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How to Use the Ship Sheet
In the ‘Actors directory’ of the FoundryVTT UI click on the Create Actor tab. This will open up a new window with options of Name: Type: and Folder:
Name and Folder are user options and can be as you wish. The Type option gives a drop down of either Character or Ship; you need to choose ship. This will create a new actor in your selected folder.
Left clicking on the name of the new ship will open up the ship sheet
Top left hand corner of the sheet show the ship’s image. This can be changed by clicking on the image or via various modules such as Art Galley, just as you would for an actor’s Character sheet. The image is not usable with Tokenizer.
To the right of the image is the name as selected when the sheet was created. This can be edited from the sheet.
Also to the right of the image there are a number of data fields
- Displacement - The hull size (displacement) defined during the build process. It represents the maximum mass the ship can carry.
- TL - the technical level for the ship
- Jump - the jump drive rating for the ship (in parsecs / hexes)
- Thrust - the thrust rating for the m-drive in G
- Fuel - current and maximum fuel available. Currently, this field is a manually updated. The bar can be clicked to toggle the label between "Refined" and "Unrefined".
- Overdrive - a checkbox to indicate ship is in overdrive
- Ship Hull - current and max hull points designated during the build process, according to which rule set you have opted for
- Armor - type of armor installed (description) and the current and max armor points
- Power management or Power and Weight Management section that contains further data on ship components
- Power Used and Max generated (based on all installed and operating power components)
- Systems - all systems power usage other than dives, sensors and weapons components
- M-Drive - sum of power draw for all drive components with "m-Drive" or "m drive" in name
- J-Drive - sum of power draw for all drive components with "j-Drive" or "j drive" in name
- Sensors - all sensor components power usage
- Weapons - all weapons components power usage
Note that power is only included for those components that have an on or damaged status. Also, power draw / generated is assumed to be per unit. So the calculation of the total power used by a component is the quantity * power draw/generated
- Power Used and Max generated (based on all installed and operating components (consumed show as used and generated show as max)
- Systems - total weight for all systems that are not cargo, fuel, or vehicle components
- Cargo - the total weight for all cargo components
- Fuel - the total weight for all fuel components
- Vehicles - the total weight for all vehicle components
- Avail. (Available) - weight (mass) available to be carried by the ship. It is equal to the displacement minus the total mass of components.
Below these you will find a tab bar showing:
- Crew
- Components
- Locker
- Cargo
- Finances
- Notes
Positions: This allows the creation of ship’s stations predominantly, but not limited to, use during ship to ship combat
Crew: Shows the crew roster
Components: The different component parts of the ship as described in the build process
Locker: The ship locker and allow the cataloging of equipment stored in the Ship’s Locker
Cargo The manifest of cargo components and notes for tracking cargo
Finance: A basic text field to allow the tracking of funds. At the top are the ship hull's basic costs: purchase value, 40-year mortgage value, and monthly maintenance costs. If auto calc is enabled, these values are calculated based on the component data. Otherwise the fields are manual entry.
Notes: This is a simple text box to allow the GM or player to add reference notes about the given ship
The ship sheet is under review and development and many of these current sections or for tracking purposes only with manual input. The Positions tab does enable some automation as described below
Clicking on the Positions tab will show a box allowing the creation of a bespoke position/station for the ship’s crew
Click on the + sign (Add Ship Position) and a new new position will be created
Clicking on the spanner icon will open a new window:
Position Name: As it says on the tin, type in chosen name for the position eg Sensor Op, Captain, etc Order: A simple numeric value to show the order of the positions shown on the ship sheet, ie. 1 will be top left , 2 will be top center, 3 top right
Travellers: Ignore this for now, this will populate automatically as you drag and drop the Character
Actions: click on the + and it will add a new action.
- Order is a numeric value again showing position
- Name (New Action by default) name the action e.g. Electronic Warfare, Command and Control, Fire Beam Laser
Macro/Skill This is what is given to the action type
- For "Chat" it is simply what should be outputted in the chat when executing the action. You can also specify a roll formula by starting the chat string with '/r' or '/R'. The action will make a chat roll as the normal chat box when the roll formula is valid.
- For "Skill Roll" The skill name has to be provided. Optionally one can also override the default characteristic for that skill or override the difficulty. The skill name will need to be as typed on the character sheet with the same capital, space etc e.g.
Electronics (Sensors)
. If you want to override the characteristic add/CHR
after the skill name, for exampleElectronics (Sensors)/INT
. To override the difficulty you add it by typing a space and a number followed by a plus, e.g.Electronics (Sensors) 10+
. You can both override the characteristic and difficulty at the same time as well (Electronics (Sensors)/DEX 6+
). Multiple skills and multiple characteristics can be configured by separating them with the pipe "|" character. The most advantageous skill and/or characteristic for the Actor will be used by the action. A hull repair action might be configured asEngineering|Mechanic/INT|EDU 6+
. - For "Fire Energy Weapons" you put in a skill (as described above) and select a component to use in the "Component to use" dropdown to the right. Currently, this feature is quite limited and will make a skill roll and output as a chat message that you hit with the component that was given. The format is the same as a skill roll, e.g.
Electronics (Sensors)/DEX 6+
(the characteristic and difficulty is optional). Note that the old style of specifying a component (by appending an "=COMPONENT_ID") still works. - For "Execute Macro", you enter the name of the macro you want to execute. The following documents are passed as context to the macro to make creating the macro easier.
is the selected actor document for the position.ship
is the ship document.component
is the selected component.
- Component to use drop down list of the non-cargo components to use for Fire Energy Weapons or Skill Roll.
- Action Type drop down list for the action types described above (Chat, Skill Roll, Fire Energy Weapon, or Execute Macro).
This process will need to be done for each position. Each position can have single or multiple action and is totally bespoke
Once positions are created the Character can be dragged to the new position. This will link all actions to the individual character and utilise their skills for the action.
A position can have more than one Character but a Character can only be at one given position at a time. To remove the Character from the position either drag him/her to another position or to remove totally drag to a neutral area of the ship sheet (do not drag over to the screen/canvas as this will place the token there)
The component data is used to auto calculate ship weight, power and cost information (if the option is enabled). To make such calculations work correctly, one needs to understand some important concepts. Key to all these calculations is the hull displacement value (ship size). Several calculations need this value to work correctly, so it is important to enter a displacement value in the upper right corner of the main sheet.
Weight is assumed to be per unit. So the calculation of the total power used by a component is the quantity * unit weight. For armament and fuel, the calculation uses available quantity and not total quantity. However, unit weight may also be expressed as a percentage of the ship displacement weight (e.g. armor). To calculate using percentage, enter the percentage form (e.g. 10 for 10%) and check the box "Weight is Percentage?". For example, this calculation method is the typical method for components such as drives. For systems such as Cepheus Deluxe, the percentage value to enter can be a bit tricky as there is both a base percentage and a scaling factor due to TL. For example, a TL 11, m-drive rated at 2G has a base weight of 1.5% of the hull displacement and an associated scaling factor of 1.1. The % displacement weight value to enter on the component sheet is 1.65 (1.5*1.1).
For hull components, there is a special designation possible: "Is Baseline Hull?" (a checkbox). If this box checked, the calculations assume that the component designates the displacement of the hull and the weight is not included as part of the carrying capacity (as it defines the maximum carrying capacity). If autocalc is enabled and there is no valid displacement value entered, the sheet will fill in a displacement value based on a hull component that is the baseline hull.
A component may either consume power or generate it. The default is that a component consumes power unless it is a power component (then it assumes it generates power). The "Generates Power?" checkbox may be changed to override these defaults. For the single-line components listing, power generating components are listed with a "+" before their power values.
There are four different ways to calculate a component price:
- "MCr per unit": This method prices a component as the price value entered times the total quantity.
- "MCr per component ton": This method prices a component as the price value entered times the component's weight. Note that this weight may be dependent on the hull displacement, so it is important to enter a valid displacement value.
- "MCr per hull ton": This method prices a component as the price value entered times the hull's displacement weight. Again, a valid displacement value is necessary.
- "MCr per 100 hull ton": Similar to the above method, for each 100 tons and not each ton (generally good for small values).
- "Percent of base hull value": This method prices a component as percentage of the base hull value (the hull component designated as "Is Baseline Hull"). This is typical for components such as armor. It is independent of quantity.
- "Percent of base hull value per unit": This method prices a component similar to the above method, but now quantity plays into the calculation. For example, with a component quantity of 3 and percentage of 5, the net percentage calculated is 15.
For the base hull (i.e. Is Baseline Hull), be certain to include any factors that affect the baseline cost as part of the hull. For example, a streamlined hull cost 10 percent more. Enter a value of "0.11" MCr/ton if hulls cost 0.1 MCr per ton, generally.
One thing to note is that Vehicle component costs are not included in ship price - per community recommendation.
For Twodsix v5.8+, the system now includes a secondary sheet for ships called the "Battle Sheet". It is meant to be a non-tabbed display of critical ship information that is relevant to ship combat. This sheet could also be used as an alternative display for NPC ships. Note that the data does not change for the ship actor - just the format of display. One can go back and forth between the sheet display styles without issue. One important difference is that the Battle Sheet does not display auto calculated values. The values for power, jump, thrust, and displacement can be changed irrespective on the auto calculate setting. If you return to the normal ship view, these values should auto calculate correctly. Here is an example view:

To view the battle sheet, click on the gear icon of the sheet header.

A pop-up menu should open.

Select the "Battle Sheet" for the "This Sheet" option.
The battle sheet should have similar functionality to the main ship sheet for the interactive features it displays. For example, it is possible to edit and delete components listed using the pencil and trashcan icons. To use a ship position, first select the actor and action from the pulldown menus; next click the position name. The position action selected should work as for the default sheet. To edit the position information (e.g. add an actor or add a new action), click on the wrench (spanner) icon. The position configuration screen should open. Also note that the order of the positions is sorted by the "Order" value for the position and is not drag/dropable to a new position (unlike cargo and components lists).
The battle sheet has a few display options to customize its display:
- Color - Under the display settings -> general, there is an option to change the battle sheet's color (only when using Twodsix's default (dark) style). This setting is independent of the other color settings but the initial value is the same as the default color setting. Please note that it is not possible to change the scrollbar color at this time.

- Components to Display in Damage Window - The component list for the damage section may be filtered to exclude certain component subtypes. The setting is under Display Settings -> Ship. For example, here is the setting for excluding accommodations and vehicles.

The cargo subtype is always excluded.
- Battle Position - Some systems use battle position in combat as opposed to range and/or initiative. Optionally, a free-form field can be displayed to track this position in the Operations section. The setting option can be found under Display Options -> Ship.