Single cell data is gaining sophistication - Cells can be measured in multiple modalities including gene expression, chromatin accessibility, cell surface markers and protein expression. These orthogonal measures of the same or matched cells enable a holistic construction of the cell state. However it has been challenging to share multiomic data, especially in an integrated format that consolidates the multiple layers of measurements. The MultiAssayExperiment
provides a framework to package the various modalities into a single dataset on a per cell basis.
The scMultiome
package is a collection of public single cell multiome data sets pre-processed and packaged into MultiAssayExperiment
objects for downstream analysis. It also provides basic functions to save the MultiAssayExperiment
as .hdf5
files so that users can load only the desired modalities into memory.
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
To list currently available data sets,
or see package help with
For a quick start, please see our vignette
Current multiomic data sets consist of gene expression and chromatin accessibility but can be extended to include any other modalities. The current data sets are either paired multiomic data sets or unpaired data sets with data integration performed by the ArchR
The MultiAssayExperiment
object is saved in hdf5 files. The nature of the hdf5 format allows the MAEs to be split into individual experiments and store them in one file, so you can choose freely which ones to load. Experiments, usually SingleCellExperiment
objects, are disassembled into parts, which are saved in the hdf5 hierarchy. Assays are saved as sparse arrays to save storage.
Upon loading, selected experiments are reassembled and wrapped into an MAE object. Assays are represented by DelayedMatrix
objects to save memory.
NOTE: These data sets can be quite large. See listDatasets()
to avoid surprises.
Data sets in MultiAssayExperiment
form are saved to disk with the saveMAE
function. It creates an hdf5 file and dispatches individual experiments to saveExp
. saveExp
disassembles and saves experiments to the file.
Each data set is accessed by its own accessor function. Accessor functions call the internal retrieve
function to query ExperimentHub
for the resource in question, which causes the file to be downloaded and cached. The path to the cached file is passed to loadMAE
, which in turn calls loadExp
for each experiment specified in the accessor call. loadExp
reads experiment components and reassembles them, and then loadMAE
builds a MultiAssayExperiment
object. This object is the final return value of the accessor function.
├── this file
├── DESCRIPTION package metadata
├── NAMESPACE namespace information
├── R/ functions
├── man/ help files
├── tests/ unit test files
├── vignettes/ vignettes
├── images/ images
├── inst/
│ ├── images/ image files used in documentation
│ ├── extdata/ external data, including data set metadata
│ └── scripts/ scripts, including ones to create data set metadata
└── scMultiome.Rproj RStudio project file
To add your public data sets to the package, review the vignette Adding Data Sets and contact the package maintainer.