Full native implementation of TL serializing language. Simple and fast.
english русский
TL is a serialization format, created by Telegram and TON devs. This format slightly looks like Protobuf, but has a lot of exotic differences, which creates some issues with working about this format. This package solve a lot of stuff and handle 90% of your routine, related to serialization (and trust me, this routine could be a pain, that's why we created xelaj/tl).
- Probably the best golang package for parsing TL schemas
- Auto code generation of implementation your spec
- Supports TL-B for TON Blockchain
- And many many more 😲
Here are some usage cases, how you can do some stuff:
package main
import "github.com/xelaj/tl"
type RepoUser struct {
_ struct{} `tl:"someBitflag,bitflag"`
Nick string
Creator bool `tl:",omitempty:someBitflag:0,implicit"`
Editor bool `tl:",omitempty:someBitflag:7,implicit"`
func (c *RepoUser) CRC() uint32 { return 0x12345678 }
func main() {
response := &RepoUser{
Nick: "Hello user!",
Creator: true,
Editor: true,
// And boom! 💥 You have decoded object!
🔘 $ brew install tlgen
Processing... Done!
🟢 $ cat schema.tl | tlgen generate \
--package-name="github.com/username/tonlib" \
--output="./path/to/generate" \
--file-prefix="tl" \ # ➡ tl_stuff_gen.go or tl_gen.go
--split-files # ➡ split by 4 files depend on object type
🟢 $ ls ./path/to/generate
drwxr-xr-x+ 4 username staff 3.3K Oct 11 2049 .
drwxr-xr-x 104 username staff 224B Oct 11 2049 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 4 username staff 4.1K Oct 11 2049 tl_enums_gen.go
-rw-rw-r-- 4 username staff 900B Oct 11 2049 tl_init_gen.go
-rw-rw-r-- 4 username staff 1.8K Oct 11 2049 tl_interfaces_gen.go
-rw-rw-r-- 4 username staff 3.2K Oct 11 2049 tl_methods_gen.go
🟢 $ # Tadah! You have multiple files, but you can combine them into single one!
Code examples are here
Full docs are here
Well... Read this issue about TON source code, when it was released first time. Remember: current TON developers are absolutely another guys. Use google translate, this issue will answer to all your questions.
Telegram devs are really strange
Вы наверняка заметили, что логотип этого проекта это на самом деле два логотипа — telegram и ton. Однако, формат в ton обратно несовместим с тем же форматом в telegram. При этом, между ними очень много общего, поэтому вцелом довольно реально объеденить оба формата в одну библиотеку. При этом, в отличии от разработчиков telegram, разработчики ton более благосклонны к кооперации, так что вполне возможно, что поддержка ton будет даже более качественной
- MTProto
- Mmmm...me?
Please read contributing guide if you want to help. And the help is very necessary!
Don't want code? Read this page! We love nocoders!
Please, don't create issue which describes security bug, this can be too offensive! Instead, please read this notification and follow that steps to notify us about problem.
- Full implementation of Tl serializing
- Tool to generate golang code
- Write amazing docs
- Create full toolset to support TL
- make support of TL-B (incompatible version, used by TON)
- Write RFC specification?
- write good security policy
- setup taskfile for markdown linter
This project uses go-task, it's not important to understand, what's
going on, (since you can just see into Taskfile.yaml
and see all commands).
For better experience, you can download go-task and run tasks e.g. via
$ task <taskname>
. All tasks can be shown via $ task --list-all
- Richard Cooper <rcooper.xelaj@protonmail.com>
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Если вы находитесь в россии, или как-либо связаны с российским правительством, (например, являетесь российским налогоплательщиком) на вас распостраняется отдельная лицензия.
Even that maintainers of this project are generally from russia, we still stand
up with Ukraine, and from beginning of war, decided to stop paying any taxes, or
cooperate in any case with government, and companies, connected with government.
This is absolutely nothing compared to how much pain putin brought to the
fraternal country. And we are responsible for our inaction, and the only thing
we can do is to take at least any actions that harm putin’s regime, and help the
victims of regime using all resources available for us.
Created with love 💜 and magic 🦄
Xelaj Software, 2022-2024