- ut2003/4, ut3: added support for CameraActor, SpectatorCam, AttractCamera
- ut2003/4, ut3: handled no collision properties for staticmeshes
- ut3: fixed light intensity of all lights (some locations were ever too dark or too bright)
0.9.4 - 02/01/2020
- all: added support for semi-solid and non-solid brushes (e.g: water sheet, ...)
- u1/ut99: fixed bad lift destination / rotation for movers with multi positions
0.9.3 - 12/12/2019
- Fix: skip sheet brushes to be converted causing BSP holes
0.9.2 - 08/12/2019
- Hotfix: fixed no resources being identified / exported with newer version of UModel.
0.9.1 - 25/08/2018
- all: fixed some unconverted resources
0.9.0 - 19/08/2018
- added support for UDK maps (conversion quality is like UT3 = medium)
- u1/ut99: default scale is now 2.5X
- u1/ut99: decreased light intensity from 60 to 35
- ut2003/4: decreased light intensity from 80 to 70
- ut2003/4: fixed staticmeshes skins not being correctly applied
- ut2003/4: handled uv2Mode, uv2Skin (thanks MoxNix for reporting)
- ut2003/4/ut3: fixed some cases where some textures from staticmeshes where not converted
- ut2003/4: added support for LadderVolume, PressureVolume, SnipingVolue, ConvoyPhysicsVolume, xFallingVolume, IonCannonKillVolume, HitScanBlockingVolume, ASCriticalObjectiveVolume, LeavingBattleFieldVolume, xFallingVolume
- ut2003/4: VolumeTrigger, MessageTrigger, CrowdTrigger, UseTrigger, MusicTrigger, RedirectionTrigger, GravityTrigger, MaterialTrigger, TriggeredCondition, ScriptedTrigger now converted to TriggerVolume
- ut2003/4: fixed lift actor property in lift exit actor not being set
- ut2003/4: added support for multiple skins (corona) with lights
- all: fixed some teamplayerstarts being converted as playerstart
- all: fixed crash on UT4 editor import if trigger had either radius or height set to 0
- unreal 2: fixed no staticmeshes or textures being converted. Since umodel does not support the game the conversion quality of resources is not good yet (staticmeshes with bad roration and uv)
- unreal 2: added support for Trigger TT_USE case
- all: movers forced to movetime=0.1s if their movetime is 0s (else won't move at all)
- all: tag property now being converted
- all: brushes/movers with flat horizontal shape are now being converted back (need convert them to staticmeshes prior fisrt build)
- ut3: now no longer loads lightmap when extracting textures from packages (=quicker conversion)
- ui: updated welcome screen
- u1/ut99: fixed mover using default sound if no sound was set originally
- ui: added option for lightmap resolution (default 128 for UE1/UE2 else 32)
- ui: progress bar now being update more often
- ui: remove notification of unconverted actors
0.8.10 - 18/07/2018
- all: fixed low quality texture
- all: now tries to export with UCC with UModel fails to load package
- ut2004: fixed no sound for jumppads
- ut2004: changed default scale from 2.4 to 2.2
0.8.9 - 01/08/2017
- u1, ut99: fixed some messed up brushes with PostScale property not being correctly parsed correctly.
0.8.8 - 30/07/2017
- ut3: fixed sounds not being converted
0.8.7 - 29/07/2017
- all: fixed embedded sounds and staticmeshes in level package not being converted
- ut3: fixed critical crash when DefensePoint actor is being converted
- all: now if some actor fails to be converted won't make stop other actors to be converted
0.8.6 - 28/07/2017
- ut2003/ut2004: added conversion of WaterVolume, NewWeaponBase, NewHealthCharger
- ut2003/ut2004: fixed conversion failure of trigger with liveproximity and humanplayerproximity trigger type
- u2/ut2003/ut2004/ut3: fixed bad description/tuto for converting staticmeshes
0.8.5 - 27/07/2017
- u1/u2/ut2003/ut2004: blender manual conversion one by one of each staticmeshes is no longer needed. Now only need to import all .obj converted staticmeshes within the UE4 editor
0.8.4 - 19/07/2017
- u1/u2/ut2003/ut2004: invisible brushes are no longer being converted. This might slightly reduce some bsp holes cases.
- ut99: fixed some textures not being converted with some specific packages (like with SGTech1.utx texture package)
0.8.3 - 15/04/2017
- all: fixed some cases where a few brushes had some textures not converted properly
0.8.2 - 18/12/2016
- all: fix partial conversion if a mover had ambient sound and opened sound set
0.8.1 - 13/11/2016
- ut2003/4, ut3: fixed some staticmeshes with long material names could not be converted
- ut3: fixed sniper weapon with weaponpickupfactory not converting properly
- ut3: fixed UTSlimeVolume, UTLavalVolume not converting properly
- ut3: reverted back sound volume to original, now handling logarithm distance model for sound radius
- ut3: added support for UTDefensePoint
- misc: now also logs unconverted actor class name in .log file
0.8.0 - 11/11/2016
- ut2003/ut2004: now terrain heightmap is imported (texture, decolayers are NOT yet converted)
- ut3: default scale factor back to 2.2
- ut3: added staticmeshes overidden material supported
- ut3: added conversion of DecalActor, UTKillZVolume, CullDistanceVolume, EnforcerAmmo, UTWeaponPickupFactory, HeightFog
- ut3: sounds are now converted from .ogg to .wav so they can be imported into UT4 editor
- ut3: fixed some brushes not being properly converted that was causing bsp holes (see part "How to convert map?" -> "for ut3 maps only" section)
- ut3: fixed some staticmeshes not being correctly located (prepivot support)
- ut3: fixed many pickups not correctly aligned with floor
- ut3: fixed SkyLight with no color set
- ut3: fixed directional lights rendering as spotlights
- ut3: reduced by 90% default volume of AmbientSounds
- u1: added support for WeaponPowerup, StringerAmmo
- ut99/ut2004: added support for conversion of Domination gametype actors.
- misc: won't stop converting map resources if one fails to convert properly now.
- misc: conversion processing is now saved in a conversion.log file
- ui: slightly improved visibility in conversion settings
0.7.5 - 23/10/2016
- Changes instructions for import .t3d converted file since UnrealEngine editor 4.13 can no longer directly import .t3d files
0.7.4 - 21/09/2016:
- Fixed some classes not being converted (like pickups, weapons) when class name was lowercase
- Fixed bad parsing of tag sometimes
0.7.3 - 18/06/2016:
- Changed default scale from 2.2 to 2.5 to fit with playersize change in some previous UT4 patch
- Added settings to only convert some manually specified classes
- u1, u2, ut: fixed bad lift destination not being scaled with conversion map scale
- u1, u2, ut: fixed bad converted sounds that was causing crash on play in editor sometimes
- all: fixed some resources (mainly sounds) that were not being converted
0.7.2 - 14/10/2015:
- u2/ut2003/ut2004: Fixed bad staticmesh scaling in level if "DrawScale" property set.
0.7.1 - 12/10/2015:
- Fixed polygon for normal brushes with shader texture not replaced with diffuse texture
0.7 - 11/10/2015:
- ut2003/ut2004: staticmeshes are now textured (note: shader textures are not fully converted, possibly replaced with diffuse texture)
- ut2003/ut2004: lifts got their original staticmesh set now Note: you need to update original python script file 'io_import_scene_unreal_psa_psk.py' in C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\\scripts\addons with this one (which provide fixes for .psk staticmesh import in blender) by Befzz from https://github.com/Befzz/blender3d_import_psk
0.6 - 27/09/2015:
- u2, ut2003, ut2004, ut3: added option to export staticmeshes used in map (partial conversion, need to convert .psk file format to.fbx using 3d modeler (like Blender))
- UI: added information about how to convert map after conversion
- ut3: added TriggerVolume, DynamicTriggerVolume, Note, UTTeamPlayerStart, UTTeamWarfarePlayerStart, PointLightMovable, PointLightToggleable, SkyLightToggleable, SpotLightMovable, SpotLightToggleable, AmbientSoundSimple, AmbientSoundNonLoop, AmbientSoundSimpleToggleable actors for conversion
- u2, ut2003, ut2004, ut3: fixed crash when staticmesh actor has no staticmesh set
- ut3: added partial conversion of ReverbVolume, PhysicsVolume
- ut3: fixed sometimes a crash when exporting level to t3d file
- ut3: fixed AmbientSound conversion error
- ut3: fixed SpotLight bad rotation if 3d scale is negative
- ut3: fixed resources from map package never exported
- ut2003, ut2004, ut3: now Trigger actor are replaced with CapsuleTrigger
- ut2003, ut2004: SunLight converted to DirectionalLight
- ut2003, ut2004, ut3: fixed lift destination (since new UT4 version automatically scales it with 3d scale of lift mesh)
- ut2004: increased light brightness and radius
- ut3: removed useless warnings for actors ModelComponent, ForcedReachSpec
0.5 - 05/09/2015:
- [UT99] Added partial support for conversion of UT99 assault maps with UTA resurgence mod (https://trello.com/b/Jtvc23S1/uta-resurgence)
- [UT99] Replaced SmokeGenerator with Blueprint_Effect_Smoke_C blueprint actor
- Added 2.1875 scale factor in conversion settings
- Fixed never-ending (stuck) conversion in some rare-cases
- Fixed brush of movers no longer being converted (_brush actors)
- Fixed duplicated mover actors
- Now need to create Cue assets for sounds to be working (after sound files import select them in UE4 Editor asset browser then "Create CUE").
0.4.1 - 07/06/2015:
- Fixed untextured surfaces if texture coming from level package
0.4.0 - 06/06/2015:
- Added support for Unreal Tournament 2003 / 2004, Unreal 2, Unreal Tournament 3 (note Unreal 2/UT2003/UT2004/UT3 conversion is pretty bad for some maps since staticmesh conversion is not yet available)
- Added conversion for textures (note: material textures are not yet converted)
- Automatically extract music now
- [UI] Added advanced conversion settings
- Fixed sounds not being exported from map package
- Fixed frozen UI on map conversion
- Some other fixes but can't remember
0.3.0 - 08/05/2015:
- Improved lightning (brightness, lightning type, ...)
- Sound export and conversion
- Added LiftExit, Jumppad and BlockAll for conversion
- Converts Triggers with "CapsuleTrigger" volume
- Better alignment of FlagBases
- UI: improved log display
- Fixed crash if UT4 converter has whitespace in one of his parent folders
- Added / Activated support for Unreal 1
- Auto-creates big additive brush to simulate level in subtract mode and lightning importance volume for level
0.2.1 - 19/04/2015:
- Fixed movers not importing correctly in UT4 editor
0.2.0 - 18/04/2015:
- [UI] Added conversion log display
- Fixed conversion crash with some maps with incorrect name prefix
- Added support for UT99 Binary maps (.unr) as input file
- Improved mover conversion (moving good now)
- Added LavaZone, SlimeZone, WaterZone conversion
- Added missing weapons conversion for "FlakCannon", "AutoMag", "Enforcer","doubleenforcer", "ImpactHammer", "ASMD", "Rifle", "Minigun", "SuperShockRifle" (instagib)
- Added teleporter conversion
- Added conversion for powerup "invisibility", "ut_invisibility", "ut_stealth", "nalifruit" (replaced with normal health), "bandages" (replaced with healthvial), "PowerBelt"
- Added conversion for ammo "Sludge", "EClip", "FlakShellAmmo", "ASMDAmmo", "RifleAmmo", "RifleRound", "RifleShell", "Minigun", "SuperShockRifle" (instagib)
- Removed unecessary auto-created notes for unconverted actor for PathNodes, InventorySpot, TranslocDest
0.1.0 - 13/04/2015:
- First version with basic brush, lights and pickups conversion