Contributing & Maintenance
If you would like to help maintain this plugin, please email me at I can grant you access to the npm package and the GitHub repository.
Please note that I am no longer using jQuery, so I cannot offer full support for it.
PLEASE. Help me update the documentation. Doc.tpl This file will be automatically displayed on the site
npm install jquery-datetimepicker
yarn add jquery-datetimepicker
or download zip
!!! In the latest version the 'lang' option is obsolete. The language setting is now global. !!!
Use this:
jQuery Plugin Date and Time Picker
Options to highlight individual dates or periods
Requires Node and NPM Download and install node.js.
- Install
globally withnpm install -g bower
. - Run
npm install
. npm will look atpackage.json
and automatically install the necessary dependencies. - Run
bower install
, which installs front-end packages defined inbower.json
Notice: If you use Bower v1.5.2, you will get the error: The "main" field cannot contain minified files
You can regress to version 1.3.12
npm uninstall bower -g
npm install -g bower@1.3.12
First install npm requirements: npm install -g uglifycss concat-cli
Then build the files: npm run build
When the build completes, you'll have the following files:
- build/jquery.datetimepicker.full.js - browser file
- build/jquery.datetimepicker.full.min.js - browser minified file
- build/jquery.datetimepicker.min.js - amd module style minified file