Replace sed for the simplest use cases.
It's in quick and dirty MVP state for the personal use. Ping me if you think we need to improve this seriously.
We have three slashes in "s/old/new/command" the perl-style replacement format. That means we need to escape slashes every time we want to use in the old, new and command section. I am tired of it. But I'm lucky enough to have python within my era.
Update: We learn sed is capable of changing its delimiter. See Back to sed section below.
Denma exposes a variable line
for each line.
You can write an expression for the replacement or just update the variable the with statements.
We present three equivalent commands below:
sed 's/a\/very\/old\/and\/long\/path/new\/path/g' -i input.txt -i -c "line.replace('a/very/old/and/long/path', 'new/path')" input.txt -i -c "import re; line = re.sub('a/very/old/and/long/path', 'new/path', line)" input.txt
After creating this project, we got a feedback from @ehooi. We really appreciate it. We might still stick to sed:
sed 's#a/very/old/and/long/path#new/path#g' -i input.txt
We can also use any character but a backslash or newline as a delimiter. Two references here:
- GNU sed manual: "The '%' may be replaced by any other single character."
- Freebsd sed manual: "Any character other than a backslash or newline can be used instead of a slash ..."
MIT License as per
Created by Taihyun Hwang <>