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Getting Started

mbattersby edited this page Jul 23, 2024 · 8 revisions

  1. Open the WoW "Key Bindings" settings.
  2. Find the LiteMount key bindings under the "LiteMount" category.
  3. Bind a key to "LiteMount Key Binding 1" (and the other 3 if you want to use Rules).
  4. Push the key to summon a random location-aware mount, or dismount you if you are mounted.

Holding LEFT SHIFT while pushing the key will force a ground mount in a flying area, or a flying mount if you are swimming.

Holding RIGHT SHIFT while pushing the key will cast the spell to toggle flight styles between Skyriding and Steady Flight.

Pressing the key while moving will summon an instant-cast mount such as Travel Form, Ghost Wolf or Flying Broom – if you know any.

While swimming, jump out of the water and press the key within 1 second to summon a flying/running mount instead of a swimming mount.

Putting LiteMount on your action bar

If you prefer to activate LiteMount from an action bar button instead of the key binding, you can create a macro and drop it onto an action bar button.

To create the LiteMount macro and "pick it up" ready to drop onto an action bar, type into the chat box:

/litemount macro

Once you have created the macro you can edit it if you wish (using the Blizzard macro settings accessed via /macro). LiteMount will not change the macro unless you delete it and recreate it.