Releases: xtools-at/Electron-PWA-Wrapper
Releases · xtools-at/Electron-PWA-Wrapper
Release 1.2
Out of Beta!
There may be still a few bugs left to encounter, but we're currently on our way to get our Leasing Calculator App certified for both the Windows- and macOS App Store, and got Linux running properly with a first build as well. Yippie!
- #3 fixed Linux icon issues
- fixed wrong identityId example for Windows Store builds
Known Issues / Help needed
- #2 Localization / Internationalization
- #4 Build Configuration for Snap packages for Ubuntu Apps Directory
Pre-compiled Apps
You can find compiled examples of the Leasingrechner App in it's own repository: Leasingrechner Releases
(Windows Portable + macOS DMG, Linux AppImage will be released once stable enough)
Release 1.1 (Beta)
- fixed issues when using a custom Shell (all OS)
- fixed wrong image size for Windows Store builds
- fixed missing Sandbox entitlements for macOS AppStore
- Updated dependencies to latest versions (electron, electron-builder)
Known Issues / Help needed
- Linux App- and Tray-Icon bugs (wrong icons used by app after building): #3
- Localization / Internationalization: #2
Pre-compiled Apps
You can find compiled examples of the Leasingrechner App in it's own repository:
Leasingrechner Releases
(currently Windows Portable and macOS DMG only)
Release 1.0 (beta)
- Load your WebApp either "fullscreen" or with a custom Shell around it for each OS.
- Build with electron-builder - preconfigured.
- TouchBar support on macOS
... and all the other good stuff from the front page :)
Still in Beta because of issues with the App- and Tray-Icons on Linux.