Use our code can easy to train a custom new model to infer.
This project is implemented based on spacy. So I'm just a porter.
Configuration Environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If your nltk.dwonload() reports an error, please click the link directly, download the zip and unzip it. Rename the packages folder to nltk_data and move it to the directory where the error was reported.
If you want to use cuda to accelerate training, you need to install spacy corresponding to your GPU cuda version.
pip install spacy[cuda102]
It means that your cuda is version 10.2
First you can use the to ner some car brands, types and component.
For the model, we use a small amount of manual annotation.
We simply extracted a part of car brands, types and component from the wiki, manually labeled them with a small amount, and then matched them from the text to automatically create a NER dataset. This eliminates the need to use such NER annotation tools.
General annotation tools likes,
##Data processing
If you have both sentences and entity words, you might as well use the to directly generate the files needed for training through matching.
You can modify your file location and other parameters in the ner_data_config() function in the file, and there are corresponding annotations. This is a code that supports multi-processing. If you don't have much data, you can run the following code for single-process operation.
Also you can use this code to set the parameters, but note that there must be no spaces before and after "="
python with entity_path="./dataset/entity" \
class_path="./dataset/class.txt" text_type='pkl' \
text_path="/Users/xcxhy/AIProject/dataset/ner/prodid_to_prodname_dict.pkl" \
The single-process code is running, please run the concat file
Attention: This requires you to use the category you want to identify to name the file, for example, we use "brand.txt" to name the brand entity. For documents containing entity words, I have set two formats: 'pkl' or 'txt'. We recommend saving documents in txt format, and saving each sentence with a newline.
Multi-process runs the file directly, and the parameters that need to be modified should be modified in the file.
##Build NER dataset Using the above data processing method, a new_real_ner_dict.pkl file will be obtained. It is stored in the form of a dictionary. The outermost key is "annotations", which are embedded with two dictionaries with "text" and "entities" as keys. "text" stores the sentence text, and "entities" stores a list consisting of multiple (start, end, label) triples.
If you use other methods to preprocess the data, in order to ensure the normal operation of the training, please save the dictionary in this structure. The file type can be saved as "pkl" or "json". Please input the file path and type into the terminal before running the code.(default type="pkl", path="./dataset/new_real_ner_dict.pkl")
python with path=<your file path> type=<your type>
##Train Model
Before training, you must first add a configuration file to sapcy config and choose the task you need to train.
You can choose not to set, use our default settings, only do ner tasks, and choose gpu acceleration at the same time.If you need more settings please refer to the documentation.
Attention: If you use your own settings, make sure the base_config.cfg file is in the custom_ner folder.
We have two files for training the model, one is and, if the amount of data is not much, you can run directly.(Make sure to run before running the file)
The file is mainly to solve the memory problem caused by too much training text.
During the training process, you can use GPU acceleration, set the gpu-id parameter to 0 or specify the graphics card in the training code.
Finally, we provide a script, prepare the required parameters and data in the file, and run the training directly.
Simple test using file