A face recognition app using MTCNN technique for face detection and the LBPH algorithm for face recognition
There are 3 main components in this folder, which are
- Python code used for updating the recognizer
- React front end code
- Flask backend server code
-> This code is mainly used for evaluation and the testing purpose.
-> This code consists each step to update the LBPH recognizer.
-> To run this code, it will require the dataset to put inside folder named "images"
-> To run the front end code, first we have to open command prompt.
-> "cd" to the react directory
-> type "npm start" in the command prompt.
-> To run flask server, we first have to open command prompt
-> "cd" to the flask directory
-> type "set FLASK_APP=app".
-> type "flask run" to run the server. By default, it will use port 5000.