A diff tool for images.
$ go get github.com/xshoji/go-diff-image
./diff-image -h
Usage of ./diff-image:
-a, --after-image-path string
[required] Image path (after)
-b, --before-image-path string
[required] Image path (before)
-e, --error-if-difference
Be regarded as an error (status code 1) if difference exists
-h, --help
Show help
-n, --not-output-if-same
Not output difference image if inputs are same
-o, --output string
[required] Output path of difference image
./diff-image -o=/tmp/d.png -b=/tmp/s1.png -a=/tmp/s2.png
# Build
APP=/tmp/diff-image; MAIN=cmd/diff-image/main.go; go build -ldflags="-s -w" -trimpath -o "${APP}" "${MAIN}"; chmod +x "${APP}"
# Croess compile by goreleaser
goreleaser --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist
Release flow of this repository is integrated with github action. Git tag pushing triggers release job.
# Release
git tag v0.0.2 && git push --tags
# Delete tag
echo "v0.0.1" |xargs -I{} bash -c "git tag -d {} && git push origin :{}"
# Delete tag and recreate new tag and push
echo "v0.0.1" |xargs -I{} bash -c "git tag -d {} && git push origin :{}; git tag {} -m \"Release beta version.\"; git push --tags"