From 19c862ee3900d6070f566e7359cc03e8921c965d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hosted Weblate Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 21:56:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Currently translated at 100.0% (4432 of 4432 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) Currently translated at 99.8% (4425 of 4432 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4432 of 4432 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4432 of 4432 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4432 of 4432 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4431 of 4431 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4425 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4425 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4425 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4425 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (Korean (ko_kr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4425 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4425 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hungarian (hu_hu)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4425 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4425 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan (Spain) (ca_es)) Currently translated at 90.0% (3983 of 4425 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan (Spain) (ca_es)) Currently translated at 90.0% (3983 of 4425 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4421 of 4421 strings) Translated using Weblate (Korean (ko_kr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4421 of 4421 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4421 of 4421 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_cn)) Currently translated at 97.1% (4293 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hungarian (hu_hu)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (ar_sa)) Currently translated at 96.3% (4257 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 99.6% (4406 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Korean (ko_kr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (Estonian (et_ee)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4420 of 4420 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (French (France) (fr_fr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan (Spain) (ca_es)) Currently translated at 90.1% (3978 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (French (France) (fr_fr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (French (France) (fr_fr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Finnish (fi_fi)) Currently translated at 99.6% (4401 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese (vi_vn)) Currently translated at 79.5% (3514 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (sr_rs)) Currently translated at 86.6% (3827 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Slovenian (sl_si)) Currently translated at 67.9% (3000 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Slovak (sk_sk)) Currently translated at 92.8% (4098 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian (ru_ru)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Romanian (ro_ro)) Currently translated at 91.4% (4037 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal) (pt_pt)) Currently translated at 89.6% (3957 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) Currently translated at 99.7% (4403 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 99.7% (4406 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål (nb_no)) Currently translated at 91.3% (4031 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Macedonian (mk_mk)) Currently translated at 59.9% (2647 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian (lt_lt)) Currently translated at 95.0% (4195 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Icelandic (is_is)) Currently translated at 96.6% (4266 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Indonesian (id_id)) Currently translated at 97.4% (4304 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Croatian (hr_hr)) Currently translated at 99.7% (4406 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (French (France) (fr_fr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Finnish (fi_fi)) Currently translated at 99.6% (4401 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Basque (Spain) (eu_es)) Currently translated at 88.2% (3898 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Estonian (et_ee)) Currently translated at 99.5% (4395 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish (Mexico) (es_mx)) Currently translated at 99.2% (4380 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish (Spain) (es_es)) Currently translated at 99.2% (4381 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish (Spain) (es_es)) Currently translated at 99.2% (4381 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (English (New Zealand) (en_nz)) Currently translated at 88.6% (3912 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Danish (da_dk)) Currently translated at 97.7% (4317 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Czech (cs_cz)) Currently translated at 97.1% (4291 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan (Spain) (ca_es)) Currently translated at 90.1% (3978 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (bs_ba)) Currently translated at 43.9% (1942 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans (South Africa) (af_za)) Currently translated at 98.2% (4339 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Korean (ko_kr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_tw)) Currently translated at 97.4% (4304 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_tw)) Currently translated at 97.4% (4304 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_cn)) Currently translated at 97.0% (4284 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian (uk_ua)) Currently translated at 90.7% (4008 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian (uk_ua)) Currently translated at 90.7% (4008 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swedish (sv_se)) Currently translated at 95.9% (4238 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 77.8% (3437 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) Currently translated at 99.6% (4401 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_br)) Currently translated at 99.6% (4401 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hungarian (hu_hu)) Currently translated at 99.2% (4382 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (French (France) (fr_fr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (French (France) (fr_fr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (French (Canada) (fr_ca)) Currently translated at 89.4% (3948 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish (Mexico) (es_mx)) Currently translated at 98.4% (4348 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Asturian (Spain) (ast_es)) Currently translated at 27.6% (1221 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (ar_sa)) Currently translated at 96.4% (4257 of 4415 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Korean (ko_kr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4415 of 4415 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Turkish (tr_tr)) Currently translated at 99.7% (4399 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hebrew (Israel) (he_il)) Currently translated at 89.2% (3936 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (Estonian (et_ee)) Currently translated at 99.5% (4391 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans (South Africa) (af_za)) Currently translated at 98.4% (4340 of 4409 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Russian (ru_ru)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4409 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (Korean (ko_kr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4409 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (Estonian (et_ee)) Currently translated at 98.6% (4348 of 4409 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Russian (ru_ru)) Currently translated at 99.2% (4375 of 4409 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Russian (ru_ru)) Currently translated at 98.7% (4353 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4409 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4409 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4409 of 4409 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4409 of 4409 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Swedish (sv_se)) Currently translated at 96.1% (4237 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 77.8% (3431 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian (ru_ru)) Currently translated at 98.4% (4341 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Croatian (hr_hr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish (Spain) (es_es)) Currently translated at 99.3% (4379 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (bs_ba)) Currently translated at 43.8% (1935 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans (South Africa) (af_za)) Currently translated at 97.0% (4280 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_tw)) Currently translated at 97.5% (4299 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch (nl_nl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish (Spain) (es_es)) Currently translated at 99.3% (4379 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4408 of 4408 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Polish (pl_pl)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4403 of 4403 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Korean (ko_kr)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4404 of 4404 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian (it_it)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4404 of 4404 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4404 of 4404 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Source update" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Finnish (fi_fi)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4404 of 4404 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (de_de)) Currently translated at 100.0% (4404 of 4404 strings) Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans (South Africa) (af_za)) Currently translated at 95.2% (4194 of 4404 strings) Co-authored-by: Alexey Co-authored-by: CallMeBill Co-authored-by: Christian Gade Co-authored-by: Deleted User Co-authored-by: Edson Armando Co-authored-by: Frodo19 Co-authored-by: Gijs van Tulder Co-authored-by: Heiko Berner Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate Co-authored-by: Jeremy Chen Co-authored-by: José Antonio Alvarado Co-authored-by: Kai Sommerfeld Co-authored-by: Linerly Co-authored-by: Marek Adamski Co-authored-by: Massimo Pissarello Co-authored-by: Minho Park Co-authored-by: Miniontoby Co-authored-by: Oskari Lavinto Co-authored-by: Pere O Co-authored-by: Robert Bylin Co-authored-by: SecularSteve Co-authored-by: Xavi Carol Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani Co-authored-by: dm1tz Co-authored-by: icarok99 Co-authored-by: ludovik Co-authored-by: psp2111-ADSLGATE Co-authored-by: queeup Co-authored-by: rimasx Co-authored-by: skypichat Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: Kodi core/kodi main --- resource.language.af_za/resources/strings.po | 753 +++++++++++------- resource.language.am_et/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.ar_sa/resources/strings.po | 183 ++++- resource.language.ast_es/resources/strings.po | 175 +++- resource.language.az_az/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.be_by/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.bg_bg/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.bs_ba/resources/strings.po | 249 ++++-- resource.language.ca_es/resources/strings.po | 209 ++++- resource.language.cs_cz/resources/strings.po | 179 ++++- resource.language.cy_gb/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.da_dk/resources/strings.po | 183 ++++- resource.language.de_de/resources/strings.po | 255 +++++- resource.language.el_gr/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.en_au/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.en_nz/resources/strings.po | 183 ++++- resource.language.en_us/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.eo/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.es_ar/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.es_es/resources/strings.po | 255 ++++-- resource.language.es_mx/resources/strings.po | 249 ++++-- resource.language.et_ee/resources/strings.po | 477 +++++++---- resource.language.eu_es/resources/strings.po | 189 ++++- resource.language.fa_af/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.fa_ir/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.fi_fi/resources/strings.po | 237 +++++- resource.language.fil/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.fo_fo/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.fr_ca/resources/strings.po | 183 ++++- resource.language.fr_fr/resources/strings.po | 257 ++++-- resource.language.gl_es/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.he_il/resources/strings.po | 179 ++++- resource.language.hi_in/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.hr_hr/resources/strings.po | 457 +++++++---- resource.language.hu_hu/resources/strings.po | 239 +++++- resource.language.hy_am/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.id_id/resources/strings.po | 203 ++++- resource.language.is_is/resources/strings.po | 189 ++++- resource.language.it_it/resources/strings.po | 231 +++++- resource.language.ja_jp/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.kn_in/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.ko_kr/resources/strings.po | 265 ++++-- resource.language.lt_lt/resources/strings.po | 189 ++++- resource.language.lv_lv/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.mi/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.mk_mk/resources/strings.po | 183 ++++- resource.language.ml_in/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.mn_mn/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.ms_my/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.mt_mt/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.my_mm/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.nb_no/resources/strings.po | 189 ++++- resource.language.nl_nl/resources/strings.po | 688 ++++++++++------ resource.language.os_os/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.pl_pl/resources/strings.po | 217 ++++- resource.language.pt_br/resources/strings.po | 443 +++++++---- resource.language.pt_pt/resources/strings.po | 183 ++++- resource.language.ro_ro/resources/strings.po | 187 ++++- resource.language.ru_ru/resources/strings.po | 435 ++++++---- resource.language.si_lk/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.sk_sk/resources/strings.po | 177 +++- resource.language.sl_si/resources/strings.po | 183 ++++- resource.language.sq_al/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.sr_rs/resources/strings.po | 189 ++++- .../resources/strings.po | 201 ++++- resource.language.sv_se/resources/strings.po | 219 ++++- resource.language.szl/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.ta_in/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.te_in/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.tg_tj/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.th_th/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.tr_tr/resources/strings.po | 345 +++++--- resource.language.uk_ua/resources/strings.po | 183 ++++- resource.language.uz_uz/resources/strings.po | 171 +++- resource.language.vi_vn/resources/strings.po | 191 ++++- resource.language.zh_cn/resources/strings.po | 204 ++++- resource.language.zh_tw/resources/strings.po | 187 ++++- 77 files changed, 13981 insertions(+), 2776 deletions(-) diff --git a/resource.language.af_za/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.af_za/resources/strings.po index abcab519f5..87503eda2f 100644 --- a/resource.language.af_za/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.af_za/resources/strings.po @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-26 21:42+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Heiko Berner \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Afrikaans (South Africa) \n" "Language: af_za\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ msgstr "Gebruikers koppelvlak taal" #. Setting in international settings msgctxt "#310" msgid "Virtual keyboard layouts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Virtuele sleutelbord uitlegte" #. Keyboard layout name e.g. "English QWERTY" msgctxt "#311" @@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ msgstr "Humiditeit" msgctxt "#407" msgid "Hardware keyboard layouts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hardeware sleutelbord uitlegte" msgctxt "#409" msgid "Defaults" @@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ msgstr "Kan nie die weer data kry nie" msgctxt "#413" msgid "Manual" -msgstr "Handrolies" +msgstr "Handmatig" msgctxt "#414" msgid "No review for this album" @@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ msgstr "Voeg by speellys" msgctxt "#527" msgid "Manually add to library" -msgstr "Voeg handrolies by biblioteek" +msgstr "Voeg handmatig by biblioteek" msgctxt "#528" msgid "Enter title" @@ -2649,7 +2649,7 @@ msgstr "Hierdie pad is al vantevore deursoek" msgctxt "#703" msgid "Can't clean up library while running background tasks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan nie biblioteek skoon maak terwyl agtergrond take verrig nie" msgctxt "#705" msgid "Network" @@ -2685,7 +2685,7 @@ msgstr "Outomaties (DHCP)" msgctxt "#717" msgid "Manual (static)" -msgstr "Handrolies (staties)" +msgstr "Handmatig (staties)" msgctxt "#719" msgid "IP address" @@ -3415,7 +3415,7 @@ msgstr "SOCKS5 met afgele DNS oplossing" msgctxt "#1186" msgid "HTTPS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HTTPS" msgctxt "#1200" msgid "SMB client" @@ -3423,7 +3423,7 @@ msgstr "SMB kliënt" msgctxt "#1201" msgid "NFS Client" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS Kliënt" msgctxt "#1202" msgid "Workgroup" @@ -4060,12 +4060,12 @@ msgstr "Speel volgende" #. Header label for add-on configuration removal dialog msgctxt "#10009" msgid "Confirm add-on configuration removal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bevestig verwydering van byvoegsel konfigurasie" #. Header label for add-on configuration removal selection dialog msgctxt "#10010" msgid "Select add-on configuration to remove" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selekteer byvoegsel konfigurasie om te verwyder" msgctxt "#10011" msgid "Settings - Videos - Screen calibration" @@ -4074,22 +4074,22 @@ msgstr "Verstellings - Videos - Skerm kalibrasie" #. Header label for add-on configuration selection dialog msgctxt "#10012" msgid "Add-on configurations and settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byvoegsel konfigurasies en verstellings" #. Item label used in add-on configuration selection dialog msgctxt "#10013" msgid "Edit add-on settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Redigeer byvoegsel verstellings" #. Item label used in add-on configuration selection dialog msgctxt "#10014" msgid "Add add-on configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voeg byvoegsel konfigurasie by" #. Item label used in add-on configuration selection dialog msgctxt "#10015" msgid "Remove add-on configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verwyder byvoegsel konfigurasie" msgctxt "#10016" msgid "Settings - System" @@ -4098,7 +4098,7 @@ msgstr "Verstellings - Stelsel" #. Settings group label msgctxt "#10017" msgid "Add-on configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byvoegsel konfigurasie" msgctxt "#10018" msgid "Settings - Service" @@ -4107,12 +4107,12 @@ msgstr "Verstellings - Diens" #. Item label for add-on configuration removal dialog msgctxt "#10019" msgid "Do you want to remove the add-on configuration \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wil jy die byvoegsel konfigurasie \"{0:s}\" verwyder?" #. Item label used in add-on setup selection dialog msgctxt "#10020" msgid "Edit \"{0:s}\" [{1:s}]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Redigeer \"{0:s}\" [{1:s}]" msgctxt "#10021" msgid "Settings - TV" @@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ msgstr "Volskerm radio" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beheerder Konfigurasie" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4626,52 +4626,52 @@ msgstr "Speletjies" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kieslys" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" msgid "Video Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video Filter" #. Title of the in-game video stretch mode selection dialog msgctxt "#10824" msgid "Stretch Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Strek Modus" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volume" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gevorderde Verstellings" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" msgid "Video Rotation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video Rotasie" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poort Opstelling" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selekteer Stoortoestand" #. Title of the out-of-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10830" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selekteer Stoortoestand" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spelers" msgctxt "#12000" msgid "Select dialog" @@ -4728,11 +4728,11 @@ msgstr "Laas opgedateer" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selekteer video weergawe" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selekteer video ekstra" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -4748,12 +4748,12 @@ msgstr "Hervat vanaf {0:s}" #. Label of the show password button in the keyboard dialog msgctxt "#12308" msgid "Show password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wys wagwoord" #. Label of the hide password button in the keyboard dialog msgctxt "#12309" msgid "Hide password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versteek wagwoord" msgctxt "#12310" msgid "0" @@ -5470,7 +5470,7 @@ msgstr "Nie gekonnekteer. Gaan netwerk verstellings na." #. Label of the button used to disconnect a game controller from the emulated game port msgctxt "#13298" msgid "Disconnected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ontkoppel" msgctxt "#13299" msgid "Target temperature" @@ -5704,7 +5704,7 @@ msgstr "Stel stem in staat" #. label for resume context menu item for video folders (like a TV show or a single season of a TV show) msgctxt "#13362" msgid "Continue watching" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kyk voortsit" msgctxt "#13375" msgid "Enable device" @@ -5875,12 +5875,12 @@ msgstr "Outo-opsporing" msgctxt "#13417" msgid "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Laat DXVA Video Super Resolusie toe" #. Setting Player / Video msgctxt "#13418" msgid "Use high precision processing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gebruik hoë presisie verwerking" msgctxt "#13419" msgid "Software" @@ -5949,7 +5949,7 @@ msgstr "Stel HQ skaleerders in staat om hierbo te skaleer" msgctxt "#13436" msgid "Adjust display HDR mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pas vertoon HDR modus aan" msgctxt "#13437" msgid "Prefer VDPAU video mixer" @@ -7120,37 +7120,37 @@ msgstr "Speel in partytjie modus" #. Label for actions associated with favourites msgctxt "#15217" msgid "Action" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aksie" #. Label for an action associated with a favourite. msgctxt "#15218" msgid "Play media" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Speel media" #. Label for an action associated with a favourite msgctxt "#15219" msgid "Show picture" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wys prent" #. Label for an action associated with a favourite. Placeholder will be filled with the name of the window the favourite's content will be displayed in. msgctxt "#15220" msgid "Show content in \"{}\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wys inhoud in \"{}\"" #. Label for an action associated with a favourite msgctxt "#15221" msgid "Execute script" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voer skrip uit" #. Label for an action associated with a favourite msgctxt "#15222" msgid "Execute Android app" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voer Android toepassing uit" #. Label for an action associated with a favourite msgctxt "#15223" msgid "Execute add-on" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voer byvoegsel uit" #. Label for an action associated with a favourite msgctxt "#15224" @@ -7189,12 +7189,12 @@ msgstr "Pad:" #. Game settings category name msgctxt "#15312" msgid "Achievements" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prestasies" #. Group label for Achievements category in game settings msgctxt "#15313" msgid "Login to RetroAchievements" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teken in by RetroAchievements" #. Label for button which creates a new savestate in the in-game savestate manager msgctxt "#15314" @@ -7204,12 +7204,12 @@ msgstr "Stoor" #. Caption for "Save" button in the in-game savestate manager msgctxt "#15315" msgid "Save progress to a new save file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stoor vordering na 'n nuwe bewaar lêer" #. Label for savestates created automatically by "Autosave" function msgctxt "#15316" msgid "Autosave" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Outostoor" msgctxt "#16000" msgid "General" @@ -7807,12 +7807,12 @@ msgstr "Tydhouers" #. Label for button to refresh the channel logos msgctxt "#19041" msgid "Refresh channel logos" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verfris kanaal logo's" #. label for PVR backend number of channel groups in system information's PVR section msgctxt "#19042" msgid "Channel Groups" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kanaal Groepe" #. pvr settings "recording" category label msgctxt "#19043" @@ -8511,17 +8511,17 @@ msgstr "Maak data skoon" #. message box text for pvr data reset confirmation msgctxt "#19186" msgid "All selected data will be cleared. Some information cannot be restored from the clients afterwards. Proceed anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alle geselekteerde data sal skoon gemaak word. Sommige inligting kan nie na die tyd herstel word vanaf die kliënte nie. Gaan elk geval voort?" #. progress dialog text shown while purging pvr data msgctxt "#19187" msgid "Clearing data." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maak data skoon." #. message box text for epg data reset confirmation msgctxt "#19188" msgid "All guide data will be cleared. Are you sure?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alle gids data sal skoon gemaak word. Is jy seker?" #. message box text stating that the PVR backend forbids to record a given epg event. msgctxt "#19189" @@ -8764,7 +8764,7 @@ msgstr "Laai opnames vanaf kliënte" #. label for PVR client creation progress control msgctxt "#19239" msgid "Creating PVR clients" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skep PVR kliënte" #. label for pvr settings client priorities control and client priorities dialog heading. msgctxt "#19240" @@ -8928,7 +8928,7 @@ msgstr "Geen PVR byvoegsels kon gevind word nie" #. label for 'pvr configuration incomplete' information dialog text msgctxt "#19272" msgid "To use PVR you need to install, enable and configure a PVR add-on. Please visit to learn more." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om PVR te gebruik het jy nodig om 'n PVR byvoegsel te installeer, in staat te stel en te konfigureer. Besoek asseblief om meer te leer." #. Settings -> Interface -> Other -> Startup window value msgctxt "#19273" @@ -9238,72 +9238,72 @@ msgstr "Het oorgeskakel na kanaal vir outo-toegemaakte PVR herinnering vir kanaa #. label for PVR backend number of channel providers in system information's PVR section msgctxt "#19334" msgid "Providers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verskaffers" #. label for special PVR search window list item msgctxt "#19335" msgid "New search..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nuwe soektog..." #. label for special PVR search window list item msgctxt "#19336" msgid "Edit search..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Redigeer soektog..." #. label for special PVR search window list item msgctxt "#19337" msgid "Saved searches" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gestoorde soektogte" #. delete saved search confirmation message box text msgctxt "#19338" msgid "Delete this saved search?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vee hierdie gestoorde soektog uit?" #. PVR guide search dialog label msgctxt "#19339" msgid "Ignore finished broadcasts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ignoreer klaargemaakte uitsendings" #. PVR guide search dialog label msgctxt "#19340" msgid "Ignore future broadcasts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ignoreer toekomstige uitsendings" #. label to ask user to save an EPG search msgctxt "#19341" msgid "Save the current search?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stoor die huidige soektog?" #. "search not saved" label, used in PVR search window breadcrumb msgctxt "#19342" msgid "[not saved]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[nie gestoor nie]" #. "search saved" label, used in PVR search window breadcrumb msgctxt "#19343" msgid "[saved]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[gestoor]" #. text for yes no dialog shown when user selects a future programme in the guide window and default select action is 'smart select' msgctxt "#19344" msgid "Do you want to set a reminder for the selected programme or to switch to the current programme?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wil jy 'n herinnering stel vir die geselekteerde program of na die huidige program oorskakel?" #. settings label to open add-ons manager window with available PVR client add-ons msgctxt "#19345" msgid "PVR client add-ons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "PVR kliënt byvoegsels" #. help text for setting to open add-ons manager window with available PVR client add-ons msgctxt "#19346" msgid "Display and manage available PVR client add-ons." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vertoon en bestuur beskikbare PVR kliënt byvoegsels." #. info message box text stating that none of the available pvr clients does provide client-specific settings msgctxt "#19347" msgid "None of the active PVR clients provide client-specific settings." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen van die aktiewe PVR kliënte verskaf kliënt-spesifieke verstellings nie." #. label for 'by provider' sort method msgctxt "#19348" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgstr "Verskaffer" #. label for 'by user preference' sort method msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gebruiker voorkeur" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" +msgstr "Gebruik kanaal groep volgorde vanaf agterkant(e)" + +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" msgstr "" #. label for epg genre value @@ -9528,7 +9548,7 @@ msgstr "Folk / Tradisionele musiek" #. label for "music/ballet/dance" epg subgenre value msgctxt "#19584" msgid "Jazz" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jazz" #. label for "music/ballet/dance" epg subgenre value msgctxt "#19585" @@ -10742,12 +10762,12 @@ msgstr "Kalibrasie herstel" #. Window screen calibration: ask to reset calibration settings msgctxt "#20326" msgid "Do you want reset the calibration to their defaults for \"{0:s}\" resolution?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wil jy die kalibrasie herstel na die verstek waardes vir \"{0:s}\" resolusie?" #. Window screen calibration: the current calibration value msgctxt "#20327" msgid "Current value: {}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Huidige waarde: {}" msgctxt "#20328" msgid "Browse for destination" @@ -11348,7 +11368,7 @@ msgstr "Gepremière" #. Used in smart playlists to select items based on the HDR type (HDR10, HLG, Dolbyvision) msgctxt "#20474" msgid "HDR type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HDR tipe" msgctxt "#21330" msgid "Show hidden files and directories" @@ -11409,7 +11429,7 @@ msgstr "Gebruik video merkers" msgctxt "#21344" msgid "Enable to use embedded tags in mp4 or mkv files for library metadata. Will prevent scrapers from operating correctly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel in staat om ingebedde etikette in mp4 of mkv lêers vir biblioteek metadata te gebruik. Sal voorkom dat skrapers korrek opereer." #. Used in AutoPlayNextItem dialogs for not categorized listItem directories msgctxt "#21345" @@ -11419,12 +11439,12 @@ msgstr "Ongekategoriseer" #. Used to give heading list entry for an file extension description, e.g. to show as 'Extension: ".mp3"' msgctxt "#21346" msgid "Extension: \"{0:s}\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uitbreiding: \"{0:s}\"" #. Used to give heading list entry for an mimetype description, e.g. to show as 'MIME type: "audio/mpeg3"' msgctxt "#21347" msgid "MIME type: \"{0:s}\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "MIME tipe: \"{0:s}\"" msgctxt "#21358" msgid "Enable UPnP support" @@ -11468,7 +11488,7 @@ msgstr "Fliek & alternatiewe onderskrif gids" msgctxt "#21368" msgid "Override subtitles fonts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oorskryf onderskrif skrifte" msgctxt "#21369" msgid "Enable mouse and touch screen support" @@ -11835,12 +11855,12 @@ msgstr "gemeng" #. Subtitle position on screen setting list msgctxt "#21460" msgid "Position on screen" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Posisie op skerm" #. Item list value of setting with label #21460 "Subtitle position on screen" msgctxt "#21461" msgid "Manual" -msgstr "Handrolies" +msgstr "Handmatig" #. Item list value of setting with label #21460 "Subtitle position on screen" msgctxt "#21462" @@ -11850,7 +11870,7 @@ msgstr "Onderkant van video" #. Item list value of setting with label #21460 "Subtitle position on screen" msgctxt "#21463" msgid "Bottom of screen" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Onderkant van skerm" #. Item list value of setting with label #21460 "Subtitle position on screen" msgctxt "#21464" @@ -11860,7 +11880,7 @@ msgstr "Bokant van video" #. Item list value of setting with label #21460 "Subtitle position on screen" msgctxt "#21465" msgid "Top of screen" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bokant van skerm" #. Description of setting with label #21416 "Select first unwatched TV show season/episode" msgctxt "#21466" @@ -11949,12 +11969,12 @@ msgstr "Besigtig" #. Button label to show list of supported types, e.g. supported file extensions msgctxt "#21484" msgid "Show support" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wys ondersteunde" #. Dialog header label to show list of supported types, e.g. supported file extensions msgctxt "#21485" msgid "Supported file extensions and media types" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ondersteunde lêer uitbreidings en media tipes" msgctxt "#21602" msgid "(External)" @@ -12389,17 +12409,17 @@ msgstr "Karakterstel" #. Label for setting to choose the default action for "play" msgctxt "#22076" msgid "Default play action" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verstek speel aksie" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22077" msgid "Ask if resumable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vra as hervatbaar" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" msgid "Resume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hervat" msgctxt "#22079" msgid "Default select action" @@ -13162,28 +13182,28 @@ msgstr "Gebruik Kodi virtuele sleutelbord" msgctxt "#24163" msgid "The higher the value, the more sensitive the pan gesture" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hoe hoër die waarde, hoe sensitiewer die pan gebaar" # empty string with id 24163 #. Header text for yes/no dialog about enable of broken add-on msgctxt "#24164" msgid "Add-on \"{0:s}\" broken" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byvoegsel \"{0:s}\" is gebreek" #. Yes/no dialog text with add-on broken string value and to ask for use msgctxt "#24165" msgid "Add-on marked as broken with following note:[CR][B][I]{0:s}[/I][/B][CR][CR]Do you want to enable?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byvoegsel gemerk as gebreek met volgende nota:[CR][B][I]{0:s}[/I][/B][CR][CR]Wil jy in staat stel?" #. Header text for yes/no dialog about enable of deprecated add-on msgctxt "#24166" msgid "Add-on \"{0:s}\" deprecated" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byvoegsel \"{0:s}\" verouderd" #. Yes/no dialog text with add-on deprecated string value and to ask for use msgctxt "#24167" msgid "Add-on marked as deprecated with following note:[CR][B][I]{0:s}[/I][/B][CR][CR]Do you want to enable?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byvoegsel gemerk as verouderd met volgende nota:[CR][B][I]{0:s}[/I][/B][CR][CR]Wil jy in staat stel?" #. Notification event to show addon marked as deprecated. msgctxt "#24168" @@ -13343,7 +13363,7 @@ msgstr "Outo-oorslaan aan" #. xbmc/guilib/guiinfo/AddonsGUIInfo.cpp msgctxt "#25014" msgid "Manual" -msgstr "Handrolies" +msgstr "Handmatig" msgctxt "#29801" msgid "QWERTY keyboard" @@ -13802,7 +13822,7 @@ msgstr "Rolle" #. Label for multi-disc movies, including movie title (param 0) and disc number (param 1). msgctxt "#29995" msgid "{0:s} (Disc {1:s})" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:s} (Skyf {1:s})" msgctxt "#33001" msgid "Trailer quality" @@ -14689,27 +14709,27 @@ msgstr "Nommerblok" #. Label for the button that opens the port setup dialog msgctxt "#35110" msgid "Ports" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poorte" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#35111" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poort Opstelling" #. Label of a port with a numeric identifier. {0:s} is the port ID, e.g. "1" for "Port 1" msgctxt "#35112" msgid "Port {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poort {0:s}" #. Title of the dialog for selecting a game controller msgctxt "#35113" msgid "Select a Controller" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kies 'n Beheerder" #. Title of the error dialog when changing a controller port fails msgctxt "#35114" msgid "Failed to change controller" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gefaal om beheerder te verander" #. Name of keyboard category in the settings category window msgctxt "#35150" @@ -14823,12 +14843,12 @@ msgstr "Muis" #. Name of window for configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#35172" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spelers" #. Notification shown when no controllers are connected in the in-game dialog that lets users configure player assignment msgctxt "#35173" msgid "No controllers connected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen beheerders gekonnekteer" #. This string is an early meme from the late 1990's that made fun of the poor translation in the 16-bit game Zero Wing from the late 1980's. DO NOT TRANSLATE! msgctxt "#35200" @@ -14843,11 +14863,11 @@ msgstr "Speletjiespel" # empty string with id 35202 msgctxt "#35203" msgid "Enable rewind (if supported)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel terugdraai in staat (indien ondersteun)" msgctxt "#35204" msgid "Enable real-time rewinding during game play, if supported. Press rewind or manually seek backwards using the seek bar." -msgstr "Stel intydse terugdraai gedurende speletjie spel in staat, indien ondersteun. Druk terugdraai of soek handrolies terug deur die soek staaf te gebruik." +msgstr "Stel intydse terugdraai gedurende speletjie spel in staat, indien ondersteun. Druk terugdraai of soek handmatig terug deur die soek staaf te gebruik." msgctxt "#35205" msgid "Maximum rewind time" @@ -15010,7 +15030,7 @@ msgstr "In hierdie vrystelling kan slegs beheerders gebruik word om speletjies t #. Button to open the savestate manager from the game OSD msgctxt "#35249" msgid "Save / Load" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stoor / Laai" msgctxt "#35250" msgid "Add games..." @@ -15026,7 +15046,7 @@ msgstr "Redigeer speletjie bron" msgctxt "#35253" msgid "Enable autosave (if supported)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel outo stoor in staat (indien ondersteun)" msgctxt "#35254" msgid "Save the game automatically during game play, if supported. Resume playing where you left off." @@ -15035,7 +15055,7 @@ msgstr "Stoor die speletjie outomaties gedurende spel, indien ondersteun. Hervat #. Label for showing which emulator the game was saved with msgctxt "#35255" msgid "Saved with:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gestoor met:" #. Error message when a game client fails to install when a game is being launched msgctxt "#35256" @@ -15060,7 +15080,7 @@ msgstr "Gestoor" #. Title of the dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#35260" msgid "Select savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selekteer stoortoestand" #. Button for creating a new save state from the select savestate dialog msgctxt "#35261" @@ -15070,49 +15090,49 @@ msgstr "Nuut" #. Help text for RetroAchievements username input setting msgctxt "#35262" msgid "Enter your RetroAchievements account username" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tik jou RetroAchievements rekening gebruikersnaam in" #. Help text for RetroAchievements password input setting msgctxt "#35263" msgid "Enter your RetroAchievements account password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tik jou RetroAchievements rekening wagwoord in" #. Label for notification events regarding RetroAchievements login msgctxt "#35264" msgid "RetroAchievements" -msgstr "" +msgstr "RetroAchievements" #. Description for notification event regarding unsuccessful RetroAchievements login msgctxt "#35265" msgid "Incorrect User/Password!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verkeerde Gebruiker/Wagwoord" #. Description for notification event regarding unsuccessful RetroAchievements login msgctxt "#35266" msgid "Failed to contact server" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gefaal om bediener te kontak" #. Description for notification event regarding unsuccessful RetroAchievements login msgctxt "#35267" msgid "Invalid response from server" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ongeldige antwoord vanaf bediener" #. Setting to show if the user is logged in to RetroAchievements #. Settings -> Games -> Achievements -> Logged in msgctxt "#35268" msgid "Logged in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ingeteken" #. Help text for the setting that shows if the user is logged in to RetroAchievements #. Settings -> Games -> Achievements -> Logged in msgctxt "#35269" msgid "Toggle this setting to log in or out of RetroAchievements." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wissel hierdie verstelling om in of uit RetroAchievements te teken." #. Description for notification event regarding unsuccessful RetroAchievements login msgctxt "#35270" msgid "Your account is not verified. Please check your email to complete your sign up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jou rekening is nie geverifieer nie. Gaan asseblief jou epos na om jou inteken te voltooi." #. connection state "host unreachable" msgctxt "#35505" @@ -15185,7 +15205,7 @@ msgstr "Waak toestelle wanneer die skermskut deaktiveer" msgctxt "#36011" msgid "Couldn't detect the CEC com port. Please configure it manually." -msgstr "Kon nie die CEC com poort bespeur nie. Stel dit asseblief handrolies op." +msgstr "Kon nie die CEC com poort bespeur nie. Stel dit asseblief handmatig op." msgctxt "#36012" msgid "Couldn't initialise the CEC adapter. Please check your settings." @@ -15194,7 +15214,7 @@ msgstr "Kon nie die CEC passtuk inisialiseer nie. Gaan asseblief jou verstelling #. CEC adapter setting to set the type of device that libCEC reports to the TV (Recording, Playback or Tuner Device) msgctxt "#36013" msgid "CEC client device mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CEC kliënt toestel modus" msgctxt "#36015" msgid "HDMI port number" @@ -15347,35 +15367,35 @@ msgstr "Met begin" #. Item list value of setting with label #36013 "CEC client device mode" msgctxt "#36051" msgid "Recording Device" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opneem Toestel" #. Item list value of setting with label #36013 "CEC client device mode" msgctxt "#36052" msgid "Playback Device" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Terugspeel Toestel" #. Item list value of setting with label #36013 "CEC client device mode" msgctxt "#36053" msgid "Tuner Device" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Instemmer Toestel" # empty strings from id 36054 to 36095 #. Label of setting "System / Display / Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" msgctxt "#36096" msgid "Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gebruik stelsel HDR/SDR helderheid balans" # empty strings from id 36054 to 36096 #. Label of setting "System / Display / GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode" msgctxt "#36097" msgid "GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GUI piek helderheid in HDR PQ modus" # empty strings from id 36051 to 36097 #. Label of setting "System / Display / Use 10 bit for SDR" msgctxt "#36098" msgid "Use 10 bit for SDR" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gebruik 10 bis vir SDR" msgctxt "#36099" msgid "Dithering" @@ -15463,7 +15483,7 @@ msgstr "Kies die formate vir temperatuur, tyd en datum. Die beskikbare opsies ha #. Description of setting with label #14091 "Character set" msgctxt "#36116" msgid "Choose which character set is used for displaying text in the user interface. This doesn't change the character set used for subtitles, for that go to Player > Language." -msgstr "Kies watter karakter stel gebruik word om teks in die gebruikers koppelvlak te vertoon. Hierdie verander nie die karakter stel gebruik vir subtitels, gaan na Speler > Taal daarvoor." +msgstr "Kies watter karakter stel gebruik word om teks in die gebruikers koppelvlak te vertoon. Hierdie verander nie die karakter stel gebruik vir onderskrifte, gaan na Speler > Taal daarvoor." #. Description of setting with label #14079 "Timezone country" msgctxt "#36117" @@ -15760,7 +15780,7 @@ msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir hoe video lêer lyste hante #. Description of setting with label #22079 "Default select action" msgctxt "#36177" msgid "Toggle between [Choose], [Play] (default), [Resume], [Show information] and [Queue item].[CR][Choose] will open a context menu to select an item, e.g. show information.[CR][Play] will automatically play videos from the beginning or if a resume point is present ask whether to play from beginning or to resume.[CR][Resume] Will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR][Show information] will open the video's information dialog.[CR][Queue item] will append the video to the video playlist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wissel tussen [Kies], [Speel] (verstek), [Hervat], [Wys inligting] en [Tou item].[CR][Kies] sal 'n konteks kieslys oopmaak om 'n item te selekteer, bv. wys inligting.[CR][Speel] sal outomaties videos van die begin af speel of as 'n hervat punt teenwoordig is vra of van begin af moet speel of moet hervat.[CR][Hervat] sal outomaties videos hervat vanaf die laaste posisie wat jy hulle gekyk het.[CR][Wys inligting] sal die video se inligting dialoog oop maak.[CR][Tou item] sal die video by die video speellys byvoeg." #. Description of setting with label #20433 "Extract thumbnails and video information" msgctxt "#36178" @@ -15799,32 +15819,32 @@ msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir hoe onderskrifte hanteer wo #. Description of setting with label #14089 "Font" msgctxt "#36185" msgid "Set the font type to be used for subtitles." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel die skrif tipe om vir onderskrifte te gebruik." #. Description of setting with label #289 "Size" msgctxt "#36186" msgid "Set the font size to be used for subtitles." -msgstr "Stel die skrif grootte om vir onderskrifte te gebruilk." +msgstr "Stel die skrif grootte om vir onderskrifte te gebruik." #. Description of setting with label #736 "Style" msgctxt "#36187" msgid "Set the font style to be used for subtitles." -msgstr "Stel die skrif styl om vir onderskrifte te gebruilk." +msgstr "Stel die skrif styl om vir onderskrifte te gebruik." #. Description of setting with label #737 "Colour" msgctxt "#36188" msgid "Set the font colour to be used for subtitles." -msgstr "Stel die skrif kleur om vir onderskrifte te gebruilk." +msgstr "Stel die skrif kleur om vir onderskrifte te gebruik." #. Description of setting with label #735 "Character set" msgctxt "#36189" msgid "Set the font character set to be used for subtitles." -msgstr "Stel die skrif karakter stel om vir onderskrifte te gebruilk." +msgstr "Stel die skrif karakter stel om vir onderskrifte te gebruik." #. Description of setting with label #21368 "Override subtitles fonts" msgctxt "#36190" msgid "Override subtitles fonts in subtitle formats such as ASS / SSA." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oorskryf onderskrif skrifte in onderskrif formate soos ASS / SSA." #. Description of setting with label #21366 "Custom subtitle folder" msgctxt "#36191" @@ -15834,7 +15854,7 @@ msgstr "Stel 'n pasgemaakte gids vir jou onderskrifte. Hierdie kan 'n lêer gede #. Description of setting with label #21460 "Subtitle location on screen" msgctxt "#36192" msgid "Location of subtitles on the screen. [Bottom of video] / [Top of video] When possible the subtitles will be positioned within the video area (depends on video encoding). Please note that some forced positions in the subtitles cannot be changed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Posisie van onderskrifte op die skerm. [Onderkant van video] / [Bokant van video] Wanneer moontlik sal die onderskrifte binne die video area geposisioneer word (hang van video enkodering af). Let asseblief op dat sommige geforseerde posisies in die onderskrifte nie verander kan word nie." #. Description of settings category with label #14087 "DVDs" msgctxt "#36193" @@ -15907,7 +15927,7 @@ msgstr "Gee die agterkant instruksie om vir kanale te soek (as ondersteun)." msgctxt "#36209" msgid "Clear the databases for PVR data like channels, groups, reminders and guide. Please note that not all data can be restored from the backend afterwards." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maak die databasisse skoon vir PVR data soos kanale, groepe, herinneringe en gids. Let asseblief op dat nie alle data na die tyd herstel kan word vanaf die agterkant nie." msgctxt "#36210" msgid "Open the client priorities dialog which allows modifying the priority for enabled PVR clients according to your personal preferences, for instance to order channels client by client. Higher value means higher priority." @@ -15915,7 +15935,7 @@ msgstr "Maak die kliënt prioriteite dialoog oop, wat die verandering van die pr msgctxt "#36211" msgid "This category contains the settings for PVR channels and channel groups." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir PVR kanale en kanaal groepe." msgctxt "#36212" msgid "Display programming information when changing channels, such as the current TV show." @@ -16191,7 +16211,7 @@ msgstr "Kies die visualisering wat vertoon gaan word terwyl na musiek luister." #. Description of setting with label #39125 "Enable tag reading in file view" msgctxt "#36274" msgid "When browsing music files in file view read the tags of those not in the music library as you go. This can make large directories slow to display, especially over a network." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wanneer deur musiek lêers blaai in lêer aansig, lees die etikette van die wat nie in die musiek biblioteek is nie soos jy gaan. Hierdie kan groot gidse stadig maak om te vertoon, veral oor 'n netwerk." #. Description of setting with label #13307 "Track naming template" for musicfiles.trackformat msgctxt "#36275" @@ -16241,7 +16261,7 @@ msgstr "Outoloop CDs wanneer in dryf sit." #. Description of setting with label #227 "Load audio CD information from online service" msgctxt "#36284" msgid "Read the information belonging to an audio CD, like song title and artist, from the Internet database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lees die oudio CD inligting, soos liedjie titel en kunstenaar, vanaf die Internet databasis" #. Description of setting label #20000 "Saved music folder" msgctxt "#36285" @@ -16308,21 +16328,21 @@ msgstr "Kies 'n tyd in sekondes waarna PVR herinnering opspringe outomaties toeg msgctxt "#36298" msgid "If enabled, a recording for the programme to remind will be scheduled when auto-closing the reminder popup, if supported by the PVR add-on and backend." -msgstr "" +msgstr "As in staat gestel, sal 'n opname vir die program om te herinner geskeduleer word wanneer die herinnering popup outo-toemaak, as ondersteun word deur die PVR byvoegsel en agterkant." #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" msgid "Select the folder where movie set information (images) are saved locally." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kies die vouer waar fliek stel inligting (beelde) lokaal gestoor word." msgctxt "#36301" msgid "No 'Movie set information folder' is configured to store movie set images so they will not be exported. Do you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen 'Fliek stel inligting vouer' is opgestel om fliek stel beelde te stoor nie, so hulle sal nie uitgevoer word nie. Wil jy voortgaan?" msgctxt "#36302" msgid "No info available yet." @@ -16344,7 +16364,7 @@ msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir hoe prent lêer lyste hante msgctxt "#36306" msgid "If not using backend channel numbers then start all groups channel numbers from 1." -msgstr "" +msgstr "As nie agterkant kanaal nommers gebruik nie, begin alle groep kanaal nommers vanaf 1." #. Description of setting with label #13360 "Automatically generate thumbnails" msgctxt "#36307" @@ -16354,7 +16374,7 @@ msgstr "Genereer outomaties prent duimnaelsketse wanneer prent gids binne gaan." #. Description of setting with label #20472 "Show all performers for music videos" msgctxt "#36308" msgid "When enabled, shows all performers in the artist list for music videos, not just the main artist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wanneer in staat gestel, vertoon al die kunstenaars in die kunstenaar lys vir musiek videos, nie net die hoof kunstenaar nie" #. Description of setting with label #22022 "Show video files in listings" msgctxt "#36309" @@ -16434,7 +16454,7 @@ msgstr "Stel die UPnP bediener in staat. Dit laat jou toe om media in jou biblio #. Description of setting with label #20188 "Announce library updates" msgctxt "#36324" msgid "When a manual or automatic library update occurs, notify UPnP clients." -msgstr "Wanneer 'n handroliese of outomatiese biblioteek opdatering gebeur, stel UPnP kliënte in kennis." +msgstr "Wanneer 'n handmatige of outomatiese biblioteek opdatering gebeur, stel UPnP kliënte in kennis." #. Description of setting with label #21881 "Allow playback control via UPnP" msgctxt "#36325" @@ -16454,7 +16474,7 @@ msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir hoe die web bediener diens #. Description of setting with label #263 "Allow remote control via HTTP" msgctxt "#36328" msgid "Enable remote users to control this application through the built-in web server. Never expose the web server port to the Internet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel afgeleë gebruikers in staat om hierdie toepassing te beheer deur die ingeboude web bediener. Moet nooit die web bediener poort aan die internet blootstel nie." #. Description of setting with label #730 "Port" msgctxt "#36329" @@ -16464,12 +16484,12 @@ msgstr "Definieer die web bediener poort." #. Description of setting with label #1048 "Username" msgctxt "#36330" msgid "Define the web server username. Must be set when authentication is enabled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Definieer die web bediener gebruikersnaam. Moet opgestel wees wanneer waarmerking in staat gestel is." #. Description of setting with label #1048 "Password" msgctxt "#36331" msgid "Define the web server password. Must be set when authentication is enabled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Definieer die web bediener wagwoord. Moet opgestel wees wanneer waarmerking in staat gestel is." #. Description of setting with label #199 "Web interface" msgctxt "#36332" @@ -16484,7 +16504,7 @@ msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir hoe die afstandbeheer diens #. Description of setting with label #791 "Allow remote control from programs on this system" msgctxt "#36334" msgid "Allow programs on this device to control this application via the JSON-RPC over WebSocket, JSON-RPC over TCP, or EventServer protocol, without authentication." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Laat programme op hierdie toestel toe om hierdie toepassing te beheer via die JSON-RPC oor WebSocket, JSON-RPC oor TCP, of EventServer protokol sonder waarmerking." #. Description of setting with label #792 "Port" msgctxt "#36335" @@ -16594,7 +16614,7 @@ msgstr "In 'n multi-skerm konfigurasie sal die skerms wat nie hierdie program ve #. Description of settings category with label #1201 "NFS Client" msgctxt "#36356" msgid "This category contains the settings for how the NFS client is handled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir hoe die NFS kliënt hanteer word." #. Description of setting with label #214 "Video calibration..." msgctxt "#36357" @@ -16970,11 +16990,11 @@ msgstr "Wanneer in staat gestel, word VAAPI teken metode verkies en die CPU het msgctxt "#36434" msgid "If enabled, switch to the channel with the programme to remind when auto-closing the reminder popup." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Indien in staat gestel is, skakel na die kanaal met die program om te herinner wanneer die herinnering popup outo toemaak." msgctxt "#36435" msgid "Sort channel groups by the order supplied by the backend(s). If enabled, groups cannot be reordered in the Group manager" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sorteer kanaal groepe volgens die volgorde verskaf deur die agterkant(e). Indien in staat gestel kan groepe nie herrangskik word in die Groep bestuurder nie." # empty string with id 36435 #. Description for setting #407: "Hardware keyboard layouts" @@ -16982,16 +17002,21 @@ msgstr "" #. Select the layout of a physically attached keyboard msgctxt "#36436" msgid "Select hardware keyboard layout." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kies hardeware sleutelbord uitleg." #. Option for setting "System -> Add-ons -> Update official add-ons from" msgctxt "#36437" msgid "Official repositories only (default)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slegs offisiële stoorplekke (verstek)" #. Option for setting "System -> Add-ons -> Update official add-ons from" msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" +msgstr "Enige stoorplekke" + +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." msgstr "" #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 @@ -17002,17 +17027,17 @@ msgstr "Stel die hoeveelheid volume beheer stappe." #. Description of setting with label #14126 "Whitelist" msgctxt "#36443" msgid "Whitelisted modes give the user the control to choose which display modes are allowed or not allowed to be used" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gewitlyste modusse gee die gebruiker die beheer om te kies watter vertoon modusse toegelaat word om gebruik te word of nie" #. Description of setting with label #14127 "Whitelist" msgctxt "#36444" msgid "Select this option to allow using 3:2 pulldown refresh rates (playing 23.976 FPS video on a 59.94 Hz monitor or playing 24 FPS video on a 60 Hz monitor). You may want to use this option if your monitor doesn't have a 23.976 Hz or 24 Hz mode." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kies hierdie opsie om gebruik van 3:2 aftrek verfris tempos (speel 23.976 FPS video op 'n 59.94 Hz monitor of speel 24 FPS video op 'n 60 Hz monitor) toe te laat. Jy mag hierdie opsie wil gebruik as jou monitor nie 'n 23.976 Hz of 24 Hz modus het nie." #. Description of setting with label #14128 "Whitelist" msgctxt "#36445" msgid "Select this option to allow using double refresh rates (playing 29.97 FPS video on a 59.94 Hz monitor or playing 30 FPS video on a 60 Hz monitor). You may want to use this option if your monitor doesn't have a 29.97 Hz or 30 Hz mode." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kies hierdie opsie om gebruik van dubbel verfris tempos (speel 29.97 FPS video op 'n 59.94 Hz monitor of speel 30 FPS video op 'n 60 Hz monitor) toe te laat. Jy mag hierdie opsie wil gebruik as jou monitor nie 'n 29.97 Hz of 30 Hz modus het nie." #. Description of settings with label #14112 "Enable event logging" msgctxt "#36460" @@ -17196,7 +17221,7 @@ msgstr "Stel die visuele diepte van onderskrifte vir stereoskopiese 3D videos. H #. Description of setting with label #36097 "System / Display / GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode" msgctxt "#36547" msgid "Sets the peak luminance level for GUI elements while the display is in HDR PQ mode. This affects all OSD, subtitles and graphics that are SDR in origin." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel die piek helderheid vlak vir GUI elemente terwyl die vertoon in HDR PQ modus is. Hierdie affekteer alle OSD, onderskrifte en grafika wat SDR in oorsprong is." #. Description of setting with label #37021 "Set GUI resolution limit" msgctxt "#36548" @@ -17246,7 +17271,7 @@ msgstr "Skakering kartering parameter" #. label of a setting, tone mapping method msgctxt "#36557" msgid "ACES Filmic" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ACES Filmic" #. label of a setting, tone mapping method msgctxt "#36558" @@ -17314,7 +17339,7 @@ msgstr "Gamma modus" #. Description of setting "System -> Video output -> Gamma mode" with label #36572 msgctxt "#36573" msgid "Select the gamma curve formula. Use BT.1886 for gamma curve that accounts for display black and white levels and avoids perceptual clipping. Use input offset for a similar curve with a manually specified effective gamma. Output offset allows for perceptual clipping, but can be used to compensate for incorrect mastering monitor settings that lead to too bright dark details. Absolute gamma does not account for display black at all and will clip the lowest levels to display black on any display with higher than zero black level." -msgstr "Selekteer die gamma kurwe formule. Gebruik BT.1886 vir gamma kurwe wat voorsiening maak vir vertoon swart en wit vlakke en bemerkbare knip vermy. Gebruik intree afset vir 'n soortgelyke kurwe met 'n handrolies gespesifiseerde effektiewe gamma. Uittree afset laat toe vir bemerkbare knip, maar kan gebruik word om te kompenseer vir inkorrekte meestering monitor verstellings wat lei tot te helder donker besonderhede. Absolute gamma maak glad nie voorsiening vir vertoon swart nie en sal die laagste vlakke knip om swart op enige vertoon met hoër as nul swart vlak te vertoon." +msgstr "Selekteer die gamma kurwe formule. Gebruik BT.1886 vir gamma kurwe wat voorsiening maak vir vertoon swart en wit vlakke en waarneembare knip vermy. Gebruik intree afset vir 'n soortgelyke kurwe met 'n handmatige gespesifiseerde effektiewe gamma. Uittree afset laat toe vir waarneembare knip, maar kan gebruik word om te kompenseer vir inkorrekte meestering monitor verstellings wat lei tot te helder donker besonderhede. Absolute gamma maak glad nie voorsiening vir vertoon swart nie en sal die laagste vlakke knip om swart op enige vertoon met hoër as nul swart vlak te vertoon." msgctxt "#36574" msgid "Gamma" @@ -17337,7 +17362,7 @@ msgstr "Spesifiseer die resolusie vir die 3D opsoek tabel. Gebruik 'n laer resol #. Description of setting "System / Display / Use 10 bit for SDR" with label #36098 msgctxt "#36578" msgid "Improves video quality by using 10-bit video surfaces for Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) video.[CR][Auto detect] Enables 10 bit for SDR only if the connected display supports HDR.[CR][Always] Enables 10 bit for SDR even if the connected display doesn't support HDR.[CR][Never] Do not use 10 bit for SDR.[CR]HDR passthrough mode always uses 10-bit regardless of this setting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verbeter video kwaliteit deur 10-bis video oppervlakke vir Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) video te gebruik. [CR][Outo speur] Stel 10 bis vir SDR in staat net as die gekonnekteerde vertoon HDR ondersteun.[CR][Altyd] Stel 10 bis vir SDR in staat al ondersteun die gekonnekteerde vertoon nie HDR.[CR][Nooit] Gebruik nie 10 bis vir SDR.[CR]HDR deurgee modus gebruik altyd 10-bis, ongeag van hierdie verstelling." #. primaries labels msgctxt "#36579" @@ -17588,58 +17613,58 @@ msgstr "Forseer swak SMBv1 sekuriteit vir versoenbaarheid met die USB deel funks #. Text in confirm dialog when enabling setting "Services -> Control -> Allow remote control via HTTP" msgctxt "#36632" msgid "Anyone who has access to the web interface will be able to completely control this application and, therefore, this device, so it should never be exposed on the Internet. A password should be set below. Proceed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enige iemand wat toegang tot die web koppelvlak het sal hierdie toepassing heeltemal kan beheer, en dus ook hierdie toestel. So dit behoort nooit aan die internet blootgestel te word nie. 'n Wagwoord behoort onder gestel te word. Gaan voort?" #. Text in confirm dialog when enabling setting "Services -> Control -> Allow remote control from applications on other systems" msgctxt "#36633" msgid "These services offer neither authentication nor encryption. Anyone who can connect to them will be able to completely control this application and, therefore, this device, so they should never be exposed to the Internet. Proceed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hierdie dienste bied nie waarmerking of enkripsie nie. Enige iemand wat toegang tot die web koppelvlak het sal hierdie toepassing heeltemal kan beheer, en dus ook hierdie toestel. So dit behoort nooit aan die internet blootgestel te word nie. Gaan voort?" #. Text in confirm dialog when disabling setting "Services -> Control -> Require authentication" msgctxt "#36634" msgid "Anyone who has access to the web interface will be able to completely control this application and, therefore, this device, so it should be secured by a password. Are you sure you want to disable authentication?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enige iemand wat toegang tot die web koppelvlak het sal hierdie toepassing heeltemal kan beheer, en dus ook hierdie toestel. So dit behoort met 'n wagwoord beveilig te word. Is jy seker jy wil waarmerking deaktiveer?" #. Text in error dialog when trying to enter an invalid web server configuration msgctxt "#36635" msgid "If web server authentication is enabled, a password must be entered as well." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Indien web bediener waarmerking in staat gestel is moet 'n wagwoord ook ingetik word." #. Text in error dialog when trying to enter an invalid web server configuration by enabling authentication without a password set msgctxt "#36636" msgid "You must first enter a password before web server authentication can be enabled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jy moet eers 'n wagwoord intik voor web bediener waarmerking in staat gestel kan word." #. Menuitem at "Settings -> System -> Add-ons" msgctxt "#36638" msgid "Remove all orphaned add-ons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verwyder alle wees byvoegsels" #. Description of setting with label #36638 "Remove all orphaned dependencies" msgctxt "#36639" msgid "Remove all modules and support libraries that have been automatically installed and are in an orphaned state." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verwyder alle modules en ondersteunings biblioteke wat outomaties installeer is en in 'n wees toestand is." #. Dialog caption msgctxt "#36640" msgid "Orphaned add-ons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wees byvoegsels" #. Dialog text if orphaned add-ons were found and removed msgctxt "#36641" msgid "The following orphaned add-ons were removed from your system: {0:s}." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Die volgende wees byvoegsels is verwyder vanaf jou stelsel: {0:s}." #. Dialog text if no more orphaned add-ons left on the system msgctxt "#36642" msgid "No orphaned add-ons to remove." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen wees byvoegsels om te verwyder nie." # empty strings from id 36643 to 36898 #. Description of setting with label #729 "Enable SSL" msgctxt "#36899" msgid "Enables SSL encryption in the webserver. Certificate special://userdata/server.pem and Key special://userdata/server.key must be created manually" -msgstr "Stel SSL enkripsie in staat in die webbediener. Certificate special://userdata/server.pem en Key special://userdata/server.key moet handrolies geskep word" +msgstr "Stel SSL enkripsie in staat in die webbediener. Sertifikaat special://userdata/server.pem en Sleutel special://userdata/server.key moet handmatig geskep word" msgctxt "#36900" msgid "movie" @@ -17804,7 +17829,7 @@ msgstr "Toeganklikheid" #. Description of category #287 Subtitles msgctxt "#37033" msgid "This category contains the settings for subtitles" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir onderskrifte" #. Setting #37034 Accessibility msgctxt "#37034" @@ -17872,128 +17897,128 @@ msgstr "1080" msgctxt "#37047" msgid "WS-Discovery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WS-Discovery" #. Setting #37048 Enable WS-Discovery Service" msgctxt "#37048" msgid "Enable WS-Discovery Service" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel WS-Discovery Diens in staat" #. Description of setting #37048 Enable WS-Discovery Service" msgctxt "#37049" msgid "Enable service to search for SMB services using the WS-Discovery protocol" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel diens in staat om vir SMB dienste te soek deur gebruik van die WS-Discovery protokol" #. Label for component level debug logging setting msgctxt "#37050" msgid "Verbose logging for the [B]WS-Discovery[/B] component" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breedvoerige loghouding vir die [B]WS-Discovery[/B] komponent" #. Setting #37051 NFS Protocol Version" msgctxt "#37051" msgid "NFS Protocol Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS Protokol Weergawe" #. Description of setting #37051 NFS Protocol Version" msgctxt "#37052" msgid "NFS protocol version to use when establishing NFS connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS protokol weergawe om te gebruik wanneer NFS konneksies gevestig word" #. Settings / Services "Chunk Size" group label msgctxt "#37053" msgid "Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Datablok Grootte" #. Setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37054" msgid "NFS Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS Datablok Grootte" #. Description of setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37055" msgid "Data chunk size used on NFS connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Datablok grootte gebruik op NFS konneksies" #. Setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37056" msgid "SMB Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SMB Datablok Grootte" #. Description of setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37057" msgid "Data chunk size used on SMB connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Datablok grootte gebruik op SMB konneksies" # empty strings from id 37058 to 37100 #. Settings / Services "Caching" category label msgctxt "#37101" msgid "Caching" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cacheberging" #. Description of category #37101 "Caching" msgctxt "#37102" msgid "This category contains settings that configure caching of local and network files, and internet streams." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat verstellings wat die cacheberging van lokale en netwerk lêers en internet strome opstel." #. Setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37103" msgid "Buffer Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer Modus" #. Description of setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37104" msgid "Configure the media content to buffer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel die media inhoud om te buffer op." #. Setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37105" msgid "Memory Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geheue Grootte" #. Description of setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37106" msgid "The size of the memory buffer in Mbytes. Setting zero (0) forces buffering to disk, which is not recommend on flash storage devices (eMMC, SD cards, SSD)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Die grootte van die geheue buffer in Mbytes. Verstelling zero (0) forseer buffering na skyf, wat nie aanbeveel word vir flash stoor toestelle nie (eMMC, SD kaarte, SSD)." #. Setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37107" msgid "Read Factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lees Faktor" #. Description of setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37108" msgid "The read factor determines cache fill rate in terms of avg. bitrate of stream x Read Factor. Increasing this multiple, cache fills faster but more bandwidth is consumed. Large multiples may cause CPU spikes on some devices, saturate the connection and worsen performance." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Die lees faktor bepaal cache vul tempo in terme van gemiddelde bis tempo van stroom x Lees Faktor. Verhoging van hierdie veelvoud laat cache vinniger vul, maar meer bandwydte word gebruik. Groot veelvoude mag CPU pieke veroorsaak op sommige toestelle, die konneksie versadig en werkverrigting versleg." #. Description of setting "Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37109" msgid "The data chunk size to use when a filesystem or protocol does not force the value, e.g. NFS will override this with its own value." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Die datablok grootte om te gebruik wanneer 'n lêerstelsel of protokol nie die waarde forseer nie, byvoorbeeld NFS sal hierdie met eie waarde oorskryf." #. Value of setting - NONE msgctxt "#37110" msgid "No buffer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen buffer" #. Value of setting - TRUE INTERNET msgctxt "#37111" msgid "Only buffer true internet streams: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer slegs ware internet strome: HTTP, HTTPS, ens." #. Value of setting - INTERNET msgctxt "#37112" msgid "Buffer all internet filesystems, including: FTP, WebDAV, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer alle internet lêerstelsels, insluitend: FTP, WebDAV, ens." #. Value of setting - NETWORK msgctxt "#37113" msgid "Buffer all network filesystems, including: SMB, NFS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer alle netwerk lêerstelsels, insluitend: SMB, NFS, ens." #. Value of setting - ALL msgctxt "#37114" msgid "Buffer all filesystems, including local files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer alle lêerstelsels, insluitend lokale lêers" #. Value of setting msgctxt "#37115" @@ -18004,22 +18029,22 @@ msgstr "" #. Value of setting - Byte msgctxt "#37120" msgid "{0:d} Byte" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} Greep" #. Value of setting - KByte msgctxt "#37121" msgid "{0:d} KB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} KB" #. Value of setting - MByte msgctxt "#37122" msgid "{0:d} MB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} MB" #. Value of setting - GByte msgctxt "#37123" msgid "{0:d} GB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} GB" #. Setting #38011 "Show All Items entry" msgctxt "#38011" @@ -18234,7 +18259,7 @@ msgstr "Wil jy inligting vir hierdie item nou verfris?" msgctxt "#38074" msgid "Boxsets" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Boxsets" msgctxt "#38075" msgid "* All discs" @@ -18269,12 +18294,12 @@ msgstr "Uitgee status" #. Displayed in a toast notification when music items are added to a playlist msgctxt "#38082" msgid "Added to end of playlist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "By einde van speellys bygevoeg" #. Displayed in a toast notification when music items are added to a playlist to play next msgctxt "#38083" msgid "Added to playlist to play next" -msgstr "" +msgstr "By speellys bygevoeg om volgende te speel" #. Description of section #14200 "Player"" msgctxt "#38100" @@ -18309,7 +18334,7 @@ msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir die terugspeel van prente v #. Description of category #14213 "Language" msgctxt "#38106" msgid "This category contains the settings for audio / subtitles language and accessibility" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hierdie kategorie bevat die verstellings vir oudio / onderskrif taal en toeganklikheid" #. Description of category #14210 "Videos" msgctxt "#38107" @@ -18550,7 +18575,7 @@ msgstr "Kan nie xml lêer lees nie" #. Description of category "Library" with label #14202 msgctxt "#39004" msgid "This category provides access to the windows for source management and library management facilities" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hierdie kategorie voorsien toegang tot die vensters vir bron bestuur en biblioteek bestuur fasiliteite" #. Description of setting "Videos... with label #14242 msgctxt "#39005" @@ -18656,12 +18681,12 @@ msgstr "Sorteernaam" #. Text for yes/no dialog when silently uninstalling an add-on msgctxt "#39028" msgid "Add-on: {0:s}[CR]Origin: {1:s}[CR]Version: {2:s}[CR]- will be uninstalled and replaced. Would you like to proceed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byvoegsel: {0:s}[CR]Oorsprong: {1:s}[CR]Weergawe: {2:s}[CR]- sal deïnstalleer en vervang word. Wil jy voort gaan?" #. Text for yes/no dialog to indicate that an add-on was manually installed msgctxt "#39029" msgid "Manually installed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Handmatig geïnstalleer" #. Media source, a filter and smart playlist rule option msgctxt "#39030" @@ -18769,7 +18794,7 @@ msgstr "Laas gewysig" msgctxt "#39120" msgid "Skip filename matching for external audio tracks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slaan lêer passing oor vir eksterne oudio bane" #. Label for section of settings controling what is shown on the library windows msgctxt "#39121" @@ -18789,7 +18814,7 @@ msgstr "Kunswerk" #. Label for component level debug logging setting msgctxt "#39124" msgid "Verbose logging for the [B]Add-ons[/B] component" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breedvoerige loghouding vir die [B]Byvoegsel[/B] komponent" msgctxt "#39125" msgid "Enable tag reading in file view" @@ -18798,7 +18823,7 @@ msgstr "Stel etiket lees in lêer aansig in staat" # empty string with id 39126 msgctxt "#39127" msgid "Use all local image files as artwork" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gebruik alle lokale beeld lêers as kunswerke" #. Description of setting with label #39127 "Use all local image files as artwork" msgctxt "#39128" @@ -18807,7 +18832,7 @@ msgstr "" msgctxt "#39129" msgid "Use all remote artwork fetched by scrapers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gebruik alle afgeleë kunswerke gehaal deur skrapers" #. Description of setting with label #39129 "Use all remote artwork fetched by scrapers" msgctxt "#39130" @@ -18816,7 +18841,7 @@ msgstr "" msgctxt "#39131" msgid "Artist art types whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kunstenaar kuns tipes witlys" #. Description of setting with label #39131 "Artist art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39132" @@ -18825,12 +18850,12 @@ msgstr "" msgctxt "#39133" msgid "Album art types whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Album kuns tipes witlys" #. Description of setting with label #39133 "Album art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39134" msgid "Limit the album artwork fetched locally or applied from scraper remote art results to just those art types in the whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beperk die album kunswerk wat lokaal gehaal of toegepas word vanaf skraper afgeleë kuns resultate tot net die kuns tipes in die witlys" msgctxt "#39135" msgid "Thumbnail image files" @@ -18867,39 +18892,39 @@ msgstr "Pasgemaak" msgctxt "#39143" msgid "Movie art types whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fliek kuns tipes witlys" #. Description of setting with label #39150 "Movie art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39144" msgid "Limit the movie and movie set artwork fetched locally or applied from scraper remote art results to just those art types in the whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beperk die fliek en fliek stel kunswerk wat lokaal gehaal of toegepas word vanaf skraper afgeleë kuns resultate tot net die kuns tipes in die witlys" msgctxt "#39145" msgid "TV show art types whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TV vertoning kuns tipes witlys" #. Description of setting with label #39152 "TV show art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39146" msgid "Limit the TV show and season artwork fetched locally or applied from scraper remote art results to just those art types in the whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beperk die TV vertoning en seisoen kunswerk wat lokaal gehaal of toegepas word vanaf skraper afgeleë kuns resultate tot net die kuns tipes in die witlys" msgctxt "#39147" msgid "Episode art types whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Episode kuns tipe witlys" #. Description of setting with label #39154 "Episode art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39148" msgid "Limit the episode artwork fetched locally or applied from scraper remote art results to just those art types in the whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beperk die episode kunswerk wat lokaal gehaal of toegepas word vanaf skraper afgeleë kuns resultate tot net die kuns tipes in die witlys" msgctxt "#39149" msgid "Music video art types whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Musiek video kuns tipes witlys" #. Description of setting with label #39156 "Music video art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39150" msgid "Limit the music video artwork fetched locally or applied from scraper remote art results to just those art types in the whitelist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beperk die musiek video kunswerk wat lokaal gehaal of toegepas word vanaf skraper afgeleë kuns resultate tot net die kuns tipes in die witlys" #. Display Hardware scaling filter setting toggle msgctxt "#39151" @@ -18918,7 +18943,7 @@ msgstr "Venster stelsel:" #. Override subtitles styles setting list msgctxt "#39154" msgid "Override subtitles styles" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oorskryf onderskrif style" #. Description of setting with label #39154 "Override subtitles styles" msgctxt "#39155" @@ -18928,7 +18953,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Item list value of setting with label #39154 "Override subtitles styles" msgctxt "#39156" msgid "Positions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Posisies" #. Item list value of setting with label #39154 "Override subtitles styles" msgctxt "#39157" @@ -18938,87 +18963,87 @@ msgstr "Style" #. Item list value of setting with label #39154 "Override subtitles styles" msgctxt "#39158" msgid "Styles and positions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Style en posisies" #. Subtitle border size setting toggle msgctxt "#39159" msgid "Border size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grens grootte" #. Subtitle border colour setting msgctxt "#39160" msgid "Border colour" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grens kleur" #. CC Subtitles text alignment setting list msgctxt "#39161" msgid "Text alignment" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teks belyning" #. Item list value of setting with label #39161 "Text alignment" msgctxt "#39162" msgid "Left" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Links" #. Item list value of setting with label #39161 "Text alignment" msgctxt "#39163" msgid "Center" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Middel" #. Item list value of setting with label #39161 "Text alignment" msgctxt "#39164" msgid "Right" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Regs" #. Type of background for displaying the subtitles msgctxt "#39165" msgid "Background type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Agtergrond tipe" #. Item list value of setting with label #39166 "Background type" msgctxt "#39166" msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skaduwee" #. Item list value of setting with label #39166 "Background type" msgctxt "#39167" msgid "Box" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Boks" #. Item list value of setting with label #39166 "Background type" msgctxt "#39168" msgid "Square box" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vierkantige boks" #. Description of setting with label #39166 "Background type" msgctxt "#39169" msgid "Type of background to apply to subtitles." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tipe agtergrond om op onderskrifte toe te pas." #. Subtitle shadow size setting msgctxt "#39170" msgid "Shadow size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skaduwee grootte" #. Subtitle shadow colour setting msgctxt "#39171" msgid "Shadow colour" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skaduwee kleur" #. Subtitle shadow opacity setting msgctxt "#39172" msgid "Shadow opacity" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skaduwee ondeursigtigheid" #. Subtitle blur setting msgctxt "#39173" msgid "Blur" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vervaag" #. SystemInfo string for the display's supported HDR types msgctxt "#39174" msgid "Display supported HDR types" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vertoon ondersteunde HDR tipes" #. Progress text on splash screen, to build the font cache msgctxt "#39175" @@ -19028,72 +19053,72 @@ msgstr "" #. Helper text for gui sound volume setting msgctxt "#39176" msgid "Relative volume for gui sounds" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Relatiewe volume vir gui klanke" #. Dialog caption related to the speech to text process msgctxt "#39177" msgid "Speech to text" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spraak tot teks" #. Dialog text to notify that the speech service is not available msgctxt "#39178" msgid "Speech recognition service not available" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spraak herkenning diens nie beskikbaar nie" #. Dialog text to notify that microphone is listening msgctxt "#39179" msgid "Listening..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Luister..." #. Dialog text to notify that there has been no matching recognition result msgctxt "#39180" msgid "No recognition result matched" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen herkenning resultaat het gepas nie" #. Dialog text to notify that there has been a speech recognition error msgctxt "#39181" msgid "Speech recognition error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spraak herkenning fout" #. Subtitle vertical margin setting msgctxt "#39182" msgid "Vertical margin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vertikale marge" #. Help text for setting "Vertical margin" of label #39182 msgctxt "#39183" msgid "Allows you to add a margin in top and bottom aligned text. Changing this setting will affect also subtitle position set with the Video calibration." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Laat jou toe om 'n marge by te voeg in bokant en onderkant belynde teks. Verandering van hierdie verstelling sal ook die onderskrif posisie wat met die Video kalibrasie gestel is affekteer." #. Window screen calibration: the current subtitle calibration value with vertical margin msgctxt "#39184" msgid "Current value: {0:d} (with vertical margin: {1:d})" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Huidige waarde: {0:d} (met vertikale marge: {1:d})" #. Dialog text to notify that there are insufficient permissions for speech recognition msgctxt "#39185" msgid "Insufficient permissions for speech recognition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Onvoldoende toestemmings vir spraak herkenning" #. Title of group menu subtitles msgctxt "#39186" msgid "Styles for text based subtitles" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Style vir teks gebaseerde onderskrifte" #. Title of group menu subtitles msgctxt "#39187" msgid "Closed caption subtitles" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geslote onderskrifte" #. Item list value of setting with label #39166 "Background type" msgctxt "#39188" msgid "No background" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen agtergrond" #. Window screen calibration: calibration by using the subtitle bar msgctxt "#39189" msgid "Available only with manual subtitle position" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slegs beskikbaar met die handmatige onderskrif posisie" #. Help text for setting "Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" of label #36096 msgctxt "#39190" @@ -19103,16 +19128,16 @@ msgstr "" #. System / Display "HDR" settings group label msgctxt "#39191" msgid "HDR" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HDR" msgctxt "#39192" msgid "Disable screensaver when playing audio" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deaktiveer skermskut wanneer oudio speel" #. Description of setting with label #39192 "Disable screensaver when playing audio" msgctxt "#39193" msgid "If music is being played, the screensaver will never be activated" -msgstr "" +msgstr "As musiek gespeel word sal die skermskut nooit aktiveer word nie" #. Help text of setting "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" with label #13417 msgctxt "#39194" @@ -19127,37 +19152,63 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of Dolby Vision RPU conversion setting msgctxt "#39196" msgid "Dolby Vision compatibility mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dolby Vision versoenbaarheid modus" #. Help text for setting "Convert Dolby Vision for compatibility" of label #39196 msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Weergawes" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bestuur weergawes" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Voeg by as weergawe tot..." + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Weergawe" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" msgid "Operation not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Operasie word nie ondersteun nie" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" @@ -19167,12 +19218,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" msgid "The \"{0:s}\" version already exists!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Die \"{0:s}\" weergawe bestaan reeds!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verskillende fliek weergawe gevind" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" @@ -19182,32 +19233,32 @@ msgstr "" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" msgid "video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "video weergawe" #. "video version" string in plural format msgctxt "#40011" msgid "video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "video weergawes" #. "video version" string in singular capital format msgctxt "#40012" msgid "Video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video weergawe" #. "video version" string in plural capital format msgctxt "#40013" msgid "Video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video weergawes" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voeg weergawe by" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voeg ekstra by" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" @@ -19222,9 +19273,9 @@ msgstr "" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verwyder video weergawe" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19232,31 +19283,26 @@ msgstr "" #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Is jy seker jy wil weergawe \"{0:s}\" verwyder?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bestuur {0:s}" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stel as verstek" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19269,10 +19315,65 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Blaai deur lêers" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Blaai biblioteek" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Kies fliek om as 'n weergawe by te voeg" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Geen ander flieks in die biblioteek gevind nie." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Geen soortgelyke flieks in die biblioteek gevind nie." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kies verstek video weergawe" #. Help for select default video version setting msgctxt "#40201" @@ -19292,7 +19393,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40204" msgid "Ignore video extras on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ignoreer video ekstras gedurende deursoek" #. Help for ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40205" @@ -19309,25 +19410,25 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" msgid "Play version using..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Speel weergawe met gebruik van..." #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Weergawes" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekstras" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" @@ -19339,6 +19440,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19478,7 +19619,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" @@ -19525,6 +19666,22 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nuwe weergawe..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Kies weergawe" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Weergawes: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Ekstras: {0:s}" + #~ msgctxt "#13436" #~ msgid "Use display HDR capabilities" #~ msgstr "Gebruik vertoon HDR vermoëns" diff --git a/resource.language.am_et/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.am_et/resources/strings.po index 7067604960..d95f9a5b93 100644 --- a/resource.language.am_et/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.am_et/resources/strings.po @@ -9368,11 +9368,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16446,7 +16466,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17129,6 +17149,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19301,7 +19326,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19313,12 +19359,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19391,7 +19442,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19401,11 +19452,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19418,12 +19464,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19436,6 +19482,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19476,9 +19577,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19506,6 +19607,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.ar_sa/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ar_sa/resources/strings.po index a6ef0eaea0..9449e8cfe9 100644 --- a/resource.language.ar_sa/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ar_sa/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-27 02:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: psp2111-ADSLGATE \n" "Language-Team: Arabic (Saudi Arabia) \n" "Language: ar_sa\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -7431,12 +7431,12 @@ msgstr "شوهدت" #. Label for a context menu entry to mark an item as watched msgctxt "#16103" msgid "Mark as watched" -msgstr "أشر إليها على أنها شوهدت" +msgstr "وضع علامة تم مشاهدتها" #. Label for a context menu entry to mark an item as unwatched msgctxt "#16104" msgid "Mark as unwatched" -msgstr "وضع علامة لم يتم مشاهدتها" +msgstr "إزالة علامة تم مشاهدتها" msgctxt "#16105" msgid "Edit title" @@ -9374,11 +9374,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "تفضيلات المستخدم" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16416,7 +16436,7 @@ msgstr "في حالة التمكين ، سيتم جدولة تسجيل البر #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17099,6 +17119,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "من أي مستودع" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19269,7 +19294,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "الإصدارات" @@ -19281,12 +19327,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "الإصدار" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19359,7 +19410,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19369,11 +19420,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19386,12 +19432,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19404,6 +19450,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "تصفح الملفات" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19444,9 +19545,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19457,7 +19558,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الإصدارات" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19474,6 +19575,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.ast_es/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ast_es/resources/strings.po index a5537444ec..6adc7e0575 100644 --- a/resource.language.ast_es/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ast_es/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-16 02:56+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Asturian (Spain) \n" "Language: ast_es\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -9434,11 +9434,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16502,7 +16522,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17185,6 +17205,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19355,7 +19380,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19367,12 +19413,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versión" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19445,7 +19496,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19455,11 +19506,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19472,12 +19518,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19490,6 +19536,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19530,9 +19631,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19560,6 +19661,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.az_az/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.az_az/resources/strings.po index da58a3b296..98adb81123 100644 --- a/resource.language.az_az/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.az_az/resources/strings.po @@ -9466,11 +9466,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16562,7 +16582,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17245,6 +17265,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19420,7 +19445,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19432,12 +19478,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19510,7 +19561,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19520,11 +19571,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19537,12 +19583,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19555,6 +19601,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19595,9 +19696,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19625,6 +19726,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.be_by/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.be_by/resources/strings.po index ccdcf34ae7..37499f610e 100644 --- a/resource.language.be_by/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.be_by/resources/strings.po @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Налады карыстальніка" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16312,7 +16332,7 @@ msgstr "Калі ўключана, то запіс праграмы будзе #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16994,6 +17014,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Любыя рэпазіторыі" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19135,7 +19160,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19147,12 +19193,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19225,7 +19276,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19235,11 +19286,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19252,12 +19298,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19270,6 +19316,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19310,9 +19411,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19340,6 +19441,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.bg_bg/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.bg_bg/resources/strings.po index c052905e8a..8b3393b396 100644 --- a/resource.language.bg_bg/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.bg_bg/resources/strings.po @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16305,7 +16325,7 @@ msgstr "Ако това е включено, при автоматичното #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Всички хранилища" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Версии" @@ -19137,12 +19183,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19215,7 +19266,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19225,11 +19276,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19242,12 +19288,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19260,6 +19306,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19300,9 +19401,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19330,6 +19431,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.bs_ba/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.bs_ba/resources/strings.po index 6b05fe0ce1..04b6570172 100644 --- a/resource.language.bs_ba/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.bs_ba/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-30 23:09+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) \n" "Language: bs_ba\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.2\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ msgstr "Izlazne skripte" msgctxt "#263" msgid "Allow remote control via HTTP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dozvolite daljinsko upravljanje putem HTTP-a" #. Label for a context menu entry / button to start/schedule a recording msgctxt "#264" @@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ msgstr "Molimo, proverite XML datoteke" msgctxt "#282" msgid "Found {0:d} items" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pronađeno {0:d} stavki" msgctxt "#283" msgid "Search results" @@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ msgstr "Obilježivači" msgctxt "#299" msgid "Bookmark {0:d}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obilješka {0:d}" msgctxt "#300" msgid "MP1 capable receiver" @@ -1172,27 +1172,27 @@ msgstr "Nestandardni" #. Will prefer the stream marked as "default" if available. msgctxt "#307" msgid "Media default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zadani medijski jezik" #. Select option for the setting "Preferred audio language". #. Will prefer the stream marked as "original" if available. msgctxt "#308" msgid "Original language" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Originalni jezik" msgctxt "#309" msgid "User interface language" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jezik korisničkog sučelja" #. Setting in international settings msgctxt "#310" msgid "Virtual keyboard layouts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Virtualni rasporedi tastature" #. Keyboard layout name e.g. "English QWERTY" msgctxt "#311" msgid "{0:s} {1:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:s} {1:s}" msgctxt "#312" msgid "(0=auto)" @@ -1237,11 +1237,11 @@ msgstr "Greška čišćenja izvođača" msgctxt "#322" msgid "Cleaning genres, roles etc...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Čišćenje žanrova, uloga itd..." msgctxt "#323" msgid "Error cleaning genres, roles etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Greška pri čišćenju žanrova, uloga itd." msgctxt "#324" msgid "Cleaning paths..." @@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@ msgstr "Konverzija brzine sličica" msgctxt "#337" msgid "Output configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podešavanje izlaza" msgctxt "#338" msgid "Fixed" @@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ msgstr "Brzo" msgctxt "#339" msgid "Optimized" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Optimizirano" msgctxt "#340" msgid "Various artists" @@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ msgstr "Godina" msgctxt "#346" msgid "Maintain original volume on downmix" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Održavajte originalnu glasnoću zvuka pri zvučnom miješanju" msgctxt "#347" msgid "DTS-HD capable receiver" @@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ msgstr "DTS-HD sposoban reciver" msgctxt "#348" msgid "Allow passthrough" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dozvolite prolazni prijenos" msgctxt "#349" msgid "TrueHD capable receiver" @@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ msgstr "Matrix tragovi" #. Label of a setting to configure the idle time until the screensaver kicks in msgctxt "#355" msgid "Wait time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vrijeme čekanja" msgctxt "#356" msgid "Screensaver mode" @@ -1604,7 +1604,7 @@ msgstr "Vlažnost" msgctxt "#407" msgid "Hardware keyboard layouts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hardverski rasporedi tastature" msgctxt "#409" msgid "Defaults" @@ -1648,15 +1648,15 @@ msgstr "Maks." msgctxt "#420" msgid "Best match" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Najbolje podudarajuće" msgctxt "#421" msgid "Keep audio device alive" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Održavajte zvučni uređaj aktivnim" msgctxt "#422" msgid "Delete album information" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Izbrišite informacije o albumu" msgctxt "#423" msgid "Delete CD information" @@ -1680,7 +1680,7 @@ msgstr "Disk" msgctxt "#428" msgid "Insert correct CD / DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umetnite ispravan CD / DVD" msgctxt "#429" msgid "Please insert the following disc:" @@ -1700,12 +1700,12 @@ msgstr "Ukloni film iz biblioteke" msgctxt "#433" msgid "Would you really like to remove '{0:s}' from library?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zar stvarno želite ukloniti '{0:s}' iz biblioteke?" #. From at msgctxt "#434" msgid "From {0:s} at {1:d} {2:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Od {0:s} za {1:d} {2:s}" #. Headline of a dialog that pops up when a user tries to play a video that is located on an optical disc (Blu-ray, DVD) but the current KODI device doesn't have the according drive msgctxt "#435" @@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@ msgstr "Optički drajv nije pronađen" #. Message body of a dialog that pops up when a user tries to play a video that is located on an optical disc (Blu-ray, DVD) but the current KODI device doesn't have the according drive msgctxt "#436" msgid "This video is stored on an optical disc (e.g. DVD, Blu-ray) and cannot be played as your device does not have an appropriate drive." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ovaj video je pohranjen na optičkom disku (npr. DVD, Blu-ray) i ne može se reproducirati jer vaš uređaj nema odgovarajući pogon." msgctxt "#437" msgid "Removable disk" @@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ msgstr "Keš" msgctxt "#440" msgid "Hard disk" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hard disketa" msgctxt "#441" msgid "UDF" @@ -1763,7 +1763,7 @@ msgstr "Automatska reprod. medija" msgctxt "#448" msgid "Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3) capable receiver" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prijemnik koji podržava Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3)." msgctxt "#449" msgid "Enabled" @@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ msgstr "Promjeni prikaz" msgctxt "#458" msgid "Limit sampling rate (kHz)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Granična brzina uzorkovanja (kHz)" msgctxt "#459" msgid "Subs" @@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ msgstr "Ponovi fasciklu" msgctxt "#489" msgid "Play next song automatically" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Automatski pustite sljedeću pjesmu" msgctxt "#491" msgid "- Use big icons" @@ -1919,7 +1919,7 @@ msgstr "Promjeni veličinu za VobSubs" msgctxt "#493" msgid "Advanced options (experts only!)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Napredne opcije (samo stručnjaci!)" msgctxt "#494" msgid "Overall audio headroom" @@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ msgstr "Sveobuhvatan zvučni slobodan prostor" msgctxt "#495" msgid "Upscale videos to GUI resolution" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nadovećajte video zapise do GUI rezolucije" msgctxt "#496" msgid "Calibration" @@ -1968,12 +1968,12 @@ msgstr "Prazno" #. label for library update progress bar when scanning media files msgctxt "#505" msgid "Loading media information from files..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Učitavanje medijskih informacija iz datoteka..." #. label for library update progress bar when checking for new or changed media files msgctxt "#506" msgid "Checking media files..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Provjera medijskih datoteka..." msgctxt "#507" msgid "Sort by: Usage" @@ -4660,7 +4660,7 @@ msgstr "Igre" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meni" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4675,7 +4675,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jačina zvuka" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -5450,7 +5450,7 @@ msgstr "Povezano, ali DNS nije dostupan." msgctxt "#13275" msgid "Hard disk" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hard disketa" msgctxt "#13276" msgid "DVD-ROM" @@ -9382,11 +9382,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -9786,7 +9806,7 @@ msgstr "" #. label for "special characteristics" epg subgenre value msgctxt "#19661" msgid "Original language" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Originalni jezik" #. label for "special characteristics" epg subgenre value msgctxt "#19662" @@ -12493,7 +12513,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" msgid "Resume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nastavi" # empty strings from id 22034 to 22078 msgctxt "#22079" @@ -16440,7 +16460,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17123,6 +17143,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19296,7 +19321,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19308,12 +19354,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Verzija" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19386,7 +19437,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19396,11 +19447,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19413,12 +19459,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19431,6 +19477,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19471,9 +19572,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19501,6 +19602,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19640,7 +19781,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.ca_es/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ca_es/resources/strings.po index 63fb502ba8..3748bcdc2d 100644 --- a/resource.language.ca_es/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ca_es/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-29 12:07+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-02 04:57+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Xavi Carol \n" "Language-Team: Catalan (Spain) \n" "Language: ca_es\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ msgstr "No s'ha detectat cap unitat de disc òptic" #. Message body of a dialog that pops up when a user tries to play a video that is located on an optical disc (Blu-ray, DVD) but the current KODI device doesn't have the according drive msgctxt "#436" msgid "This video is stored on an optical disc (e.g. DVD, Blu-ray) and cannot be played as your device does not have an appropriate drive." -msgstr "El vídeo està guardat en un disc òptic (p.e. DVD, Blu-ray) no es pot mostrar ja que el vostre dispositiu no te el disc apropiat." +msgstr "Aquest vídeo està enregistrat en un disc òptic (p. ex. DVD, Blu-ray) i no es pot reproduir, ja que el vostre dispositiu no té un lector adequat." msgctxt "#437" msgid "Removable disk" @@ -3415,7 +3415,7 @@ msgstr "SOCKS5 amb resolució de DNS remota" msgctxt "#1186" msgid "HTTPS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HTTPS" msgctxt "#1200" msgid "SMB client" @@ -4074,22 +4074,22 @@ msgstr "Opcions - Vídeos - Calibratge de la pantalla" #. Header label for add-on configuration selection dialog msgctxt "#10012" msgid "Add-on configurations and settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configuracions i paràmetres del Complement" #. Item label used in add-on configuration selection dialog msgctxt "#10013" msgid "Edit add-on settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edita les configuracions del Complement" #. Item label used in add-on configuration selection dialog msgctxt "#10014" msgid "Add add-on configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Afegeix una configuració al Complement" #. Item label used in add-on configuration selection dialog msgctxt "#10015" msgid "Remove add-on configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Elimina una configuració del Complement" msgctxt "#10016" msgid "Settings - System" @@ -4625,7 +4625,7 @@ msgstr "Ràdio en pantalla completa" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configuració del controlador" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4635,7 +4635,7 @@ msgstr "Jocs" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Menú" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4650,7 +4650,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volum" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -4665,7 +4665,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configuració del port" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" @@ -9292,7 +9292,7 @@ msgstr "Vols desar la cerca actual?" #. "search not saved" label, used in PVR search window breadcrumb msgctxt "#19342" msgid "[not saved]" -msgstr "[no guardada]" +msgstr "[no desat]" #. "search saved" label, used in PVR search window breadcrumb msgctxt "#19343" @@ -9329,11 +9329,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -11425,7 +11445,7 @@ msgstr "Utilitzeu etiquetes de vídeo" msgctxt "#21344" msgid "Enable to use embedded tags in mp4 or mkv files for library metadata. Will prevent scrapers from operating correctly." -msgstr "Habilita per utilitzar etiquetes incrustades als fitxers mp4 o mkv per a les metadades de la biblioteca. Afectarà a funcionament dels rascadors." +msgstr "Habilita per utilitzar etiquetes incrustades als fitxers mp4 o mkv per a les metadades de la biblioteca. Perjudicarà el funcionament dels raspadors." #. Used in AutoPlayNextItem dialogs for not categorized listItem directories msgctxt "#21345" @@ -15084,7 +15104,7 @@ msgstr "Desat" #. Title of the dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#35260" msgid "Select savestate" -msgstr "Selecciona el guardat" +msgstr "Selecciona la partida desada" #. Button for creating a new save state from the select savestate dialog msgctxt "#35261" @@ -16338,7 +16358,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17021,6 +17041,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Qualsevol repositori" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19167,10 +19192,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versions" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19179,12 +19225,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versió" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19257,7 +19308,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19267,11 +19318,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19284,12 +19330,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19302,6 +19348,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Cerca fitxers" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19342,9 +19443,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19355,7 +19456,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versions" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19372,6 +19473,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19511,7 +19652,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.cs_cz/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.cs_cz/resources/strings.po index b8bbde7d49..63fe59712c 100644 --- a/resource.language.cs_cz/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.cs_cz/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Czech \n" "Language: cs_cz\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4644,7 +4644,7 @@ msgstr "Hlasitost" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pokročilé nástavení" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Uživatelské předvolby" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Použít pořadí skupin kanálů z backendu" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16306,7 +16326,7 @@ msgstr "Pokud je povoleno, bude naplánováno připomenutí nahrávání pro po #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16988,6 +17008,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Jakékoliv repozitáře" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19126,7 +19151,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Pokud je povoleno, Dolby Vision profil 7 bude konvertován do profilu 8.1, který je podporován více zařízeními. Zapněte pokud vaše zařízení podporuje Dolby Vision, ale má problémy s některými videi." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Verze" @@ -19138,12 +19184,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Verze" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19216,7 +19267,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19226,11 +19277,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19243,12 +19289,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19261,6 +19307,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Procházet soubory" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19301,9 +19402,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19314,7 +19415,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verze" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19331,6 +19432,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.cy_gb/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.cy_gb/resources/strings.po index bf580c9b7b..fd4cb7270c 100644 --- a/resource.language.cy_gb/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.cy_gb/resources/strings.po @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16351,7 +16371,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17034,6 +17054,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19202,7 +19227,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19214,12 +19260,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19292,7 +19343,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19302,11 +19353,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19319,12 +19365,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19337,6 +19383,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19377,9 +19478,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19407,6 +19508,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.da_dk/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.da_dk/resources/strings.po index 6c5518d534..524b6db93a 100644 --- a/resource.language.da_dk/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.da_dk/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Danish \n" "Language: da_dk\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -9316,11 +9316,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Brugerpræference" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Benyt kanalgruppe rækkefølgen fra backend(erne)" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16316,8 +16336,8 @@ msgstr "Hvis aktiveret, planlægges en optagelse for udsendelsen til påmindelse #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Tillad skærmen at ændre HDR-tilstand for at matche det pågældende medie bedst muligt.[CR]Når denne indstilling er slået fra, vil Kodi om nødvendigt tilføje Tone Mapping (efterbehandling af farver og kontraster) for at tilpasse mediet til skærmens aktuelle HDR-tilstand." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16998,6 +17018,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Hvilket som helst fjernlager" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19139,7 +19164,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versioner" @@ -19151,12 +19197,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Version" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19229,7 +19280,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19239,11 +19290,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19256,12 +19302,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19274,6 +19320,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Gennemse filer" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19314,9 +19415,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19327,7 +19428,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versioner" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19344,6 +19445,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19530,6 +19671,10 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "" +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Tillad skærmen at ændre HDR-tilstand for at matche det pågældende medie bedst muligt.[CR]Når denne indstilling er slået fra, vil Kodi om nødvendigt tilføje Tone Mapping (efterbehandling af farver og kontraster) for at tilpasse mediet til skærmens aktuelle HDR-tilstand." + #~ msgctxt "#39194" #~ msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when video source is 1080p or less (progressive only) and source resolution is lower than display resolution.[CR]It's only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 40x, RTX 30x and Intel Arc A770, A750." #~ msgstr "Aktiverer avanceret DXVA-opskalering ved hjælp af NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" eller \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Bruges når videokilden er 1080p eller lavere (kun progressiv), og kildeopløsningen er lavere end skærmopløsningen.[CR]Dette er kun tilgængeligt på specifik hardware: NVIDIA RTX 40x, RTX 30x og Intel Arc A770, A750." diff --git a/resource.language.de_de/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.de_de/resources/strings.po index 41d4fa9347..fbb001dd91 100644 --- a/resource.language.de_de/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.de_de/resources/strings.po @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-23 03:04+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-06 21:12+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Kai Sommerfeld \n" "Language-Team: German \n" "Language: de_de\n" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Anwenderpräferenz" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Sendergruppenreihenfolge der Backend(s) verwenden" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "Catchup / Video On Demand" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "Nächste Sendung automatisch wiedergeben" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "Sendungen ab hier wiedergeben" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "Nur diese Sendung wiedergeben" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -14216,7 +14236,7 @@ msgstr "Unhörbares Signal ausgeben" #. Description of setting with label #34112 "Send low volume noise" msgctxt "#34113" msgid "To keep certain AVRs powered we send an inaudible random noise signal. You can disable this setting if you are using headphone or analog output." -msgstr "Ein unhörbares Signal senden, um bestimmte AV-Receiver am selbständigen Ausschalten zu hindern. Diese Einstellung kann abgeschaltet werden, wenn Kophhörer oder ein analoger Tonausgang verwendet werden." +msgstr "Ein unhörbares Signal senden, um bestimmte AV-Receiver am selbständigen Ausschalten zu hindern. Diese Einstellung kann abgeschaltet werden, wenn Kopfhörer oder ein analoger Tonausgang verwendet werden." msgctxt "#34120" msgid "Play GUI sounds" @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, wird eine Aufnahme für die Sendung gestartet, für die #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Ändern des HDR-Modus des Bildschirm erlauben, damit Medien bestmöglich wiedergegeben werden.[CR]Falls deaktiviert, wird Tonemapping verwendet, um Medien an den aktuellen HDR-Modus des Bildschirms anzupassen." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Änderung des HDR-Modus des Bildschirms erlauben, so dass der Modus am besten zu den wiedergegebenen Inhalten passt. Wenn deaktiviert, wird bei Bedarf (und wenn von der Harware unterstützt) Tonemapping angewendet, um die Medienwiedergabe an den aktuellen HDR-Modus anzupassen." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Beliebige Repositorys" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "Automatische Wiedergabe der nächsten Sendung bei der Wiedergabe von vergangenen Sendungen (Catchup) oder Video-on-Demand-Sendern (VOD) aktivieren. Bitte beachten, dass Catchup und VOD nur funktioniert, wenn vom Senderanbieter unterstützt." + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19089,7 +19114,7 @@ msgstr "Nur bei manueller Untertitelpositionierung verfügbar" #. Help text for setting "Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" of label #36096 msgctxt "#39190" msgid "[ON] The brightness of the GUI in HDR mode follows the system's setting. This affects all OSD, subtitles and graphics that are SDR in origin.[CR][OFF] Set the max brightness manually." -msgstr "[ON] Helligkeit der Benutzeroberfläche im HDR-Modus entspricht Systemeinstellung. Das betrifft alle OSDs, Untertitel und Bilder, die originär SDR sind.[CR][OFF] Maximale Helligkeit wird manuell festgelegt." +msgstr "[EIN] Helligkeit der Benutzeroberfläche im HDR-Modus entspricht Systemeinstellung. Das betrifft alle OSDs, Untertitel und Bilder, die originär SDR sind.[CR][AUS] Maximale Helligkeit wird manuell festgelegt." #. System / Display "HDR" settings group label msgctxt "#39191" @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, wird das Dolby Vision-Profil 7 konvertiert zu Profil 8.1, welches von mehr Geräten unterstützt wird. Aktivieren, wenn das Gerät Dolby Vision unterstützt, es aber Probleme mit einigen Videos gibt." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "Erlaubte dynamische Metadatenformate für HDR" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "Entfernt dynamische HDR-Metadaten aus dem Video-Bitstream. Die HDR-Formate auswählen, die von Gerät und Bildschirm unterstützt werden." + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "Dolby Vision" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "HDR10+" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versionen" @@ -19133,17 +19179,22 @@ msgstr "Versionen" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versionen verwalten" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Als Version hinzufügen zu ..." + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Version" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "Neue Version ..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "Typ auswählen" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19153,7 +19204,7 @@ msgstr "Funktion nicht unterstützt" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Der ausgewählte Film hat mehrere Versionen, darum ist Umwandlung in eine Version eines anderen Films nicht möglich. Bitte die Versionen für den anderen Film entfernen, Bibliothek neu scannen und dann einzeln umwandeln." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" @@ -19163,12 +19214,12 @@ msgstr "Version „{0:s}“ existiert bereits!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Andere Filmversion gefunden" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Es wurde eine andere Version des Films „{0:s}“: {1:s} gefunden. Soll diese in eine zusätzliche Version des Originals umgewandelt werden?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" @@ -19193,42 +19244,37 @@ msgstr "Videoversionen" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Version hinzufügen" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Extra hinzufügen" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Das ausgewählte Video is bereits Version „{0:s}“ des Films." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Das ausgewählte Video ist Version „{0:s}“ des Films „{1:s}“. Soll diese Version zu diesem Video hinzugefügt und aus dem anderen entfernt werden?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "Videoversion entfernen" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Die Standardversion eines Films kann nicht entfernt werden. Bitte eine andere Version als Standard setzen und dann nochmal versuchen." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Soll Version „{0:s}“ wirklich entfernt werden?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" @@ -19238,27 +19284,82 @@ msgstr "„{0:s}“ verwalten" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Als Standard festlegen" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Versionsmanager: {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Extrasmanager: {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Das ausgewählte Video ist bereits Extra „{0:s}“ dieses Films." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Das ausgewählte Video ist Extra „{0:s}“ des Films „{1:s}“. Soll dieses Extra zu diesem Video hinzugefügt und aus dem anderen entfernt werden?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Dateien durchsuchen" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Bibliothek durchsuchen" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Film auswählen, der als Version hinzugefügt werden soll" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Keine anderen Filme in der Bibliothek gefunden." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Keine ähnlichen Filme in der Bibliothek gefunden." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "Die Standardversion eines Films mit mehreren Versionen kann nicht als eine Version zu einem anderen Film hinzugefügt werden. Bitte erst dessen weitere Versionen hinzufügen." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "Die Standardversion eines Films mit mehreren Versionen kann nicht als Extra zu einem anderen Film hinzugefügt werden. Bitte erst die anderen Versionen umziehen oder entfernen." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Sicher, dass ein Filmextra in eine Filmversion umgewandelt werden soll?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Sicher, dass eine Filmversion in ein Filmextra umgewandelt werden soll?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "Der hinzuzufügende Film hat mehrere Versionen.[CR]Im folgenden Dialog wird der Typ der Standardversion ausgewählt. Die anderen Versionen behalten ihren derzeitigen Typ.[CR]Fortfahren?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "Die Standardversion eines Films mit mehreren Versionen kann nicht zu einem anderen Film hinzugefügt werden. Bitte erst die anderen Versionen umziehen oder entfernen." #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" @@ -19293,17 +19394,17 @@ msgstr "Scanner-Aktion für Video-Extras im Ordner „extras“ auswählen.[CR][ #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Videos mit mehreren Versionen als Ordner anzeigen" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, werden Videos mit mehreren Versionen in der Videobibliothek als Ordner dargestellt. Dieser Ordner kann geöffnet werden, um die verschiedenen Videoversionen anzuzeigen. Wenn deaktiviert, wird die eingestellte Auswahlaktion ausgeführt." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "Version auswählen" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "Version auswählen: {}" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" @@ -19330,6 +19431,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "Wenn ausgewählt, wird der Laustärkepegel des Netzwerk-Players mit dem Pegel dieser Applikation synchronisiert.[CR]Warnung: Der Laustärkepegel des Systems kann anders sein als der Pegel der Applikation, da sie unabhängig voneinander gesteuert werden.[CR]Das kann dazu führen, dass der Netzwerk-Player auf 100% Lautstärkepegel gesetzt wird, wenn der Pegel der Applikation 100% ist, aber der Systemlautstärkepegel kann geringer sein." +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "Extra auswählen: {}" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "Versionstyp auswählen" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "Neuer Typ ..." + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "Neuer Versionstyp" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "Namen für Extra auswählen" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "Neuer Name ..." + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "Neuer Name für Extra" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "Version auswählen" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19516,6 +19657,42 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "50th Anniversary Edition" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Neue Version ..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Version auswählen" + +#~ msgctxt "#40214" +#~ msgid "Choose extra" +#~ msgstr "Extra auswählen" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Versionen: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Extras: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Ändern des HDR-Modus des Bildschirm erlauben, damit Medien bestmöglich wiedergegeben werden.[CR]Falls deaktiviert, wird Tonemapping verwendet, um Medien an den aktuellen HDR-Modus des Bildschirms anzupassen." + +#~ msgctxt "#40021" +#~ msgid "Add as version to..." +#~ msgstr "Als Version hinzufügen zu ..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40002" +#~ msgid "Convert into an additional version" +#~ msgstr "In zusätzliche Version umwandeln" + +#~ msgctxt "#40021" +#~ msgid "Convert to version" +#~ msgstr "Umwandeln in eine Version" + #~ msgctxt "#40002" #~ msgid "Convert into an additional version of {0:s}" #~ msgstr "In eine zusätzliche Version von „{0:s}“ konvertieren" diff --git a/resource.language.el_gr/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.el_gr/resources/strings.po index debd882d4c..98306f470c 100644 --- a/resource.language.el_gr/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.el_gr/resources/strings.po @@ -9321,11 +9321,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16336,7 +16356,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17018,6 +17038,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19173,7 +19198,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19185,12 +19231,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19263,7 +19314,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19273,11 +19324,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19290,12 +19336,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19308,6 +19354,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19348,9 +19449,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19378,6 +19479,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.en_au/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.en_au/resources/strings.po index 713967ce18..4b1235e178 100644 --- a/resource.language.en_au/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.en_au/resources/strings.po @@ -9377,11 +9377,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16418,7 +16438,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17100,6 +17120,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19264,7 +19289,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19276,12 +19322,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19354,7 +19405,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19364,11 +19415,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19381,12 +19427,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19399,6 +19445,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19439,9 +19540,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19469,6 +19570,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.en_nz/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.en_nz/resources/strings.po index ebe7b6e0ae..98026931bb 100644 --- a/resource.language.en_nz/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.en_nz/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-29 12:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: English (New Zealand) \n" "Language: en_nz\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ msgstr "Fullscreen radio" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Controller Configuration" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4626,7 +4626,7 @@ msgstr "Games" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Menu" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4641,7 +4641,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volume" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -9316,11 +9316,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16314,7 +16334,7 @@ msgstr "If enabled, a recording for the program to remind will be scheduled when #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16996,6 +17016,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19138,7 +19163,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19150,12 +19196,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Version" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19228,7 +19279,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19238,11 +19289,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19255,12 +19301,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19273,6 +19319,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Browse files" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19313,9 +19414,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19343,6 +19444,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19482,7 +19623,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.en_us/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.en_us/resources/strings.po index aff9e28ded..4be27e21dc 100644 --- a/resource.language.en_us/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.en_us/resources/strings.po @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16309,7 +16329,7 @@ msgstr "If enabled, a recording for the program to remind will be scheduled when #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16991,6 +17011,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Any repositories" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19129,7 +19154,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versions" @@ -19141,12 +19187,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19219,7 +19270,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19229,11 +19280,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19246,12 +19292,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19264,6 +19310,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19304,9 +19405,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19334,6 +19435,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.eo/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.eo/resources/strings.po index 6518f744cc..f2677b46cf 100644 --- a/resource.language.eo/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.eo/resources/strings.po @@ -9411,11 +9411,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16505,7 +16525,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17188,6 +17208,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19362,7 +19387,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19374,12 +19420,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19452,7 +19503,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19462,11 +19513,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19479,12 +19525,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19497,6 +19543,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19537,9 +19638,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19567,6 +19668,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.es_ar/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.es_ar/resources/strings.po index ae810bd69f..95a9526d11 100644 --- a/resource.language.es_ar/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.es_ar/resources/strings.po @@ -9342,11 +9342,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16353,7 +16373,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17035,6 +17055,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19183,7 +19208,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19195,12 +19241,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19273,7 +19324,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19283,11 +19334,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19300,12 +19346,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19318,6 +19364,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19358,9 +19459,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19388,6 +19489,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.es_es/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.es_es/resources/strings.po index 60c201c0f1..a11517a5eb 100644 --- a/resource.language.es_es/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.es_es/resources/strings.po @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-14 20:09+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: José Antonio Alvarado \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Spain) \n" "Language: es_es\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ msgstr "Grabar" msgctxt "#265" msgid "Stop Rec." -msgstr "Detener grabación" +msgstr "Detener grabación." msgctxt "#266" msgid "Sort by: Track" @@ -4432,7 +4432,7 @@ msgstr "finalizando" msgctxt "#10213" msgid "buffering" -msgstr "Almacenamiento del Buffer" +msgstr "almacenamiento en búfer" msgctxt "#10214" msgid "Opening stream" @@ -6266,15 +6266,15 @@ msgstr "Descargando archivo de lista de reproducción..." msgctxt "#14004" msgid "Downloading streams list..." -msgstr "Descargando lista de canales..." +msgstr "Descargar lista de transmisiones..." msgctxt "#14005" msgid "Parsing streams list..." -msgstr "Procesando lista de canales..." +msgstr "Analizando la lista de transmisiones..." msgctxt "#14006" msgid "Downloading streams list failed" -msgstr "Descarga de lista de canales fallida" +msgstr "Fallo al descargar la lista de transmisiones" msgctxt "#14007" msgid "Downloading playlist file failed" @@ -7064,7 +7064,7 @@ msgstr "Integrado en Skin" msgctxt "#15107" msgid "Buffering..." -msgstr "Almacenando en Buffer..." +msgstr "Almacenamiento en búfer..." msgctxt "#15108" msgid "GUI Sounds" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Preferencia de usuario" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Usar el orden de los grupos de canales del servidor" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -10350,7 +10370,7 @@ msgstr "Apagado en 120 minutos" msgctxt "#20150" msgid "Custom shutdown timer" -msgstr "Apagado personalizado" +msgstr "Programar apagado" msgctxt "#20151" msgid "Cancel shutdown timer" @@ -12437,7 +12457,7 @@ msgstr "Parte {0:d}" msgctxt "#23052" msgid "Buffering {0:d} bytes" -msgstr "Almacenando {0:d} bytes" +msgstr "Almacenamiento en búfer {0:d} bytes" msgctxt "#23053" msgid "Stopping" @@ -14429,7 +14449,7 @@ msgstr "Imposible configurar los mandos" #. Error dialog text when the controller dialog is opened but peripheral add-ons are disabled msgctxt "#35018" msgid "Controller configuration depends on a disabled add-on. Would you like to enable it?" -msgstr "La configuración de los mandos depende de un Add-on desactivado. ¿Quiere activarlo?" +msgstr "La configuración de los mandos depende de un add-on desactivado. ¿Quiere activarlo?" #. Label of the button to fix the bug where buttons are skipped in the controller dialog msgctxt "#35019" @@ -15053,7 +15073,7 @@ msgstr "Guardado" #. Title of the dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#35260" msgid "Select savestate" -msgstr "Seleccionar Estado Guardado" +msgstr "Seleccionar estado de guardado" #. Button for creating a new save state from the select savestate dialog msgctxt "#35261" @@ -15305,7 +15325,7 @@ msgstr "Usar rango de color limitado (16-235)" msgctxt "#36043" msgid "Number of buffers used by graphics driver" -msgstr "Número de buffers utilizado por el controlador gráfico" +msgstr "Número de búferes utilizados por el controlador gráfico" #. Name of an action to perform on a specific event, like changing the CEC source away from Kodi msgctxt "#36044" @@ -16119,7 +16139,7 @@ msgstr "No hay información disponible todavía." #. Description of setting with label #19108 "Refreshrate" msgctxt "#36261" msgid "If enabled, this framerate is used for streams we were not able to detect fps." -msgstr "Si está activo este ratio de frames se utiliza para canales donde no se pudieron detectar fps." +msgstr "Si está activada, esta tasa de fotogramas se utiliza para las transmisiones en las que no hemos podido detectar los fps." #. Description of setting with label #20196 "Export music library" msgctxt "#36262" @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "Si se activa, se programará una grabación del programa a recordar cuan #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Permite que se cambie el modo HDR de la pantalla para coincida mejor con los medios. [CR]Cuando está deshabilitado, Kodi aplica el mapeo de tonos según sea necesario para adaptar los medios al modo HDR actual de la pantalla." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16620,7 +16640,7 @@ msgstr "Selecciona el número de canales soportados por la conexión de audio, o msgctxt "#36363" msgid "Boost AC3 streams that have been downmixed to 2 channels." -msgstr "Amplifica los flujos AC3 que remezclados a 2 canales." +msgstr "Amplifica las transmisiones AC3 que han sido comprimidas a 2 canales." #. Description of setting with label #252 "Stereo upmix" msgctxt "#36364" @@ -16630,12 +16650,12 @@ msgstr "Activa la remezcla del audio de 2 canales al número de canales de audio #. Description of setting with label #364 "Dolby Digital (AC3) capable receiver" msgctxt "#36365" msgid "Select this option if your receiver is capable of decoding Dolby Digital (AC3) streams." -msgstr "Seleccione esta opción si su receptor puede decodificar Dolby Digital (AC3)." +msgstr "Selecciona esta opción si tu receptor es capaz de decodificar transmisiones Dolby Digital (AC3)." #. Description of setting with label #254 "DTS capable receiver" msgctxt "#36366" msgid "Select this option if your receiver is capable of decoding DTS streams." -msgstr "Seleccione esta opción si su receptor puede decodificar DTS." +msgstr "Selecciona esta opción si tu receptor es capaz de decodificar transmisiones DTS." msgctxt "#36367" msgid "Select the maximum number of audio channels / speakers available for decoded audio. If optical / coax digital outputs are used, this must be set to 2.0" @@ -16644,17 +16664,17 @@ msgstr "Selecciona el número máximo de canales de audio / altavoces disponible #. Description of setting with label #348 "Enable passthrough" msgctxt "#36368" msgid "Select to allow passthrough audio for playback of compressed audio such as Dolby Digital (AC3), DTS, etc. The Client of the AudioEngine, for example Videoplayer, might decide to decode the audio stream under certain conditions. In Videoplayer case, passthrough won't be used for live streams and when you sync playback to display." -msgstr "Actívelo para dejar traspasar sin decodificar el audio comprimido como Dolby Digital (AC3), DTS, etc. El Cliente del motor de Audio, p. ej. VideoPlayer, podrá decidir si decodificar el audio bajo determinadas condiciones. En el caso de VideoPlayer, no se dejará traspasar cuando sea una emisión en directo ni cuando esté activada la sincronización con el monitor." +msgstr "Actívelo para dejar traspasar sin decodificar el audio comprimido como Dolby Digital (AC3), DTS, etc. El Cliente del motor de Audio, p. ej. VideoPlayer, podrá decidir si decodificar el audio bajo determinadas condiciones. En el caso de VideoPlayer, no se dejará traspasar cuando sea una retransmisión en directo ni cuando esté activada la sincronización con el monitor." #. Description of setting with label #349 "TrueHD capable receiver" msgctxt "#36369" msgid "Select this option if your receiver is capable of decoding TrueHD streams." -msgstr "Seleccione esta opción si tu receptor puede decodificar TrueHD." +msgstr "Selecciona esta opción si tu receptor es capaz de decodificar transmisiones TrueHD." #. Description of setting with label #347 "DTS-HD capable receiver" msgctxt "#36370" msgid "Select this option if your receiver is capable of decoding DTS-HD streams." -msgstr "Seleccione esta opción si tu receptor puede decodificar DTS-HD." +msgstr "Selecciona esta opción si tu receptor es capaz de decodificar transmisiones DTS-HD." #. Description of setting with label #545 "Audio output device" msgctxt "#36371" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Cualquier repositorio" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -17214,7 +17239,7 @@ msgstr "Define la fuerza del efecto estereoscópico 3D en el interfaz. Se realiz #. Description of setting "System -> Video output -> NoOfBuffers" with label #36043 msgctxt "#36552" msgid "Defines the number of presentation buffers used by the graphics driver. Select 2 if the driver uses double buffering or 3 for triple buffering." -msgstr "Define el número de buffers de presentación usados por el controlador gráfico. Seleccione 2 si el controlador usa doble buffering o 3 para triple buffering." +msgstr "Define el número de búferes de presentación utilizados por el controlador gráfico. Seleccionar 2 si el controlador utiliza doble búfer o 3 para triple búfer." #. label of a setting, allowing to specify tonemap method msgctxt "#36553" @@ -17511,7 +17536,7 @@ msgstr "Por seguridad, la instalación de Add-ons de orígenes desconocidos est #. Text in confirm dialog when enabling setting "System -> Add-ons -> Unknown sources" msgctxt "#36618" msgid "Add-ons will be given access to personal data stored on this device. By allowing, you agree that you are solely responsible for any loss of data, unwanted behaviour, or damage to your device. Proceed?" -msgstr "Los Add-ons tendrán acceso a información personal almacenada en este dispositivo. Activando esta opción, está de acuerdo en que es el único responsable de posibles pérdidas de datos, comportamientos no deseados y daños en su dispositivo. ¿Procedo?" +msgstr "Los add-ons tendrán acceso a los datos personales almacenados en este dispositivo. Al permitirlo, usted acepta que es el único responsable de cualquier pérdida de datos, comportamiento no deseado o daño a su dispositivo. ¿Continuar?" #. Label of a setting, allow the user to specify high quality downscaling of pictures msgctxt "#36619" @@ -17746,7 +17771,7 @@ msgstr "Buscar en" #. Description of setting with label #448 "Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3) capable receiver" msgctxt "#37016" msgid "Select this option if your receiver is capable of decoding Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3) streams." -msgstr "Seleccione esta opción si su receptor puede decodificar Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3)." +msgstr "Selecciona esta opción si tu receptor es capaz de decodificar transmisiones Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3)." msgctxt "#37021" msgid "Set GUI resolution limit" @@ -17807,7 +17832,7 @@ msgstr "Preferir pistas de audio para ciegos" #. Description of setting #37034 Accessibility msgctxt "#37035" msgid "Prefer the audio stream for the visually impaired to other audio streams of the same language" -msgstr "Preferir la pista de audio para ciegos a otras pistas de audio del mismo idioma" +msgstr "Preferir la transmisión de audio para discapacitados visuales a otras transmisiones de audio del mismo idioma" #. Setting #37036 Settings -> Video -> Accessibility msgctxt "#37036" @@ -17817,7 +17842,7 @@ msgstr "Preferir la pista de audio para sordos" #. Description of setting #37036 Accessibility msgctxt "#37037" msgid "Prefer the audio stream for the hearing impaired to other audio streams of the same language" -msgstr "Preferir la pista de audio para sordos a otras pistas de audio del mismo idioma" +msgstr "Preferir la transmisión de audio para personas con problemas de audición a otras transmisiones de audio del mismo idioma" #. Setting #37038 Accessibility msgctxt "#37038" @@ -17827,17 +17852,17 @@ msgstr "Preferir subtítulos para sordos" #. Description of setting #37038 Accessibility msgctxt "#37039" msgid "Prefer the subtitle stream for the hearing impaired to other subtitle streams of the same language" -msgstr "Preferir la pista de subtítulos para sordos a otras pistas de subtítulos para el mismo idioma" +msgstr "Preferir la transmisión de subtítulos para personas con problemas de audición a otras transmisiones de subtítulos del mismo idioma" #. Setting #37040 Playback msgctxt "#37040" msgid "Prefer default audio streams" -msgstr "Preferir las pistas de audio por defecto" +msgstr "Preferir las transmisiones de audio por defecto" #. Description of setting #37040 Playback msgctxt "#37041" msgid "If enabled, audio streams that are flagged as default (and match the preferred language) are preferred over audio streams with higher quality (number of channels, codec, ...)." -msgstr "Si está activo, las pistas de audio marcadas como por defecto (los del idioma preferido) son priorizadas sobre otras pistas de audio con mayor calidad (número de canales, códec, ...)." +msgstr "Si se activa, las transmisiones de audio marcadas como predeterminadas (y que coincidan con el idioma preferido) tienen preferencia sobre las transmisiones de audio con mayor calidad (número de canales, códec, ...)." #. Description of setting Skip steps msgctxt "#37042" @@ -17926,7 +17951,7 @@ msgstr "Almacenamiento en Caché" #. Description of category #37101 "Caching" msgctxt "#37102" msgid "This category contains settings that configure caching of local and network files, and internet streams." -msgstr "Esta categoría contiene ajustes que configuran el almacenamiento en caché de archivos locales y de red, y transmisiones de Internet." +msgstr "Esta categoría contiene ajustes que configuran el almacenamiento en caché de archivos locales y de red, y de transmisiones por Internet." #. Setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37103" @@ -17946,7 +17971,7 @@ msgstr "Tamaño de memoria" #. Description of setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37106" msgid "The size of the memory buffer in Mbytes. Setting zero (0) forces buffering to disk, which is not recommend on flash storage devices (eMMC, SD cards, SSD)." -msgstr "El tamaño del búfer de memoria en Mbytes. Establecer cero (0) fuerza el almacenamiento en el disco, lo cual no se recomienda en dispositivos de almacenamiento flash (eMMC, tarjetas SD, SSD)." +msgstr "El tamaño del búfer de memoria en Mbytes. Establecer cero (0) fuerza el almacenamiento en búfer a disco, lo cual no es recomendable en dispositivos de almacenamiento flash (eMMC, tarjetas SD, SSD)." #. Setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37107" @@ -17971,7 +17996,7 @@ msgstr "Sin búfer" #. Value of setting - TRUE INTERNET msgctxt "#37111" msgid "Only buffer true internet streams: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." -msgstr "Solo almacena en buffer transmisiones verdaderas de Internet: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." +msgstr "Solo almacena en búfer las verdaderas transmisiones de Internet: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." #. Value of setting - INTERNET msgctxt "#37112" @@ -17986,7 +18011,7 @@ msgstr "Almacena en búfer todos los sistemas de archivos de red, incluidos: SMB #. Value of setting - ALL msgctxt "#37114" msgid "Buffer all filesystems, including local files" -msgstr "Almacena en buffer todos los sistemas de archivos, incluidos los archivos locales" +msgstr "Almacenamiento en búfer de todos los sistemas de archivos, incluidos los archivos locales" #. Value of setting msgctxt "#37115" @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Si se activa, el perfil 7 de Dolby Vision se convertirá a 8.1, que está más soportado por los dispositivos. Actívelo si su dispositivo soporta Dolby Vision pero tiene fallos con algunos vídeos." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versiones" @@ -19137,13 +19183,18 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versión" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "Nueva versión..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19215,7 +19266,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "Eliminar la versión de vídeo" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19225,11 +19276,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19242,12 +19288,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19260,6 +19306,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Buscar archivos" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19300,10 +19401,10 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "Cuando se activa, un vídeo con múltiples versiones se mostrará como una carpeta en la biblioteca de vídeos. Esta carpeta puede abrirse para mostrar las versiones individuales del vídeo. Si está desactivada, se aplicará la acción de selección configurada." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "Elegir versión" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" @@ -19313,7 +19414,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versiones" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19330,6 +19431,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19516,6 +19657,18 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "Edición 50 Aniversario" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nueva versión..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Elegir versión" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Permite que se cambie el modo HDR de la pantalla para coincida mejor con los medios. [CR]Cuando está deshabilitado, Kodi aplica el mapeo de tonos según sea necesario para adaptar los medios al modo HDR actual de la pantalla." + #~ msgctxt "#40002" #~ msgid "Convert into an additional version of {0:s}" #~ msgstr "Convertir en una versión adicional de {0:s}" diff --git a/resource.language.es_mx/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.es_mx/resources/strings.po index 431f3944d7..dfdec21991 100644 --- a/resource.language.es_mx/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.es_mx/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-19 19:11+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Edson Armando \n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Mexico) \n" "Language: es_mx\n" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Preferencia del usuario" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Utilizar orden de grupo de canales desde servidor" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -11947,7 +11967,7 @@ msgstr "Ver" #. Button label to show list of supported types, e.g. supported file extensions msgctxt "#21484" msgid "Show support" -msgstr "Mostrar soporte de medios" +msgstr "Mostrar medios soportados" #. Dialog header label to show list of supported types, e.g. supported file extensions msgctxt "#21485" @@ -16305,7 +16325,7 @@ msgstr "Si se activa, una grabación para el programa a recordar será programad #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Cualquier repositorio" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -17189,7 +17214,7 @@ msgstr "Establece la profundidad visual de los subtítulos para videos estereosc #. Description of setting with label #36097 "System / Display / GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode" msgctxt "#36547" msgid "Sets the peak luminance level for GUI elements while the display is in HDR PQ mode. This affects all OSD, subtitles and graphics that are SDR in origin." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Establece la luminiscencia máxima de la interfaz mientras la pantalla esté en modo HDR PQ. Esto afecta a todos los gráficos, OSD y subtítulos que sean SDR nativamente." #. Description of setting with label #37021 "Set GUI resolution limit" msgctxt "#36548" @@ -17961,7 +17986,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting "Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37109" msgid "The data chunk size to use when a filesystem or protocol does not force the value, e.g. NFS will override this with its own value." -msgstr "" +msgstr "El tamaño de bloque de datos a utilizar cuando un sistema de archivos o protocolo no fuerza el valor, por ejemplo NFS sobrescribirá esto con su propio valor." #. Value of setting - NONE msgctxt "#37110" @@ -18302,7 +18327,7 @@ msgstr "Esta categoría contiene la configuración para la reproducción de imá #. Description of category #14213 "Language" msgctxt "#38106" msgid "This category contains the settings for audio / subtitles language and accessibility" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Esta categoría contiene los ajustes de idioma de audio / subtítulos y accesibilidad" #. Description of category #14210 "Videos" msgctxt "#38107" @@ -18781,7 +18806,7 @@ msgstr "Arte" #. Label for component level debug logging setting msgctxt "#39124" msgid "Verbose logging for the [B]Add-ons[/B] component" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Registro de depuración para el componente {B}Complementos[/B]" msgctxt "#39125" msgid "Enable tag reading in file view" @@ -19014,57 +19039,57 @@ msgstr "Mostrar tipos de HDR soportados" #. Progress text on splash screen, to build the font cache msgctxt "#39175" msgid "Building font cache in progress - please wait" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Generación de caché de tipografías en progreso - por favor espera" #. Helper text for gui sound volume setting msgctxt "#39176" msgid "Relative volume for gui sounds" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volumen relativo de los sonidos de la interfaz" #. Dialog caption related to the speech to text process msgctxt "#39177" msgid "Speech to text" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Voz a texto" #. Dialog text to notify that the speech service is not available msgctxt "#39178" msgid "Speech recognition service not available" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Servicio de reconocimiento de voz no disponible" #. Dialog text to notify that microphone is listening msgctxt "#39179" msgid "Listening..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escuchando..." #. Dialog text to notify that there has been no matching recognition result msgctxt "#39180" msgid "No recognition result matched" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No hay resultados de reconocimiento" #. Dialog text to notify that there has been a speech recognition error msgctxt "#39181" msgid "Speech recognition error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error de reconocimiento de voz" #. Subtitle vertical margin setting msgctxt "#39182" msgid "Vertical margin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Margen vertical" #. Help text for setting "Vertical margin" of label #39182 msgctxt "#39183" msgid "Allows you to add a margin in top and bottom aligned text. Changing this setting will affect also subtitle position set with the Video calibration." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Permite agregar un margen superior e inferior al texto alineado. Cambiar este ajuste afectará también la posición de los subtítulos establecida con la calibración de vídeo." #. Window screen calibration: the current subtitle calibration value with vertical margin msgctxt "#39184" msgid "Current value: {0:d} (with vertical margin: {1:d})" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valor actual: {0:d} (con margen vertical: {1:d})" #. Dialog text to notify that there are insufficient permissions for speech recognition msgctxt "#39185" msgid "Insufficient permissions for speech recognition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Permisos insuficientes para el reconocimiento de voz" #. Title of group menu subtitles msgctxt "#39186" @@ -19074,7 +19099,7 @@ msgstr "Estilos para subtítulos de texto" #. Title of group menu subtitles msgctxt "#39187" msgid "Closed caption subtitles" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Subtítulos descriptivos" #. Item list value of setting with label #39166 "Background type" msgctxt "#39188" @@ -19113,7 +19138,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13418 "Use high precision processing" msgctxt "#39195" msgid "Enable this option for the best picture quality. Disabling reduces the load on resource-limited systems." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Activa esta opción para obtener la mejor calidad de imagen. Desactivarla reducirá la carga en sistemas con recursos limitados." #. Title of Dolby Vision RPU conversion setting msgctxt "#39196" @@ -19123,9 +19148,30 @@ msgstr "Modo de compatibilidad de Dolby Vision" #. Help text for setting "Convert Dolby Vision for compatibility" of label #39196 msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." +msgstr "Si se activa, el perfil 7 de Dolby Vision será convertido a 8.1, que es más soportado entre dispositivos. Activa esta opción si tu dispositivo soporta Dolby Vision, pero tiene problemas con algunos videos." + +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" msgstr "" # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versiones" @@ -19133,17 +19179,22 @@ msgstr "Versiones" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Administrar versiones" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Agregar como versión a..." + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versión" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "Nueva versión..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19158,47 +19209,47 @@ msgstr "" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" msgid "The \"{0:s}\" version already exists!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "¡La versión \"{0:s}\" ya existe!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Se encontraron versiones diferentes de la película" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Encontrada una versión diferente de la película \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. ¿Quieres convertirla en una versión adicional de la original?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" msgid "video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "versión de video" #. "video version" string in plural format msgctxt "#40011" msgid "video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "versiones de video" #. "video version" string in singular capital format msgctxt "#40012" msgid "Video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versión de video" #. "video version" string in plural capital format msgctxt "#40013" msgid "Video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versiones de video" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Agregar versión" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Agregar extra" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" @@ -19213,9 +19264,9 @@ msgstr "" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quitar versión de video" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19223,17 +19274,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "¿De verdad quieres eliminar la versión \"{0:s}\"?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Administrar {0:s}" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" @@ -19242,12 +19288,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19260,6 +19306,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Buscar archivos" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19300,10 +19401,10 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "Seleccionar versión" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" @@ -19330,6 +19431,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19516,6 +19657,14 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "Edición del quincuagésimo aniversario" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nueva versión..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Seleccionar versión" + #~ msgctxt "#40001" #~ msgid "Manage {0:s} version" #~ msgstr "Administrar versión {0:s}" diff --git a/resource.language.et_ee/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.et_ee/resources/strings.po index 457256adfe..3780950908 100644 --- a/resource.language.et_ee/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.et_ee/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-21 01:23+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Toomas Tänava \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-22 21:12+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: rimasx \n" "Language-Team: Estonian \n" "Language: et_ee\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4614,7 +4614,7 @@ msgstr "Raadio täisekraanil" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Juhtseadme seadistused" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4624,52 +4624,52 @@ msgstr "Mängud" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Menüü" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" msgid "Video Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video filter" #. Title of the in-game video stretch mode selection dialog msgctxt "#10824" msgid "Stretch Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Venituse režiim" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Helitugevus" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Põhjalikumad seaded" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" msgid "Video Rotation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video pööramine" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pordi seaded" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali salvestusseis" #. Title of the out-of-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10830" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali salvestusseis" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mängijad" msgctxt "#12000" msgid "Select dialog" @@ -4726,11 +4726,11 @@ msgstr "Viimati uuendatud" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali video versioon" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali video lisamaterjal" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -5730,7 +5730,7 @@ msgstr "Vaikegamma" msgctxt "#13381" msgid "Resume video" -msgstr "Jätka videoga" +msgstr "Jätka taasesitust" msgctxt "#13382" msgid "Voice mask - Port 1" @@ -5947,7 +5947,7 @@ msgstr "Luba kõrge kvaliteediga suurendajad" msgctxt "#13436" msgid "Adjust display HDR mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kohanda ekraani HDR režiimi" msgctxt "#13437" msgid "Prefer VDPAU video mixer" @@ -9313,10 +9313,30 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Kasutaja eelistus" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kasuta kaugtuuneri kanalinimekirja järjestust" + +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "Järelvaatamine / tellitud video" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "Esita järgmine saade automaatselt" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "Esita saateid siit" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "Esita ainult see saade" #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -10911,7 +10931,7 @@ msgstr "Tootekood" msgctxt "#20369" msgid "Show information for unwatched items" -msgstr "Näita vaatamata üksuste andmeid" +msgstr "Kuva vaatamata üksuste andmed" msgctxt "#20370" msgid "* Hidden to prevent spoilers *" @@ -13148,11 +13168,11 @@ msgstr "120 sekundit" msgctxt "#24160" msgid "Ignore first tap/swipe/pan of the Siri remote after a period of inactivity" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eira Siri puldi esimest puudutust/pühkimist/liigutust pärast teatud tegevusetusperioodi" msgctxt "#24161" msgid "This prevents you from accidental tap/swipe/pan action when you grab the remote in your hand" -msgstr "" +msgstr "See hoiab ära tahtmatud nupuvajutused puldi haaramisel" msgctxt "#24162" msgid "Use Kodi virtual keyboard" @@ -13160,7 +13180,7 @@ msgstr "Kasuta Kodi virtuaalset klaviatuuri" msgctxt "#24163" msgid "The higher the value, the more sensitive the pan gesture" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mida suurem väärtus, seda suurem on tundlikkus" # empty string with id 24163 #. Header text for yes/no dialog about enable of broken add-on @@ -13284,7 +13304,7 @@ msgstr "Teated" #. Used in add-on browser msgctxt "#25001" msgid "Hide foreign" -msgstr "Peida välismaised" +msgstr "Peida tundmatud" msgctxt "#25002" msgid "Select from all titles ..." @@ -13798,7 +13818,7 @@ msgstr "Rollid" #. Label for multi-disc movies, including movie title (param 0) and disc number (param 1). msgctxt "#29995" msgid "{0:s} (Disc {1:s})" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:s} (plaat {1:s})" msgctxt "#33001" msgid "Trailer quality" @@ -14139,15 +14159,15 @@ msgstr "Windows media audio 2 (FFmpeg wmav2)" msgctxt "#34008" msgid "When you need to enter some text, Kodi virtual keyboard will show up instead of the built-in tvOS keyboard" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teksti sisestamisel kuvatakse sisseehitatud tvOS klaviatuuri asemel Kodi virtuaalne klaviatuur" msgctxt "#34009" msgid "Siri remote pan gesture horizontal sensitivity" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siri puldi horisontaalse pan-viipe tundlikkus" msgctxt "#34010" msgid "Siri remote pan gesture vertical sensitivity" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siri puldi vertikaalse pan-viipe tundlikkus" msgctxt "#34100" msgid "Number of channels" @@ -14821,7 +14841,7 @@ msgstr "Mängijad" #. Notification shown when no controllers are connected in the in-game dialog that lets users configure player assignment msgctxt "#35173" msgid "No controllers connected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Juhtseadmeid pole ühendatud" #. This string is an early meme from the late 1990's that made fun of the poor translation in the 16-bit game Zero Wing from the late 1980's. DO NOT TRANSLATE! msgctxt "#35200" @@ -14902,12 +14922,12 @@ msgstr "Toeta lisamooduleid" #. Dialog text asking user to overwrite their savestate file msgctxt "#35217" msgid "The savestate can only be loaded with \"{0:s}\". Erase savestate and continue?" -msgstr "Salvestatud seisu saab laadida ainult üksusega \"{0:s}”. Kas kustutada salvestatud seis ja jätkata?" +msgstr "Salvestusseisu saab laadida ainult üksusega \"{0:s}”. Kas kustutada salvestatud seis ja jätkata?" #. Button to erase the savestate msgctxt "#35218" msgid "Erase savestate" -msgstr "Kustuta salvestatud seis" +msgstr "Kustuta salvestusseis" #. Error dialog text when trying to play a game and the game's files aren't found. msgctxt "#35219" @@ -15753,7 +15773,7 @@ msgstr "See kategooria sisaldab videofailide loenditega seotud seadeid." #. Description of setting with label #22079 "Default select action" msgctxt "#36177" msgid "Toggle between [Choose], [Play] (default), [Resume], [Show information] and [Queue item].[CR][Choose] will open a context menu to select an item, e.g. show information.[CR][Play] will automatically play videos from the beginning or if a resume point is present ask whether to play from beginning or to resume.[CR][Resume] Will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR][Show information] will open the video's information dialog.[CR][Queue item] will append the video to the video playlist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vaheta [Vali], [Esita] (vaikimisi), [Jätka], [Kuva teave] ja [Lisa järjekorda] vahel.[CR][Vali] avab kontekstimenüü, millest saad teha oma valiku.[CR][Esita] käivitab video automaatselt algusest või kui on olemas jätkamispunkt, siis küsib, kas esitada algusest või jätkata. [CR][Jätka] jätkab automaatselt video vaatamist viimasest vaatamiskohast. [CR][Kuva teave] avab video infoakna. [CR][Lisa järjekorda] lisab video esitusloendisse." #. Description of setting with label #20433 "Extract thumbnails and video information" msgctxt "#36178" @@ -15880,7 +15900,7 @@ msgstr "Lubab funktsioonid \"Personal Video Recorder - Isiklik videosalvesti\" ( #. Description of setting with label #22076 "Default play action" msgctxt "#36204" msgid "Toggle between [Ask if resumable] (default) and [Resume].[CR][Ask if resumable] will ask whether to play from beginning or to resume (if a resume point is present).[CR][Resume] will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR]If no resume point is set, playback will automatically start from the beginning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vaheta [Küsi, kui saab jätkata] (vaikimisi) ja [Jätka] vahel.[CR] [Küsi, kui saab jätkata] avab menüü, millest saab valida, kas esitada algusest või jätkata pooleli jäänud kohast.[CR] [Jätka] jätkab automaatselt pooleli jäänud kohast.[CR] Kui jätkupunkti ei ole määratud, algab taasesitus automaatselt algusest." msgctxt "#36205" msgid "Sort the channels by channel number from the backend, but use local numbering for channels." @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "Kui säte on lubatud ja PVR lisamoodul seda toetab, salvestatakse saade #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "" +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Lubab muuta ekraani HDR režiimi, et see vastaks kõige paremini meediale. Kui see on keelatud, rakendab Kodi vajadusel (ja kui riistvara seda toetab) toonikaardistust, et kohandada meedia ekraani praeguse HDR režiimiga." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16601,7 +16621,7 @@ msgstr "Luba kasutada kanalinumeratsiooni mitmest kaugvastuvõtjast. Selle sätt #. Description of setting with label #36042 "Use limited colour range (16-235)" msgctxt "#36359" msgid "Use limited colour range (16-235) instead of full colour range (0-255). Limited range should be used if your display is a regular HDMI TV and doesn't have a PC or other mode to display full range colour, however if your display is a PC monitor then leave this disabled to get proper blacks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kasuta täieliku värviruumi (0-255) asemel piiratud värviruumi (16–235). Piiratud värviruumi tuleks kasutada HDMI teleril, mis ei toeta täielikku värviruumi. Kui ekraaniks on arvutimonitor või mõni muu toetatud ekraan, jäta see õige musta värvi saamiseks keelatuks." #. Description of settings category with label #772 "Audio" msgctxt "#36360" @@ -16928,7 +16948,7 @@ msgstr "Vali kanal" msgctxt "#36427" msgid "Show information" -msgstr "Näita andmeid" +msgstr "Kuva teave" msgctxt "#36428" msgid "Record" @@ -16967,7 +16987,7 @@ msgstr "Kui lubatud, lülitu meeldetuletuse hüpikakna sulgudes saadet edastaval msgctxt "#36435" msgid "Sort channel groups by the order supplied by the backend(s). If enabled, groups cannot be reordered in the Group manager" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Järjesta kanalirühmad taustaprogrammi(de) esitatud järjestuse järgi. Kui see on lubatud, ei saa rühmi rühmahalduris ümber järjestada" # empty string with id 36435 #. Description for setting #407: "Hardware keyboard layouts" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Kõik hoidlad" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "Luba järgmise saate automaatne esitamine, kui vaatad möödunud saateid (järelvaatamine) või tellitud video (VOD) kanaleid. Järelvaatamine ja VOD töötavad ainult siis, kui kanali pakkuja seda toetab." + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -17085,7 +17110,7 @@ msgstr "3D video taasesitus" #. Option value of a desired playback mode setting. (f.e. "Settings -> Video -> Playback -> Playback mode of stereoscopic 3D videos" with label #36520) msgctxt "#36521" msgid "Ask me" -msgstr "Küsi minult" +msgstr "Küsi" #. Description of setting with label #458 "Limit sampling rate (kHz)" msgctxt "#36523" @@ -17150,12 +17175,12 @@ msgstr "Pööratud stereoskoopiline 3D režiim (silmade pööramine)" #. Description of setting with label #36520 "Playback mode of stereoscopic videos" msgctxt "#36537" msgid "Select in which mode stereoscopic 3D videos will be played.[CR][Ask me] Will show a dialogue to select the desired mode for each playback.[CR][Preferred mode] Will use the preferred mode specified in the \"System -> Video hardware\" section of the settings.[CR][Monoscopic / 2D] Will play the video in mono / 2D.[CR][Ignore] Disables any stereoscopic 3D processing and handling." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali, millises režiimis stereoskoopilisi 3D-videoid esitatakse.[CR][Küsi] Kuvab valikuakna, et valida iga taasesituse jaoks soovitud režiim.[CR][Eelistatud režiim] Kasutab jaotises 'Süsteem' -> 'Video riistvara' seadetes määratud eelistatud režiimi.[CR][Monoskoopiline/ 2D] Esitab video mono- / 2D-vormingus.[CR][Eira] Keelab stereoskoopilise 3D-töötluse ja -käsitluse." #. Description of setting with label #36526 Disable stereoscopic mode when playback is stopped msgctxt "#36538" msgid "[Enabled] Switch GUI (and some TVs) back to 2D mode, between videos in a playlist or when playback ended.[CR][Disabled] GUI and TV will stay in stereoscopic 3D mode. For video playlists with mixed stereoscopic 3D and 2D content, then the GUI will also stay in stereoscopic 3D mode even when a non-stereoscopic 2D video is playing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "[Lubatud] Lülita kasutajaliides (ja mõned telerid) tagasi 2D režiimi esitusloendis olevate videote vahel või taasesituse lõppedes.[CR][Keelatud] Kasutajaliides ja teler jäävad stereoskoopilisse 3D režiimi. Segatud stereoskoopilise 3D ja 2D sisuga video esitusloendite puhul jääb kasutajaliides stereoskoopilisse 3D režiimi ka siis, kui esitatakse mittestereoskoopilist 2D videot." #. Description of setting with label #36500 "Stereoscopic mode (current)" msgctxt "#36539" @@ -17199,7 +17224,7 @@ msgstr "Piirab kasutajaliidese eraldusvõimet mälu säästmiseks. Ei mõjuta vi #. Description of setting with label #1268 "iOS 8 compatibility mode" msgctxt "#36549" msgid "Enables support for receiving \"Videos\" and \"Pictures\" via AirPlay. This needs to be disabled when using iOS 9 or later clients to restore music streaming via AirPlay. \"Videos\" and \"Pictures\" are only supported for iOS clients using iOS 8.x and older." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Võimaldab videote ja piltide esitamise AirPlay kaudu. See tuleb keelata, kui kasutada AirPlay kaudu muusika voogesituseks iOS 9 või uuema versiooni kliente. Videote ja piltide esitus on toetatud ainult iOS 8.x ja vanemat versiooni kasutavatel klientidel." #. Name of a setting msgctxt "#36550" @@ -17262,7 +17287,7 @@ msgstr "Värvihaldus režiim" #. Description of setting "System -> Video output -> Colour management mode" with label #36562 msgctxt "#36563" msgid "Use a precalculated 3D lookup table for video colour correction, or calculate the transformation for each video from a profile of your display. A precalculated 3D lookup table is preferred as it allows you to take advantage of the advanced features and high precision in ArgyllCMS. Display profile based correction is useful for testing different parameters, or emulating display settings that you don't have a 3D LUT prepared for." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kasuta video värviparanduseks eelarvutatud 3D otsingutabelit või arvuta iga video teisendus oma ekraani kuvaprofiilist. Eelistatakse eelarvutatud 3D otsingutabelit, kuna see võimaldab kasutada ArgyllCMS täiustatud funktsioone ja suurt täpsust. Kuvaprofiilipõhine parandus on kasulik erinevate parameetrite testimiseks või kuvasätete emuleerimiseks, mille jaoks pole ette valmistatud 3D LUT-faile." msgctxt "#36564" msgid "3D LUT" @@ -17271,7 +17296,7 @@ msgstr "3D LUT" #. Description of setting "System -> Video output -> 3D LUT" with label #36564 msgctxt "#36565" msgid "Select the 3DLUT file to be used by default. If you place multiple 3DLUT files in the same directory, then you can switch between them in the OSD menu during video playback. This allows for multiple display profiles to account for different viewing environments and source materials, for example gamma 2.2 for daytime viewing and 2.4 for nighttime." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali vaikimisi kasutatav 3DLUT fail. Kui paigutada samasse kataloogi mitu 3DLUT faili, saab video taasesituse ajal menüüs nende vahel vahetada. See võimaldab kasutada mitut kuvaprofiili, et võtta arvesse erinevaid vaatamiskeskkondi ja algmaterjale, näiteks gamma 2.2 päevasel vaatamisel ja 2.4 öisel ajal." msgctxt "#36566" msgid "ICC display profile" @@ -17307,7 +17332,7 @@ msgstr "Gamma režiim" #. Description of setting "System -> Video output -> Gamma mode" with label #36572 msgctxt "#36573" msgid "Select the gamma curve formula. Use BT.1886 for gamma curve that accounts for display black and white levels and avoids perceptual clipping. Use input offset for a similar curve with a manually specified effective gamma. Output offset allows for perceptual clipping, but can be used to compensate for incorrect mastering monitor settings that lead to too bright dark details. Absolute gamma does not account for display black at all and will clip the lowest levels to display black on any display with higher than zero black level." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali gammakõvera valem. Kasuta BT.1886 gammakõverale, mis arvestab ekraani musta ja valge tasemeid ja väldib tajutavat kärpimist. Kasuta sisendi nihet sarnasele kõverale, mille efektiivne gamma on käsitsi määratud. Väljundi nihutamine võimaldab tajutavat kärpimist, kuid seda saab kasutada monitoride vale masterdamisseadistuse kompenseerimiseks, mis toob kaasa liiga heledad tumedad detailid. Absoluutne gamma ei võta üldse arvesse ekraani musta ja kärbib madalaimad tasemed, et kuvada musta mis tahes ekraanil, mille musta tase on suurem kui null." msgctxt "#36574" msgid "Gamma" @@ -17895,124 +17920,124 @@ msgstr "NFS protokolli versioon NFS ühenduste loomisel" #. Settings / Services "Chunk Size" group label msgctxt "#37053" msgid "Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Andmekogumi suurus" #. Setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37054" msgid "NFS Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS andmekogumi suurus" #. Description of setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37055" msgid "Data chunk size used on NFS connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS ühendustel kasutatava andmekogumi suurus" #. Setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37056" msgid "SMB Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SMB andmekogumi suurus" #. Description of setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37057" msgid "Data chunk size used on SMB connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SMB ühendustel kasutatava andmekogumi suurus" # empty strings from id 37058 to 37100 #. Settings / Services "Caching" category label msgctxt "#37101" msgid "Caching" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puhverdamine" #. Description of category #37101 "Caching" msgctxt "#37102" msgid "This category contains settings that configure caching of local and network files, and internet streams." -msgstr "" +msgstr "See kategooria sisaldab sätteid, mis seadistavad kohalike ja võrgufailide ning netivoogude vahemällu salvestamist." #. Setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37103" msgid "Buffer Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puhvri režiim" #. Description of setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37104" msgid "Configure the media content to buffer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Seadista meediasisu puhverdamiseks." #. Setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37105" msgid "Memory Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mälu suurus" #. Description of setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37106" msgid "The size of the memory buffer in Mbytes. Setting zero (0) forces buffering to disk, which is not recommend on flash storage devices (eMMC, SD cards, SSD)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mälupuhvri suurus Mbaitides. Valik (0) sunnib puhverdama kettale, mis pole välkmäluseadmetel (eMMC, SD kaardid, SSD) soovitatav." #. Setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37107" msgid "Read Factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lugemistegur" #. Description of setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37108" msgid "The read factor determines cache fill rate in terms of avg. bitrate of stream x Read Factor. Increasing this multiple, cache fills faster but more bandwidth is consumed. Large multiples may cause CPU spikes on some devices, saturate the connection and worsen performance." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Määrab puhvri täitumise kiiruse, korrutades voo keskmist bitikiirust lugemiskiirusega. Selle suurendamine kiirendab puhvri täitmist, kuid nõuab suuremat ribalaiust. Suured kordajad võivad mõnes seadmes põhjustada protsessori koormuspiike, koormata ühendust ja vähendada jõudlust." #. Description of setting "Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37109" msgid "The data chunk size to use when a filesystem or protocol does not force the value, e.g. NFS will override this with its own value." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Andmekogumi suurus, mida kasutada, kui failisüsteem või protokoll ei sunni seda väärtust, nt. NFS tühistab selle oma väärtusega." #. Value of setting - NONE msgctxt "#37110" msgid "No buffer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puhvrita" #. Value of setting - TRUE INTERNET msgctxt "#37111" msgid "Only buffer true internet streams: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puhverda ainult tõelisi netivooge: HTTP, HTTPS jne." #. Value of setting - INTERNET msgctxt "#37112" msgid "Buffer all internet filesystems, including: FTP, WebDAV, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puhverda kõiki neti failisüsteeme: FTP, WebDAV jne." #. Value of setting - NETWORK msgctxt "#37113" msgid "Buffer all network filesystems, including: SMB, NFS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puhverda kõiki võrgu failisüsteeme: SMB, NFS jne." #. Value of setting - ALL msgctxt "#37114" msgid "Buffer all filesystems, including local files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puhverda kõiki failisüsteeme, sealhulgas kohalikud failid" #. Value of setting msgctxt "#37115" msgid "Caches entire file on disk storage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Puhverdab kogu faili kõvakettale" # empty strings from id 37116 to 37119 #. Value of setting - Byte msgctxt "#37120" msgid "{0:d} Byte" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} bait" #. Value of setting - KByte msgctxt "#37121" msgid "{0:d} KB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} KB" #. Value of setting - MByte msgctxt "#37122" msgid "{0:d} MB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} MB" #. Value of setting - GByte msgctxt "#37123" msgid "{0:d} GB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} GB" #. Setting #38011 "Show All Items entry" msgctxt "#38011" @@ -19108,7 +19133,7 @@ msgstr "Muusika esitamisel ei aktiveerita ekraanisäästjat kunagi" #. Help text of setting "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" with label #13417 msgctxt "#39194" msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when the video source is 1920x1080 or less and the source resolution is lower than the display resolution.[CR]Only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx and above, Intel Arc A770, A750." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lubab täiustatud DXVA ülesskaaleerimise, kasutades NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" või \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Kasutatakse, kui videoallika eraldusvõime on 1920 x 1080 või vähem ja allika eraldusvõime on madalam kui ekraani eraldusvõime.[CR]Saadaval ainult teatud riistvarale: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx ja uuemad, Intel Arc A770, A750." #. Description of setting with label #13418 "Use high precision processing" msgctxt "#39195" @@ -19125,396 +19150,532 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Kui lubatud, teisendatakse Dolby Visioni profiil 7 profiiliks 8.1, mida seadmed sagedamini toetavad. Luba, kui seade toetab Dolby Visioni, kuid mõne videoga on probleeme." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versioonid" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Halda versioone" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Lisa versioonina ..." + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versioon" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" msgid "Operation not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Toiming ei ole toetatud" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valitud filmil on mitu versiooni, mis takistab selle teisendamist mõne teise filmi versiooniks. Eemalda filmist versioonid, skaneeri meediakogu uuesti ja teisenda need ükshaaval." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" msgid "The \"{0:s}\" version already exists!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versioon \"{0:s}\" on juba olemas!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Filmist leiti teine versioon" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leiti filmi \"{0:s}\" erinev versioon: {1:s}. Kas soovid selle teisendada originaali täiendavaks versiooniks?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" msgid "video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "versioon videost" #. "video version" string in plural format msgctxt "#40011" msgid "video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "versioonid videost" #. "video version" string in singular capital format msgctxt "#40012" msgid "Video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versioon videost" #. "video version" string in plural capital format msgctxt "#40013" msgid "Video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versioonid videost" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lisa versioon" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lisa lisamatrjal" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valitud video on juba filmi \"{0:s}\" versioon." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valitud video on filmi \"{1:s}\" versioon \"{0:s}\". Kas liigutada see versioon filmi juurde?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eemalda video versioon" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Filmi vaikeversiooni ei saa eemaldada. Määra teine vaikeversioon ja proovi uuesti." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kas eemaldada versioon \"{0:s}\"?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Halda {0:s}" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Määra vaikeversiooniks" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Versiooni haldur: {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Lisamaterjalide haldur: {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valitud video on juba filmi \"{0:s}\" lisamaterjal." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valitud video on filmi \"{1:s}\" lisamaterjal \"{0:s}\". Kas liigutada lisamaterjal selle filmi juurde?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Sirvi faile" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Sirvi meediakogu" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Vali versioonina lisatav film" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Teisi filme meediakogust ei leitud." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Sarnaseid filme meediakogust ei leitud." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "Mitme versiooniga filmi vaikeversiooni ei saa lisada teise filmi versioonina. Lisa esmalt selle täiendavad versioonid." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "Mitme versiooniga filmi vaikeversiooni ei saa lisada teise filmi lisamaterjaliks. Teisalda või eemalda esmalt muud versioonid." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Oled teisendamas filmi lisamaterjali filmi versiooniks. Oled sa kindel?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Oled muutmas filmi versiooni filmi lisamaterjaliks. Oled sa kindel?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "Lisataval filmil on mitu versiooni.[CR]Vaikeversiooni tüüp valitakse järgmises valikuaknas. Teised versioonid säilitavad oma praeguse tüübi.[CR]Kas soovid jätkata?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "Mitme versiooniga filmi vaikeversiooni ei saa lisada teisele filmile. Teisalda või eemalda esmalt muud versioonid." #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali video vaikeversioon" #. Help for select default video version setting msgctxt "#40201" msgid "Defines how to handle selection of videos with multiple versions.[CR][Enabled] Automatically select the default video version without prompting.[CR][Disabled] Display a dialogue to select a version of the video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Määrab, kuidas käsitleda mitme versiooniga videote valimist.[CR][Lubatud] Valib video vaikeversiooni küsimata.[CR][Keelatud] Kuvab video versiooni valiku." #. Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40202" msgid "Ignore different video versions on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eira skaneerimisel erinevaid video versioone" #. Help for Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40203" msgid "Select scanner action for different video versions.[CR][Enabled] Add different video versions to library seperately without confirmation.[CR][Disabled] Prompt for converting different video versions into additional versions of the original." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali tegevus skaneerimisel leitud erinevate video versioonide jaoks.[CR][Lubatud] Lisab video erinevad versioonid küsimata.[CR][Keelatud] Küsib, kas teisendada erinevad versioonid originaali täiendavateks versioonideks." #. Ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40204" msgid "Ignore video extras on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eira skaneerimisel video lisamaterjale" #. Help for ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40205" msgid "Select scanner action for video extras in \"extras\" folder.[CR][Enabled] Scan video extras like regular videos.[CR][Disabled] Add video extras to library for associated video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali lisamaterjalide skaneerimistoiming kaustas \"extras\".[CR][Lubatud] Skaneeri lisamaterjalid tavalise videona.[CR][Keelatud] Lisa need seotud video lisamaterjalina." #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kuva mitme versiooniga videod kaustana" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kui lubatud, kuvatakse mitme versiooniga video meediakogus kaustana. Seejärel saab selle kausta avada, et kuvada erinevad video versioonid. Kui keelatud, kasutatakse määratud valikutoimingut." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" msgid "Play version using..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Esita versioon kasutades..." #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versioonid" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lisamaterjalid" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sünkrooni helitugevus UPnP pleieritega" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "Kui lubatud, sünkroonitakse kaugpleieri helitugevus selle rakenduse helitugevusega.[CR]Hoiatus: globaalne süsteemi helitugevus võib rakenduse helitugevusest erineda – neid juhitakse sõltumatult.[CR]Tulemuseks võib kaugpleieri helitugevus olla 100%, kui rakenduse helitugevus on 100%, kuigi süsteemi üldine helitugevus on väiksem." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" msgid "Standard Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tavaversioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40401" msgid "Extended Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Laiendatud versioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40402" msgid "Unrated Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hinnanguta versioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40403" msgid "Uncut Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lõikamata versioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40404" msgid "Remastered Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Remasterdatud versioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40405" msgid "4K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "4K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40406" msgid "Theatrical Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kinoversioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40407" msgid "Director's Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Režissööri versioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40408" msgid "Special Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eriversioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40409" msgid "Limited Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Piiratud väljaanne" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40410" msgid "Complete Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Täielik väljaanne" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40411" msgid "The Final Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lõppversioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40412" msgid "Super Duper Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Super Duper Cut" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40413" msgid "Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kollektsionääride väljaanne" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40414" msgid "Ultimate Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ultimate Collector's Edition" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40415" msgid "Criterion Collection Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Criterion Collection Edition" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40416" msgid "Fan Edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fänniversioon" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40417" msgid "Black and White Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mustvalge väljalase" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40418" msgid "BluRay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Blu Ray" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40419" msgid "WEB-DL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WEB-DL" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40420" msgid "3D" -msgstr "" +msgstr "3D" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40421" msgid "8K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "8K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40422" msgid "IMAX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "IMAX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40423" msgid "UHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "UHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40424" msgid "FHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40425" msgid "HD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40426" msgid "SD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" msgid "VHS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VHS" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40429" msgid "VCD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VCD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40430" msgid "REMUX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REMUX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40431" msgid "10th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "10. aastapäeva väljaanne" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40432" msgid "20th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "20. aastapäeva väljaanne" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40433" msgid "25th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "25. aastapäeva väljaanne" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40434" msgid "30th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "30. aastapäeva väljaanne" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40435" msgid "40th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "40. aastapäeva väljaanne" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "50. aastapäeva väljaanne" + +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Uus versioon..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Vali versioon" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Versioonid: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Lisamaterjalid: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Luba ekraani HDR režiimi muuta, et see vastaks kõige paremini sisule.[CR]Kui see on keelatud, rakendab Kodi vastavalt vajadusele värvikaardistust, et kohandada sisu ekraani praeguse HDR režiimiga." #~ msgctxt "#13436" #~ msgid "Use display HDR capabilities" diff --git a/resource.language.eu_es/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.eu_es/resources/strings.po index 45e5eba160..c721203ce7 100644 --- a/resource.language.eu_es/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.eu_es/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-29 12:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Basque (Spain) \n" "Language: eu_es\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ msgstr "Pantaila osoko irratia" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontrolatzaileen ezarpenak" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4626,7 +4626,7 @@ msgstr "Jokoak" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Menua" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4641,7 +4641,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bolumena" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -4656,7 +4656,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Portu-konfigurazioa" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" @@ -9316,11 +9316,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Erabiltzailearen hobespenak" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16320,7 +16340,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17002,6 +17022,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19154,10 +19179,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bertsioak" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19166,12 +19212,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Bertsioa" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19244,7 +19295,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19254,11 +19305,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19271,12 +19317,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19289,6 +19335,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Arakatu fitxategiak" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19329,9 +19430,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19342,7 +19443,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bertsioak" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19359,6 +19460,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19498,7 +19639,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.fa_af/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.fa_af/resources/strings.po index 66d0baff3d..ce783735e8 100644 --- a/resource.language.fa_af/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.fa_af/resources/strings.po @@ -9483,11 +9483,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16582,7 +16602,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17265,6 +17285,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19439,7 +19464,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19451,12 +19497,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19529,7 +19580,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19539,11 +19590,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19556,12 +19602,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19574,6 +19620,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19614,9 +19715,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19644,6 +19745,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.fa_ir/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.fa_ir/resources/strings.po index db366cd195..bd9a77c244 100644 --- a/resource.language.fa_ir/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.fa_ir/resources/strings.po @@ -9329,11 +9329,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16370,7 +16390,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17053,6 +17073,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "هر منبع" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19217,7 +19242,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "نسخه" @@ -19229,12 +19275,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19307,7 +19358,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19317,11 +19368,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19334,12 +19380,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19352,6 +19398,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19392,9 +19493,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19422,6 +19523,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.fi_fi/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.fi_fi/resources/strings.po index ccbfede287..841cf63da4 100644 --- a/resource.language.fi_fi/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.fi_fi/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-19 19:11+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 19:27+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Oskari Lavinto \n" "Language-Team: Finnish \n" "Language: fi_fi\n" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Käyttäjän mieltymys" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Käytä kanavaryhmille taustajärjestelmien järjestystä" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "Automaattisesti suljetun ohjelmamuistutuksen tallennus ajoitetaan automa #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Sallin näytön HDR-tilan vaihtaminen mediaa parhaiten vastaavaksi.[CR]Jos tämä ei ole käytössä, Kodi pyrkii tarvittaessa sovittamaan median näytön nykyiseen HDR-tilaan sävykartoituksen avulla." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Kaikki jakeluvarastot" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19108,7 +19133,7 @@ msgstr "Näytönsäästäjä ei koskaan käynnisty toistettaessa musiikkia." #. Help text of setting "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" with label #13417 msgctxt "#39194" msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when the video source is 1920x1080 or less and the source resolution is lower than the display resolution.[CR]Only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx and above, Intel Arc A770, A750." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktivoi DXVA-ylösskaalauksen NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" tai \"Intel Video Super Resolution\" -tekniikoiden avulla.[CR]Käytetään videolähteen ollessa 1920x1080 tai vähemmän ja lähderesoluution ollessa näytön resoluutiota matalampi.[CR]Käytettävissä vain tietyillä näytönohjaimilla: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx ja ylemmät, Intel Arc A770, A750." #. Description of setting with label #13418 "Use high precision processing" msgctxt "#39195" @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Muuntaa Dolby Vision -profiilin 7 profiiliin 8.1, jota useammat laitteet tukevat. Käytä, jos laitteesi tukee Dolby Visionia, mutta joidenkin videoiden toistossa on ongelmia." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versiot" @@ -19133,17 +19179,22 @@ msgstr "Versiot" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hallitse versioita" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versio" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "Uusi versio..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19153,7 +19204,7 @@ msgstr "Toimintoa ei tueta" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valitulle elokuvalle on useita versioita ja tämä estää sitä olemasta jonkin muun elokuvan versio." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" @@ -19163,12 +19214,12 @@ msgstr "Valittu \"{0:s}\" -versio on jo olemassa!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Elokuvasta löytyi muu versio" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Elokuvasta \"{0:s}\" löytyi eri versio: {1:s}. Haluatko muuttaa sen alkuperäisen elokuvan vaihtoehtoiseksi versioksi?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" @@ -19193,42 +19244,37 @@ msgstr "Videon versiot" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lisää versio" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lisää lisämateriaali" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valittu video on jo elokuvan \"{0:s}\" -versio." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valittu video on jo \"{0:s}\" -versio elokuvasta \"{1:s}\". Haluatko siirtää sen tälle elokuvalle?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "Poista videon versio" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Elokuvan oletusversiota ei voida poistaa. Vaihda oletusversio ja yritä uudelleen." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa version \"{0:s}\"?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" @@ -19238,26 +19284,81 @@ msgstr "Hallitse videota \"{0:s}\"" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aseta oletukseksi" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valittu video on jo elokuvan \"{0:s}\" -lisämateriaali." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" +msgstr "Valittu video on jo \"{0:s}\" -lisämateriaali elokuvasta \"{1:s}\". Haluatko siirtää sen tälle elokuvalle?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Selaa tiedostoja" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." msgstr "" #. Select default video version setting @@ -19293,17 +19394,17 @@ msgstr "Valitse kirjastopäivityksen toiminto \"extras\"-kansion videoille.[CR][ #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Näytä useita versioita sisältävät videot kansioina" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "Näyttää useita versioita sisältävät videot videokirjaston kansioina, jotka avaamalla näytetään yksittäiset versiot. Kun asetus ei ole käytössä, käytetään määritettyä valintatoimintoa." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "Valitse versio" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" @@ -19323,11 +19424,51 @@ msgstr "Lisämateriaalit" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Synkronoi äänenvoimakkuus UPnP-soitimille" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "Jos valittu, synkronoidaan äänenvoimakkuus tätä sovellusta vastaavaksi.[CR]Varoitus: Koko järjestelmän äänenvoimakkuus voi erota sovelluksen voimakkuudesta — ne säätyvät toisistaan riippumattomasti. Tästä voi seurata 100 % äänenvoimakkuus, jos sovelluksen voimakkuus on 100 % järjestelmän voimakkuuden ollessa matalampi." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions @@ -19516,6 +19657,34 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "50-vuotis juhlajulkaisu" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Uusi versio..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Valitse versio" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Versiot: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Lisämateriaalit: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Sallin näytön HDR-tilan vaihtaminen mediaa parhaiten vastaavaksi.[CR]Jos tämä ei ole käytössä, Kodi pyrkii tarvittaessa sovittamaan median näytön nykyiseen HDR-tilaan sävykartoituksen avulla." + +#~ msgctxt "#40002" +#~ msgid "Convert into an additional version" +#~ msgstr "Muuta toiseksi versioksi" + +#~ msgctxt "#40021" +#~ msgid "Convert to version" +#~ msgstr "Muuta versioksi" + #, fuzzy #~ msgctxt "#40002" #~ msgid "Convert into an additional version of {0:s}" diff --git a/resource.language.fil/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.fil/resources/strings.po index f9a1737ba7..bd67e7cb86 100644 --- a/resource.language.fil/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.fil/resources/strings.po @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16309,7 +16329,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16991,6 +17011,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19129,7 +19154,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19141,12 +19187,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19219,7 +19270,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19229,11 +19280,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19246,12 +19292,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19264,6 +19310,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19304,9 +19405,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19334,6 +19435,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.fo_fo/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.fo_fo/resources/strings.po index c243c8b4e7..7ab6306454 100644 --- a/resource.language.fo_fo/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.fo_fo/resources/strings.po @@ -9400,11 +9400,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16453,7 +16473,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17136,6 +17156,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19310,7 +19335,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19322,12 +19368,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19400,7 +19451,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19410,11 +19461,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19427,12 +19473,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19445,6 +19491,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19485,9 +19586,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19515,6 +19616,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.fr_ca/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.fr_ca/resources/strings.po index 77db40afc9..31f8a1e04f 100644 --- a/resource.language.fr_ca/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.fr_ca/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-29 12:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-16 02:56+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: French (Canada) \n" "Language: fr_ca\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ msgstr "Radio en plein écran" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configuration des contrôleurs" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4626,7 +4626,7 @@ msgstr "Jeux" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Menu" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4641,7 +4641,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volume" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16313,7 +16333,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16995,6 +17015,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19137,7 +19162,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19149,12 +19195,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Version" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19227,7 +19278,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19237,11 +19288,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19254,12 +19300,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19272,6 +19318,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Parcourir les fichiers" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19312,9 +19413,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19342,6 +19443,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19481,7 +19622,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.fr_fr/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.fr_fr/resources/strings.po index c4a4e74b44..92bc3e2e0e 100644 --- a/resource.language.fr_fr/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.fr_fr/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-18 22:41+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 21:45+0000\n" "Last-Translator: skypichat \n" "Language-Team: French (France) \n" "Language: fr_fr\n" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Préférence utilisateur" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Utiliser l'ordre des groupes de canaux depuis le(s) backend(s)" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -12392,7 +12412,7 @@ msgstr "Action de lecture par défaut" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22077" msgid "Ask if resumable" -msgstr "Action de lecture par défaut" +msgstr "Demander si une reprise de lecture est possible" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "Si activé, un enregistrement du programme sera prévu à la fermeture a #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Autoriser la modification du mode HDR de l'écran pour qu'il corresponde au mieux au média [CR]Lorsqu'il est désactivé, Kodi applique la cartographie tonale si nécessaire pour adapter le média au mode HDR actuel de l'écran." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Autoriser le changement de mode HDR de l'écran afin qu'il corresponde au mieux au média. Lorsque cette option est désactivée, Kodi applique si nécessaire une cartographie des tonalités (et si elle est prise en charge par votre matériel) afin d'adapter le média au mode HDR actuel de l'écran." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "N'importe quels dépôts" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Si cette option est activée, le profil Dolby Vision 7 sera converti en profil 8.1, qui est le plus souvent pris en charge par les appareils. Activez cette option si votre appareil prend en charge Dolby Vision, mais que certaines vidéos posent problème." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versions" @@ -19133,17 +19179,22 @@ msgstr "Versions" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gérer les versions" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Ajouter en tant que version à..." -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Version" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "Nouvelle version..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19153,22 +19204,22 @@ msgstr "Opération non prise en charge" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Le film sélectionné comporte plusieurs versions, ce qui empêche sa conversion en une version d'un autre film. Supprimez les versions du film, relancer une mise à jour de la médiathèque et convertissez-les individuellement." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" msgid "The \"{0:s}\" version already exists!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La version \"{0:s}\" existe déjà !" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Une autre version du film a été trouvée" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Une version différente du film \"{0:s}\" : {1:s} a été trouvée. Souhaitez-vous la convertir en une version supplémentaire de l'original ?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" @@ -19193,42 +19244,37 @@ msgstr "Versions vidéo" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajouter une version" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajouter un supplément" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "La vidéo sélectionnée est déjà la version \"{0:s}\" du film." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La vidéo sélectionnée est la version \"{0:s}\" du film \"{1:s}\". Souhaitez-vous déplacer la version vers ce film ?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "Supprimer la version de la vidéo" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "La version par défaut d'un film ne peut pas être supprimée. Définissez une autre version par défaut et réessayez." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de supprimer la version \"{0:s}\" ?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" @@ -19238,27 +19284,82 @@ msgstr "Gérer {0:s}" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Définir comme version par défaut" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Gestionnaire de versions : {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Gestionnaire de suppléments : {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "La vidéo sélectionnée est déjà le supplément \"{0:s}\" du film." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La vidéo sélectionnée est le supplément \"{0:s}\" du film \"{1:s}\". Souhaitez-vous déplacer le supplément de ce film ?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Parcourir les fichiers" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Parcourir la médiathèque" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Sélectionner le film à ajouter comme version" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Aucun autre film n'a été trouvé dans la médiathèque." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Aucun film similaire n'a été trouvé dans la médiathèque." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "La version par défaut d'un film possédant plusieurs versions ne peut pas être ajoutée en tant que version à un autre film. Veuillez d'abord ajouter ses versions supplémentaires." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "La version par défaut d'un film comportant plusieurs versions ne peut pas être ajoutée en tant que supplément à un autre film. Veuillez d'abord déplacer ou supprimer les autres versions." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Vous êtes sur le point de convertir un supplément de film en une version de film. Êtes-vous sûr de vous ?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Vous êtes sur le point de convertir une version de film en un supplément de film. Êtes-vous sûr de vous ?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "Le film à ajouter possède plusieurs versions.[CR]Le type de la version par défaut sera sélectionné dans la prochaine boîte de dialogue. Les autres versions conserveront leur type actuel.[CR]Voulez-vous continuer ?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "La version par défaut d'un film comportant plusieurs versions ne peut pas être ajoutée à un autre film. Veuillez d'abord déplacer ou supprimer les autres versions." #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" @@ -19293,17 +19394,17 @@ msgstr "Sélectionnez l'action du scanner pour les suppléments vidéo dans le d #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Afficher les vidéos avec plusieurs versions sous forme de dossier" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "Lorsque cette option est activée, une vidéo comportant plusieurs versions s'affiche sous la forme d'un dossier dans la médiathèque. Ce dossier peut ensuite être ouvert pour afficher les différentes versions de la vidéo. Lorsqu'elle est désactivée, l'action de sélection configurée est appliquée." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "Choisir la version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" @@ -19323,11 +19424,51 @@ msgstr "Extras" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Synchronisation du niveau de volume avec les lecteurs UPnP distants" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "Si cette option est sélectionnée, le niveau de volume du lecteur à distance sera synchronisé avec le volume de cette application.[CR]Avertissement : Le niveau de volume global du système peut être différent du niveau de volume de l'application - ils sont contrôlés indépendamment.[CR]Cela peut conduire le lecteur à distance à être réglé sur un niveau de volume de 100 % si l'application a un niveau de volume de 100 % mais que le niveau de volume global du système est plus faible." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions @@ -19449,22 +19590,22 @@ msgstr "IMAX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40423" msgid "UHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ultra HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40424" msgid "FHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Full HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40425" msgid "HD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40426" msgid "SD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" @@ -19474,47 +19615,59 @@ msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" msgid "VHS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VHS" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40429" msgid "VCD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vidéo CD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40430" msgid "REMUX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REMUX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40431" msgid "10th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Édition du 10e anniversaire" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40432" msgid "20th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Édition du 20e anniversaire" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40433" msgid "25th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Édition du 25e anniversaire" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40434" msgid "30th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Édition du 30e anniversaire" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40435" msgid "40th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Édition du 40e anniversaire" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Édition du 50e anniversaire" + +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nouvelle version..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Choisir la version" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Autoriser la modification du mode HDR de l'écran pour qu'il corresponde au mieux au média [CR]Lorsqu'il est désactivé, Kodi applique la cartographie tonale si nécessaire pour adapter le média au mode HDR actuel de l'écran." #~ msgctxt "#40002" #~ msgid "Convert into an additional version of {0:s}" diff --git a/resource.language.gl_es/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.gl_es/resources/strings.po index ab761fa9ee..a325e2bd37 100644 --- a/resource.language.gl_es/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.gl_es/resources/strings.po @@ -9317,11 +9317,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16313,7 +16333,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16995,6 +17015,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Calquera repositorio" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19136,7 +19161,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19148,12 +19194,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19226,7 +19277,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19236,11 +19287,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19253,12 +19299,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19271,6 +19317,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19311,9 +19412,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19341,6 +19442,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.he_il/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.he_il/resources/strings.po index 1a34012f15..455d38f7e9 100644 --- a/resource.language.he_il/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.he_il/resources/strings.po @@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-11 23:26+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Yaron Shahrabani \n" "Language-Team: Hebrew (Israel) \n" "Language: he_il\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" -msgstr "תכניות" +msgstr "תוכניות" msgctxt "#1" msgid "Pictures" @@ -9320,11 +9320,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16319,7 +16339,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17001,6 +17021,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19145,7 +19170,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19157,12 +19203,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19235,7 +19286,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19245,11 +19296,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19262,12 +19308,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19280,6 +19326,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19320,9 +19421,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19350,6 +19451,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.hi_in/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.hi_in/resources/strings.po index 61a1b28d57..4825154140 100644 --- a/resource.language.hi_in/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.hi_in/resources/strings.po @@ -9451,11 +9451,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16540,7 +16560,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17223,6 +17243,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19396,7 +19421,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19408,12 +19454,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19486,7 +19537,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19496,11 +19547,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19513,12 +19559,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19531,6 +19577,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19571,9 +19672,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19601,6 +19702,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.hr_hr/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.hr_hr/resources/strings.po index 108487d060..7c880eecdf 100644 --- a/resource.language.hr_hr/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.hr_hr/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-27 04:20+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Croatian \n" "Language: hr_hr\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ msgstr "Cjelozaslonski radio" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podešavanje upravljačkog uređaja" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4626,52 +4626,52 @@ msgstr "Igre" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Izbornik" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" msgid "Video Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video filtar" #. Title of the in-game video stretch mode selection dialog msgctxt "#10824" msgid "Stretch Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Način rastezanja" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Glasnoća zvuka" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Napredne Postavke" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" msgid "Video Rotation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rotacija videa" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Postavljanje ulaza" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odaberite stanje spašenja" #. Title of the out-of-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10830" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odaberite stanje spašenja" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pokretači" msgctxt "#12000" msgid "Select dialog" @@ -4728,11 +4728,11 @@ msgstr "Posljednja nadopuna" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odaberite video inačicu" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odaberite video ekstra" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -5876,12 +5876,12 @@ msgstr "Automatsko otkrivanje" msgctxt "#13417" msgid "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dopustite korištenje DXVA video super rezolucije" #. Setting Player / Video msgctxt "#13418" msgid "Use high precision processing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Koristite obradu visoke preciznosti" msgctxt "#13419" msgid "Software" @@ -5950,7 +5950,7 @@ msgstr "Prilagodi na visoku razlučivosti prema zaslonu za razlučivost iznad" msgctxt "#13436" msgid "Adjust display HDR mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podesite HDR način rada zaslona" msgctxt "#13437" msgid "Prefer VDPAU video mixer" @@ -7205,12 +7205,12 @@ msgstr "Spremi" #. Caption for "Save" button in the in-game savestate manager msgctxt "#15315" msgid "Save progress to a new save file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spremite napredak u novu datoteku za spremanje" #. Label for savestates created automatically by "Autosave" function msgctxt "#15316" msgid "Autosave" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Automatsko spremanje" msgctxt "#16000" msgid "General" @@ -9316,9 +9316,29 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Osobitosti korisnika" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" +msgstr "Koristite redoslijed grupe kanala iz pozadinskog softver(a)" + +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" msgstr "" #. label for epg genre value @@ -12391,12 +12411,12 @@ msgstr "Skup znakova" #. Label for setting to choose the default action for "play" msgctxt "#22076" msgid "Default play action" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zadana radnja reprodukcije" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22077" msgid "Ask if resumable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pitajte ako se može nastaviti" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" @@ -13804,7 +13824,7 @@ msgstr "Uloge" #. Label for multi-disc movies, including movie title (param 0) and disc number (param 1). msgctxt "#29995" msgid "{0:s} (Disc {1:s})" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:s} (Disk {1:s})" msgctxt "#33001" msgid "Trailer quality" @@ -14830,7 +14850,7 @@ msgstr "Igrači" #. Notification shown when no controllers are connected in the in-game dialog that lets users configure player assignment msgctxt "#35173" msgid "No controllers connected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nema spojenih kontrolera" #. This string is an early meme from the late 1990's that made fun of the poor translation in the 16-bit game Zero Wing from the late 1980's. DO NOT TRANSLATE! msgctxt "#35200" @@ -14845,7 +14865,7 @@ msgstr "Igranje" # empty string with id 35202 msgctxt "#35203" msgid "Enable rewind (if supported)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Omogućite premotavanje unatrag (ako je podržano)" msgctxt "#35204" msgid "Enable real-time rewinding during game play, if supported. Press rewind or manually seek backwards using the seek bar." @@ -15028,7 +15048,7 @@ msgstr "Uredi izvor igre" msgctxt "#35253" msgid "Enable autosave (if supported)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Omogućite automatsko spremanje (ako je podržano)" msgctxt "#35254" msgid "Save the game automatically during game play, if supported. Resume playing where you left off." @@ -15037,7 +15057,7 @@ msgstr "Spremi igru automatski tijekom igranja, ako je podržano. Nastavite igra #. Label for showing which emulator the game was saved with msgctxt "#35255" msgid "Saved with:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spremljeno pomoću:" #. Error message when a game client fails to install when a game is being launched msgctxt "#35256" @@ -15365,7 +15385,7 @@ msgstr "Uređaj prijemnik" #. Label of setting "System / Display / Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" msgctxt "#36096" msgid "Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Koristite ravnotežu svjetline HDR/SDR sustava" # empty strings from id 36054 to 36096 #. Label of setting "System / Display / GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode" @@ -15762,7 +15782,7 @@ msgstr "Kategorija sadrži sve postavke rukovanja video datotekama." #. Description of setting with label #22079 "Default select action" msgctxt "#36177" msgid "Toggle between [Choose], [Play] (default), [Resume], [Show information] and [Queue item].[CR][Choose] will open a context menu to select an item, e.g. show information.[CR][Play] will automatically play videos from the beginning or if a resume point is present ask whether to play from beginning or to resume.[CR][Resume] Will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR][Show information] will open the video's information dialog.[CR][Queue item] will append the video to the video playlist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prebacivanje između [Odaberi], [Reproduciraj] (zadano), [Nastavi], [Prikaži informacije] i [Stavka čekanja].[CR][Odaberi] će otvoriti kontekstni izbornik za odabir stavke, npr. prikaži informacije.[CR][Reproduciraj] automatski će reproducirati videozapise od početka ili ako je prisutna točka nastavka pitati želite li reproducirati od početka ili nastaviti.[CR][Reproduciraj] Automatski će nastaviti video zapise od posljednje pozicije na kojoj ste bili gledajući ih.[CR][Show information] otvorit će dijaloški okvir s informacijama o videozapisu.[CR][Queue item] će dodati video na popis za reprodukciju videozapisa." #. Description of setting with label #20433 "Extract thumbnails and video information" msgctxt "#36178" @@ -15889,7 +15909,7 @@ msgstr "Omogući značajku (PVR) \"Osobnog Video Snimača\". To zahtijeva najman #. Description of setting with label #22076 "Default play action" msgctxt "#36204" msgid "Toggle between [Ask if resumable] (default) and [Resume].[CR][Ask if resumable] will ask whether to play from beginning or to resume (if a resume point is present).[CR][Resume] will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR]If no resume point is set, playback will automatically start from the beginning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prebacivanje između [Pitajte ako se može nastaviti] (zadano) i [Nastavi].[CR] [Pitajte ako se može nastaviti] pitat će želite li igrati od početka ili nastaviti (ako postoji točka za nastavak). [CR][Nastavi] će automatski nastaviti videozapise od zadnje pozicije na kojoj ste ih gledali.[CR]Ako nije postavljena točka nastavka, reprodukcija će automatski započeti ispočetka." msgctxt "#36205" msgid "Sort the channels by channel number from the backend, but use local numbering for channels." @@ -16314,7 +16334,7 @@ msgstr "Ako je omogućeno, snimanje programa iz podsjetnika će se zakazati kada #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16976,7 +16996,7 @@ msgstr "Ako je omogućeno, prebaci na program s programom za podsjetnik pri auto msgctxt "#36435" msgid "Sort channel groups by the order supplied by the backend(s). If enabled, groups cannot be reordered in the Group manager" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poredajte grupe kanala prema redoslijedu kojima daje pozadinski softver. Ako je omogućeno, grupe se ne mogu preurediti u Upravitelju grupa" # empty string with id 36435 #. Description for setting #407: "Hardware keyboard layouts" @@ -16996,6 +17016,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Bilo koji repozitorij" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -17904,124 +17929,124 @@ msgstr "Inačica NFS protokola za korištenje pri uspostavljanju NFS povezivanja #. Settings / Services "Chunk Size" group label msgctxt "#37053" msgid "Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veličina dijela" #. Setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37054" msgid "NFS Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veličina NFS dijela" #. Description of setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37055" msgid "Data chunk size used on NFS connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veličina dijela podataka koji se koriste na NFS vezama" #. Setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37056" msgid "SMB Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veličina SMB dijela" #. Description of setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37057" msgid "Data chunk size used on SMB connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veličina dijela podataka koji se koriste na SMB vezama" # empty strings from id 37058 to 37100 #. Settings / Services "Caching" category label msgctxt "#37101" msgid "Caching" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Predmemoriranje" #. Description of category #37101 "Caching" msgctxt "#37102" msgid "This category contains settings that configure caching of local and network files, and internet streams." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ova kategorija sadrži postavke koje konfiguriraju predmemoriju lokalnih i mrežnih datoteka te internetskih tokova." #. Setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37103" msgid "Buffer Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Način međuspremnika" #. Description of setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37104" msgid "Configure the media content to buffer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Konfigurirajte medijski sadržaj za međuspremnik." #. Setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37105" msgid "Memory Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veličina memorije" #. Description of setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37106" msgid "The size of the memory buffer in Mbytes. Setting zero (0) forces buffering to disk, which is not recommend on flash storage devices (eMMC, SD cards, SSD)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veličina međuspremnika memorije u Mbajtima. Postavljanje nule (0) prisiljava međuspremnik na disk, što se ne preporučuje na uređajima za fleš pohranu (eMMC, SD kartice, SSD)." #. Setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37107" msgid "Read Factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Faktor Čitanja" #. Description of setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37108" msgid "The read factor determines cache fill rate in terms of avg. bitrate of stream x Read Factor. Increasing this multiple, cache fills faster but more bandwidth is consumed. Large multiples may cause CPU spikes on some devices, saturate the connection and worsen performance." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Faktor čitanja određuje stopu popunjenosti predmemorije u smislu prosj. brzina protoka • faktor čitanja. Povećanjem ovog višestrukog, predmemorija se brže puni, ali se troši više propusnosti. Veliki višekratnici mogu uzrokovati skokove CPU-a na nekim uređajima, zasititi vezu i pogoršati učinak." #. Description of setting "Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37109" msgid "The data chunk size to use when a filesystem or protocol does not force the value, e.g. NFS will override this with its own value." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veličina bloka podataka koja se koristi kada datotečni sustav ili protokol ne nameće vrijednost, npr. NFS će to nadjačati svojom vlastitom vrijednošću." #. Value of setting - NONE msgctxt "#37110" msgid "No buffer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nema međuspremnika" #. Value of setting - TRUE INTERNET msgctxt "#37111" msgid "Only buffer true internet streams: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spremite samo prave internetske tokove: HTTP, HTTPS itd." #. Value of setting - INTERNET msgctxt "#37112" msgid "Buffer all internet filesystems, including: FTP, WebDAV, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spremite u međuspremnik sve internetske datotečne sustave, uključujući: FTP, WebDAV itd." #. Value of setting - NETWORK msgctxt "#37113" msgid "Buffer all network filesystems, including: SMB, NFS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spremite u međuspremnik sve mrežne datotečne sustave, uključujući: SMB, NFS, itd." #. Value of setting - ALL msgctxt "#37114" msgid "Buffer all filesystems, including local files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spremite u međuspremnik sve datotečne sustave, uključujući lokalne datoteke" #. Value of setting msgctxt "#37115" msgid "Caches entire file on disk storage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Predmemorira cijelu datoteku na disku" # empty strings from id 37116 to 37119 #. Value of setting - Byte msgctxt "#37120" msgid "{0:d} Byte" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} Bajt" #. Value of setting - KByte msgctxt "#37121" msgid "{0:d} KB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} KB" #. Value of setting - MByte msgctxt "#37122" msgid "{0:d} MB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} MB" #. Value of setting - GByte msgctxt "#37123" msgid "{0:d} GB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} GB" #. Setting #38011 "Show All Items entry" msgctxt "#38011" @@ -18884,7 +18909,7 @@ msgstr "Dopušte vrste slika omota TV serija" #. Description of setting with label #39152 "TV show art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39146" msgid "Limit the TV show and season artwork fetched locally or applied from scraper remote art results to just those art types in the whitelist" -msgstr "['Ograniči slike omota TV serija i sezona preuzetih lokalno ili primijenjenih iz rezultata udaljenih sakupljača slika omota samo na dopuštene vrste slika omota']" +msgstr "Ograniči slike omota TV serija i sezona preuzetih lokalno ili primijenjenih iz rezultata udaljenih sakupljača slika omota samo na dopuštene vrste slika omota" msgctxt "#39147" msgid "Episode art types whitelist" @@ -19101,7 +19126,7 @@ msgstr "Dostupno samo s ručnim položajem podnaslova" #. Help text for setting "Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" of label #36096 msgctxt "#39190" msgid "[ON] The brightness of the GUI in HDR mode follows the system's setting. This affects all OSD, subtitles and graphics that are SDR in origin.[CR][OFF] Set the max brightness manually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "[UKLJ] Svjetlina GUI-ja u HDR načinu rada prati postavke sustava. Ovo utječe na sav OSD, titlove i grafiku koji su SDR porijeklom.[CR][ISKLJ] Ručno postavite maksimalnu svjetlinu." #. System / Display "HDR" settings group label msgctxt "#39191" @@ -19110,423 +19135,559 @@ msgstr "HDR" msgctxt "#39192" msgid "Disable screensaver when playing audio" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Onemogućite čuvar zaslona tijekom reprodukcije zvuka" #. Description of setting with label #39192 "Disable screensaver when playing audio" msgctxt "#39193" msgid "If music is being played, the screensaver will never be activated" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ako se pušta glazba, čuvar zaslona nikada se neće aktivirati" #. Help text of setting "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" with label #13417 msgctxt "#39194" msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when the video source is 1920x1080 or less and the source resolution is lower than the display resolution.[CR]Only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx and above, Intel Arc A770, A750." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Omogućuje napredni DXVA nadvećavanje pomoću NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" ili \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Koristi se kada je video izvor 1920x1080 ili manji, a izvorna razlučivost je niža od razlučivosti zaslona.[CR]Dostupno samo na određenom hardveru: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx i više, Intel Arc A770, A750." #. Description of setting with label #13418 "Use high precision processing" msgctxt "#39195" msgid "Enable this option for the best picture quality. Disabling reduces the load on resource-limited systems." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Omogućite ovu opciju za najbolju kvalitetu slike. Onemogućivanjem se smanjuje opterećenje sustava s ograničenim resursima." #. Title of Dolby Vision RPU conversion setting msgctxt "#39196" msgid "Dolby Vision compatibility mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dolby Vision način kompatibilnosti" #. Help text for setting "Convert Dolby Vision for compatibility" of label #39196 msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." +msgstr "Ako je omogućeno, Dolby Vision profil 7 bit će pretvoren u profil 8.1, koji uređaji češće podržavaju. Omogućite ako vaš uređaj podržava Dolby Vision, ali ima problema s nekim videozapisima." + +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" msgstr "" # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inačice" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Upravljajte inačicama" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Dodajte kao inačicu u..." + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Inačica" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" msgid "Operation not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Operacija nije podržana" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odabrani film ima više inačica, što sprječava njegovu konverziju u inačicu drugog filma. Uklonite inačice iz filma, ponovno skenirajte biblioteku i pretvorite ih pojedinačno." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" msgid "The \"{0:s}\" version already exists!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inačica \"{0:s}\" već postoji!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pronađena drugačija inačica filma" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pronađena je drugačija inačica filma \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Želite li je pretvoriti u dodatnu inačicu izvorne?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" msgid "video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "video inačica" #. "video version" string in plural format msgctxt "#40011" msgid "video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "video inačice" #. "video version" string in singular capital format msgctxt "#40012" msgid "Video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video inačica" #. "video version" string in plural capital format msgctxt "#40013" msgid "Video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video inačice" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dodajte inačicu" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dodajte ekstra" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odabrani videozapis je već \"{0:s}\" inačica filma." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odabrani videozapis je \"{0:s}\" inačica filma \"{1:s}\". Želite li premjestiti inačicu na ovaj film?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uklonite video inačicu" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zadana inačica filma ne može se ukloniti. Postavite drugu zadanu inačicu i pokušajte ponovno." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti inačicu \"{0:s}\"?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Upravljajte {0:s}" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Postavite kao zadano" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odabrani videozapis već je \"{0:s}\" dodatak filma." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" +msgstr "Odabrani videozapis je \"{0:s}\" dodatak filma \"{1:s}\". Želite li premjestiti dodatak u ovaj film?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Pregledajte datoteke" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Pregledajte knjižnicu" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Odaberite film da dodate kao inačicu" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "U knjižnici nema drugih filmova." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "U knjižnici nisu pronađeni slični filmovi." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." msgstr "" #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odaberite zadanu video inačicu" #. Help for select default video version setting msgctxt "#40201" msgid "Defines how to handle selection of videos with multiple versions.[CR][Enabled] Automatically select the default video version without prompting.[CR][Disabled] Display a dialogue to select a version of the video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Definira kako rukovati odabirom videozapisa s višestrukim inačicama.[CR][Omogućeno] Automatski odaberite zadanu inačicu videozapisa bez upita.[CR][Onemogućeno] Prikažite dijalog za odabir inačice videozapisa." #. Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40202" msgid "Ignore different video versions on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zanemarite različite inačice videozapisa prilikom skeniranja" #. Help for Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40203" msgid "Select scanner action for different video versions.[CR][Enabled] Add different video versions to library seperately without confirmation.[CR][Disabled] Prompt for converting different video versions into additional versions of the original." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odaberite radnju skenera za različite inačice videozapisa.[CR][Omogućeno] Dodajte različite inačice videozapisa u biblioteku zasebno bez potvrde.[CR][Onemogućeno] Upit za pretvaranje različitih inačica videozapisa u dodatne verzije izvornika." #. Ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40204" msgid "Ignore video extras on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zanemarite video dodatke pri skeniranju" #. Help for ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40205" msgid "Select scanner action for video extras in \"extras\" folder.[CR][Enabled] Scan video extras like regular videos.[CR][Disabled] Add video extras to library for associated video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odaberite radnju skeniranja za video dodatke u mapi \"dodaci\". [CR] [Omogućeno] Skenirajte video dodatke kao obične videozapise.[CR] [Onemogućeno] Dodajte video dodatke u biblioteku za pridruženi videozapis." #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prikažite videozapise s više inačica kao mapu" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kada je omogućeno, videozapis s više inačica bit će prikazan kao mapa u videoteci. Ta se mapa zatim može otvoriti za prikaz pojedinačnih video inačica. Kada je onemogućeno, primijenit će se konfigurirana radnja odabira." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" msgid "Play version using..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pokrenite inačicu koristeći..." #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inačice" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dodaci" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sinkronizirajte razinu glasnoće s udaljenim UPnP playerima" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "Ako je odabrana, razina glasnoće daljinskog pokretača sinkronizirat će se s glasnoćom ove aplikacije.[CR]Upozorenje: Globalna razina glasnoće sustava može se razlikovati od razine glasnoće aplikacije - njima se upravlja neovisno.[CR]To može dovesti do daljinskog pokretača do postaviti na 100% razinu glasnoće ako aplikacija ima 100% razinu glasnoće, ali je ukupna razina glasnoće sustava manja." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" msgid "Standard Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Standardno izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40401" msgid "Extended Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prošireno izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40402" msgid "Unrated Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Neocjenjena inačica" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40403" msgid "Uncut Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nerezana inačica" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40404" msgid "Remastered Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obnovljena inačica" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40405" msgid "4K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "4K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40406" msgid "Theatrical Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kazališni rez" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40407" msgid "Director's Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Redateljev rez" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40408" msgid "Special Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Posebno izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40409" msgid "Limited Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ograničeno izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40410" msgid "Complete Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cjelovito izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40411" msgid "The Final Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Konačni rez" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40412" msgid "Super Duper Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Super Duper rez" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40413" msgid "Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kolekcionarsko izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40414" msgid "Ultimate Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ultimativno kolekcionarsko izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40415" msgid "Criterion Collection Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Izdanje Kriterijske Zbirke" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40416" msgid "Fan Edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obožavateljeva izmjena" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40417" msgid "Black and White Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Crno-bijelo izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40418" msgid "BluRay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BluRay" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40419" msgid "WEB-DL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WEB-DL" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40420" msgid "3D" -msgstr "" +msgstr "3D" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40421" msgid "8K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "8K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40422" msgid "IMAX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "IMAX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40423" msgid "UHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "UHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40424" msgid "FHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40425" msgid "HD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40426" msgid "SD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" msgid "VHS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video-kaseta" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40429" msgid "VCD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video-CD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40430" msgid "REMUX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REMUX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40431" msgid "10th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "10-godišnje izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40432" msgid "20th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "20-godišnje izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40433" msgid "25th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "25-godišnje izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40434" msgid "30th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "30-godišnje izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40435" msgid "40th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "40-godišnje izdanje" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "50-godišnje izdanje" + +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nova inačica..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Odaberite inačicu" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Inačice: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Dodaci: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Dopustite da se HDR način prikaza promijeni kako bi najbolje odgovarao mediju.[CR]Kada je onemogućeno, Kodi primjenjuje mapiranje tonova prema potrebi za prilagodbu medija trenutnom HDR modu zaslona." #~ msgctxt "#13436" #~ msgid "Use display HDR capabilities" diff --git a/resource.language.hu_hu/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.hu_hu/resources/strings.po index f58e93a97d..1e8de28b00 100644 --- a/resource.language.hu_hu/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.hu_hu/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-17 11:08+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-02 04:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Frodo19 \n" "Language-Team: Hungarian \n" "Language: hu_hu\n" @@ -4728,11 +4728,11 @@ msgstr "Utoljára frissítve" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Videó verzió kiválasztása" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video extra kiválasztása" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Felhasználói preferenciák" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Csatornacsoport-sorrend használata a háttérrendszer(ek)ből" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "Igény szerinti videó" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "A következő program automatikus lejátszása" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "Programok lejátszása innen" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "Csak ennek a programnak a lejátszása" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16309,8 +16329,8 @@ msgstr "Ha engedélyezve van, akkor az emlékeztető program felvételét üteme #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Engedélyezze a kijelző HDR-módjának módosítását, hogy a legjobban illeszkedjen a médiához.[CR]Ha le van tiltva, a Kodi szükség szerint színleképezést alkalmaz, hogy a médiát a kijelző aktuális HDR-módjához igazítsa." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Hagyja módosítani a kijelző HDR-módját, hogy a legjobban illeszkedjen a médiához. Ha le van tiltva, a Kodi szükség esetén hangleképezést alkalmaz (és ha a hardver támogatja), hogy a médiát a kijelző aktuális HDR-módjához igazítsa." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16991,6 +17011,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Bármely adattár" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "Engedélyezze a következő műsor automatikus lejátszását korábbi programok lejátszásakor (felzárkózás) vagy Video On Demand (VOD) csatornák esetén. Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy a felzárkózás és a VOD csak akkor működik, ha a csatorna szolgáltatója támogatja." + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19129,7 +19154,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Ha engedélyezve van, a Dolby Vision 7-es profil, 8.1-es profilra lesz konvertálva, amelyet több eszköz is támogat. Engedélyezze, ha az eszköze támogatja a Dolby Visiont, de problémák vannak bizonyos videókkal." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "Engedélyezett HDR formátumok" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "Módosítsa a videó bitfolyamot a dinamikus HDR metaadatok eltávolításával. Válassza ki a készüléke és a kijelzője által támogatott HDR-formátumokat." + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "Dolby Vision" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "HDR10+" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Verziók" @@ -19137,17 +19183,22 @@ msgstr "Verziók" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verziók rendezése" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Hozzáadás verzióként..." -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Verzió" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "Új verzió..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19157,7 +19208,7 @@ msgstr "A művelet nem támogatott" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A kiválasztott filmnek több verziója is van, ami megakadályozza, hogy egy másik film verziójává alakítsák át. Távolítsa el a verziókat a filmből, olvastassa be újra a könyvtárat, és alakítsa át őket egyenként." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" @@ -19167,12 +19218,12 @@ msgstr "A \"{0:s}\" verzió már létezik!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eltérő filmváltozat található" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A(z) \"{0:s}\" film egy másik változata található: {1:s}. Szeretné átalakítani az eredeti egy további változatává?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" @@ -19197,42 +19248,37 @@ msgstr "Videó verziók" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verzió hozzáadása" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Extra hozzáadása" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A kiválasztott videó már a film „{0:s}” verziója." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A kiválasztott videó a \"{1:s}\" film \"{0:s}\" verziója. Szeretnéd áthelyezni a verziót ebbe a filmbe?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "Videó verzió eltávolítsa" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A film alapértelmezett verziója nem távolítható el. Állítson be egy másik alapértelmezett verziót, és próbálja újra." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Biztosan eltávolítja a \"{0:s}\" verziót?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" @@ -19242,27 +19288,82 @@ msgstr "{0:s} kezelése" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beállítás alapértelmezettként" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Verziókezelő: {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Extra kezelő: {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A kiválasztott videó már a film „{0:s}” extrája." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A kiválasztott videó a \"{1:s}\" film \"{0:s}\" extrája. Szeretnéd áthelyezni az extrát ebbe a filmbe?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Fájlok böngészése" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Médiatár böngészése" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Válassza ki a verzióként hozzáadni kívánt filmet" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Más film nem található a könyvtárban." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Hasonló filmet nem találtunk a könyvtárban." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "A több verziót tartalmazó film alapértelmezett verziója nem adható hozzá másik filmhez. Kérjük, először adja hozzá a további verzióit." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "A több verziót tartalmazó film alapértelmezett verziója nem adható extraként egy másik filmhez. Kérjük, először helyezze át vagy távolítsa el a többi verziót." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Egy filmextrát készül filmváltozattá alakítani. biztos vagy ebben?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Egy filmváltozatot készül filmextrává alakítani. Biztos ebben?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "A hozzáadandó filmnek több verziója van.[CR]Az alapértelmezett verzió típusa a következő párbeszédpanelen lesz kiválasztva. A többi verzió megtartja jelenlegi típusát.[CR]Folytatja?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "A több verziójú film alapértelmezett verziója nem adható hozzá másik filmhez. Kérjük, először helyezze át vagy távolítsa el a többi verziót." #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" @@ -19297,17 +19398,17 @@ msgstr "Válassza ki a szkenner műveletet a videó extrákhoz az \"extrák\" ma #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Több verziójú videók megjelenítése mappaként" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "Ha engedélyezve van, a több verziójú videó mappaként jelenik meg a videokönyvtárban. Ez a mappa ezután megnyitható az egyes videoverziók megjelenítéséhez. Ha le van tiltva, a konfigurált kiválasztási művelet kerül alkalmazásra." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "Verzió kiválasztás" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" @@ -19317,21 +19418,61 @@ msgstr "A verzió lejátszása ..." #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verziók" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Extrák" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Szinkronizálja a hangerőt a távoli UPnP lejátszókkal" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "Ha kiválasztja, a távoli lejátszó hangereje szinkronizálva lesz az alkalmazás hangerejével.[CR]Figyelmeztetés: A rendszer globális hangereje eltérhet az alkalmazás hangerejének szintjétől – ezek egymástól függetlenül szabályozhatók.[CR]Ez arra késztetheti a távoli lejátszót, hogy 100%-os hangerőszintre kell állítani, ha az alkalmazás 100%-os hangerővel rendelkezik, de a rendszer teljes hangereje kisebb." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions @@ -19520,6 +19661,22 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "50. évfordulós kiadás" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Új verzió..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Verzió kiválasztás" + +#~ msgctxt "#40214" +#~ msgid "Choose extra" +#~ msgstr "Extra kiválasztása" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Engedélyezze a kijelző HDR-módjának módosítását, hogy a legjobban illeszkedjen a médiához.[CR]Ha le van tiltva, a Kodi szükség szerint színleképezést alkalmaz, hogy a médiát a kijelző aktuális HDR-módjához igazítsa." + #~ msgctxt "#40002" #~ msgid "Convert into an additional version of {0:s}" #~ msgstr "Konvertálás a {0:s} további verziójára" diff --git a/resource.language.hy_am/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.hy_am/resources/strings.po index fbad82d062..af557888a4 100644 --- a/resource.language.hy_am/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.hy_am/resources/strings.po @@ -9472,11 +9472,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16569,7 +16589,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17252,6 +17272,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19427,7 +19452,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19439,12 +19485,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19517,7 +19568,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19527,11 +19578,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19544,12 +19590,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19562,6 +19608,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19602,9 +19703,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19632,6 +19733,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.id_id/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.id_id/resources/strings.po index fe80d95fa3..fc771bc7ae 100644 --- a/resource.language.id_id/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.id_id/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Linerly \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian \n" "Language: id_id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4639,12 +4639,12 @@ msgstr "Menu" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" msgid "Video Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Penyaring Video" #. Title of the in-game video stretch mode selection dialog msgctxt "#10824" msgid "Stretch Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mode Lebar" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" @@ -4654,12 +4654,12 @@ msgstr "Volume" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pengaturan Tingkat Lanjut" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" msgid "Video Rotation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rotasi Video" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" @@ -4669,17 +4669,17 @@ msgstr "Pengaturan Port" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pilih Keadaan Penyimpanan" #. Title of the out-of-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10830" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pilih Keadaan Penyimpanan" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pemain" # empty strings from id 10825 to 11999 msgctxt "#12000" @@ -4737,11 +4737,11 @@ msgstr "Pembaharuan terakhir" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pilih versi video" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pilih ekstra video" # empty strings from id 12015 to 12020 #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning @@ -5965,7 +5965,7 @@ msgstr "Aktifkan HQ Scalers untuk mengubah skala di atas" msgctxt "#13436" msgid "Adjust display HDR mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mode pengaturan HDR penampil" msgctxt "#13437" msgid "Prefer VDPAU video mixer" @@ -9339,11 +9339,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Preferensi pengguna" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Gunakan urutan grup saluran dari backend" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -13838,7 +13858,7 @@ msgstr "Peran" #. Label for multi-disc movies, including movie title (param 0) and disc number (param 1). msgctxt "#29995" msgid "{0:s} (Disc {1:s})" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:s} (Diska {1:s})" msgctxt "#33001" msgid "Trailer quality" @@ -16360,8 +16380,8 @@ msgstr "Jika diaktifkan, rekaman untuk program yang akan diingatkan akan dijadwa #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "" +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Perbolehkan mode HDR penampil untuk diubah supaya cocok dengan media. Ketika dinonaktifkan, Kodi menerapkan pemetaan nada jika diperlukan (dan jika didukung pada perangkat keras Anda) untuk menyesuaikan media ke mode HDR penampil saat ini." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -17042,6 +17062,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Repositori apa saja" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -17959,7 +17984,7 @@ msgstr "Versi protokol NFS untuk digunakan saat membuat koneksi NFS" #. Settings / Services "Chunk Size" group label msgctxt "#37053" msgid "Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ukuran" #. Setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37054" @@ -19203,7 +19228,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Jika diaktifkan, profil Dolby Vision 7 akan dikonversi ke profil 8.1, yang lebih umum didukung oleh perangkat. Aktifkan jika perangkat Anda mendukung Dolby Vision, namun mengalami masalah dengan beberapa video." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versi" @@ -19215,12 +19261,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19293,7 +19344,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19303,11 +19354,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19320,12 +19366,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19338,6 +19384,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19378,9 +19479,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19408,6 +19509,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.is_is/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.is_is/resources/strings.po index 5052bea17a..260aff004a 100644 --- a/resource.language.is_is/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.is_is/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-29 12:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Icelandic \n" "Language: is_is\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4614,7 +4614,7 @@ msgstr "Útvarp í skjáfylli" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uppsetning stýringar" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4624,7 +4624,7 @@ msgstr "Leikir" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valmynd" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4639,7 +4639,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hljóðstyrkur" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -4654,7 +4654,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uppsetning gáttar" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" @@ -9314,11 +9314,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Kjörstilling notanda" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16307,7 +16327,7 @@ msgstr "Ef þetta er virkt, er upptaka á dagskrárliðnum sett á áætlun þeg #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16989,6 +17009,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Hvaða hugbúnaðarsafn sem er" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19131,10 +19156,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útgáfur" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19143,12 +19189,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Útgáfa" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19221,7 +19272,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19231,11 +19282,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19248,12 +19294,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19266,6 +19312,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Fletta skrám" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19306,9 +19407,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19319,7 +19420,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útgáfur" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19336,6 +19437,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19475,7 +19616,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.it_it/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.it_it/resources/strings.po index 9daafa0935..b7604f3f65 100644 --- a/resource.language.it_it/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.it_it/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-27 08:46+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-06 21:12+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Massimo Pissarello \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" "Language: it_it\n" @@ -1505,12 +1505,12 @@ msgstr "Forte" #. Weather token msgctxt "#385" msgid "Fair" -msgstr "Sereno" +msgstr "Velato" #. Weather token msgctxt "#386" msgid "Clear" -msgstr "Limpido" +msgstr "Sereno" #. Weather token msgctxt "#387" @@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ msgstr "Rimuovi film dalla libreria" msgctxt "#433" msgid "Would you really like to remove '{0:s}' from library?" -msgstr "Vuoi davvero rimuovere \\\"{0:s}\\\" dalla libreria?" +msgstr "Vuoi davvero rimuovere \"{0:s}\" dalla libreria?" #. From at msgctxt "#434" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Preferenze utente" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Usa ordine dei gruppi di canali dai backend" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "Recupero programmi / Video su richiesta" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "Riproduci automaticamente il programma successivo" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "Riproduci i programmi da qui" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "Riproduci solo a questo programma" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "Se abilitato, verrà pianificata una registrazione per il programma da r #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Consenti la modifica della modalità HDR dello schermo per adattarla al meglio ai contenuti multimediali.[CR]Se disabilitato, Kodi applica la mappatura dei toni secondo necessità per adattare i contenuti multimediali all'attuale modalità HDR dello schermo." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Consenti la modifica della modalità HDR dello schermo per ottenere la migliore corrispondenza con i contenuti multimediali. Quando disabilitato, Kodi applica la mappatura tonale, se necessario (e se supportato dall'hardware), per adattare i contenuti multimediali alla modalità HDR attuale dello schermo." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Qualsiasi repository" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "Abilita la riproduzione automatica del programma successivo durante la riproduzione di programmi precedenti (catchup) o per i canali Video On Demand (VOD). Tieni presente che catchup e VOD funzionano solo se supportati dal fornitore del canale." + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Se abilitato, il profilo Dolby Vision 7 verrà convertito nel profilo 8.1, che è più comunemente supportato dai dispositivi. Abilita se il tuo dispositivo supporta Dolby Vision, ma presenta problemi con alcuni video." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "Formati di metadati dinamici HDR consentiti" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "Altera il flusso dei bit video per rimuovere i metadati HDR dinamici. Seleziona i formati HDR supportati dal tuo dispositivo e dal tuo schermo." + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "Dolby Vision" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "HDR10+" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versioni" @@ -19137,13 +19183,18 @@ msgstr "Gestisci versioni" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "Converti in una versione aggiuntiva" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Aggiungi come versione a..." -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versione" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "Nuova versione..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "Scegli tipo" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19215,7 +19266,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "Rimuovi versione video" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "La versione predefinita di un film non può essere rimossa. Imposta una versione predefinita diversa e riprova." @@ -19225,11 +19276,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "Rimuovere la versione \"{0:s}\"?" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "Converti in versione" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19242,13 +19288,13 @@ msgstr "Imposta come predefinita" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "Versioni: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Gestore versioni: {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "Extra: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Gestore extra: {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" @@ -19260,6 +19306,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "Il video selezionato è l'extra \"{0:s}\" del film \"{1:s}\". Vuoi spostare gli extra su questo film?" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Sfoglia file" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Sfoglia libreria" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Seleziona film da aggiungere come versione" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Nessun altro film trovato nella libreria." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Nessun film simile è stato trovato nella libreria." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "La versione predefinita di un film con più versioni non può essere aggiunta come versione a un altro film. Aggiungi prima le sue versioni aggiuntive." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "La versione predefinita di un film con più versioni non può essere aggiunta come extra a un altro film. Per favore prima sposta o rimuovi le altre versioni." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Stai per convertire un extra di un film in una versione. Sei sicuro?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Stai per convertire una versione di un film in un extra. Sei sicuro?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "Il film da aggiungere ha più versioni.[CR]Il tipo di versione predefinita verrà selezionato nella finestra di dialogo successiva. Le altre versioni manterranno il tipo attuale.[CR]Vuoi continuare?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "La versione predefinita di un film con più versioni non può essere aggiunta a un altro film. Per favore prima sposta o rimuovi le altre versioni." + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19300,10 +19401,10 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "Se abilitato, un video con più versioni verrà mostrato come una cartella nella libreria video. Questa cartella può quindi essere aperta per visualizzare le singole versioni video. Se disabilitato, verrà applicata l'azione di selezione configurata." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "Scegli versione" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "Scegli versione: {}" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" @@ -19330,6 +19431,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "Se selezionato, il livello del volume del lettore remoto verrà sincronizzato con il volume di questa applicazione.[CR]Avvertenza: il livello del volume globale del sistema potrebbe essere diverso dal livello del volume dell'applicazione (sono controllati in modo indipendente).[CR]Questo potrebbe portare il lettore remoto a essere impostato su un livello di volume del 100% se l'applicazione ha un livello di volume del 100% ma il livello di volume complessivo del sistema è inferiore." +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "Scegli extra: {}" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "Scegli tipo di versione" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "Nuovo tipo..." + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "Nuovo tipo di versione" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "Scegli nome extra" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "Nuovo nome..." + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "Nuovo nome extra" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "Scegli versione" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19344,7 +19485,7 @@ msgstr "Edizione estesa" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40402" msgid "Unrated Version" -msgstr "Versione senza classificazione" +msgstr "Versione non classificata" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40403" @@ -19414,7 +19555,7 @@ msgstr "Edizione della collezione Criterion" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40416" msgid "Fan Edit" -msgstr "Versione del fan" +msgstr "Versione di un fan" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40417" @@ -19516,6 +19657,42 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "Edizione del 50° anniversario" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nuova versione..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Scegli versione" + +#~ msgctxt "#40214" +#~ msgid "Choose extra" +#~ msgstr "Scegli extra" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Versioni: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Extra: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Consenti la modifica della modalità HDR dello schermo per adattarla al meglio ai contenuti multimediali.[CR]Se disabilitato, Kodi applica la mappatura dei toni secondo necessità per adattare i contenuti multimediali all'attuale modalità HDR dello schermo." + +#~ msgctxt "#40021" +#~ msgid "Add as version to..." +#~ msgstr "Aggiungi come versione a..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40002" +#~ msgid "Convert into an additional version" +#~ msgstr "Converti in una versione aggiuntiva" + +#~ msgctxt "#40021" +#~ msgid "Convert to version" +#~ msgstr "Converti in versione" + #~ msgctxt "#40002" #~ msgid "Convert into an additional version of {0:s}" #~ msgstr "Converti in una versione aggiuntiva di {0:s}" diff --git a/resource.language.ja_jp/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ja_jp/resources/strings.po index bb76cc8d14..2da3fefc77 100644 --- a/resource.language.ja_jp/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ja_jp/resources/strings.po @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16306,7 +16326,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16988,6 +17008,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "任意のリポジトリ" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19127,7 +19152,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "バージョン" @@ -19139,12 +19185,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19217,7 +19268,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19227,11 +19278,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19244,12 +19290,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19262,6 +19308,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19302,9 +19403,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19332,6 +19433,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.kn_in/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.kn_in/resources/strings.po index b019df2964..247378e3c8 100644 --- a/resource.language.kn_in/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.kn_in/resources/strings.po @@ -9499,11 +9499,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16599,7 +16619,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17282,6 +17302,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19458,7 +19483,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19470,12 +19516,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19548,7 +19599,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19558,11 +19609,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19575,12 +19621,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19593,6 +19639,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19633,9 +19734,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19663,6 +19764,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.ko_kr/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ko_kr/resources/strings.po index a97bb1dfff..5d33c006fa 100644 --- a/resource.language.ko_kr/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ko_kr/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-23 17:24+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-02 04:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Minho Park \n" "Language-Team: Korean \n" "Language: ko_kr\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4614,7 +4614,7 @@ msgstr "전체화면 비율" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "컨트롤러 설정" +msgstr "컨트롤러 환경설정" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4726,11 +4726,11 @@ msgstr "마지막 업데이트" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "비디오 버전 선택" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "추가 동영상 선택" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "사용자 기본 설정" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "백엔드에서 채널 그룹 순서 사용" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "따라잡기 / 주문형 비디오" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "다음 프로그램 자동 재생" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "여기부터 프로그램 재생" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "이 프로그램만 재생" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -12293,11 +12313,11 @@ msgstr "{0:2.3f}초" msgctxt "#22004" msgid "Delayed by: {0:2.3f}s" -msgstr "느림: {0:2.3f}초" +msgstr "느리게: {0:2.3f}초" msgctxt "#22005" msgid "Ahead by: {0:2.3f}s" -msgstr "빠름: {0:2.3f}초" +msgstr "빠르게: {0:2.3f}초" msgctxt "#22006" msgid "Subtitle offset" @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "사용하고 PVR 애드온이나 백엔드가 지원하면, 알림 팝 #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "디스플레이의 HDR 모드가 미디어와 가장 일치하도록 바꿉니다.[CR]사용하지 않으면 Kodi는 필요에 따라 톤 매핑을 적용하여 미디어를 디스플레이의 현재 HDR 모드에 맞게 조정합니다." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "미디어에 가장 잘 맞도록 디스플레이의 HDR 모드를 변경할 수 있습니다. 사용하지 않으면 Kodi는 필요한 경우(하드웨어에서 지원되는 경우) 톤 매핑을 적용하여 미디어를 디스플레이의 현재 HDR 모드에 맞게 조정합니다." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "모든 저장소" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "지난 프로그램(따라잡기)을 재생하거나 VOD(주문형 비디오) 채널을 재생할 때 다음 프로그램을 자동 재생합니다. 따라잡기와 VOD는 채널 제공업체에서 지원하는 경우에만 해당됩니다." + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "사용하면, 돌비 비전 프로필 7이 대부분 장치에서 지원되는 프로필 8.1로 바뀝니다. 장치가 돌비 비전을 지원하지만 일부 동영상에 문제가 있는 경우 사용합니다." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "허용되는 HDR 동적 메타데이터 형식" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "동적 HDR 메타데이터를 제거하기 위해 비디오 비트스트림을 변경합니다. 장치와 디스플레이가 지원하는 HDR 형식을 선택합니다." + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "돌비 비전" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "HDR10+" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "버전" @@ -19133,17 +19179,22 @@ msgstr "버전" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "버전 관리" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "버전으로 추가..." -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "버전" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "새로운 버전..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19153,7 +19204,7 @@ msgstr "지원되지 않는 작업" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "선택한 영화에 여러 버전이 있어 다른 버전으로 변환할 수 없습니다. 영화에서 버전을 제거하고 라이브러리를 다시 스캔하여 개별적으로 변환합니다." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" @@ -19163,12 +19214,12 @@ msgstr "\"{0:s}\" 버전이 이미 존재합니다!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "다른 영화 버전이 있음" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "영화 \"{0:s}\": {1:s}의 다른 버전을 찾았습니다. 원본의 추가 버전으로 변환할까요?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" @@ -19193,42 +19244,37 @@ msgstr "비디오 버전" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "버전 추가" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "추가 버전 추가" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "선택한 동영상은 이미 영화의 \"{0:s}\" 버전입니다." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "선택한 동영상은 영화 \"{1:s}\"의 \"{0:s}\" 버전입니다. 이 영화의 버전으로 옮길까요?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "비디오 버전 삭제" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "영화의 기본 버전은 제거할 수 없습니다. 다른 기본 버전을 설정하고 다시 시도하세요." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"{0:s}\" 버전을 지울까요?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" @@ -19238,37 +19284,92 @@ msgstr "{0:s} 관리" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "기본값으로 설정" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "버전 관리자: {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "추가 관리자: {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "선택한 동영상은 이미 영화의 \"{0:s}\" 추가 버전입니다." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "선택한 동영상은 영화 \"{1:s}\"의 \"{0:s}\" 추가 버전입니다. 이 영화에 추가 버전을 추가할까요?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "파일 열기" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "라이브러리 열기" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "버전으로 추가할 영화를 선택합니다" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "라이브러리에 다른 영화가 없습니다." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "라이브러리에 유사한 영화를 찾을 수 없습니다." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "여러 영화 버전의 기본 버전은 다른 버전에 추가할 수 없습니다. 먼저 버전을 추가하세요." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "여러 영화 버전의 기본 버전은 다른 영화에 추가할 수 없습니다. 먼저 다른 버전을 이동하거나 지우세요." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "영화 추가 버전을 영화 버전으로 바꿀까요?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "영화 버전을 영화 추가 버전으로 바꿀까요?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "추가할 영화에는 여러 버전이 있습니다.[CR]기본 버전은 다음 대화 상자에서 선택합니다. 다른 버전은 현재를 유지합니다.[CR]계속할까요?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "여러 버전이 있는 영화의 기본 버전은 다른 영화에 추가할 수 없습니다. 먼저 다른 버전을 이동하거나 지웁니다." #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "기본 동영상 버전 선택" #. Help for select default video version setting msgctxt "#40201" msgid "Defines how to handle selection of videos with multiple versions.[CR][Enabled] Automatically select the default video version without prompting.[CR][Disabled] Display a dialogue to select a version of the video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "여러 버전의 동영상을 선택하는 방법을 정합니다.[CR][사용함] 메시지를 표시하지 않고 기본 동용성 버전을 자동으로 선택합니다.[CR][사용 안 함] 비디오 버전을 선택하는 대화 상자를 표시합니다." #. Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40202" @@ -19293,41 +19394,81 @@ msgstr "\"추가\" 폴더에 있는 동영상 추가 항목에 대한 스캔 작 #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "여러 버전의 동영상을 폴더로 표시" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." -msgstr "" +msgstr "사용하면 여러 버전의 동영상이 라이브러리의 폴더로 표시됩니다. 그런 다음 이 폴더를 열어 개별 동영상 버전을 표시할 수 있습니다. 사용하지 않으면 설정된 선택 방법이 적용됩니다." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" msgid "Play version using..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "재생할 버전..." #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "버전" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "추가 버전" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "음량 레벨을 원격 UPnP 플레이어와 동기화" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "선택하면 원격 플레이어 음량 수준이 이 애플리케이션과 동기화됩니다.[CR]경고: 전체 시스템 음량 수준은 애플리케이션 음량 수준과 다를 수 있습니다. 이는 독립적으로 제어됩니다.[CR]이 애플리케이션의 음량이 100%이지만 전체 시스템 음량이 더 낮은 경우, 원격 플레이어의 음량이 100%로 설정될 수 있습니다." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions @@ -19516,6 +19657,34 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "50주년판" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "새로운 버전..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "버전 선택" + +#~ msgctxt "#40214" +#~ msgid "Choose extra" +#~ msgstr "추가 선택" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "버전: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "추가: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "디스플레이의 HDR 모드가 미디어와 가장 일치하도록 바꿉니다.[CR]사용하지 않으면 Kodi는 필요에 따라 톤 매핑을 적용하여 미디어를 디스플레이의 현재 HDR 모드에 맞게 조정합니다." + +#~ msgctxt "#40021" +#~ msgid "Add as version to..." +#~ msgstr "버전으로 추가..." + #~ msgctxt "#40002" #~ msgid "Convert into an additional version of {0:s}" #~ msgstr "{0:s}의 추가 버전으로 변환" diff --git a/resource.language.lt_lt/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.lt_lt/resources/strings.po index e3846de413..0e68eabc4f 100644 --- a/resource.language.lt_lt/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.lt_lt/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-29 12:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian \n" "Language: lt_lt\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 < 11 || n % 100 > 19)) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 9 && (n % 100 < 11 || n % 100 > 19)) ? 1 : 2);\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4614,7 +4614,7 @@ msgstr "Radijas visame ekrane" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valdiklio konfigūracija" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4624,7 +4624,7 @@ msgstr "Žaidimai" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meniu" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4639,7 +4639,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Garsumas" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -4654,7 +4654,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prievado sąranka" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16305,7 +16325,7 @@ msgstr "Kai įjungta, bus pridėtas suplanuotas programos įrašymas, jei jos pr #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Bet kurios saugyklos" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19125,10 +19150,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versijos" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19137,12 +19183,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versija" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19215,7 +19266,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19225,11 +19276,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19242,12 +19288,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19260,6 +19306,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Naršyti failus" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19300,9 +19401,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19313,7 +19414,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versijos" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19330,6 +19431,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19469,7 +19610,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.lv_lv/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.lv_lv/resources/strings.po index 803694b4eb..5dcab10c04 100644 --- a/resource.language.lv_lv/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.lv_lv/resources/strings.po @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16329,7 +16349,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17011,6 +17031,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19152,7 +19177,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19164,12 +19210,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19242,7 +19293,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19252,11 +19303,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19269,12 +19315,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19287,6 +19333,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19327,9 +19428,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19357,6 +19458,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.mi/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.mi/resources/strings.po index d63e9c2400..8cf6396514 100644 --- a/resource.language.mi/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.mi/resources/strings.po @@ -9379,11 +9379,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16421,7 +16441,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17104,6 +17124,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19273,7 +19298,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19285,12 +19331,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19363,7 +19414,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19373,11 +19424,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19390,12 +19436,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19408,6 +19454,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19448,9 +19549,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19478,6 +19579,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.mk_mk/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.mk_mk/resources/strings.po index 40b7606fa0..024d005ca0 100644 --- a/resource.language.mk_mk/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.mk_mk/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-30 23:09+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Macedonian \n" "Language: mk_mk\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.2\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4633,7 +4633,7 @@ msgstr "Игри" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Мени" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4648,7 +4648,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Јачина на звук" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -9339,11 +9339,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -12444,7 +12464,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" msgid "Resume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Продолжи" msgctxt "#22079" msgid "Default select action" @@ -16378,7 +16398,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17061,6 +17081,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19228,7 +19253,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19240,12 +19286,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Верзија" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19318,7 +19369,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19328,11 +19379,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19345,12 +19391,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19363,6 +19409,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Разгледај датотеки..." + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19403,9 +19504,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19433,6 +19534,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19572,7 +19713,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.ml_in/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ml_in/resources/strings.po index c55b8be3b7..09d35eb903 100644 --- a/resource.language.ml_in/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ml_in/resources/strings.po @@ -9492,11 +9492,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16592,7 +16612,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17275,6 +17295,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19451,7 +19476,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19463,12 +19509,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19541,7 +19592,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19551,11 +19602,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19568,12 +19614,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19586,6 +19632,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19626,9 +19727,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19656,6 +19757,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.mn_mn/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.mn_mn/resources/strings.po index f85d0e01cc..a2db59a085 100644 --- a/resource.language.mn_mn/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.mn_mn/resources/strings.po @@ -9459,11 +9459,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16550,7 +16570,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17233,6 +17253,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19407,7 +19432,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19419,12 +19465,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19497,7 +19548,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19507,11 +19558,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19524,12 +19570,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19542,6 +19588,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19582,9 +19683,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19612,6 +19713,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.ms_my/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ms_my/resources/strings.po index 360a607228..5aca8c1fcc 100644 --- a/resource.language.ms_my/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ms_my/resources/strings.po @@ -9316,11 +9316,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16314,7 +16334,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16996,6 +17016,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19137,7 +19162,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19149,12 +19195,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19227,7 +19278,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19237,11 +19288,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19254,12 +19300,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19272,6 +19318,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19312,9 +19413,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19342,6 +19443,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.mt_mt/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.mt_mt/resources/strings.po index 5f3e9995fe..8da8e43d47 100644 --- a/resource.language.mt_mt/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.mt_mt/resources/strings.po @@ -9359,11 +9359,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16378,7 +16398,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17060,6 +17080,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19227,7 +19252,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19239,12 +19285,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19317,7 +19368,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19327,11 +19378,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19344,12 +19390,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19362,6 +19408,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19402,9 +19503,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19432,6 +19533,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.my_mm/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.my_mm/resources/strings.po index 60e287128f..2727802511 100644 --- a/resource.language.my_mm/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.my_mm/resources/strings.po @@ -9423,11 +9423,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16500,7 +16520,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17183,6 +17203,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19356,7 +19381,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19368,12 +19414,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19446,7 +19497,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19456,11 +19507,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19473,12 +19519,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19491,6 +19537,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19531,9 +19632,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19561,6 +19662,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.nb_no/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.nb_no/resources/strings.po index 8b04356d85..cc3138084b 100644 --- a/resource.language.nb_no/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.nb_no/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-27 04:20+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål \n" "Language: nb_no\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4618,7 +4618,7 @@ msgstr "Fullskjermradio" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontrollerinnstillinger" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4628,7 +4628,7 @@ msgstr "Spill" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meny" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4643,7 +4643,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volum" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -4658,7 +4658,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Portoppsett" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" @@ -9319,11 +9319,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Brukerinnstilling" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16322,7 +16342,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17004,6 +17024,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19150,10 +19175,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versjoner" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19162,12 +19208,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versjon" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19240,7 +19291,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19250,11 +19301,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19267,12 +19313,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19285,6 +19331,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Bla etter fil" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19325,9 +19426,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19338,7 +19439,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versjoner" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19355,6 +19456,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19494,7 +19635,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.nl_nl/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.nl_nl/resources/strings.po index 5cb2ee87be..44979ae33e 100644 --- a/resource.language.nl_nl/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.nl_nl/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-22 21:12+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Miniontoby \n" "Language-Team: Dutch \n" "Language: nl_nl\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ msgstr "Quincunx" msgctxt "#236" msgid "Gaussian cubic" -msgstr "Gaussian cubic" +msgstr "Gaussisch-kubisch" msgctxt "#237" msgid "Minification" @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ msgstr "Selecteer doelmap" msgctxt "#252" msgid "Stereo upmix" -msgstr "Stereo upmix" +msgstr "Stereo-upmix" msgctxt "#253" msgid "Number of channels" @@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ msgstr "Min" #. Weather token msgctxt "#392" msgid "Medium" -msgstr "Gem." +msgstr "Gemiddeld" #. Weather token msgctxt "#393" @@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ msgstr "Mist" #. Weather token msgctxt "#395" msgid "Haze" -msgstr "Nevel" +msgstr "Heiigheid" msgctxt "#396" msgid "Select location" @@ -1607,7 +1607,7 @@ msgstr "Hardware toetsenbord indelingen" msgctxt "#409" msgid "Defaults" -msgstr "Standaard" +msgstr "Standaardinstellingen" msgctxt "#410" msgid "Accessing weather service" @@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ msgstr "Sorteer op: DVD#" msgctxt "#431" msgid "No cache" -msgstr "Geen buffer" +msgstr "Geen cache" msgctxt "#432" msgid "Remove movie from library" @@ -1774,19 +1774,19 @@ msgstr "Kolommen" msgctxt "#451" msgid "Row 1 address" -msgstr "Begin rij 1:" +msgstr "Rij 1 richting" msgctxt "#452" msgid "Row 2 address" -msgstr "Begin rij 2:" +msgstr "Rij 2 richting" msgctxt "#453" msgid "Row 3 address" -msgstr "Begin rij 3:" +msgstr "Rij 3 richting" msgctxt "#454" msgid "Row 4 address" -msgstr "Begin rij 4:" +msgstr "Rij 4 richting" msgctxt "#455" msgid "Rows" @@ -2331,7 +2331,7 @@ msgstr "Cd Kopiëren" msgctxt "#601" msgid "Medium" -msgstr "Gem." +msgstr "Gemiddeld" msgctxt "#602" msgid "Standard" @@ -2367,7 +2367,7 @@ msgstr "Voer nummer in" msgctxt "#612" msgid "Bits/sample" -msgstr "Bits/sample" +msgstr "Bits/monster" msgctxt "#613" msgid "Sample rate" @@ -2589,7 +2589,7 @@ msgstr "Uitgebreide logging voor [B]JSON-RPC[/B] aanvragen" msgctxt "#676" msgid "Verbose logging for the [B]Audio[/B] component" -msgstr "Uitgebreide loggin voor het [B]Audio[/B] component" +msgstr "Uitgebreide logboekregistratie voor de [B]Audio[/B] component" msgctxt "#677" msgid "Verbose logging for the [B]AirTunes[/B] library" @@ -3639,7 +3639,7 @@ msgstr "Extreem" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1382" msgid "Whirls" -msgstr "Whirls" +msgstr "Wervelingen" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1383" @@ -3814,7 +3814,7 @@ msgstr "Mistig" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1417" msgid "Grains" -msgstr "Korrels" +msgstr "Graankorrels" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1418" @@ -3854,7 +3854,7 @@ msgstr "Bewolking" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1425" msgid "Pellets" -msgstr "Pellets" +msgstr "Korrels" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1426" @@ -3894,7 +3894,7 @@ msgstr "Zand" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1433" msgid "Spray" -msgstr "Spray" +msgstr "Nevel" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1434" @@ -3914,7 +3914,7 @@ msgstr "Waaien" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1437" msgid "Pellet" -msgstr "Pellet" +msgstr "Korrel" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1438" @@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ msgstr "Volledig scherm radio" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Controller Configuratie" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4626,52 +4626,52 @@ msgstr "Spellen" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Menu" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" msgid "Video Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Videofilter" #. Title of the in-game video stretch mode selection dialog msgctxt "#10824" msgid "Stretch Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uitrekmodus" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volume" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geavanceerde instellingen" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" msgid "Video Rotation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Videodraaiing" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" msgid "Port Setup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poortconfiguratie" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecteer slagstaat" #. Title of the out-of-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10830" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecteer slagstaat" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spelers" msgctxt "#12000" msgid "Select dialog" @@ -4728,11 +4728,11 @@ msgstr "Laatst bijgewerkt" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecteer videoversie" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecteer video extra" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -5278,7 +5278,7 @@ msgstr "Subnetmasker" msgctxt "#13160" msgid "Gateway" -msgstr "Gateway" +msgstr "Toegangspoort" msgctxt "#13161" msgid "Primary DNS" @@ -5470,7 +5470,7 @@ msgstr "Niet verbonden. Controleer uw netwerkinstellingen." #. Label of the button used to disconnect a game controller from the emulated game port msgctxt "#13298" msgid "Disconnected" -msgstr "Ontgekoppeld" +msgstr "Ontkoppeld" msgctxt "#13299" msgid "Target temperature" @@ -5510,7 +5510,7 @@ msgstr "Nummers in lijst weergeven als" msgctxt "#13308" msgid "Do you wish to reboot your system instead of just this application?" -msgstr "Wil je je systeem herstarten in plaats van alleen deze toepassing?" +msgstr "Wilt u uw systeem herstarten in plaats van alleen deze toepassing?" msgctxt "#13310" msgid "Zoom effect" @@ -5949,7 +5949,7 @@ msgstr "Activeer HQ Schalers voo het herschalen boven" msgctxt "#13436" msgid "Adjust display HDR mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Weergave HDR-modus aanpassen" msgctxt "#13437" msgid "Prefer VDPAU video mixer" @@ -7457,7 +7457,7 @@ msgstr "Bilinear" msgctxt "#16303" msgid "Bicubic (B-Spline)" -msgstr "Bicubic (B-Spline)" +msgstr "Bicubisch (B-Spline)" msgctxt "#16304" msgid "Lanczos2" @@ -7485,7 +7485,7 @@ msgstr "Sinc (software)" msgctxt "#16310" msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Temporal" +msgstr "Tijdelijk" msgctxt "#16311" msgid "Temporal / Spatial" @@ -7501,7 +7501,7 @@ msgstr "VDPAU - Scherpte" msgctxt "#16314" msgid "Bicubic (Mitchell)" -msgstr "Bicubic (Mitchell)" +msgstr "Bicubisch (Mitchell)" msgctxt "#16315" msgid "Lanczos3 - Optimised" @@ -7529,7 +7529,7 @@ msgstr "DXVA" msgctxt "#16321" msgid "Bicubic (Catmull-Rom)" -msgstr "Bicubic (Catmull-Rom)" +msgstr "Bicubisch (Catmull-Rom)" msgctxt "#16322" msgid "Spline36" @@ -7549,7 +7549,7 @@ msgstr "VDPAU - Bob" msgctxt "#16326" msgid "Bicubic (0,0.75)" -msgstr "Bicubic (0,0.75)" +msgstr "Bicubisch (0,0,75)" msgctxt "#16327" msgid "VAAPI - Bob" @@ -7565,12 +7565,12 @@ msgstr "VAAPI - beweging gecompenseerd" msgctxt "#16330" msgid "Bicubic (0,1.)" -msgstr "Bicubic (0,1.)" +msgstr "Bicubisch (0,1.)" #. Description of OSD video settings for deinterlace method with label #16334 msgctxt "#16334" msgid "Bob (half)" -msgstr "Bob (half)" +msgstr "Bob (helft)" #. Description of OSD video settings for deinterlace method with label #16335 msgctxt "#16335" @@ -7663,7 +7663,7 @@ msgstr "UNC" #. label for PVR backend name in system information's PVR section msgctxt "#19012" msgid "PVR backend" -msgstr "PVR backend" +msgstr "PVR-backend" #. PVR 'channel encryption system' textual presentation for free to air channels msgctxt "#19013" @@ -9298,12 +9298,12 @@ msgstr "PVR cliënt add-ons" #. help text for setting to open add-ons manager window with available PVR client add-ons msgctxt "#19346" msgid "Display and manage available PVR client add-ons." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beschikbare PVR client toevoegingen weergeven en beheren." #. info message box text stating that none of the available pvr clients does provide client-specific settings msgctxt "#19347" msgid "None of the active PVR clients provide client-specific settings." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen van de actieve PVR-clients biedt client-specifieke instellingen." #. label for 'by provider' sort method msgctxt "#19348" @@ -9313,11 +9313,32 @@ msgstr "Provider" #. label for 'by user preference' sort method msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gebruikersvoorkeur" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" +msgstr "Gebruik kanaalgroepvolgorde van backend(s)" + +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "Catchup / Video Op Aanvraag" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" msgstr "" #. label for epg genre value @@ -9573,7 +9594,7 @@ msgstr "Literatuur" #. label for "arts/culture" epg subgenre value msgctxt "#19602" msgid "Film / Cinema" -msgstr "Film / Cinema" +msgstr "Film / Bioscoop" #. label for "arts/culture" epg subgenre value msgctxt "#19603" @@ -9748,7 +9769,7 @@ msgstr "Science Fictie / Fantasie / Horror" #. label for "user defined" epg subgenre value msgctxt "#19680" msgid "Comedy" -msgstr "Comedy" +msgstr "Komedie" #. label for "user defined" epg subgenre value msgctxt "#19681" @@ -9848,7 +9869,7 @@ msgstr "Opnames" msgctxt "#20008" msgid "Screenshots" -msgstr "Screenshots" +msgstr "Schermafbeeldingen" msgctxt "#20009" msgid "Use Kodi" @@ -10116,7 +10137,7 @@ msgstr "Toon systeeminformatie" msgctxt "#20086" msgid "Show available disk space C: E: F:" -msgstr "Vrije hardeschijfruimte op C: E: en F: weergeven" +msgstr "Beschikbare schijfruimte van C: E: en F: tonen" msgctxt "#20087" msgid "Show available disk space E: F: G:" @@ -10168,7 +10189,7 @@ msgstr "Informatie over album ophalen" msgctxt "#20099" msgid "A CD or track can't be ripped while being played" -msgstr "Een CD of nummer kan niet worden geripped wanneer hij wordt afgespeeld." +msgstr "Een CD of nummer kan niet worden geript terwijl het wordt afgespeeld" msgctxt "#20100" msgid "Master lock code and settings" @@ -10232,7 +10253,7 @@ msgstr "Inlogscherm vergrendelen" msgctxt "#20117" msgid "Invalid lock code." -msgstr "Ongeldige vergrendelcode" +msgstr "Ongeldige slotcode." msgctxt "#20118" msgid "This requires the master lock to be set. Would you like to set it now?" @@ -10316,7 +10337,7 @@ msgstr "Schermbeveiliging vergrendelen" msgctxt "#20141" msgid "Set" -msgstr "Zet" +msgstr "Instellen" msgctxt "#20142" msgid "Username" @@ -10493,7 +10514,7 @@ msgstr "Posterstijl voor series gebruiken" msgctxt "#20186" msgid "Please wait" -msgstr "Even geduld..." +msgstr "Even geduld" msgctxt "#20187" msgid "UPnP / DLNA" @@ -10533,11 +10554,11 @@ msgstr "Wijzig informatieaanbieder" msgctxt "#20196" msgid "Export music library" -msgstr "Muziekbibliotheek exporteren..." +msgstr "Muziekbibliotheek exporteren" msgctxt "#20197" msgid "Import music library" -msgstr "Muziekbibliotheek importeren..." +msgstr "Muziekbibliotheek importeren" msgctxt "#20198" msgid "No artist found!" @@ -10571,7 +10592,7 @@ msgstr "Prefereer online-albumafbeeldingen" #. Description of setting with label #20224 "Prefer online album art" msgctxt "#20225" msgid "Where no local album cover exists, online art will be used. Where neither is available, cover images embedded in music files will be used" -msgstr "Waar geen albumcovers aanwezig zijn, zullen online-afbeeldingen gebruikt worden. Waar geen van beide beschikbaar zijn, zullen in de muziekbestanden ingesloten afbeeldingen gebruikt worden." +msgstr "Als er geen lokale albumhoes bestaat, wordt online hoes gebruikt. Als geen van beide beschikbaar is, worden hoesafbeeldingen gebruikt die in muziekbestanden zijn ingesloten" msgctxt "#20226" msgid "Movie set information folder" @@ -11103,7 +11124,7 @@ msgstr "Bezig met scannen naar nieuwe inhoud" msgctxt "#20416" msgid "First aired" -msgstr "Eerst uitgez." +msgstr "Eerst uitgezonden" msgctxt "#20417" msgid "Writer" @@ -11184,7 +11205,7 @@ msgstr "Video informatie uitlezen van bestanden" msgctxt "#20434" msgid "Sets" -msgstr "Sets" +msgstr "Instellen" msgctxt "#20435" msgid "Combine split video items" @@ -11229,7 +11250,7 @@ msgstr "Voeg toe aan bibliotheek" #. Name of an artwork type msgctxt "#20445" msgid "Fanart" -msgstr "Fanart" +msgstr "Lieverkunst" #. Ask user when refreshing music or video info if they want to use data from NFO file msgctxt "#20446" @@ -11246,7 +11267,7 @@ msgstr "De informatie kan niet worden gedownload" msgctxt "#20449" msgid "Unable to connect to remote server" -msgstr "Geen verbinding mogelijk met externe server." +msgstr "Kan geen verbinding maken met externe server" msgctxt "#20450" msgid "Unable to connect to remote server. Would you like to continue scanning?" @@ -11501,7 +11522,7 @@ msgstr "Normaal" msgctxt "#21376" msgid "Letterbox" -msgstr "Letterbox" +msgstr "Brievenbus" msgctxt "#21377" msgid "Widescreen" @@ -12151,7 +12172,7 @@ msgstr "Naam fotograaf" msgctxt "#21869" msgid "Credit" -msgstr "Credit" +msgstr "Krediet" msgctxt "#21870" msgid "Source" @@ -12311,7 +12332,7 @@ msgstr "OpenGL leverancier:" msgctxt "#22008" msgid "OpenGL renderer:" -msgstr "OpenGL renderer:" +msgstr "OpenGL-renderer:" msgctxt "#22009" msgid "OpenGL version:" @@ -12367,7 +12388,7 @@ msgstr "Toon videobestanden in lijst met afbeeldingen" msgctxt "#22024" msgid "Direct3D version:" -msgstr "Direct3D-versie" +msgstr "Direct3D-versie:" msgctxt "#22030" msgid "Font" @@ -12389,12 +12410,12 @@ msgstr "Karakterset" #. Label for setting to choose the default action for "play" msgctxt "#22076" msgid "Default play action" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Standaard afspeelactie" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22077" msgid "Ask if resumable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vraag of hervatting mogelijk is" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" @@ -12685,7 +12706,7 @@ msgstr "Versie:" msgctxt "#24052" msgid "Disclaimer" -msgstr "Disclaimer" +msgstr "Vrijwaring" msgctxt "#24053" msgid "License:" @@ -12766,7 +12787,7 @@ msgstr "Add-on kan niet worden geladen." msgctxt "#24071" msgid "An unknown error has occurred." -msgstr "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden" +msgstr "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden." msgctxt "#24072" msgid "Settings required" @@ -13019,7 +13040,7 @@ msgstr "Activeer parsing voor ingesloten ondertitels" msgctxt "#24131" msgid "Enable to parse for CC in video stream. Puts slightly more load on the CPU" -msgstr "Activeren voor CC-verwerking in videostream. Dit belast de CPU iets meer." +msgstr "Inschakelen om te zoeken naar CC in videostream. Zorgt voor een iets grotere belasting van de CPU" msgctxt "#24132" msgid "Would you like to switch to this language?" @@ -13108,12 +13129,12 @@ msgstr "De volgende add-ons zijn niet compatibel met deze versie van Kodi en zij #. Progress text on splash screen msgctxt "#24150" msgid "Database migration in progress - please wait" -msgstr "Database-migratie bezig - even geduld a.u.b." +msgstr "Databasemigratie bezig - even geduld a.u.b." #. Progress text on splash screen msgctxt "#24151" msgid "Add-on migration in progress - please wait" -msgstr "Bezig met add-on migratie - even geduld a.u.b." +msgstr "Add-on migratie bezig - even geduld a.u.b." #. Inform about not supported addon if tried to enable msgctxt "#24152" @@ -13162,7 +13183,7 @@ msgstr "Gebruik virtueel toetsenbord van Kodi" msgctxt "#24163" msgid "The higher the value, the more sensitive the pan gesture" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hoe hoger de waarde, hoe gevoeliger het pangebaar" # empty string with id 24163 #. Header text for yes/no dialog about enable of broken add-on @@ -13243,7 +13264,7 @@ msgstr "Minimum: {0:s} / Niet beschikbaar{3:s}" #. Used as error message in add-on browser when add-on repository data could not be downloaded msgctxt "#24991" msgid "Could not connect to repository." -msgstr "Kan niet verbinden met opslag" +msgstr "Kan geen verbinding maken met archief." msgctxt "#24992" msgid "System" @@ -13470,7 +13491,7 @@ msgstr "Loterij" #. Stock information, in list selector (if present) msgctxt "#29920" msgid "Stock" -msgstr "Standaard" +msgstr "Aandelen" #. Other informations, in list selector (if present) msgctxt "#29921" @@ -13780,7 +13801,7 @@ msgstr "Dirigenten" #. Node title for music artist role, plural of #38040 msgctxt "#29991" msgid "DJ Mixers" -msgstr "DJ Mixers" +msgstr "DJ-Mixers" #. Node title for music artist role, plural of #38035 msgctxt "#29992" @@ -13800,7 +13821,7 @@ msgstr "Rollen" #. Label for multi-disc movies, including movie title (param 0) and disc number (param 1). msgctxt "#29995" msgid "{0:s} (Disc {1:s})" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:s} (Disc {1:s})" msgctxt "#33001" msgid "Trailer quality" @@ -13888,7 +13909,7 @@ msgstr "Neerslag" msgctxt "#33022" msgid "Precip" -msgstr "Neersl." +msgstr "Neerslag" msgctxt "#33023" msgid "Humid" @@ -14005,7 +14026,7 @@ msgstr "Configureer de" msgctxt "#33060" msgid "Power" -msgstr "Power" +msgstr "Vermogen" msgctxt "#33061" msgid "Menu" @@ -14097,7 +14118,7 @@ msgstr "Eventserver" msgctxt "#33103" msgid "Remote communication server" -msgstr "Remote communication server" +msgstr "Externe communicatieserver" msgctxt "#33104" msgid "You have previously enabled the web interface without setting up a password. The web server has been disabled until you either explicitly allow this or set up authentication. Please review your settings." @@ -14335,7 +14356,7 @@ msgstr "Controleer je audioinstellingen" msgctxt "#34404" msgid "Use gestures for navigation:" -msgstr "Gebruik gebaren voor navigatie" +msgstr "Gebruik gebaren voor navigatie:" msgctxt "#34405" msgid "One finger swipe left,right,up,down for cursors" @@ -14421,12 +14442,12 @@ msgstr "Knop {0:d}" #. Name of a controller axis, e.g. Axis 2. {0:d} - axis index msgctxt "#35016" msgid "Axis {0:d}" -msgstr "Axis {0:d}" +msgstr "As {0:d}" #. Error dialog title when the controller dialog is opened but peripheral add-ons are disabled msgctxt "#35017" msgid "Unable to configure controllers" -msgstr "Controllers kunnen niet geconfigureerd worden." +msgstr "Kan controllers niet configureren" #. Error dialog text when the controller dialog is opened but peripheral add-ons are disabled msgctxt "#35018" @@ -14461,7 +14482,7 @@ msgstr "Driverinstellingen" #. Description of setting with label #35047 "Driver settings" msgctxt "#35048" msgid "View and configure peripheral add-ons." -msgstr "Bekijk en configureer add-ons voor additionele hardware" +msgstr "Randapparatuur bekijken en configureren." #. Name of game add-ons category msgctxt "#35049" @@ -14679,7 +14700,7 @@ msgstr "Hardware knoppen" #. Heading for buttons on a numeric keypad (containing 0-9, star and pound). Used in the controller mapping dialog. msgctxt "#35109" msgid "Keypad" -msgstr "Keypad" +msgstr "Toetsenblok" #. Label for the button that opens the port setup dialog msgctxt "#35110" @@ -14818,12 +14839,12 @@ msgstr "Muis" #. Name of window for configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#35172" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spelers" #. Notification shown when no controllers are connected in the in-game dialog that lets users configure player assignment msgctxt "#35173" msgid "No controllers connected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen controllers aangesloten" #. This string is an early meme from the late 1990's that made fun of the poor translation in the 16-bit game Zero Wing from the late 1980's. DO NOT TRANSLATE! msgctxt "#35200" @@ -14838,11 +14859,11 @@ msgstr "Gameplay" # empty string with id 35202 msgctxt "#35203" msgid "Enable rewind (if supported)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Terugspoelen inschakelen (indien ondersteund)" msgctxt "#35204" msgid "Enable real-time rewinding during game play, if supported. Press rewind or manually seek backwards using the seek bar." -msgstr "Activeer Real-time terugspelen tijdens het spel, als het ondersteund wordt. Kies terugspoelen of handmatig achteruit zoeken met behulp van de zoekbalk" +msgstr "Schakel echtetijds-terugspoelen in tijdens het spelen, indien ondersteund. Druk op terugspoelen of zoek handmatig terug met de zoekbalk." msgctxt "#35205" msgid "Maximum rewind time" @@ -15005,7 +15026,7 @@ msgstr "In deze release kunnen controllers alleen gebruikt worden om spelletjes #. Button to open the savestate manager from the game OSD msgctxt "#35249" msgid "Save / Load" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opslaan / Laden" msgctxt "#35250" msgid "Add games..." @@ -15021,7 +15042,7 @@ msgstr "Game bron bewerken" msgctxt "#35253" msgid "Enable autosave (if supported)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Automatisch opslaan inschakelen (indien ondersteund)" msgctxt "#35254" msgid "Save the game automatically during game play, if supported. Resume playing where you left off." @@ -15030,7 +15051,7 @@ msgstr "Sla het spel automatisch op tijdens het spelen indien ondersteund. Ga ve #. Label for showing which emulator the game was saved with msgctxt "#35255" msgid "Saved with:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opgeslagen met:" #. Error message when a game client fails to install when a game is being launched msgctxt "#35256" @@ -15136,7 +15157,7 @@ msgstr "Maakt verbinding met de backend." msgctxt "#36000" msgid "Pulse-Eight CEC adapter" -msgstr "Pulse-Eight CEC adapter" +msgstr "Pulse-Eight CEC-adapter" msgctxt "#36001" msgid "Pulse-Eight Nyxboard" @@ -15160,7 +15181,7 @@ msgstr "Activeer commando's bij het wisselen van kant" msgctxt "#36006" msgid "Couldn't open the adapter" -msgstr "Kan adapter niet openen." +msgstr "Kon de adapter niet openen" msgctxt "#36007" msgid "Devices to power on during startup" @@ -15189,7 +15210,7 @@ msgstr "De CEC-adapter kon niet geïnitialiseerd worden. Controleer je instellin #. CEC adapter setting to set the type of device that libCEC reports to the TV (Recording, Playback or Tuner Device) msgctxt "#36013" msgid "CEC client device mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CEC-clientapparaatmodus" msgctxt "#36015" msgid "HDMI port number" @@ -15256,7 +15277,7 @@ msgstr "Verbinding verbroken" msgctxt "#36031" msgid "This user does not have permissions to open the CEC adapter" -msgstr "Deze gebruiker heeft geen toestemming om de CEC-adapter te openen." +msgstr "Deze gebruiker heeft geen toestemming om de CEC-adapter te openen" msgctxt "#36032" msgid "The port is busy. Only one program can access the CEC adapter" @@ -15321,7 +15342,7 @@ msgstr "Pauzeer afspelen" msgctxt "#36046" msgid "Force AVR to wake up when Kodi is activated" -msgstr "Forceer AVR te ontwaken wanneer Kodi wordt geactiveerd." +msgstr "AVR dwingen wakker te worden als Kodi wordt geactiveerd" msgctxt "#36047" msgid "Remote button press delay before repeating (ms)" @@ -15342,29 +15363,29 @@ msgstr "Bij starten" #. Item list value of setting with label #36013 "CEC client device mode" msgctxt "#36051" msgid "Recording Device" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opnameapparaat" #. Item list value of setting with label #36013 "CEC client device mode" msgctxt "#36052" msgid "Playback Device" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Afspeelapparaat" #. Item list value of setting with label #36013 "CEC client device mode" msgctxt "#36053" msgid "Tuner Device" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tunerapparaat" # empty strings from id 36054 to 36095 #. Label of setting "System / Display / Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" msgctxt "#36096" msgid "Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gebruik systeem HDR/SDR helderheidsbalans" # empty strings from id 36054 to 36096 #. Label of setting "System / Display / GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode" msgctxt "#36097" msgid "GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GUI piekluminantie in HDR PQ-modus" # empty strings from id 36051 to 36097 #. Label of setting "System / Display / Use 10 bit for SDR" @@ -15374,7 +15395,7 @@ msgstr "Gebruik 10 bit voor SDR" msgctxt "#36099" msgid "Dithering" -msgstr "Dithering" +msgstr "Verzachting" msgctxt "#36100" msgid "Dither depth" @@ -15605,7 +15626,7 @@ msgstr "Zoek naar nieuwe mediabestanden tijdens het opstarten." #. Description of setting with label #22001 "Hide progress of library updates" msgctxt "#36147" msgid "Hide the library scanning progress bar during scans." -msgstr "Verberg de voortgang tijdens het scannen van de bibliotheek" +msgstr "De voortgangsbalk voor het scannen van de bibliotheek verbergen tijdens het scannen." #. Description of setting with label #334 "Clean library..." msgctxt "#36148" @@ -15755,7 +15776,7 @@ msgstr "Deze categorie bevat de instellingen voor de manier waarop bestandslijst #. Description of setting with label #22079 "Default select action" msgctxt "#36177" msgid "Toggle between [Choose], [Play] (default), [Resume], [Show information] and [Queue item].[CR][Choose] will open a context menu to select an item, e.g. show information.[CR][Play] will automatically play videos from the beginning or if a resume point is present ask whether to play from beginning or to resume.[CR][Resume] Will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR][Show information] will open the video's information dialog.[CR][Queue item] will append the video to the video playlist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Schakelen tussen [Kiezen], [Afspelen] (standaard), [Hervatten], [Informatie tonen] en [Wachtrij-item].[CR][Kiezen] opent een contextmenu om een item te selecteren, bijv. informatie tonen.[CR][Afspelen] speelt video's automatisch af vanaf het begin of als er een hervattingspunt aanwezig is, vraagt u of u vanaf het begin wilt afspelen of hervatten. [CR][Hervatten] zal video's automatisch hervatten vanaf de laatste positie waar u ze aan het bekijken was. [CR][Informatie tonen] zal de informatiedialoog van de video openen. [CR][Wachtrij-item] zal de video toevoegen aan de video-afspeellijst." #. Description of setting with label #20433 "Extract thumbnails and video information" msgctxt "#36178" @@ -15829,7 +15850,7 @@ msgstr "Instellen van een andere folder voor ondertiteling. Dit mag een netwerkl #. Description of setting with label #21460 "Subtitle location on screen" msgctxt "#36192" msgid "Location of subtitles on the screen. [Bottom of video] / [Top of video] When possible the subtitles will be positioned within the video area (depends on video encoding). Please note that some forced positions in the subtitles cannot be changed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Locatie van ondertitels op het scherm. [Onderkant van video] / [Bovenkant van video] Indien mogelijk worden de ondertitels binnen het videogebied geplaatst (afhankelijk van de videocodering). Houd er rekening mee dat sommige geforceerde posities in de ondertitels niet kunnen worden gewijzigd." #. Description of settings category with label #14087 "DVDs" msgctxt "#36193" @@ -15844,7 +15865,7 @@ msgstr "Opstarten DVD wanneer in de drive geplaatst." #. Description of setting with label #21372 "Forced DVD player region" msgctxt "#36195" msgid "Force a region for DVD playback." -msgstr "Forceer een regio voor afspelen DVD" +msgstr "Een regio forceren voor DVD-weergave." #. Description of setting label #21882 "Attempt to skip introduction before DVD menu" msgctxt "#36196" @@ -15869,7 +15890,7 @@ msgstr "Selecteer de standaard filminformatiebron. Zie de add-ons beheer voor op msgctxt "#36201" msgid "Settings for PVR & Live TV." -msgstr "Instellingen voor PVR & Live TV" +msgstr "Instellingen voor PVR & Live TV." msgctxt "#36202" msgid "This category contains the general settings for the PVR & Live TV." @@ -15882,7 +15903,7 @@ msgstr "Activeert de \"Persoonlijke Video Recorder\" (PVR) functie. Dit vereist #. Description of setting with label #22076 "Default play action" msgctxt "#36204" msgid "Toggle between [Ask if resumable] (default) and [Resume].[CR][Ask if resumable] will ask whether to play from beginning or to resume (if a resume point is present).[CR][Resume] will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR]If no resume point is set, playback will automatically start from the beginning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Schakelen tussen [Vragen of hervat kan worden] (standaard) en [Hervatten].[CR][Vragen of hervat kan worden] zal vragen of u vanaf het begin wilt afspelen of wilt hervatten (als er een hervattingspunt aanwezig is).[CR][Hervatten] zal video's automatisch hervatten vanaf de laatste positie waarop u ze aan het bekijken was.[CR]Als er geen hervattingspunt is ingesteld, zal het afspelen automatisch vanaf het begin beginnen." msgctxt "#36205" msgid "Sort the channels by channel number from the backend, but use local numbering for channels." @@ -15910,7 +15931,7 @@ msgstr "Open het klantprioriteitenvenster waarmee u de prioriteit voor ingeschak msgctxt "#36211" msgid "This category contains the settings for PVR channels and channel groups." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deze categorie bevat de instellingen voor PVR-kanalen en kanaalgroepen." msgctxt "#36212" msgid "Display programming information when changing channels, such as the current TV show." @@ -15918,7 +15939,7 @@ msgstr "Toon de programmeringsinformatie wanneer kanalen worden veranderd, zoals msgctxt "#36213" msgid "Open the group manager, which allows modification of groups and their respective channels" -msgstr "Open de groepsbeheerder, die toestaat wijzigingen van groepen en hun respectievelijke kanalen door te voeren." +msgstr "Open de groepsbeheerder, die het toelaat om groepen en hun respectievelijke kanalen te wijzigen" msgctxt "#36214" msgid "Preselect the playing channel in windows and dialogs containing channel lists. If enabled and there is a playing channel, the playing channel will be selected when opening a window or dialog containing a channel list. If disabled, the channel previously selected in a window or dialog will be selected when opening a window containing a channel list. " @@ -15990,7 +16011,7 @@ msgstr "Toont signaalkwaliteitsinformatie in het codecinformatiescherm (indien o #. Description of setting with label #746 "Background Opacity" msgctxt "#36230" msgid "Set the the subtitle background opacity." -msgstr "Stel de achtergrondondoorzichtbaarheid van ondertiteling in" +msgstr "Stel de ondoorzichtigheid van de ondertitelachtergrond in." msgctxt "#36231" msgid "When flipping through channels using channel up/down buttons, channel switches must be confirmed using the OK button." @@ -16112,7 +16133,7 @@ msgstr "Selecteer de standaard artiesteninformatieprovider." #. Description of setting with label #22000 "Update library on startup" msgctxt "#36259" msgid "Check for new and removed media files on startup." -msgstr "Controleer op nieuwe en verwijderde mediabestanden tijdens het opstarten" +msgstr "Controleer bij het opstarten op nieuwe en verwijderde mediabestanden." msgctxt "#36260" msgid "No info available yet." @@ -16307,7 +16328,7 @@ msgstr "Indien ingeschakeld, zal een opname voor het te herinneren programma wor #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16504,7 +16525,7 @@ msgstr "Sta programma's op dit apparaat toe om deze applicatie te besturen via h #. Description of setting with label #795 "Initial repeat delay (ms)" msgctxt "#36339" msgid "Initial repeat delay (ms)." -msgstr "Initiële herhalingsvertraging (ms)" +msgstr "Initiële herhalingsvertraging (ms)." #. Description of setting with label #796 "Continuous repeat delay (ms)" msgctxt "#36340" @@ -16589,7 +16610,7 @@ msgstr "In een meervoudige schermconfiguratie worden de schermen die deze applic #. Description of settings category with label #1201 "NFS Client" msgctxt "#36356" msgid "This category contains the settings for how the NFS client is handled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deze categorie bevat de instellingen voor hoe de NFS client wordt afgehandeld." #. Description of setting with label #214 "Video calibration..." msgctxt "#36357" @@ -16641,7 +16662,7 @@ msgstr "Kies deze optie als uw ontvanger DTS digitaal geluid kan decoderen." msgctxt "#36367" msgid "Select the maximum number of audio channels / speakers available for decoded audio. If optical / coax digital outputs are used, this must be set to 2.0" -msgstr "Selecteer het maximum aantal geluidskanalen / speakers beschikbaar voor gedecodeerde audio. Als optische / coax-digitale uitgangen worden gebruikt moet dit worden ingesteld op 2.0." +msgstr "Selecteer het maximum aantal audiokanalen / luidsprekers die beschikbaar zijn voor gedecodeerde audio. Als optische / coax digitale uitgangen worden gebruikt, moet dit worden ingesteld op 2.0" #. Description of setting with label #348 "Enable passthrough" msgctxt "#36368" @@ -16811,7 +16832,7 @@ msgstr "Activeer buffer voor het afspelen van video, audio of dvd's, van harde s #. Description of settings category with label #14026 "Video cache - DVD-ROM" msgctxt "#36401" msgid "Enable cache for playback of video from DVD-ROM." -msgstr "Activeer buffer voor het afspelen van video van DVD-ROM" +msgstr "Cache inschakelen voor afspelen van video vanaf DVD-ROM." #. Description of settings category with label #14027 "Video cache - Local Network" msgctxt "#36402" @@ -16826,7 +16847,7 @@ msgstr "Activeer buffer voor het afspelen van video vanaf het internet." #. Description of settings category with label #14030 "Audio cache - DVD-ROM" msgctxt "#36404" msgid "Enable cache for playback of audio from DVD-ROM." -msgstr "Activeer buffer voor het afspelen van audio van DVD-ROM" +msgstr "Cache inschakelen voor het afspelen van audio van DVD-ROM." #. Description of settings category with label #14031 "Audio cache - Local Network" msgctxt "#36405" @@ -16841,7 +16862,7 @@ msgstr "Activeer buffer voor het afspelen van audio vanaf het internet." #. Description of setting with label #14034 "DVD cache - DVD-ROM" msgctxt "#36407" msgid "Enable cache for playback of DVD from DVD-ROM." -msgstr "Activeer buffer voor het afspelen van DVD vanaf DVD-ROM" +msgstr "Cache inschakelen voor afspelen van DVD vanaf DVD-ROM." #. Description of setting with label #14037 "DVD cache - Local Network" msgctxt "#36408" @@ -16969,7 +16990,7 @@ msgstr "Indien ingeschakeld, schakelt naar het kanaal met het te herinneren prog msgctxt "#36435" msgid "Sort channel groups by the order supplied by the backend(s). If enabled, groups cannot be reordered in the Group manager" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sorteer kanaalgroepen in de volgorde die door de backend(s) wordt geleverd. Als deze optie is ingeschakeld, kunnen de groepen niet opnieuw worden gesorteerd in de groepenmanager" # empty string with id 36435 #. Description for setting #407: "Hardware keyboard layouts" @@ -16989,6 +17010,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Elke opslag" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -17117,7 +17143,7 @@ msgstr "Selecteer afspeelmodus" #. label of a dialog box prompting the user to selected the desired playback mode of the detected stereoscopic video msgctxt "#36528" msgid "Select stereoscopic 3D mode" -msgstr "Kies stereoscopische 3D modus." +msgstr "Kies de stereoscopische 3D modus" #. option label of a setting/dialog asking for the desired stereoscopic playback mode msgctxt "#36531" @@ -17191,7 +17217,7 @@ msgstr "Stelt de visuele diepte van ondertiteling in voor stereoscopische 3D vid #. Description of setting with label #36097 "System / Display / GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode" msgctxt "#36547" msgid "Sets the peak luminance level for GUI elements while the display is in HDR PQ mode. This affects all OSD, subtitles and graphics that are SDR in origin." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stelt het piekluminantieniveau in voor GUI-elementen terwijl het scherm in HDR PQ-modus staat. Dit beïnvloedt alle OSD, ondertitels en afbeeldingen die SDR van oorsprong zijn." #. Description of setting with label #37021 "Set GUI resolution limit" msgctxt "#36548" @@ -17277,7 +17303,7 @@ msgstr "Selecteer het 3DLUT-bestand om als standaard te worden gebruikt. Als je msgctxt "#36566" msgid "ICC display profile" -msgstr "ICC display profile" +msgstr "ICC-weergaveprofiel" #. Description of setting "System -> Video output -> ICC display profile" with label #36566 msgctxt "#36567" @@ -17286,12 +17312,12 @@ msgstr "Door het verstrekken van een beeldschermprofiel kunt u videoparameters z msgctxt "#36568" msgid "Whitepoint" -msgstr "Whitepoint" +msgstr "Witpunt" #. Description of setting "System -> Video output -> Whitepoint" with label #36568 msgctxt "#36569" msgid "Changing video whitepoint to D93 is mainly useful for older Japanese NTSC material which looks too red when played back on a D65 display. Adjust video brightness setting down to avoid clipping to display native whitepoint." -msgstr "Veranderen van het videowitpunt naar D93 is voornamelijk handig bij ouder Japanse NTSC-materiaal die te rood lijkt wanneer deze wordt afgespeeld op een D65-scherm. Pas de de videohelderheid naar beneden aan om clipping te voorkomen van het standaardwitpunt." +msgstr "Het wijzigen van het witpunt van video naar D93 is vooral nuttig voor ouder Japans NTSC-materiaal dat er te rood uitziet als het wordt afgespeeld op een D65-scherm. Pas de instelling voor videohelderheid naar beneden aan om clippen naar het oorspronkelijke witpunt te voorkomen." msgctxt "#36570" msgid "Primaries" @@ -17347,7 +17373,7 @@ msgstr "3D LUT bestand" #. Dialog title for ICC display profile file picker msgctxt "#36581" msgid "ICC Profile" -msgstr "ICC Profile" +msgstr "ICC-profiel" #. gamma type labels msgctxt "#36582" @@ -17449,7 +17475,7 @@ msgstr "Deze categorie bevat de instellingen voor beeldschermen." msgctxt "#36605" msgid "Updates" -msgstr "Updates" +msgstr "Bijwerkingen" #. Option for setting "System -> Add-ons -> Updates" msgctxt "#36606" @@ -17634,7 +17660,7 @@ msgstr "Geen verweesde add-ons om te verwijderen." #. Description of setting with label #729 "Enable SSL" msgctxt "#36899" msgid "Enables SSL encryption in the webserver. Certificate special://userdata/server.pem and Key special://userdata/server.key must be created manually" -msgstr "Inschakelen van SSL-encryptie in de webserver. Certificaat special://userdata/server.pem and sleutel special://userdata/server.key dienen handmatig aangemaakt te worden." +msgstr "SSL-encryptie inschakelen in de webserver. Certificaat special://userdata/server.pem en sleutel special://userdata/server.key moeten handmatig worden aangemaakt" msgctxt "#36900" msgid "movie" @@ -17678,11 +17704,11 @@ msgstr "muziekvideo's" msgctxt "#36910" msgid "set" -msgstr "set" +msgstr "instelling" msgctxt "#36911" msgid "sets" -msgstr "sets" +msgstr "instellen" msgctxt "#36912" msgid "video" @@ -17887,134 +17913,134 @@ msgstr "Uitgebreide protocollering voor de [B]WS-Discovery[/B] component" #. Setting #37051 NFS Protocol Version" msgctxt "#37051" msgid "NFS Protocol Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS-protocolversie" #. Description of setting #37051 NFS Protocol Version" msgctxt "#37052" msgid "NFS protocol version to use when establishing NFS connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS protocol versie om te gebruiken bij het maken van NFS verbindingen" #. Settings / Services "Chunk Size" group label msgctxt "#37053" msgid "Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brokgrootte" #. Setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37054" msgid "NFS Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NFS Brokgrootte" #. Description of setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37055" msgid "Data chunk size used on NFS connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grootte van gegevensbrok gebruikt op NFS-verbindingen" #. Setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37056" msgid "SMB Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SMB brokgrootte" #. Description of setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37057" msgid "Data chunk size used on SMB connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grootte van gegevensbrok gebruikt op SMB-verbindingen" # empty strings from id 37058 to 37100 #. Settings / Services "Caching" category label msgctxt "#37101" msgid "Caching" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cachen" #. Description of category #37101 "Caching" msgctxt "#37102" msgid "This category contains settings that configure caching of local and network files, and internet streams." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deze categorie bevat instellingen voor het cachen van lokale en netwerkbestanden en internetstromen." #. Setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37103" msgid "Buffer Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffermodus" #. Description of setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37104" msgid "Configure the media content to buffer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configureer de te bufferen media-inhoud." #. Setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37105" msgid "Memory Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geheugengrootte" #. Description of setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37106" msgid "The size of the memory buffer in Mbytes. Setting zero (0) forces buffering to disk, which is not recommend on flash storage devices (eMMC, SD cards, SSD)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De grootte van de geheugenbuffer in Mbytes. Door nul (0) in te stellen wordt het bufferen naar schijf geforceerd, wat niet aan te raden is op flash-opslagapparaten (eMMC, SD-kaarten, SSD)." #. Setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37107" msgid "Read Factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leesfactor" #. Description of setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37108" msgid "The read factor determines cache fill rate in terms of avg. bitrate of stream x Read Factor. Increasing this multiple, cache fills faster but more bandwidth is consumed. Large multiples may cause CPU spikes on some devices, saturate the connection and worsen performance." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De leesfactor bepaalt de vulsnelheid van de cache in termen van gemiddelde bitrate van stream x leesfactor. Als je dit veelvoud verhoogt, wordt de cache sneller gevuld, maar wordt er meer bandbreedte verbruikt. Grote veelvouden kunnen CPU-pieken veroorzaken op sommige apparaten, de verbinding verzadigen en de prestaties verslechteren." #. Description of setting "Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37109" msgid "The data chunk size to use when a filesystem or protocol does not force the value, e.g. NFS will override this with its own value." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De grootte van de gegevensbrok die moet worden gebruikt als een bestandssysteem of protocol de waarde niet afdwingt, bijvoorbeeld NFS zal dit overschrijven met zijn eigen waarde." #. Value of setting - NONE msgctxt "#37110" msgid "No buffer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Geen buffer" #. Value of setting - TRUE INTERNET msgctxt "#37111" msgid "Only buffer true internet streams: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alleen echte internetstromen bufferen: HTTP, HTTPS, ezv." #. Value of setting - INTERNET msgctxt "#37112" msgid "Buffer all internet filesystems, including: FTP, WebDAV, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer alle internetbestandssystemen, inclusief: FTP, WebDAV, ezv." #. Value of setting - NETWORK msgctxt "#37113" msgid "Buffer all network filesystems, including: SMB, NFS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer alle netwerkbestandssystemen, inclusief: SMB, NFS, ezv." #. Value of setting - ALL msgctxt "#37114" msgid "Buffer all filesystems, including local files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer alle bestandssystemen, inclusief lokale bestanden" #. Value of setting msgctxt "#37115" msgid "Caches entire file on disk storage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Plaatst het hele bestand op schijf" # empty strings from id 37116 to 37119 #. Value of setting - Byte msgctxt "#37120" msgid "{0:d} Byte" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} Byte" #. Value of setting - KByte msgctxt "#37121" msgid "{0:d} KB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} KB" #. Value of setting - MByte msgctxt "#37122" msgid "{0:d} MB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} MB" #. Value of setting - GByte msgctxt "#37123" msgid "{0:d} GB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} GB" #. Setting #38011 "Show All Items entry" msgctxt "#38011" @@ -18081,7 +18107,7 @@ msgstr "Uiterlijkheden" #. Label for an option to select the video stream to play if current video has more than one video stream msgctxt "#38031" msgid "Video stream" -msgstr "Video stream" +msgstr "Videostroom" #. Label for an option to select the angle to play if current disc has more than one angle msgctxt "#38032" @@ -18125,7 +18151,7 @@ msgstr "Producent" #. DJMixer of the song (if present) msgctxt "#38040" msgid "DJMixer" -msgstr "DJMixer" +msgstr "DJ-Mixer" #. Mixer of the song (if present) msgctxt "#38041" @@ -18165,7 +18191,7 @@ msgstr "Muziekbibliotheek moet tags opnieuw scannen van bestanden. Wilt u nu sca #. Extra scraping question on upgrade from previous version msgctxt "#38061" msgid "Fetch additional information for albums and artists? This could take some time so you may prefer to do this later" -msgstr "Additionele informatie voor albums en artiesten ophalen? Dit kan even duren dus misschien kunt u dit beter later doen." +msgstr "Aanvullende informatie ophalen voor albums en artiesten? Dit kan even duren, dus misschien doet u dit liever later" #. Full tag scanning question on library update (by default tags are only scanned when the file has changed since last time) msgctxt "#38062" @@ -18259,17 +18285,17 @@ msgstr "BPM" #. Music property - Album release status msgctxt "#38081" msgid "Release status" -msgstr "Releasestatus:" +msgstr "Vrijgavestatus" #. Displayed in a toast notification when music items are added to a playlist msgctxt "#38082" msgid "Added to end of playlist" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Toegevoegd aan het einde van de afspeellijst" #. Displayed in a toast notification when music items are added to a playlist to play next msgctxt "#38083" msgid "Added to playlist to play next" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Toegevoegd aan afspeellijst om als volgende af te spelen" #. Description of section #14200 "Player"" msgctxt "#38100" @@ -18279,7 +18305,7 @@ msgstr "Sectie die de instellingen voor het afspelen van media bevat" #. Description of section #14201 "Media" msgctxt "#38101" msgid "Section that contains the settings for sources and how media information is collected, stored, shown and navigated" -msgstr "Sectie die de instellingen bevat voor bronnen en hoe media-informatie wordt verzameld, opgeslagen, getoond en genavigeerd." +msgstr "Sectie met de instellingen voor bronnen en hoe media-informatie wordt verzameld, opgeslagen, getoond en genavigeerd" #. Description of section #14203 "Customise" msgctxt "#38102" @@ -18692,7 +18718,7 @@ msgstr "Toon als tekst" #. audio/video/subtitle flag - FLAG_DEFAULT msgctxt "#39105" msgid "default" -msgstr "Standaard" +msgstr "standaard" #. audio/video/subtitle flag - FLAG_FORCED msgctxt "#39106" @@ -18784,7 +18810,7 @@ msgstr "Artwork" #. Label for component level debug logging setting msgctxt "#39124" msgid "Verbose logging for the [B]Add-ons[/B] component" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uitgebreide logboekregistratie voor de [B]Add-ons[/B] component" msgctxt "#39125" msgid "Enable tag reading in file view" @@ -18810,7 +18836,7 @@ msgstr "Gebruik de eerste van elk type kunst van het externe kunstwerk in schrap msgctxt "#39131" msgid "Artist art types whitelist" -msgstr "Artist art types whitelist" +msgstr "Witte lijst van kunstenaarskunsttypen" #. Description of setting with label #39131 "Artist art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39132" @@ -18819,7 +18845,7 @@ msgstr "Beperk het artiestkunstwerk dat lokaal is opgehaald of is toegepast vanu msgctxt "#39133" msgid "Album art types whitelist" -msgstr "Album art types whitelist" +msgstr "Witte lijst van albumhoeskunsttypen" #. Description of setting with label #39133 "Album art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39134" @@ -18870,7 +18896,7 @@ msgstr "Beperk de film- en filmset-illustraties die lokaal worden opgehaald of v msgctxt "#39145" msgid "TV show art types whitelist" -msgstr "TV show art types whitelist" +msgstr "Witte lijst voor tv-programmakunsttypen" #. Description of setting with label #39152 "TV show art types whitelist" msgctxt "#39146" @@ -18907,7 +18933,7 @@ msgstr "Integer scaling (IS) is een Nearest-Neighbor (NN) opschalingstechniek me msgctxt "#39153" msgid "Windowing system:" -msgstr "Windowing system:" +msgstr "Venstersysteem:" #. Override subtitles styles setting list msgctxt "#39154" @@ -19092,43 +19118,64 @@ msgstr "Enkel beschikbaar met handmatige ondertitelingspositie" #. Help text for setting "Use system HDR/SDR brightness balance" of label #36096 msgctxt "#39190" msgid "[ON] The brightness of the GUI in HDR mode follows the system's setting. This affects all OSD, subtitles and graphics that are SDR in origin.[CR][OFF] Set the max brightness manually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "[AAN] De helderheid van de GUI in HDR-modus volgt de instelling van het systeem. Dit is van invloed op alle OSD, ondertitels en afbeeldingen die SDR van oorsprong zijn.[CR][UIT] Stel de maximale helderheid handmatig in." #. System / Display "HDR" settings group label msgctxt "#39191" msgid "HDR" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HDR" msgctxt "#39192" msgid "Disable screensaver when playing audio" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Schermbeveiliging uitschakelen wanneer audio wordt afgespeeld" #. Description of setting with label #39192 "Disable screensaver when playing audio" msgctxt "#39193" msgid "If music is being played, the screensaver will never be activated" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Als er muziek wordt afgespeeld, wordt de schermbeveiliging nooit geactiveerd" #. Help text of setting "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" with label #13417 msgctxt "#39194" msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when the video source is 1920x1080 or less and the source resolution is lower than the display resolution.[CR]Only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx and above, Intel Arc A770, A750." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maakt geavanceerde DXVA upscaler mogelijk met NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" of \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Wordt gebruikt wanneer de videobron 1920x1080 of minder is en de bronresolutie lager is dan de beeldschermresolutie.[CR]Alleen beschikbaar op bepaalde hardware: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx en hoger, Intel Arc A770, A750." #. Description of setting with label #13418 "Use high precision processing" msgctxt "#39195" msgid "Enable this option for the best picture quality. Disabling reduces the load on resource-limited systems." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Schakel deze optie in voor de beste beeldkwaliteit. Uitschakelen vermindert de belasting op systemen met beperkte bronnen." #. Title of Dolby Vision RPU conversion setting msgctxt "#39196" msgid "Dolby Vision compatibility mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dolby Vision-compatibiliteitsmodus" #. Help text for setting "Convert Dolby Vision for compatibility" of label #39196 msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." +msgstr "Als deze optie is ingeschakeld, wordt Dolby Vision profiel 7 geconverteerd naar profiel 8.1, dat vaker wordt ondersteund door apparaten. Inschakelen als je apparaat Dolby Vision ondersteunt, maar problemen heeft met sommige video's." + +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" msgstr "" # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versies" @@ -19136,338 +19183,433 @@ msgstr "Versies" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versies beheren" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Toevoegen als versie aan..." -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versie" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" msgid "Operation not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bediening niet ondersteund" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De geselecteerde film heeft meerdere versies, waardoor deze niet geconverteerd kan worden naar een versie van een andere film. Verwijder de versies van de film, scan de bibliotheek opnieuw en converteer ze afzonderlijk." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" msgid "The \"{0:s}\" version already exists!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "De \"{0:s}\" versie bestaat al!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Andere filmversie gevonden" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Een andere versie van de film \"{0:s}\" gevonden: {1:s}. Wil je het omzetten naar een extra versie van het origineel?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" msgid "video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "videoversie" #. "video version" string in plural format msgctxt "#40011" msgid "video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "videoversies" #. "video version" string in singular capital format msgctxt "#40012" msgid "Video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Videoversie" #. "video version" string in plural capital format msgctxt "#40013" msgid "Video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Videoversies" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versie toevoegen" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Extra toevoegen" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De geselecteerde video is al de \"{0:s}\" versie van de film." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "De geselecteerde video is de \"{0:s}\" versie van de film \"{1:s}\". Wil je de versie verplaatsen naar deze film?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Videoversie verwijderen" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De standaardversie van een film kan niet worden verwijderd. Stel een andere standaardversie in en probeer het opnieuw." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je versie \"{0:s}\" wilt verwijderen?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beheer {0:s}" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Als standaard instellen" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De geselecteerde video is al de \"{0:s}\" extra van de film." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" +msgstr "De geselecteerde video is de \"{0:s}\" extra van de film \"{1:s}\". Wil je de extra verplaatsen naar deze film?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Blader bestanden" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Blader bibliotheek" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Selecteer film om als versie toe te voegen" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Geen andere films gevonden in de bibliotheek." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Er zijn geen vergelijkbare films gevonden in de bibliotheek." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." msgstr "" #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecteer standaard videoversie" #. Help for select default video version setting msgctxt "#40201" msgid "Defines how to handle selection of videos with multiple versions.[CR][Enabled] Automatically select the default video version without prompting.[CR][Disabled] Display a dialogue to select a version of the video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Definieert hoe om te gaan met de selectie van video's met meerdere versies.[CR][Ingeschakeld] Automatisch de standaard videoversie selecteren zonder te vragen.[CR][Uitgeschakeld] Een dialoog weergeven om een versie van de video te selecteren." #. Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40202" msgid "Ignore different video versions on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verschillende videoversies negeren bij het scannen" #. Help for Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40203" msgid "Select scanner action for different video versions.[CR][Enabled] Add different video versions to library seperately without confirmation.[CR][Disabled] Prompt for converting different video versions into additional versions of the original." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecteer scanneractie voor verschillende videoversies.[CR][Ingeschakeld] Voeg verschillende videoversies afzonderlijk toe aan bibliotheek zonder bevestiging.[CR][Uitgeschakeld] Vraag om verschillende videoversies te converteren naar extra versies van het origineel." #. Ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40204" msgid "Ignore video extras on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Negeer video-extra's op scan" #. Help for ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40205" msgid "Select scanner action for video extras in \"extras\" folder.[CR][Enabled] Scan video extras like regular videos.[CR][Disabled] Add video extras to library for associated video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecteer scanactie voor video-extra's in map \"Extra's\".[CR][Ingeschakeld] Video-extra's scannen zoals gewone video's.[CR][Uitgeschakeld] Video-extra's toevoegen aan bibliotheek voor bijbehorende video." #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video's met meerdere versies als map weergeven" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Als deze optie is ingeschakeld, wordt een video met meerdere versies weergegeven als een map in de videobibliotheek. Deze map kan dan worden geopend om de individuele videoversies weer te geven. Indien uitgeschakeld, wordt de geconfigureerde select-actie toegepast." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" msgid "Play version using..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versie afspelen met..." #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versies" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Extra's" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volumeniveau synchroniseren met UPnP-spelers op afstand" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "Als deze optie is geselecteerd, wordt het volumeniveau van de speler op afstand gesynchroniseerd met het volume van deze toepassing.[CR]Waarschuwing: Het algemene volumeniveau van het systeem kan anders zijn dan het volumeniveau van de toepassing - ze worden onafhankelijk geregeld.[CR]Dit kan ertoe leiden dat de speler op afstand op 100% volumeniveau wordt ingesteld als de toepassing 100% volumeniveau heeft, maar het algemene volumeniveau van het systeem kleiner is." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" msgid "Standard Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Standaard Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40401" msgid "Extended Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uitgebreide Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40402" msgid "Unrated Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ongewaardeerde Versie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40403" msgid "Uncut Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Onversneden Versie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40404" msgid "Remastered Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Herstelde Versie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40405" msgid "4K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "4K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40406" msgid "Theatrical Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Theatrale Versie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40407" msgid "Director's Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Regisseur's Versie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40408" msgid "Special Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Speciale Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40409" msgid "Limited Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beperkte Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40410" msgid "Complete Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volledige Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40411" msgid "The Final Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "De Definitieve Versie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40412" msgid "Super Duper Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Super Duper Versie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40413" msgid "Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verzamelaars Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40414" msgid "Ultimate Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ultieme Verzamelaars Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40415" msgid "Criterion Collection Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Criterion Collectie Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40416" msgid "Fan Edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan Bewerking" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40417" msgid "Black and White Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zwart-wit Editie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40418" msgid "BluRay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BluRay" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40419" msgid "WEB-DL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WEB-DL" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40420" msgid "3D" -msgstr "" +msgstr "3D" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40421" msgid "8K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "8K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40422" msgid "IMAX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "IMAX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40423" msgid "UHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "UHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40424" msgid "FHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40425" msgid "HD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40426" msgid "SD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" @@ -19477,47 +19619,67 @@ msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" msgid "VHS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VHS" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40429" msgid "VCD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VCD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40430" msgid "REMUX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REMUX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40431" msgid "10th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "10e Jubileumeditie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40432" msgid "20th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "20e Jubileumeditie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40433" msgid "25th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "25e Jubileumeditie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40434" msgid "30th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "30e Jubileumeditie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40435" msgid "40th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "40e Jubileumeditie" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "50e Jubileumeditie" + +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nieuwe versie..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Versie kiezen" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Versies: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Extra's: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Sta toe dat de HDR-modus van het scherm wordt gewijzigd om deze zo goed mogelijk af te stemmen op de media.[CR]Indien uitgeschakeld, past Kodi toonafstemming toe om de media aan te passen aan de huidige HDR-modus van het scherm." #~ msgctxt "#13436" #~ msgid "Use display HDR capabilities" diff --git a/resource.language.os_os/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.os_os/resources/strings.po index 6bdc633b7d..aa3a34445f 100644 --- a/resource.language.os_os/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.os_os/resources/strings.po @@ -9494,11 +9494,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16594,7 +16614,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17277,6 +17297,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19453,7 +19478,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19465,12 +19511,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19543,7 +19594,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19553,11 +19604,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19570,12 +19616,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19588,6 +19634,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19628,9 +19729,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19658,6 +19759,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.pl_pl/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.pl_pl/resources/strings.po index 64bf763384..8604393109 100644 --- a/resource.language.pl_pl/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.pl_pl/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-27 08:46+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-06 21:12+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Marek Adamski \n" "Language-Team: Polish \n" "Language: pl_pl\n" @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Preferencje użytkownika" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Użyj kolejności grup kanałów z serwera(-ów)" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "Nadrabianie zaległości / Wideo na życzenie" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "Odtwórz następny program automatycznie" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "Odtwórz programy odtąd" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "Odtwórz tylko ten program" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16313,8 +16333,8 @@ msgstr "Jeśli jest włączona, nagrywanie programu do przypomnienia będzie zap #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Zezwalaj na zmianę trybu HDR wyświetlacza, aby najlepiej pasował do multimediów.[CR]Gdy ta opcja jest wyłączona, Kodi stosuje mapowanie tonów w razie potrzeby, aby dostosować multimedia do bieżącego trybu HDR wyświetlacza." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Zezwalaj na zmianę trybu HDR wyświetlacza, aby najlepiej pasował do multimediów. Gdy ta opcja jest wyłączona, Kodi stosuje mapowanie tonalne, jeśli jest to konieczne (i jeśli jest obsługiwane przez sprzęt), aby dostosować multimedia do bieżącego trybu HDR wyświetlacza." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16995,6 +17015,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Wszelkie repozytoria" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "Włącz automatyczne odtwarzanie następnego programu podczas odtwarzania poprzednich programów (nadrabianie zaległości) lub w przypadku kanałów wideo na życzenie (VOD). Należy pamiętać, że nadrabianie zaległości i VOD działają tylko wtedy, gdy są obsługiwane przez dostawcę kanału." + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19136,7 +19161,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, profil Dolby Vision 7 zostanie przekonwertowany na profil 8.1, który jest częściej obsługiwany przez urządzenia. Włącz, jeśli to urządzenie obsługuje Dolby Vision, ale występują problemy z niektórymi filmami." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "Dozwolone formaty dynamicznych metadanych HDR" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "Zmienia strumień bitów wideo, aby usunąć dynamiczne metadane HDR. Wybierz formaty HDR obsługiwane przez to urządzenie i wyświetlacz." + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "Dolby Vision" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "HDR10+" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Wersje" @@ -19148,13 +19194,18 @@ msgstr "Zarządzaj wersjami" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "Konwertuj na dodatkową wersję" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Dodaj jako wersję do..." -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Wersja" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "Nowa wersja..." +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "Wybierz typ" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" @@ -19226,7 +19277,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "Usuń wersję wideo" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "Nie można usunąć domyślnej wersji filmu. Ustaw inną wersję domyślną i spróbuj ponownie." @@ -19236,11 +19287,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wersję \"{0:s}\"?" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "Konwertuj na wersję" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19253,13 +19299,13 @@ msgstr "Ustaw jako domyślną" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "Wersje: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Menedżer wersji: {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "Dodatki: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Menedżer dodatków: {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" @@ -19271,6 +19317,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "Wybrany film to dodatek \"{0:s}\" do filmu \"{1:s}\". Czy chcesz przenieść dodatek do tego filmu?" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Przeglądaj pliki" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Przeglądaj bibliotekę" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Wybierz film, który chcesz dodać jako wersję" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "W bibliotece nie znaleziono innych filmów." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "W bibliotece nie znaleziono podobnych filmów." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "Domyślnej wersji filmu zawierającej wiele wersji nie można dodać jako wersji do innego filmu. Najpierw dodaj jego dodatkowe wersje." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "Domyślnej wersji filmu zawierającej wiele wersji nie można dodać jako dodatku do innego filmu. Najpierw przenieś lub usuń inne wersje." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Zamierzasz przekonwertować dodatek filmu na wersję filmu. Czy na pewno?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Zamierzasz przekonwertować wersję filmu na dodatek filmu. Czy na pewno?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "Film, który ma zostać dodany, ma wiele wersji.[CR]Typ wersji domyślnej zostanie wybrany w następnym oknie dialogowym. Pozostałe wersje zachowają swój obecny typ.[CR]Czy chcesz kontynuować?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "Domyślnej wersji filmu zawierającej wiele wersji nie można dodać do innego filmu. Najpierw przenieś lub usuń inne wersje." + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19311,10 +19412,10 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "Gdy aktywne, wideo z wieloma wersjami będzie wyświetlane jako folder w bibliotece wideo. Folder ten można następnie otworzyć, aby wyświetlić poszczególne wersje wideo. Jeśli opcja jest nieaktywna, zostanie zastosowana skonfigurowane działanie wyboru." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "Wybierz wersję" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "Wybierz wersję: {}" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" @@ -19341,6 +19442,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "Jeśli ta opcja zostanie wybrana, poziom głośności zdalnego odtwarzacza zostanie zsynchronizowany z głośnością tej aplikacji.[CR]Ostrzeżenie: globalny poziom głośności systemu może różnić się od poziomu głośności aplikacji – są one kontrolowane niezależnie.[CR]Może to spowodować, że zdalny odtwarzacz zostanie ustawiony na 100% poziomu głośności, jeśli aplikacja ma 100% poziom głośności, ale ogólny poziom głośności systemu jest mniejszy." +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "Wybierz dodatek: {}" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "Wybierz typ wersji" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "Nowy typ..." + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "Nowy typ wersji" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "Wybierz nazwę dodatku" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "Nowa nazwa..." + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "Nowa nazwa dodatku" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "Wybierz wersję" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19527,6 +19668,38 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "Wydanie z okazji 50. rocznicy" +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nowa wersja..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Wybierz wersję" + +#~ msgctxt "#40214" +#~ msgid "Choose extra" +#~ msgstr "Wybierz dodatek" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Wersje: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Dodatki: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Zezwalaj na zmianę trybu HDR wyświetlacza, aby najlepiej pasował do multimediów.[CR]Gdy ta opcja jest wyłączona, Kodi stosuje mapowanie tonów w razie potrzeby, aby dostosować multimedia do bieżącego trybu HDR wyświetlacza." + +#~ msgctxt "#40002" +#~ msgid "Convert into an additional version" +#~ msgstr "Konwertuj na dodatkową wersję" + +#~ msgctxt "#40021" +#~ msgid "Convert to version" +#~ msgstr "Konwertuj na wersję" + #~ msgctxt "#40002" #~ msgid "Convert into an additional version of {0:s}" #~ msgstr "Konwertuj na dodatkową wersję {0:s}" diff --git a/resource.language.pt_br/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.pt_br/resources/strings.po index 395aa819b8..272a54077e 100644 --- a/resource.language.pt_br/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.pt_br/resources/strings.po @@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-25 09:58+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-06 21:56+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icarok99 \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) \n" "Language: pt_br\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@ msgstr "Zoom" msgctxt "#632" msgid "Stretch 4:3" -msgstr "Mudar para 4:3" +msgstr "4:3" msgctxt "#633" msgid "Wide zoom" @@ -2427,7 +2427,7 @@ msgstr "Wide Zoom" msgctxt "#634" msgid "Stretch 16:9" -msgstr "Mudar para 16:9" +msgstr "16:9" msgctxt "#635" msgid "Original size" @@ -2467,7 +2467,7 @@ msgstr "Evitar proteção de clipping em arquivos com replaygained" msgctxt "#644" msgid "Stretch 16:9 - Nonlinear" -msgstr "Mudar para 16:9 - não linear" +msgstr "16:9 - não linear" msgctxt "#645" msgid "Need to unpack a big file. Continue?" @@ -3592,7 +3592,7 @@ msgstr "Dispositivo passthrough personalizado" msgctxt "#1302" msgid "Volume control steps" -msgstr "Controle de volume graduais" +msgstr "Controle de volume gradual" #. Weather token msgctxt "#1374" @@ -4105,7 +4105,7 @@ msgstr "Ajustes - Serviço" #. Item label for add-on configuration removal dialog msgctxt "#10019" msgid "Do you want to remove the add-on configuration \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "Você deseja remover a configuração do addon \"{0:s}\"?" +msgstr "Você deseja remover a configuração do addon \"{0:s}\"?" #. Item label used in add-on setup selection dialog msgctxt "#10020" @@ -4629,12 +4629,12 @@ msgstr "Menu" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" msgid "Video Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Filtro de vídeo" #. Title of the in-game video stretch mode selection dialog msgctxt "#10824" msgid "Stretch Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modo de estiramento" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" @@ -4644,12 +4644,12 @@ msgstr "Volume" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configurações avançadas" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" msgid "Video Rotation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rotação do vídeo" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" @@ -4659,17 +4659,17 @@ msgstr "Configuração de Porta" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecionar salvar estado" #. Title of the out-of-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10830" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecione salvar estado" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reprodutores" msgctxt "#12000" msgid "Select dialog" @@ -4726,11 +4726,11 @@ msgstr "Última atualização" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecionar a versão do vídeo" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecionar vídeo extra" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -5395,7 +5395,7 @@ msgstr "Hardware:" msgctxt "#13271" msgid "System CPU usage:" -msgstr "Uso da CPU no Sistema:" +msgstr "Uso da CPU do Sistema:" msgctxt "#13274" msgid "Connected, but no DNS is available." @@ -5947,7 +5947,7 @@ msgstr "Ativar scalers HQ para escalamentos acima" msgctxt "#13436" msgid "Adjust display HDR mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajustar o modo HDR de exibição" msgctxt "#13437" msgid "Prefer VDPAU video mixer" @@ -7364,11 +7364,11 @@ msgstr "Todos os vídeos" msgctxt "#16101" msgid "Unwatched" -msgstr "Não visto" +msgstr "Não assistido" msgctxt "#16102" msgid "Watched" -msgstr "Visto" +msgstr "Assistido" #. Label for a context menu entry to mark an item as watched msgctxt "#16103" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Preferências do usuário" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Use a ordem do grupo de canais do(s) back-end(s)" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "Catchup / VOD" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "Reproduzir o próximo programa automaticamente" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "Reproduzir programas a partir daqui" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "Reproduzir apenas esse programa" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -12301,7 +12321,7 @@ msgstr "Adiantado em: {0:2.3f}s" msgctxt "#22006" msgid "Subtitle offset" -msgstr "Posição da legenda" +msgstr "Sincronização da legenda" msgctxt "#22007" msgid "OpenGL vendor:" @@ -12387,12 +12407,12 @@ msgstr "Conjunto de Caracteres" #. Label for setting to choose the default action for "play" msgctxt "#22076" msgid "Default play action" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ação de reprodução padrão" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22077" msgid "Ask if resumable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Perguntar se é resumível" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" @@ -13798,7 +13818,7 @@ msgstr "Contribuintes" #. Label for multi-disc movies, including movie title (param 0) and disc number (param 1). msgctxt "#29995" msgid "{0:s} (Disc {1:s})" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:s} (Disco {1:s})" msgctxt "#33001" msgid "Trailer quality" @@ -14816,7 +14836,7 @@ msgstr "Mouse" #. Name of window for configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#35172" msgid "Players" -msgstr "Players" +msgstr "Reprodutores" #. Notification shown when no controllers are connected in the in-game dialog that lets users configure player assignment msgctxt "#35173" @@ -15753,7 +15773,7 @@ msgstr "Esta categoria contém os ajustes de como os arquivos de vídeos são ma #. Description of setting with label #22079 "Default select action" msgctxt "#36177" msgid "Toggle between [Choose], [Play] (default), [Resume], [Show information] and [Queue item].[CR][Choose] will open a context menu to select an item, e.g. show information.[CR][Play] will automatically play videos from the beginning or if a resume point is present ask whether to play from beginning or to resume.[CR][Resume] Will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR][Show information] will open the video's information dialog.[CR][Queue item] will append the video to the video playlist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alterna entre [Escolher], [Reproduzir] (padrão), [Retomar], [Mostrar informações] e [Item em fila de espera].[CR][Escolher] abre um menu de contexto para selecionar um item, por exemplo, mostrar informações.[CR][Reproduzir] reproduz automaticamente os vídeos desde o início ou, se existir um ponto de retoma, pergunta se pretende reproduzir desde o início ou retomar.[CR][Retomar] Retoma automaticamente os vídeos a partir da última posição em que os estava a visualizar.[CR][Mostrar informações] abre a caixa de diálogo de informações do vídeo.[CR][Item em fila de espera] anexa o vídeo à lista de reprodução de vídeos." #. Description of setting with label #20433 "Extract thumbnails and video information" msgctxt "#36178" @@ -15880,7 +15900,7 @@ msgstr "Ativar as funcionalidades do \"Gravador de Vídeo Pessoal\" (PVR). Neces #. Description of setting with label #22076 "Default play action" msgctxt "#36204" msgid "Toggle between [Ask if resumable] (default) and [Resume].[CR][Ask if resumable] will ask whether to play from beginning or to resume (if a resume point is present).[CR][Resume] will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR]If no resume point is set, playback will automatically start from the beginning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alterna entre [Perguntar se é possível retomar] (padrão) e [Retomar].[CR][Perguntar se é possível retomar] perguntará se quer reproduzir desde o início ou retomar (se existir um ponto de retoma).[CR][Retomar] retomará automaticamente os vídeos a partir da última posição em que os estava visualizando.[CR] Se não for definido um ponto de retomada, a reprodução começará automaticamente a partir do início." msgctxt "#36205" msgid "Sort the channels by channel number from the backend, but use local numbering for channels." @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "Se ativada, uma gravação para o programa a ser lembrado será agendada #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "" +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Permiti que o modo HDR da tela seja alterado para melhor corresponder à mídia. Quando desativado, o Kodi aplica o mapeamento de tons, se necessário (e se suportado pelo seu hardware), para adaptar a mídia ao modo HDR atual da tela." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Quaisquer repositórios" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "Ativa a reprodução automática do próximo programa ao reproduzir programas anteriores (catchup) ou para canais Video On Demand (VOD). Observe que o catchup e o VOD só funcionam se suportados pelo provedor do canal." + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -17895,124 +17920,124 @@ msgstr "Versão do protocolo NFS a ser usada ao estabelecer conexões NFS" #. Settings / Services "Chunk Size" group label msgctxt "#37053" msgid "Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tamanho do fragmento" #. Setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37054" msgid "NFS Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tamanho do fragmento NFS" #. Description of setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37055" msgid "Data chunk size used on NFS connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tamanho do fragmento de dados utilizado nas conexões NFS" #. Setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37056" msgid "SMB Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tamanho do fragmento SMB" #. Description of setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37057" msgid "Data chunk size used on SMB connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tamanho do fragmento de dados utilizado nas conexões SMB" # empty strings from id 37058 to 37100 #. Settings / Services "Caching" category label msgctxt "#37101" msgid "Caching" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cache" #. Description of category #37101 "Caching" msgctxt "#37102" msgid "This category contains settings that configure caching of local and network files, and internet streams." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Esta categoria contém definições que configuram o armazenamento em cache de ficheiros locais e de rede, bem como de fluxos de internet." #. Setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37103" msgid "Buffer Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modo de buffer" #. Description of setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37104" msgid "Configure the media content to buffer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configure o conteúdo de multimédia para buffer." #. Setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37105" msgid "Memory Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tamanho da memória" #. Description of setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37106" msgid "The size of the memory buffer in Mbytes. Setting zero (0) forces buffering to disk, which is not recommend on flash storage devices (eMMC, SD cards, SSD)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "O tamanho do buffer da memória em Mbytes. A configuração de zero (0) força o buffer para o disco, o que não é recomendado em dispositivos de armazenamento flash (eMMC, cartões SD, SSD)." #. Setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37107" msgid "Read Factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fator de leitura" #. Description of setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37108" msgid "The read factor determines cache fill rate in terms of avg. bitrate of stream x Read Factor. Increasing this multiple, cache fills faster but more bandwidth is consumed. Large multiples may cause CPU spikes on some devices, saturate the connection and worsen performance." -msgstr "" +msgstr "O fator de leitura determina a taxa de preenchimento do cache em termos de taxa de bits média do fluxo x Fator de leitura. Ao aumentar este múltiplo, a cache é preenchida mais rapidamente, mas é consumida mais largura de banda. Múltiplos grandes podem causar picos de CPU em alguns dispositivos, saturar a conexão e piorar o desempenho." #. Description of setting "Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37109" msgid "The data chunk size to use when a filesystem or protocol does not force the value, e.g. NFS will override this with its own value." -msgstr "" +msgstr "O tamanho do fragmento de dados a utilizar quando um sistema de ficheiros ou protocolo não impõe o valor, por exemplo, o NFS substituirá isso por seu próprio valor." #. Value of setting - NONE msgctxt "#37110" msgid "No buffer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sem buffer" #. Value of setting - TRUE INTERNET msgctxt "#37111" msgid "Only buffer true internet streams: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apenas buffer de verdadeiros fluxos de Internet: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." #. Value of setting - INTERNET msgctxt "#37112" msgid "Buffer all internet filesystems, including: FTP, WebDAV, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer de todos os sistemas de arquivos da Internet, incluindo: FTP, WebDAV, etc." #. Value of setting - NETWORK msgctxt "#37113" msgid "Buffer all network filesystems, including: SMB, NFS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer de todos os sistemas de arquivos de rede, incluindo: SMB, NFS, etc." #. Value of setting - ALL msgctxt "#37114" msgid "Buffer all filesystems, including local files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Buffer de todos os sistemas de arquivos, incluindo arquivos locais" #. Value of setting msgctxt "#37115" msgid "Caches entire file on disk storage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Armazena em cache o arquivo inteiro no disco rígido" # empty strings from id 37116 to 37119 #. Value of setting - Byte msgctxt "#37120" msgid "{0:d} Byte" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} Byte" #. Value of setting - KByte msgctxt "#37121" msgid "{0:d} KB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} KB" #. Value of setting - MByte msgctxt "#37122" msgid "{0:d} MB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} MB" #. Value of setting - GByte msgctxt "#37123" msgid "{0:d} GB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} GB" #. Setting #38011 "Show All Items entry" msgctxt "#38011" @@ -19108,7 +19133,7 @@ msgstr "Se a música estiver sendo reproduzida, o protetor de tela nunca será a #. Help text of setting "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" with label #13417 msgctxt "#39194" msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when the video source is 1920x1080 or less and the source resolution is lower than the display resolution.[CR]Only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx and above, Intel Arc A770, A750." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ativa o upscaler DXVA avançado utilizando a \"Super resolução de vídeo RTX\" da NVIDIA ou a \"Super resolução de vídeo Intel\".[CR]Utilizado quando a fonte de vídeo é de 1920x1080 ou inferior e a resolução da fonte é inferior à resolução da tela.[CR]Apenas disponível em hardware específico: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx e superior, Intel Arc A770, A750." #. Description of setting with label #13418 "Use high precision processing" msgctxt "#39195" @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Se ativado, o perfil Dolby Vision 7 será convertido para o perfil 8.1, que é mais comumente suportado pelos dispositivos. Ative se o seu dispositivo suportar Dolby Vision, mas tiver problemas com alguns vídeos." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "Formatos de metadados dinâmicos HDR permitidos" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "Altera o fluxo de bits do vídeo para remover os metadados dinâmicos de HDR. Selecione os formatos HDR compatíveis com seu dispositivo e tela." + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "Dolby Vision" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "HDR10+" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versões" @@ -19133,338 +19179,433 @@ msgstr "Versões" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gerenciar versões" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Adicionar como versão a..." -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versão" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." -msgstr "" +msgid "Choose type" +msgstr "Escolher o tipo" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" msgid "Operation not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Operação não suportada" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "O filme selecionado tem várias versões, impedindo a sua conversão numa versão de outro filme. Remova as versões do filme, volte a analisar a biblioteca e converta-as individualmente." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" msgid "The \"{0:s}\" version already exists!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A versão \"{0:s}\" já existe!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão diferente do filme encontrada" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Encontrei uma versão diferente do filme \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Você gostaria de convertê-lo em uma versão adicional do original?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" msgid "video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão do vídeo" #. "video version" string in plural format msgctxt "#40011" msgid "video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versões do vídeo" #. "video version" string in singular capital format msgctxt "#40012" msgid "Video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão do vídeo" #. "video version" string in plural capital format msgctxt "#40013" msgid "Video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versões do vídeo" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adicionar versão" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adicionar extra" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "O vídeo selecionado já é a versão \"{0:s}\" do filme." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O vídeo selecionado é a versão \"{0:s}\" do filme \"{1:s}\". Gostaria de mover a versão para este filme?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Remover a versão do vídeo" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A versão padrão de um filme não pode ser removida. Defina uma versão padrão diferente e tente novamente." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tem certeza de que pretende remover a versão \"{0:s}\"?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gerenciar {0:s}" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Definir como padrão" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Gerenciador de versões: {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Gerenciador de extras: {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "O vídeo selecionado já é o extra \"{0:s}\" do filme." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O vídeo selecionado é o extra \"{0:s}\" do filme \"{1:s}\". Gostaria de mover o extra para este filme?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Procurar em arquivos" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Procurar na biblioteca" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Selecione o filme para adicionar como versão" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Nenhum outro filme foi encontrado na biblioteca." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Não foram encontrados filmes semelhantes na biblioteca." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "A versão padrão de um filme com várias versões não pode ser adicionada como uma versão de outro filme. Adicione suas versões adicionais primeiro." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "A versão padrão de um filme com várias versões não pode ser adicionada como um extra a outro filme. Mova ou remova as outras versões primeiro." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Você está prestes a converter um filme extra em uma versão de filme. Tem certeza disso?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Você está prestes a converter uma versão de filme em um filme extra. Tem certeza disso?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "O filme a ser adicionado tem várias versões.[CR]O tipo da versão padrão será selecionado na próxima caixa de diálogo. As outras versões manterão seu tipo atual.[CR]Quer continuar?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "A versão padrão de um filme com várias versões não pode ser adicionada a outro filme. Mova ou remova as outras versões primeiro." #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecione a versão padrão do vídeo" #. Help for select default video version setting msgctxt "#40201" msgid "Defines how to handle selection of videos with multiple versions.[CR][Enabled] Automatically select the default video version without prompting.[CR][Disabled] Display a dialogue to select a version of the video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Define como lidar com a seleção de vídeos com várias versões.[CR][Ativado] Seleciona automaticamente a versão padrão do vídeo sem avisar.[CR][Desativado] Exibe uma caixa de diálogo para selecionar uma versão do vídeo." #. Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40202" msgid "Ignore different video versions on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ignora diferentes versões do vídeo na varredura" #. Help for Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40203" msgid "Select scanner action for different video versions.[CR][Enabled] Add different video versions to library seperately without confirmation.[CR][Disabled] Prompt for converting different video versions into additional versions of the original." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecione a ação de verificação para diferentes versões do vídeo.[CR][Ativado] Adiciona diferentes versões do vídeo à biblioteca separadamente sem confirmação.[CR][Desativado] Solicita a conversão de diferentes versões do vídeo em versões adicionais do original." #. Ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40204" msgid "Ignore video extras on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ignora extras do vídeo na verificação" #. Help for ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40205" msgid "Select scanner action for video extras in \"extras\" folder.[CR][Enabled] Scan video extras like regular videos.[CR][Disabled] Add video extras to library for associated video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Selecione a ação de verificação para extras do vídeo na pasta \"extras\".[CR][Ativado] Digitaliza extras do vídeo como vídeos normais.[CR][Desativado] Adiciona extras do vídeo à biblioteca para o vídeo associado." #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mostrar vídeos com múltiplas versões como pasta" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quando ativado, um vídeo com várias versões será apresentado como uma pasta na biblioteca de vídeos. Essa pasta pode então ser aberta para exibir as versões individuais do vídeo. Quando desativado, a ação de seleção configurada será aplicada." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Choose version: {}" +msgstr "Escolha a versão: {}" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" msgid "Play version using..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reproduzir a versão usando..." #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versões" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Extras" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sincroniza o nível de volume para players UPnP remotos" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Se selecionado, o nível de volume do reprodutor remoto será sincronizado com o volume desta aplicação.[CR]Atenção: O nível de volume global do sistema pode ser diferente do nível de volume da aplicação - são controlados de forma independente.[CR]Isto pode levar a que o reprodutor remoto seja definido para um nível de volume de 100% se a aplicação tiver um nível de volume de 100% mas o nível de volume global do sistema for menor." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "Escolha um extra: {}" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "Escolha o tipo de versão" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "Novo tipo de..." + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "Novo tipo de versão" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "Escolha o nome extra" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "Novo nome..." + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "Novo nome adicional" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "Escolha a versão" # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" msgid "Standard Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição Padrão" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40401" msgid "Extended Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição estendida" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40402" msgid "Unrated Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão sem classificação" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40403" msgid "Uncut Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão sem cortes" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40404" msgid "Remastered Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão Remasterizada" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40405" msgid "4K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "4K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40406" msgid "Theatrical Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Corte teatral" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40407" msgid "Director's Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão do diretor" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40408" msgid "Special Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição especial" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40409" msgid "Limited Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição limitada" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40410" msgid "Complete Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição completa" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40411" msgid "The Final Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão final" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40412" msgid "Super Duper Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versão super duper" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40413" msgid "Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição de Colecionador" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40414" msgid "Ultimate Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição definitiva de colecionador" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40415" msgid "Criterion Collection Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição da coleção criterion" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40416" msgid "Fan Edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição de fã" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40417" msgid "Black and White Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição preto e branco" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40418" msgid "BluRay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Blu-Ray" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40419" msgid "WEB-DL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WEB-DL" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40420" msgid "3D" -msgstr "" +msgstr "3D" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40421" msgid "8K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "8K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40422" msgid "IMAX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "IMAX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40423" msgid "UHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "UHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40424" msgid "FHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40425" msgid "HD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40426" msgid "SD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" @@ -19474,47 +19615,59 @@ msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" msgid "VHS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VHS" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40429" msgid "VCD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VCD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40430" msgid "REMUX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REMUX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40431" msgid "10th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição do 10º aniversário" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40432" msgid "20th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição do 20º aniversário" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40433" msgid "25th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição do 25º aniversário" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40434" msgid "30th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição do 30º aniversário" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40435" msgid "40th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição do 40º aniversário" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Edição do 50º aniversário" + +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Nova versão..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Escolha a versão" + +#~ msgctxt "#40214" +#~ msgid "Choose extra" +#~ msgstr "Escolha um extra" #~ msgctxt "#39194" #~ msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when video source is 1080p or less (progressive only) and source resolution is lower than display resolution.[CR]It's only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 40x, RTX 30x and Intel Arc A770, A750." diff --git a/resource.language.pt_pt/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.pt_pt/resources/strings.po index 4e14adc741..e3138f683d 100644 --- a/resource.language.pt_pt/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.pt_pt/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-27 04:20+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) \n" "Language: pt_pt\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4614,7 +4614,7 @@ msgstr "Rádio em Ecrã Inteiro" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configuração do Controlador" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4624,7 +4624,7 @@ msgstr "Jogos" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Menu" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4639,7 +4639,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volume" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16311,7 +16331,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16993,6 +17013,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19134,7 +19159,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19146,12 +19192,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versão" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19224,7 +19275,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19234,11 +19285,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19251,12 +19297,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19269,6 +19315,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Procurar ficheiros" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19309,9 +19410,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19339,6 +19440,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19478,7 +19619,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.ro_ro/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ro_ro/resources/strings.po index acb3baf426..4ae66173d4 100644 --- a/resource.language.ro_ro/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ro_ro/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-27 04:20+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Romanian \n" "Language: ro_ro\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4614,7 +4614,7 @@ msgstr "Radio pe tot ecranul" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Configurație controlator" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4624,7 +4624,7 @@ msgstr "Jocuri" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meniu" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4639,7 +4639,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Volum" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16308,7 +16328,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16990,6 +17010,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Oricare depozit" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19131,10 +19156,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versiuni" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19143,12 +19189,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Versiune" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19221,7 +19272,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19231,11 +19282,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19248,12 +19294,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19266,6 +19312,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Răsfoire fișiere" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19306,9 +19407,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19319,7 +19420,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Versiuni" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19336,6 +19437,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19475,7 +19616,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.ru_ru/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ru_ru/resources/strings.po index 2b7e39c89b..2c126c496a 100644 --- a/resource.language.ru_ru/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ru_ru/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-02 08:11+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: vgbsd \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Alexey \n" "Language-Team: Russian \n" "Language: ru_ru\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ msgstr "Удалить фильм из медиатеки" msgctxt "#433" msgid "Would you really like to remove '{0:s}' from library?" -msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить '{0:s}' из библиотеки?" +msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить '{0:s}' из медиатеки?" #. From at msgctxt "#434" @@ -4248,7 +4248,7 @@ msgstr "Изменить источник файлов" msgctxt "#10058" msgid "Remove tag from library" -msgstr "Удалить тэг из библиотеки" +msgstr "Удалить тэг из медиатеки" # empty string with id 10059 msgctxt "#10060" @@ -4631,12 +4631,12 @@ msgstr "Меню" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" msgid "Video Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Фильтр видео" #. Title of the in-game video stretch mode selection dialog msgctxt "#10824" msgid "Stretch Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Режим растягивания" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" @@ -4646,12 +4646,12 @@ msgstr "Громкость" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Расширенные настройки" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" msgid "Video Rotation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вращение видео" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" @@ -4661,12 +4661,12 @@ msgstr "Настройка порта" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбрать Сохранение" #. Title of the out-of-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10830" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбрать Сохранение" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" @@ -4728,11 +4728,11 @@ msgstr "Последнее обновление" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбрать версию видео" msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбрать дополнительное видео" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -5950,7 +5950,7 @@ msgstr "Разрешить высококач. методы при масшта msgctxt "#13436" msgid "Adjust display HDR mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Настройка режима HDR" msgctxt "#13437" msgid "Prefer VDPAU video mixer" @@ -9316,11 +9316,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Предпочтение пользователя" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Использовать порядок групп каналов из сервера(ов)" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -12391,12 +12411,12 @@ msgstr "Кодировка" #. Label for setting to choose the default action for "play" msgctxt "#22076" msgid "Default play action" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Действие воспроизведения по умолчанию" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22077" msgid "Ask if resumable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Спрашивать, если возобновляемое" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" @@ -15762,7 +15782,7 @@ msgstr "Этот раздел содержит настройки списков #. Description of setting with label #22079 "Default select action" msgctxt "#36177" msgid "Toggle between [Choose], [Play] (default), [Resume], [Show information] and [Queue item].[CR][Choose] will open a context menu to select an item, e.g. show information.[CR][Play] will automatically play videos from the beginning or if a resume point is present ask whether to play from beginning or to resume.[CR][Resume] Will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR][Show information] will open the video's information dialog.[CR][Queue item] will append the video to the video playlist." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Переключение между [Выбрать], [Воспроизвести] (по умолчанию), [Продолжить], [Показать информацию] и [В очередь].[CR][Выбрать] откроет контекстное меню для выбора элемента, например, показать информацию.[CR][Воспроизвести] автоматически воспроизведет видео с начала или, если присутствует точка возобновления, спросит, воспроизводить с начала или возобновить. [CR][Продолжить] автоматически возобновит воспроизведение видео с последнего места просмотра.[CR][Показать информацию] откроет диалог информации о видео.[CR][В очередь] добавит видео в список воспроизведения." #. Description of setting with label #20433 "Extract thumbnails and video information" msgctxt "#36178" @@ -15889,7 +15909,7 @@ msgstr "Активировать функции просмотра и запис #. Description of setting with label #22076 "Default play action" msgctxt "#36204" msgid "Toggle between [Ask if resumable] (default) and [Resume].[CR][Ask if resumable] will ask whether to play from beginning or to resume (if a resume point is present).[CR][Resume] will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR]If no resume point is set, playback will automatically start from the beginning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Переключение между [Спросить, если можно продолжить] (по умолчанию) и [Продолжить].[CR][Спросить, если можно продолжить] спросит, начинать ли воспроизведение с начала или продолжить (если есть точка для продолжения).[CR][Продолжить] автоматически продолжит воспроизведение видео с последней позиции, в которой вы его просматривали.[CR]Если точка продолжения не установлена, воспроизведение автоматически начнется с начала." msgctxt "#36205" msgid "Sort the channels by channel number from the backend, but use local numbering for channels." @@ -16193,7 +16213,7 @@ msgstr "Выбрать визуализацию, которая будет ис #. Description of setting with label #39125 "Enable tag reading in file view" msgctxt "#36274" msgid "When browsing music files in file view read the tags of those not in the music library as you go. This can make large directories slow to display, especially over a network." -msgstr "При просмотре музыкальных файлов в режиме \"Файлы\" теги тех файлов, которые не находятся в музыкальной библиотеке, будут считываться по ходу просмотра. Это может замедлить отображение больших каталогов, особенно по сети." +msgstr "При просмотре музыкальных файлов в режиме \"Файлы\" теги тех файлов, которые не находятся в медиатеке музыки, будут считываться по ходу просмотра. Это может замедлить отображение больших каталогов, особенно по сети." #. Description of setting with label #13307 "Track naming template" for musicfiles.trackformat msgctxt "#36275" @@ -16314,8 +16334,8 @@ msgstr "Если включено, запись напоминания буде #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "" +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "Позволяет изменять режим HDR дисплея для наилучшего соответствия медиа. Если отключено, Kodi применяет тональное отображение, если это необходимо (и если это поддерживается вашим оборудованием), чтобы адаптировать медиа к текущему режиму HDR на дисплее." #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16996,6 +17016,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Любые репозитории" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -17904,124 +17929,124 @@ msgstr "Версия протокола NFS, используемая при с #. Settings / Services "Chunk Size" group label msgctxt "#37053" msgid "Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Размер блока" #. Setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37054" msgid "NFS Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Размер блока NFS" #. Description of setting #37054 "NFS Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37055" msgid "Data chunk size used on NFS connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Размер блока данных, используемый в соединениях NFS" #. Setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37056" msgid "SMB Chunk Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Размер блока SMB" #. Description of setting #37056 "SMB Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37057" msgid "Data chunk size used on SMB connections" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Размер блока данных, используемый в соединениях SMB" # empty strings from id 37058 to 37100 #. Settings / Services "Caching" category label msgctxt "#37101" msgid "Caching" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Кеширование" #. Description of category #37101 "Caching" msgctxt "#37102" msgid "This category contains settings that configure caching of local and network files, and internet streams." -msgstr "" +msgstr "В этой категории собраны параметры настройки кеширования локальных, сетевых файлов и интернет-потоков." #. Setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37103" msgid "Buffer Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Режим буфера" #. Description of setting #37103 "Buffer Mode" msgctxt "#37104" msgid "Configure the media content to buffer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Настройка буферизации медиаконтента." #. Setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37105" msgid "Memory Size" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Размер памяти" #. Description of setting #37105 "Memory Size" msgctxt "#37106" msgid "The size of the memory buffer in Mbytes. Setting zero (0) forces buffering to disk, which is not recommend on flash storage devices (eMMC, SD cards, SSD)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Размер буфера памяти в Мбайтах. Установка нуля (0) приводит к буферизации на диск, что не рекомендуется для флеш-накопителей (eMMC, SD-карт, SSD)." #. Setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37107" msgid "Read Factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Фактор чтения" #. Description of setting #37107 "Read Factor" msgctxt "#37108" msgid "The read factor determines cache fill rate in terms of avg. bitrate of stream x Read Factor. Increasing this multiple, cache fills faster but more bandwidth is consumed. Large multiples may cause CPU spikes on some devices, saturate the connection and worsen performance." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Фактор чтения определяет скорость заполнения кэша как средний битрейт потока * фактор чтения. При увеличении этого коэффициента кэш заполняется быстрее, но при этом потребляется больше полосы пропускания. Большие значения могут вызывать скачки процессора на некоторых устройствах, переполнять сеть и ухудшать производительность." #. Description of setting "Chunk Size" msgctxt "#37109" msgid "The data chunk size to use when a filesystem or protocol does not force the value, e.g. NFS will override this with its own value." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Размер блока данных для использования, если файловая система или протокол не устанавливают это значение, например, NFS заменит его своим собственным значением." #. Value of setting - NONE msgctxt "#37110" msgid "No buffer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Без буфера" #. Value of setting - TRUE INTERNET msgctxt "#37111" msgid "Only buffer true internet streams: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Буферизация только интернет-потоков: HTTP, HTTPS и т. д." #. Value of setting - INTERNET msgctxt "#37112" msgid "Buffer all internet filesystems, including: FTP, WebDAV, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Буферизация всех файловых систем в Интернет, включая FTP, WebDAV и т.д." #. Value of setting - NETWORK msgctxt "#37113" msgid "Buffer all network filesystems, including: SMB, NFS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Буферизация всех файловых систем, включая SMB, NFS и т.д." #. Value of setting - ALL msgctxt "#37114" msgid "Buffer all filesystems, including local files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Буферизация всех файловых систем, включая локальные файлы" #. Value of setting msgctxt "#37115" msgid "Caches entire file on disk storage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Кэширует весь файл на дисковом накопителе" # empty strings from id 37116 to 37119 #. Value of setting - Byte msgctxt "#37120" msgid "{0:d} Byte" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} байт" #. Value of setting - KByte msgctxt "#37121" msgid "{0:d} KB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} КБ" #. Value of setting - MByte msgctxt "#37122" msgid "{0:d} MB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} МБ" #. Value of setting - GByte msgctxt "#37123" msgid "{0:d} GB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} ГБ" #. Setting #38011 "Show All Items entry" msgctxt "#38011" @@ -18365,7 +18390,7 @@ msgstr "Сбросить позицию возобновления" #. Dialog header for settings for how to export specific music library data msgctxt "#38300" msgid "Export Music Library" -msgstr "Экспорт Музыкальной Библиотеки" +msgstr "Экспорт Музыкальной Медиатеки" #. Kind of export output, see #38304 msgctxt "#38301" @@ -18380,7 +18405,7 @@ msgstr "Раздельные файлы для каждого элемента" #. Kind of export output, see #38304 msgctxt "#38303" msgid "To library folders" -msgstr "В папки библиотеки" +msgstr "В папки медиатеки" #. Selection of export to a single file, many separate files or the library folder(s) msgctxt "#38304" @@ -18431,7 +18456,7 @@ msgstr "Другие исполнители" #. Message when trying to do a kind #38303 of export and setting #20223 is empty msgctxt "#38317" msgid "Unable to export to library folders as the system artist information folder setting is empty" -msgstr "Невозможно экспортировать в папки библиотеки, поскольку каталог сведений об исполнителях не задан" +msgstr "Невозможно экспортировать в папки медиатеки, поскольку каталог сведений об исполнителях не задан" #. Message when trying to do export and destination folder #38305 does not exist msgctxt "#38318" @@ -18610,7 +18635,7 @@ msgstr "Продолжить аудиокнигу" #. Description of setting with label #21358 "Share my libraries" msgctxt "#39017" msgid "Enables UPnP. This allows you to stream media in your libraries to a UPnP client and to detect remote UPnP servers." -msgstr "Включает UPnP. Это позволит вам транслировать содержимое библиотек клиентам UPnP, а так же находить удалённые серверы UPnP." +msgstr "Включает UPnP. Это позволит вам транслировать содержимое медиатек клиентам UPnP, а так же находить удалённые серверы UPnP." msgctxt "#39018" msgid "optional" @@ -18806,7 +18831,7 @@ msgstr "Использовать все локальные файлы изобр #. Description of setting with label #39127 "Use all local image files as artwork" msgctxt "#39128" msgid "All image files located alongside the media files are picked up as artwork during library scan, with the file name as the art type." -msgstr "Все файлы изображений, расположенные рядом с медиафайлами, воспринимаются как иллюстрации во время сканирования библиотеки, при этом в качестве типа иллюстрации указывается имя файла." +msgstr "Все файлы изображений, расположенные рядом с медиафайлами, воспринимаются как иллюстрации во время сканирования медиатеки, при этом в качестве типа иллюстрации указывается имя файла." msgctxt "#39129" msgid "Use all remote artwork fetched by scrapers" @@ -19120,7 +19145,7 @@ msgstr "При воспроизведении музыки заставка не #. Help text of setting "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" with label #13417 msgctxt "#39194" msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when the video source is 1920x1080 or less and the source resolution is lower than the display resolution.[CR]Only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx and above, Intel Arc A770, A750." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Включает расширенный апскейлер DXVA используя NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" или \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Используется, когда источник видео имеет разрешение 1920x1080 или меньше, а разрешение источника меньше разрешения экрана.[CR]Доступно только на следующем оборудовании: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx и выше, Intel Arc A770, A750." #. Description of setting with label #13418 "Use high precision processing" msgctxt "#39195" @@ -19137,7 +19162,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Если этот параметр включен, профиль Dolby Vision 7 будет преобразован в профиль 8.1, который чаще всего поддерживается устройствами. Включите, если ваше устройство поддерживает Dolby Vision, но имеет проблемы с некоторыми видеороликами." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Версии" @@ -19145,338 +19191,433 @@ msgstr "Версии" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Управление версиями" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Добавить как версию к..." + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Версия" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" msgid "Operation not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Операция не поддерживается" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбранный фильм имеет несколько версий, что не позволяет преобразовать его в версию другого фильма. Удалите все версии из фильма, заново отсканируйте медиатеку и конвертируйте их по отдельности." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" msgid "The \"{0:s}\" version already exists!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Версия \"{0:s}\" уже существует!" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Найдена другая версия фильма" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Найдена другая версия фильма \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Вы хотите преобразовать его в дополнительную версию оригинала?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" msgid "video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "версия видео" #. "video version" string in plural format msgctxt "#40011" msgid "video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "версии видео" #. "video version" string in singular capital format msgctxt "#40012" msgid "Video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Версия видео" #. "video version" string in plural capital format msgctxt "#40013" msgid "Video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Версии видео" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Добавить версию" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Добавить дополнительно" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбранное видео уже является версией \"{0:s}\" фильма ." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбранное видео - это версия \"{0:s}\" фильма \"{1:s}\". Вы хотите переместить версию в этот фильм?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Удалить версию видео" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Версия фильма по умолчанию не может быть удалена. Установите другую версию по умолчанию и повторите попытку." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вы уверены, что нужно удалить версию \"{0:s}\"?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Управление {0:s}" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Установить по умолчанию" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Менеджер версий: {0:s}" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" -msgstr "" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" +msgstr "Менеджер Экстра: {0:s}" #. Add extra dialog text. msgctxt "#40026" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбранное видео уже является \"{0:s}\" дополнительной частью фильма." #. Add video extra dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Behind the scenes" extra of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбранное видео является \"{0:s}\" дополнительным к фильму \"{1:s}\". Хотите ли вы переместить дополнительное видео в этот фильм?" + +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Обзор файлов" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Просмотр медиатеки" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Выберите фильм для добавления версии" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Других фильмов в медиатеке не найдено." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "В медиатеке не нашлось ни одного похожего фильма." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "Версия по умолчанию фильма с несколькими версиями не может быть добавлена в качестве версии к другому фильму. Сначала добавьте его дополнительные версии." + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "Версия по умолчанию фильма с несколькими версиями не может быть добавлена в качестве дополнительной к другому фильму. Пожалуйста, сначала переместите или удалите другие версии." + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Вы собираетесь преобразовать дополнительный фильм в версию фильма. Вы уверены?" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "Вы собираетесь преобразовать версию фильма в дополнительный фильм. Вы уверены?" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "Добавляемый фильм имеет несколько версий.[CR]В следующем диалоге будет выбран тип версии по умолчанию. Остальные версии сохранят свой текущий тип.[CR]Вы хотите продолжить?" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "Версия по умолчанию фильма с несколькими версиями не может быть добавлена к другому фильму. Пожалуйста, сначала переместите или удалите другие версии." #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбор версии видео по умолчанию" #. Help for select default video version setting msgctxt "#40201" msgid "Defines how to handle selection of videos with multiple versions.[CR][Enabled] Automatically select the default video version without prompting.[CR][Disabled] Display a dialogue to select a version of the video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Определяет, как обрабатывать выбор видео с несколькими версиями.[CR][Включено] Автоматический выбор версии видео по умолчанию без запроса.[CR][Отключено] Отображение диалога для выбора версии видео." #. Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40202" msgid "Ignore different video versions on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Игнорировать различные версии видео при сканировании" #. Help for Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40203" msgid "Select scanner action for different video versions.[CR][Enabled] Add different video versions to library seperately without confirmation.[CR][Disabled] Prompt for converting different video versions into additional versions of the original." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выберите действие для разных версий видео при сканировании.[CR][Включено] Добавление разных версий видео в библиотеку по отдельности без подтверждения.[CR][Отключено] Запрос на преобразование разных версий видео в дополнительные версии оригинала." #. Ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40204" msgid "Ignore video extras on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Игнорировать дополнительные видеоматериалы при сканировании" #. Help for ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40205" msgid "Select scanner action for video extras in \"extras\" folder.[CR][Enabled] Scan video extras like regular videos.[CR][Disabled] Add video extras to library for associated video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выберите действие при сканировании для видеофрагментов в папке \"extras\".[CR][Включено] Сканировать видеофрагменты как обычные видео.[CR][Отключено] Добавить видеофрагменты в медиатеку для соответствующего видео." #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Показывать видео с несколькими версиями как папку" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Если включено, видео с несколькими версиями будет отображаться в виде папки в медиатеке. Эту папку можно открыть, чтобы отобразить отдельные версии видео. Если отключено, будет применяться настроенное действие выбора." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label msgctxt "#40209" msgid "Play version using..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Воспроизвести версию, используя..." #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Версии" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дополнительные видео" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Синхронизировать громкость с удаленными UPnP-плеерами" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "При выборе этого параметра уровень громкости удаленного плеера будет синхронизирован с уровнем громкости данного приложения.[CR]Предупреждение: Глобальный уровень громкости системы может отличаться от уровня громкости приложения - они управляются независимо.[CR]Это может привести к тому, что удаленный плеер будет установлен на 100 % громкости, если приложение имеет 100 % громкости, но общий уровень громкости системы меньше." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" msgid "Standard Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Стандартное издание" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40401" msgid "Extended Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Расширенное издание" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40402" msgid "Unrated Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Издание без цензуры" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40403" msgid "Uncut Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Версия без цензуры" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40404" msgid "Remastered Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Восстановленная версия" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40405" msgid "4K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "4K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40406" msgid "Theatrical Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Театральная версия" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40407" msgid "Director's Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Режиссерская версия" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40408" msgid "Special Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Специальное издание" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40409" msgid "Limited Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Лимитированное издание" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40410" msgid "Complete Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Полная версия" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40411" msgid "The Final Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Финальная версия" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40412" msgid "Super Duper Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Супер-пупер версия" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40413" msgid "Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Коллекционное издание" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40414" msgid "Ultimate Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Коллекционное издание Ultimate" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40415" msgid "Criterion Collection Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Коллекционное издание Criterion" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40416" msgid "Fan Edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Фанатская версия" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40417" msgid "Black and White Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Черно-белая версия" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40418" msgid "BluRay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BluRay" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40419" msgid "WEB-DL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WEB-DL" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40420" msgid "3D" -msgstr "" +msgstr "3D" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40421" msgid "8K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "8K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40422" msgid "IMAX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "IMAX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40423" msgid "UHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "UHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40424" msgid "FHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40425" msgid "HD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40426" msgid "SD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" @@ -19486,47 +19627,67 @@ msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" msgid "VHS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VHS" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40429" msgid "VCD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VCD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40430" msgid "REMUX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REMUX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40431" msgid "10th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Юбилейное издание 10 лет" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40432" msgid "20th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Юбилейное издание 20 лет" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40433" msgid "25th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Юбилейное издание 25 лет" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40434" msgid "30th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Юбилейное издание 30 лет" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40435" msgid "40th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Юбилейное издание 40 лет" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Юбилейное издание 50 лет" + +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Новая версия..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Выбрать версию" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Версии: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Дополнительно: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Позволяет изменять режим HDR дисплея для наилучшего соответствия медиа.[CR]Если отключено, Kodi применяет тональное отображение по мере необходимости, чтобы адаптировать медиа к текущему режиму HDR дисплея." #~ msgctxt "#39194" #~ msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when video source is 1080p or less (progressive only) and source resolution is lower than display resolution.[CR]It's only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 40x, RTX 30x and Intel Arc A770, A750." diff --git a/resource.language.si_lk/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.si_lk/resources/strings.po index aeae8cf5de..0aaec3c7e5 100644 --- a/resource.language.si_lk/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.si_lk/resources/strings.po @@ -9390,11 +9390,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16487,7 +16507,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17170,6 +17190,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19344,7 +19369,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19356,12 +19402,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19434,7 +19485,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19444,11 +19495,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19461,12 +19507,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19479,6 +19525,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19519,9 +19620,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19549,6 +19650,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.sk_sk/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.sk_sk/resources/strings.po index 5c3e76eb2a..1c40b4deb3 100644 --- a/resource.language.sk_sk/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.sk_sk/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Slovak \n" "Language: sk_sk\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16310,7 +16330,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16992,6 +17012,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Akékoľvek repozitáre" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19133,7 +19158,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Verzie" @@ -19145,12 +19191,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Verzia" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19223,7 +19274,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19233,11 +19284,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19250,12 +19296,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19268,6 +19314,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Prehliadať súbory" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19308,9 +19409,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19321,7 +19422,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verzie" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19338,6 +19439,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.sl_si/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.sl_si/resources/strings.po index ddbf91f700..1991925adc 100644 --- a/resource.language.sl_si/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.sl_si/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-30 23:09+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Slovenian \n" "Language: sl_si\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.2\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4636,7 +4636,7 @@ msgstr "Igre" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meni" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4651,7 +4651,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Glasnost" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -9338,11 +9338,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -12433,7 +12453,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" msgid "Resume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nadaljuj" msgctxt "#22079" msgid "Default select action" @@ -16361,7 +16381,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17043,6 +17063,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19197,7 +19222,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19209,12 +19255,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Različica" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19287,7 +19338,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19297,11 +19348,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19314,12 +19360,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19332,6 +19378,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19372,9 +19473,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19402,6 +19503,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19541,7 +19682,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.sq_al/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.sq_al/resources/strings.po index d17e5df90f..1caf417707 100644 --- a/resource.language.sq_al/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.sq_al/resources/strings.po @@ -9379,11 +9379,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16424,7 +16444,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17107,6 +17127,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19279,7 +19304,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19291,12 +19337,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19369,7 +19420,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19379,11 +19430,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19396,12 +19442,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19414,6 +19460,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19454,9 +19555,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19484,6 +19585,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.sr_rs/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.sr_rs/resources/strings.po index 5ed8dba76d..7fc8ba52e1 100644 --- a/resource.language.sr_rs/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.sr_rs/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-30 23:09+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Serbian \n" "Language: sr_rs\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.2\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4615,7 +4615,7 @@ msgstr "Радио преко целог екрана" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Подешавања контролера" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4625,7 +4625,7 @@ msgstr "Игре" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Мени" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4640,7 +4640,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Јачина звука" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -12402,7 +12422,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Label for value for default play action setting msgctxt "#22078" msgid "Resume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Настави" msgctxt "#22079" msgid "Default select action" @@ -16317,7 +16337,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16999,6 +17019,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Било које спремише" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19142,10 +19167,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Верзије" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19154,12 +19200,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Верзија" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19232,7 +19283,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19242,11 +19293,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19259,12 +19305,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19277,6 +19323,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Потражи датотеке" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19317,9 +19418,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19330,7 +19431,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Верзије" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19347,6 +19448,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19486,7 +19627,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.sr_rs@latin/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.sr_rs@latin/resources/strings.po index 7f5cc1beb2..6f3aa5f82b 100644 --- a/resource.language.sr_rs@latin/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.sr_rs@latin/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-29 12:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-16 02:56+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Serbian (latin) \n" "Language: sr_rs@latin\n" @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ msgstr "Molimo, proverite XML datoteke" msgctxt "#282" msgid "Found {0:d} items" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pronađeno {0:d} stavki" msgctxt "#283" msgid "Search results" @@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ msgstr "Obeleživači" msgctxt "#299" msgid "Bookmark {0:d}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Obeleživač {0:d}" msgctxt "#300" msgid "MP1 capable receiver" @@ -1236,11 +1236,11 @@ msgstr "Greška čišćenja izvođača" msgctxt "#322" msgid "Cleaning genres, roles etc...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Čišćenje žanrova, uloga itd..." msgctxt "#323" msgid "Error cleaning genres, roles etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Greška pri čišćenju žanrova, uloga itd." msgctxt "#324" msgid "Cleaning paths..." @@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ msgstr "Vlažnost" msgctxt "#407" msgid "Hardware keyboard layouts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hardverski rasporedi tastature" msgctxt "#409" msgid "Defaults" @@ -1699,12 +1699,12 @@ msgstr "Ukloni film iz biblioteke" msgctxt "#433" msgid "Would you really like to remove '{0:s}' from library?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Da li stvarno želite da uklonite '{0:s}' iz biblioteke?" #. From at msgctxt "#434" msgid "From {0:s} at {1:d} {2:s}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Od {0:s} na {1:d} {2:s}" #. Headline of a dialog that pops up when a user tries to play a video that is located on an optical disc (Blu-ray, DVD) but the current KODI device doesn't have the according drive msgctxt "#435" @@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ msgstr "Optički disk nije otkriven" #. Message body of a dialog that pops up when a user tries to play a video that is located on an optical disc (Blu-ray, DVD) but the current KODI device doesn't have the according drive msgctxt "#436" msgid "This video is stored on an optical disc (e.g. DVD, Blu-ray) and cannot be played as your device does not have an appropriate drive." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ovaj video zapis se čuva na optičkom disku (npr. DVD, Blu-ray) i ne može se reprodukovati jer vaš uređaj nema odgovarajuću disk jedinicu." msgctxt "#437" msgid "Removable disk" @@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ msgstr "Učitavanje podataka medija iz datoteka..." #. label for library update progress bar when checking for new or changed media files msgctxt "#506" msgid "Checking media files..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Provera medijskih datoteka..." msgctxt "#507" msgid "Sort by: Usage" @@ -4634,7 +4634,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Podešavanja kontrolera" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4644,7 +4644,7 @@ msgstr "Igre" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meni" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4659,7 +4659,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jačina zvuka" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -9342,11 +9342,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16353,7 +16373,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17035,6 +17055,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19183,7 +19208,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19195,12 +19241,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Verzija" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19273,7 +19324,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19283,11 +19334,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19300,12 +19346,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19318,6 +19364,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Potraži datoteke" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19358,9 +19459,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19388,6 +19489,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19527,7 +19668,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.sv_se/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.sv_se/resources/strings.po index c81af81e9c..e9634c1c70 100644 --- a/resource.language.sv_se/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.sv_se/resources/strings.po @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-22 04:34+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Robert Bylin \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-16 02:56+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Swedish \n" "Language: sv_se\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -4671,7 +4671,7 @@ msgstr "Välj sparstatus" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spelare" msgctxt "#12000" msgid "Select dialog" @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Användarpreferens" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -14818,7 +14838,7 @@ msgstr "Mus" #. Name of window for configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#35172" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spelare" #. Notification shown when no controllers are connected in the in-game dialog that lets users configure player assignment msgctxt "#35173" @@ -14838,7 +14858,7 @@ msgstr "Spelupplevelse" # empty string with id 35202 msgctxt "#35203" msgid "Enable rewind (if supported)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktivera återspolning (om detta stöds)" msgctxt "#35204" msgid "Enable real-time rewinding during game play, if supported. Press rewind or manually seek backwards using the seek bar." @@ -14879,7 +14899,7 @@ msgstr "Detta spel kräver följande tillägg: {0:s}" #. Error dialog text when launching a game and no emulators are compatible msgctxt "#35212" msgid "This game isn't compatible with any available emulators." -msgstr "Datta spel är inte kompatibelt med någon av de tillgängliga emulatorerna." +msgstr "Detta spel är inte kompatibelt med någon av de tillgängliga emulatorerna." #. Error dialog text when launching a game and the emulator has an internal error. {0:s} - emulator name msgctxt "#35213" @@ -15009,7 +15029,7 @@ msgstr "Spara /Ladda" msgctxt "#35250" msgid "Add games..." -msgstr "Alla spel..." +msgstr "Lägg till spel..." msgctxt "#35251" msgid "Add game source" @@ -15025,7 +15045,7 @@ msgstr "Tillämpa autospara, om möjligt" msgctxt "#35254" msgid "Save the game automatically during game play, if supported. Resume playing where you left off." -msgstr "Spara spelet automatiskt under spelandet, om det stöds. Fortsätt spela där du slutade." +msgstr "Spara spelet automatiskt under spelets gång, om detta stöds. Fortsätt spela där du slutade." #. Label for showing which emulator the game was saved with msgctxt "#35255" @@ -15102,12 +15122,12 @@ msgstr "Inloggad" #. Settings -> Games -> Achievements -> Logged in msgctxt "#35269" msgid "Toggle this setting to log in or out of RetroAchievements." -msgstr "Växla den här inställningen för att logga in eller ut från RetroAchievements." +msgstr "Växla denna inställning för att logga in eller ut från RetroAchievements." #. Description for notification event regarding unsuccessful RetroAchievements login msgctxt "#35270" msgid "Your account is not verified. Please check your email to complete your sign up." -msgstr "Ditt konto är inte bekräftat. Vänligen kolla din e-post för att slutföra din registrering." +msgstr "Ditt konto är inte verifierat. Vänligen kontrollera din e-post för att slutföra din registrering." #. connection state "host unreachable" msgctxt "#35505" @@ -15117,7 +15137,7 @@ msgstr "Servern kan inte nås." #. connection state "server type mismatch" (reachable, but maybe an HTTP server where an FTP server is expected) msgctxt "#35506" msgid "Server does not respond properly." -msgstr "Servern svarar inte ordentligt." +msgstr "Servern svarar inte korrekt." #. connection state "client - server version mismatch (reachable, but maybe server version to low)" msgctxt "#35507" @@ -15148,7 +15168,7 @@ msgstr "Byt till kommando på tangentbordsidan" msgctxt "#36003" msgid "Switch to remote side command" -msgstr "Byt till kommando på fjärrkontrollsidan" +msgstr "Byt till fjärrkommando" msgctxt "#36004" msgid "Press \"user\" button command" @@ -15160,7 +15180,7 @@ msgstr "Aktivera sidbyteskommando" msgctxt "#36006" msgid "Couldn't open the adapter" -msgstr "Kunde inte öppna adaptern" +msgstr "Det gick inte att öppna adaptern" msgctxt "#36007" msgid "Devices to power on during startup" @@ -15264,12 +15284,12 @@ msgstr "Porten är upptagen. Endast ett program åt gången kan använda CEC-ada msgctxt "#36033" msgid "Action when switching to another source" -msgstr "Händelse när man byter till en annan källa" +msgstr "Åtgärd vid byte till annan källa" #. connection state "connection established" msgctxt "#36034" msgid "Connection established" -msgstr "Anslutningen etablerades" +msgstr "Anslutning etablerad" #. adjust refreshrate msgctxt "#36035" @@ -15398,22 +15418,22 @@ msgstr "Väl skal för gränssnittet. Detta kommer att definiera utseendet och k #. Description of setting with label #21417 "Settings" msgctxt "#36104" msgid "Select to change the skin specific settings. Which options are available for configuration depends on the features provided by the skin." -msgstr "Välj för att ändra skal-specifika inställningar. Vilka inställningar som finns att tillgängliga beror på vilka funktioner skalet är försedd med." +msgstr "Välj för att ändra skalspecifika inställningar. Vilka inställningar som finns att tillgängliga beror på vilka funktioner skalet är försedd med." #. Description of setting with label #15111 "Theme" msgctxt "#36105" msgid "Change the theme associated with your selected skin." -msgstr "Byt tema associerat med ditt valda skal." +msgstr "Ändra temat som är kopplat till ditt valda skal." #. Description of setting with label #14078 "Colours" msgctxt "#36106" msgid "Change the colours of your selected skin." -msgstr "Byt färgerna på det skal du valt." +msgstr "Ändra färgerna på ditt valda skal." #. Description of setting with label #13303 "Fonts" msgctxt "#36107" msgid "Choose the fonts displayed in the user interface. The font sets are configured by your skin." -msgstr "Välj teckensnitten som visas i användargränssnittet. Teckenuppsättningarna konfigureras av ditt skal." +msgstr "Välj vilka teckensnitt som ska visas i användargränssnittet. Teckensnittsuppsättningarna konfigureras av din skal." #. Description of setting with label #20109 "Zoom" msgctxt "#36108" @@ -15423,12 +15443,12 @@ msgstr "Ändra storlek på användargränssnittet." #. Description of setting with label #512 "Startup window" msgctxt "#36109" msgid "Select the media window to display on startup." -msgstr "Välj mediafönster att visa vid uppstart." +msgstr "Välj det mediefönster som ska visas vid uppstart." #. Description of setting with label #15108 "GUI sounds" msgctxt "#36110" msgid "Select or disable the sounds used in the user interface." -msgstr "Välj eller inaktivera ljud som används i användargränssnittet." +msgstr "Välj eller inaktivera de ljud som används i användargränssnittet." #. Description of setting with label #13305 "Show RSS news feed" msgctxt "#36111" @@ -15458,7 +15478,7 @@ msgstr "Välj format för temperatur, tid och datum. De tillgängliga alternativ #. Description of setting with label #14091 "Character set" msgctxt "#36116" msgid "Choose which character set is used for displaying text in the user interface. This doesn't change the character set used for subtitles, for that go to Player > Language." -msgstr "Välj vilken teckenuppsättning som ska användas för uppvisning av text i användargränssnittet. Detta ändrar inte teckenuppsättningen som används för undertexter, för att ändra det gå till Spelare > Språk." +msgstr "Välj vilken teckenuppsättning som ska användas för att visa text i användargränssnittet. Detta ändrar inte den teckenuppsättning som används för undertexter, för att ändra det gå till Spelare > Språk." #. Description of setting with label #14079 "Timezone country" msgctxt "#36117" @@ -15473,12 +15493,12 @@ msgstr "Välj din nuvarande tidszon." #. Description of setting with label #285 "Preferred audio language" msgctxt "#36119" msgid "Defaults to the selected audio language if more than one language is available." -msgstr "Använder valt ljud-språk om fler språk finns." +msgstr "Standardinställningen är valt ljudspråk om fler än ett språk är tillgängligt." #. Description of setting with label #286 "Preferred subtitle language" msgctxt "#36120" msgid "Defaults to the selected subtitle language if more than one language is available." -msgstr "Använder valt undertext-språk om fler språk finns." +msgstr "Standard är det valda undertextspråket om mer än ett språk är tillgängligt." #. Description of settings with label #16000 "General" msgctxt "#36121" @@ -16307,7 +16327,7 @@ msgstr "Om det är aktiverat kommer en inspelning för programmet att påminnas #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16989,6 +17009,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Alla förråd" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19127,7 +19152,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versioner" @@ -19139,12 +19185,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Version" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19217,7 +19268,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19227,11 +19278,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19244,12 +19290,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19262,6 +19308,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Bläddra bland filer" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19302,9 +19403,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19332,6 +19433,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.szl/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.szl/resources/strings.po index 380169c181..4dea87e25f 100644 --- a/resource.language.szl/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.szl/resources/strings.po @@ -9343,11 +9343,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16354,7 +16374,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17036,6 +17056,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19184,7 +19209,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19196,12 +19242,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19274,7 +19325,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19284,11 +19335,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19301,12 +19347,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19319,6 +19365,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19359,9 +19460,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19389,6 +19490,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.ta_in/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.ta_in/resources/strings.po index 8fd5168b63..6476f65ccf 100644 --- a/resource.language.ta_in/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.ta_in/resources/strings.po @@ -9375,11 +9375,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16415,7 +16435,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17098,6 +17118,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19268,7 +19293,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19280,12 +19326,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19358,7 +19409,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19368,11 +19419,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19385,12 +19431,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19403,6 +19449,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19443,9 +19544,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19473,6 +19574,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.te_in/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.te_in/resources/strings.po index 3d38e14c2c..e459402825 100644 --- a/resource.language.te_in/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.te_in/resources/strings.po @@ -9486,11 +9486,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16584,7 +16604,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17267,6 +17287,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19442,7 +19467,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19454,12 +19500,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19532,7 +19583,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19542,11 +19593,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19559,12 +19605,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19577,6 +19623,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19617,9 +19718,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19647,6 +19748,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.tg_tj/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.tg_tj/resources/strings.po index 2461c57c0f..5da85c8f9d 100644 --- a/resource.language.tg_tj/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.tg_tj/resources/strings.po @@ -9377,11 +9377,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16419,7 +16439,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17102,6 +17122,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19270,7 +19295,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19282,12 +19328,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19360,7 +19411,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19370,11 +19421,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19387,12 +19433,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19405,6 +19451,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19445,9 +19546,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19475,6 +19576,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.th_th/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.th_th/resources/strings.po index b5734c1fed..94bda66ef0 100644 --- a/resource.language.th_th/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.th_th/resources/strings.po @@ -9343,11 +9343,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16354,7 +16374,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17036,6 +17056,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19184,7 +19209,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19196,12 +19242,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19274,7 +19325,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19284,11 +19335,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19301,12 +19347,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19319,6 +19365,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19359,9 +19460,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19389,6 +19490,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.tr_tr/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.tr_tr/resources/strings.po index b46c42657c..a3cf76ea7f 100644 --- a/resource.language.tr_tr/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.tr_tr/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-18 20:05+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-11 23:26+0000\n" "Last-Translator: queeup \n" "Language-Team: Turkish \n" "Language: tr_tr\n" @@ -9313,11 +9313,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Kullanıcı tercihi" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Arka uç(lar) tarafından sağlanan kanal grubu sırasını kullan" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16305,8 +16325,8 @@ msgstr "Etkinleştirilirse ve PVR eklentisi ve arka uç tarafından destekleniyo #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "Ekranın HDR modunun medyayla en iyi eşleşecek şekilde değiştirilmesine izin verin.[CR]Devre dışı bırakıldığında Kodi, medyayı ekranın geçerli HDR moduna uyarlamak için gerektiği şekilde tone mapping uygular." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16987,6 +17007,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Herhangi bir depodan" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -17966,53 +17991,53 @@ msgstr "" #. Value of setting - NONE msgctxt "#37110" msgid "No buffer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Arabellek yok" #. Value of setting - TRUE INTERNET msgctxt "#37111" msgid "Only buffer true internet streams: HTTP, HTTPS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yalnızca HTTP, HTTPS vb. gerçek internet akışlarını arabelleğe al." #. Value of setting - INTERNET msgctxt "#37112" msgid "Buffer all internet filesystems, including: FTP, WebDAV, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "FTP, WebDAV vb. internet dosya sistemlerini arabelleğe al." #. Value of setting - NETWORK msgctxt "#37113" msgid "Buffer all network filesystems, including: SMB, NFS, etc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "SMB, NFS vb. ağ dosya sistemlerini arabelleğe al." #. Value of setting - ALL msgctxt "#37114" msgid "Buffer all filesystems, including local files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yerel dosyalar da dahil olmak üzere tüm dosya sistemlerini arabelleğe al" #. Value of setting msgctxt "#37115" msgid "Caches entire file on disk storage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tüm dosyayı disk depolama alanında önbelleğe alır" # empty strings from id 37116 to 37119 #. Value of setting - Byte msgctxt "#37120" msgid "{0:d} Byte" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} Byte" #. Value of setting - KByte msgctxt "#37121" msgid "{0:d} KB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} KB" #. Value of setting - MByte msgctxt "#37122" msgid "{0:d} MB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} MB" #. Value of setting - GByte msgctxt "#37123" msgid "{0:d} GB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "{0:d} GB" #. Setting #38011 "Show All Items entry" msgctxt "#38011" @@ -19108,7 +19133,7 @@ msgstr "Müzik çalınıyorsa ekran koruyucu asla etkinleştirilmeyecektir" #. Help text of setting "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" with label #13417 msgctxt "#39194" msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when the video source is 1920x1080 or less and the source resolution is lower than the display resolution.[CR]Only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx and above, Intel Arc A770, A750." -msgstr "" +msgstr "NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" veya \"Intel Video Super Resolution\" kullanarak gelişmiş DXVA yükseltme özelliğini etkinleştirir.[CR]Video kaynağı 1920x1080 veya daha az olduğunda ve kaynak çözünürlüğü ekran çözünürlüğünden düşük olduğunda kullanılır.[CR]Yalnızca belirli donanımlarda kullanılabilir: NVIDIA RTX 20xx, 30xx, 40xx ve üzeri, Intel Arc A770, A750." #. Description of setting with label #13418 "Use high precision processing" msgctxt "#39195" @@ -19125,7 +19150,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "Etkinleştirilirse, Dolby Vision profil 7, cihazlar tarafından daha yaygın olarak desteklenen profil 8.1'e dönüştürülür. Cihazınız Dolby Vision'ı destekliyor ancak bazı videolarda sorun yaşıyorsa etkinleştirin." +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Sürümler" @@ -19133,27 +19179,32 @@ msgstr "Sürümler" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" msgid "Manage versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sürümleri yönet" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" -msgstr "" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "Sürüm olarak ekle..." -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Sürüm" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title msgctxt "#40005" msgid "Operation not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "İşlem desteklenmiyor" #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40006" msgid "The selected movie has multiple versions, preventing its conversion into a version of another movie. Remove the versions from the movie, rescan the libray and convert them individually." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Seçili filmin birden fazla sürümü var, bu da başka bir filmin sürümüne dönüştürülmesini engelliyor. Filmden sürümleri kaldırın, kitaplığı yeniden tarayın ve bunları ayrı ayrı dönüştürün." #. Warning dialog text msgctxt "#40007" @@ -19163,72 +19214,67 @@ msgstr "" #. Different video version found dialog title msgctxt "#40008" msgid "Different movie version found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Filmin faklı bir sürümü bulundu" #. Different video version found dialog text msgctxt "#40009" msgid "Found a different version of the movie \"{0:s}\": {1:s}. Would you like to convert it into an additional version of the original?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"{0:s}\" filminin farklı bir sürümü buldum: {1:s}. Orijinalin ek bir sürüme dönüştürmek ister misiniz?" #. "video version" string in singular format msgctxt "#40010" msgid "video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "video sürümü" #. "video version" string in plural format msgctxt "#40011" msgid "video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "video sürümleri" #. "video version" string in singular capital format msgctxt "#40012" msgid "Video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video sürümü" #. "video version" string in plural capital format msgctxt "#40013" msgid "Video versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video sürümleri" #. Add video version dialog title msgctxt "#40014" msgid "Add version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sürüm ekle" #. Add video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40015" msgid "Add extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekstra ekle" #. Add video version dialog text. msgctxt "#40016" msgid "The selected video already is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Seçilen video zaten filmin \"{0:s}\" sürümüdür." #. Add video version dialog text. Example: The selected video is the "Extended Edition" version of the movie "Movie title". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" msgctxt "#40017" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" version of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the version to this movie?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Seçili video, \"{1:s}\" filminin \"{0:s}\" sürümüdür. Sürümü bu filme taşımak ister misiniz?" #. Remove video version dialog title msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Video sürümünü kaldır" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bir filmin varsayılan sürümü kaldırılamaz. Farklı bir varsayılan sürüm ayarlayın ve tekrar deneyin." #. Remove video version dialog text msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" -msgstr "" - -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"{0:s}\" sürümünü kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" @@ -19238,16 +19284,16 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label to make a video version the default version msgctxt "#40023" msgid "Set as default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varsayılan olarak ayarla" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19260,10 +19306,65 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Dosyalara gözat" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "Kitaplığa gözat" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "Sürüm olarak eklenecek filmi seçin" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "Kitaplıkta başka film bulunamadı." + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "Kitaplıkta benzer bir film bulunamadı." + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varsayılan video sürümünü seçin" #. Help for select default video version setting msgctxt "#40201" @@ -19273,36 +19374,36 @@ msgstr "" #. Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40202" msgid "Ignore different video versions on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Taramada farklı video sürümlerini yoksay" #. Help for Ignore different video versions settting msgctxt "#40203" msgid "Select scanner action for different video versions.[CR][Enabled] Add different video versions to library seperately without confirmation.[CR][Disabled] Prompt for converting different video versions into additional versions of the original." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Farklı video sürümleri için tarama eylemi seçin.[CR][Etkin] Farklı video sürümlerini onaylamadan ayrı ayrı kitaplığa ekleyin.[CR][Devre Dışı] Farklı video sürümlerini orijinalin ek sürümlerine dönüştürmek için sor." #. Ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40204" msgid "Ignore video extras on scan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Taramada video ekstralarını yoksay" #. Help for ignore video extras settting msgctxt "#40205" msgid "Select scanner action for video extras in \"extras\" folder.[CR][Enabled] Scan video extras like regular videos.[CR][Disabled] Add video extras to library for associated video." -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"extras\" klasöründeki video ekstraları için tarama eylemini seçin.[CR][Etkin] Video ekstralarını normal videolar gibi tarayın.[CR][Devre Dışı] Video ekstralarını ilişkili video için kitaplığa ekleyin." #. Show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40206" msgid "Show videos with multiple versions as folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birden fazla sürümü olan videoları klasör olarak göster" #. Help for show video versions as folder settting msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Etkinleştirildiğinde, birden fazla sürümü olan bir video, video kitaplığında bir klasör olarak gösterilecektir. Bu klasör daha sonra tek tek video sürümlerini görüntülemek için açılabilir. Devre dışı bırakıldığında, yapılandırılmış seçme eylemi uygulanır." -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19313,158 +19414,198 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sürümler" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" msgid "Extras" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekstralar" #. UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40212" msgid "Synchronize volume level to remote UPnP players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ses seviyesini uzak UPnP oynatıcılarla eşitle" #. Help string for UPnP remote player volume level sync setting msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." +msgstr "Seçilirse, uzak oynatıcının ses seviyesi bu uygulamanın ses seviyesi ile eşitlenecektir[CR]Uyarı: Genel sistem ses seviyesi uygulama ses seviyesinden farklı olabilir - bunlar bağımsız olarak kontrol edilir.[CR]Bu, uygulama %100 ses seviyesine sahipse ancak genel sistem ses seviyesi daha düşükse, uzak oynatıcının %100 ses seviyesine ayarlanmasına neden olabilir." + +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" msgstr "" # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" msgid "Standard Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Standart Sürüm" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40401" msgid "Extended Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Genişletilmiş Sürüm" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40402" msgid "Unrated Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Derecelendirilmemiş Sürüm" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40403" msgid "Uncut Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kesilmemiş Sürüm" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40404" msgid "Remastered Version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yeniden Düzenlenmiş Sürüm" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40405" msgid "4K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "4K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40406" msgid "Theatrical Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tiyatro Kurgusu" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40407" msgid "Director's Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yönetmenin Kurgusu" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40408" msgid "Special Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Özel Sürüm" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40409" msgid "Limited Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sınırlı Baskı" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40410" msgid "Complete Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tam Sürüm" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40411" msgid "The Final Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Son Kurgu" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40412" msgid "Super Duper Cut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Super Duper Kurgu" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40413" msgid "Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Koleksiyoncu Sürümü" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40414" msgid "Ultimate Collector's Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ultimate Koleksiyoncu Sürümü" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40415" msgid "Criterion Collection Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Criterion Koleksiyon Sürümü" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40416" msgid "Fan Edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hayran Düzenlemesi" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40417" msgid "Black and White Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Siyah ve Beyaz Sürüm" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40418" msgid "BluRay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BluRay" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40419" msgid "WEB-DL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WEB-DL" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40420" msgid "3D" -msgstr "" +msgstr "3D" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40421" msgid "8K" -msgstr "" +msgstr "8K" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40422" msgid "IMAX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "IMAX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40423" msgid "UHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "UHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40424" msgid "FHD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FHD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40425" msgid "HD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40426" msgid "SD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" @@ -19474,47 +19615,67 @@ msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" msgid "VHS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VHS" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40429" msgid "VCD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VCD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40430" msgid "REMUX" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REMUX" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40431" msgid "10th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "10. Yıldönümü Sürümü" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40432" msgid "20th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "20. Yıldönümü Sürümü" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40433" msgid "25th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "25. Yıldönümü Sürümü" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40434" msgid "30th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "30. Yıldönümü Sürümü" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40435" msgid "40th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "40. Yıldönümü Sürümü" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" -msgstr "" +msgstr "50. Yıldönümü Sürümü" + +#~ msgctxt "#40004" +#~ msgid "New version..." +#~ msgstr "Yeni sürüm..." + +#~ msgctxt "#40208" +#~ msgid "Choose version" +#~ msgstr "Sürüm seç" + +#~ msgctxt "#40024" +#~ msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Sürümler: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#40025" +#~ msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +#~ msgstr "Ekstralar: {0:s}" + +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "Ekranın HDR modunun medyayla en iyi eşleşecek şekilde değiştirilmesine izin verin.[CR]Devre dışı bırakıldığında Kodi, medyayı ekranın geçerli HDR moduna uyarlamak için gerektiği şekilde tone mapping uygular." #~ msgctxt "#39194" #~ msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when video source is 1080p or less (progressive only) and source resolution is lower than display resolution.[CR]It's only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 40x, RTX 30x and Intel Arc A770, A750." diff --git a/resource.language.uk_ua/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.uk_ua/resources/strings.po index de8967bbf3..b10bb4d76f 100644 --- a/resource.language.uk_ua/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.uk_ua/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-16 02:56+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: dm1tz \n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" "Language: uk_ua\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -9316,11 +9316,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "Користувацькі налаштування" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "Використовувати порядок групи каналів із сервера(ів)" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16314,7 +16334,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16996,6 +17016,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -18963,7 +18988,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Subtitle border colour setting msgctxt "#39160" msgid "Border colour" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Колір рамки субтитрів" #. CC Subtitles text alignment setting list msgctxt "#39161" @@ -19028,7 +19053,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Subtitle blur setting msgctxt "#39173" msgid "Blur" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Блюр" #. SystemInfo string for the display's supported HDR types msgctxt "#39174" @@ -19149,7 +19174,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Версії" @@ -19161,12 +19207,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Версія" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19239,7 +19290,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19249,11 +19300,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19266,12 +19312,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19284,6 +19330,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Огляд файлів" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19324,9 +19425,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19337,7 +19438,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Версії" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19354,6 +19455,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.uz_uz/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.uz_uz/resources/strings.po index 0bf50de9e6..30cdcd9b29 100644 --- a/resource.language.uz_uz/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.uz_uz/resources/strings.po @@ -9444,11 +9444,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 19334 to 19498 #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" @@ -16533,7 +16553,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17216,6 +17236,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + # empty strings from id 36439 to 36441 #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" @@ -19391,7 +19416,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "" @@ -19403,12 +19449,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." +msgstr "" + +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19481,7 +19532,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19491,11 +19542,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19508,12 +19554,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19526,6 +19572,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19566,9 +19667,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19596,6 +19697,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.vi_vn/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.vi_vn/resources/strings.po index 376d9a313e..728fc9ba0c 100644 --- a/resource.language.vi_vn/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.vi_vn/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-07 06:49+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Nguyễn Trung Hậu \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-19 13:57+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" "Language-Team: Vietnamese \n" "Language: vi_vn\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4617,7 +4617,7 @@ msgstr "Radio toàn màn hình" #. Title of controller configuration window msgctxt "#10820" msgid "Controller Configuration" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cấu hình bộ điều khiển" #. Title of the "My Games" window msgctxt "#10821" @@ -4627,7 +4627,7 @@ msgstr "Trò chơi" #. Title of the in-game OSD menu msgctxt "#10822" msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Danh mục" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" @@ -4642,7 +4642,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" msgid "Volume" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Âm lượng" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" @@ -8526,7 +8526,7 @@ msgstr "Đang làm sạch dữ liệu." #. message box text for epg data reset confirmation msgctxt "#19188" msgid "All guide data will be cleared. Are you sure?" -msgstr "Tất cả dữ liệu hướng dẫn sẽ bị xóa. Bạn có chắc không?" +msgstr "Tất cả dữ liệu hướng dẫn sẽ bị xóa. Bạn có chắc không?" #. message box text stating that the PVR backend forbids to record a given epg event. msgctxt "#19189" @@ -9320,11 +9320,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16345,7 +16365,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -17027,6 +17047,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "Bất kỳ kho lưu trữ nào" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19170,10 +19195,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phiên bản" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19182,12 +19228,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Phiên bản" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19260,7 +19311,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19270,11 +19321,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19287,12 +19333,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19305,6 +19351,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "Duyệt tập tin" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19345,9 +19446,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19358,7 +19459,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phiên bản" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19375,6 +19476,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19514,7 +19655,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" diff --git a/resource.language.zh_cn/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.zh_cn/resources/strings.po index e235f37879..3da6d61131 100644 --- a/resource.language.zh_cn/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.zh_cn/resources/strings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-07 18:46+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Christian Gade \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-27 02:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: CallMeBill \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) \n" "Language: zh_cn\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 5.2.1\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 5.3\n" msgctxt "#0" msgid "Programs" @@ -4629,12 +4629,12 @@ msgstr "菜单" #. Title of the in-game video filter selection dialog msgctxt "#10823" msgid "Video Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "视频滤镜" #. Title of the in-game video stretch mode selection dialog msgctxt "#10824" msgid "Stretch Mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "拉伸模式" #. Title of the in-game volume dialog msgctxt "#10825" @@ -4644,12 +4644,12 @@ msgstr "音量" #. Title of the in-game dialog for advanced emulator settings msgctxt "#10826" msgid "Advanced Settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "进阶设置" #. Title of the in-game video rotation selection dialog msgctxt "#10827" msgid "Video Rotation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "旋转视频" #. Title of the window for setting up controller ports used by the game msgctxt "#10828" @@ -4659,17 +4659,17 @@ msgstr "端口设置" #. Title of the in-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10829" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择存档" #. Title of the out-of-game dialog to select a savestate for the current game msgctxt "#10830" msgid "Select Savestate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择存档" #. Name of window for viewing and configuring players while playing a game msgctxt "#10831" msgid "Players" -msgstr "" +msgstr "玩家" msgctxt "#12000" msgid "Select dialog" @@ -4726,11 +4726,12 @@ msgstr "最近修改" msgctxt "#12015" msgid "Select video version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择视频版本" +#, fuzzy msgctxt "#12016" msgid "Select video extra" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择额外视频" #. Label of various controls for starting playback from the beginning msgctxt "#12021" @@ -5876,9 +5877,10 @@ msgid "Allow use DXVA Video Super Resolution" msgstr "允许使用 DXVA 视频超分辨率" #. Setting Player / Video +#, fuzzy msgctxt "#13418" msgid "Use high precision processing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "使用高精度处理" msgctxt "#13419" msgid "Software" @@ -5947,7 +5949,7 @@ msgstr "启用高品质缩放器当缩放比大于" msgctxt "#13436" msgid "Adjust display HDR mode" -msgstr "" +msgstr "调整 HDR 显示模式" msgctxt "#13437" msgid "Prefer VDPAU video mixer" @@ -9313,11 +9315,32 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "用户设置" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "使用来自后端的频道组顺序" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "回看/视频点播" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -16305,7 +16328,7 @@ msgstr "如果启用,则在自动关闭提醒弹出窗口时,如果 PVR 插 #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." msgstr "" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" @@ -16987,6 +17010,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "任何库" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19125,7 +19153,28 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" msgstr "版本" @@ -19137,12 +19186,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "版本" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19215,7 +19269,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19225,11 +19279,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19242,12 +19291,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19260,6 +19309,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "浏览文件" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19300,9 +19404,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19313,7 +19417,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "版本" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19330,6 +19434,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" diff --git a/resource.language.zh_tw/resources/strings.po b/resource.language.zh_tw/resources/strings.po index ec6c177253..39938b40d9 100644 --- a/resource.language.zh_tw/resources/strings.po +++ b/resource.language.zh_tw/resources/strings.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-26 03:35+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-01-16 02:56+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Jeremy Chen \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) \n" "Language: zh_tw\n" @@ -9315,11 +9315,31 @@ msgctxt "#19349" msgid "User preference" msgstr "用戶偏好" -#. label for PVR settings use backend channel group order control +#. label for PVR setting use backend channel group order control msgctxt "#19350" msgid "Use channel group order from backend(s)" msgstr "使用來自後端的頻道群組順序" +#. label for PVR settings category for live tv catchup and video on demand +msgctxt "#19351" +msgid "Catchup / Video On Demand" +msgstr "" + +#. label for PVR setting play next programme automatically in catchup / vod mode +msgctxt "#19352" +msgid "Play next programme automatically" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback, starting with the selected item, auto playing all following programmes +msgctxt "#19353" +msgid "Play programmes from here" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of a context menu entry to kick catchup / VOD playback of only the selected item, not auto playing any following programmes +msgctxt "#19354" +msgid "Play only this programme" +msgstr "" + #. label for epg genre value msgctxt "#19499" msgid "Other / Unknown" @@ -15887,7 +15907,7 @@ msgstr "啟動\"客制化影片錄製\"(PVR)功能,要開啟此功能需先安 #. Description of setting with label #22076 "Default play action" msgctxt "#36204" msgid "Toggle between [Ask if resumable] (default) and [Resume].[CR][Ask if resumable] will ask whether to play from beginning or to resume (if a resume point is present).[CR][Resume] will automatically resume videos from the last position that you were viewing them.[CR]If no resume point is set, playback will automatically start from the beginning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "選擇[可續播時詢問](預設值)或[繼續播放]。[CR][可續播時詢問]會詢問要從頭開始或續播(如果有續播點)。[CR][繼續播放]會直接從上次暫停處繼續播放影片。[CR]如果沒有續播點則會自動從頭開始播放。" msgctxt "#36205" msgid "Sort the channels by channel number from the backend, but use local numbering for channels." @@ -16312,8 +16332,8 @@ msgstr "啟用後,若PVR附加元件及後端有支援,會在彈出式提醒 #. Description of setting with label #13436 "Adjust display HDR mode" msgctxt "#36299" -msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." -msgstr "" +msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media. When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping if needed (and if supported on your hardware) to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +msgstr "可針對媒體格式為顯示器選用最佳HDR模式。關閉時,Kodi會視需要套用色調映射(視硬體支援與否)至媒體檔案以符合顯示器的HDR模式。" #. Description of setting with label #20226 "Movie set information folder" msgctxt "#36300" @@ -16994,6 +17014,11 @@ msgctxt "#36438" msgid "Any repositories" msgstr "任何元件庫" +#. Description of setting with label #19352 "Play next programme automatically" +msgctxt "#36439" +msgid "Enable automatic playback of the next programme when playing past programmes (catchup) or for Video On Demand (VOD) channels. Please note that catchup and VOD only work if supported by the channel provider." +msgstr "" + #. Description of setting "System -> Audio output -> Volume control steps" with label #1302 msgctxt "#36442" msgid "Set the number of volume control steps." @@ -19135,10 +19160,31 @@ msgctxt "#39197" msgid "If enabled, Dolby Vision profile 7 will be converted to profile 8.1, which is more commonly supported by devices. Enable if your device supports Dolby Vision, but has issues with some videos." msgstr "" +#. Title of "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" setting +msgctxt "#39198" +msgid "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" +msgstr "" + +#. Help text for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39199" +msgid "Alters the video bitstream to remove dynamic HDR metadata. Select the HDR formats your device and display supports." +msgstr "" + +#. Label of Dolby Vision option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39200" +msgid "Dolby Vision" +msgstr "" + +#. Label of HDR10+ option for setting "Allowed HDR dynamic metadata formats" of label #39198 +msgctxt "#39201" +msgid "HDR10+" +msgstr "" + # 40000 to 40800 are reserved for Video Versions feature +#. Generic video versions label (plural) msgctxt "#40000" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "版本" #. Manage video versions context menu item msgctxt "#40001" @@ -19147,12 +19193,17 @@ msgstr "" #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40002" -msgid "Convert into an additional version" +msgid "Add as version to..." msgstr "" -#. New video version dialog button +#. Generic video version label (singular) +msgctxt "#40003" +msgid "Version" +msgstr "版本" + +#. Button to change the version type of a version in Versions Manager msgctxt "#40004" -msgid "New version..." +msgid "Choose type" msgstr "" #. Warning dialog title @@ -19225,7 +19276,7 @@ msgctxt "#40018" msgid "Remove video version" msgstr "" -#. Add new video version dialog text +#. Manage versions, remove: removing the default version of a movie is not allowed. msgctxt "#40019" msgid "The default version of a movie cannot be removed. Set a different default version and try again." msgstr "" @@ -19235,11 +19286,6 @@ msgctxt "#40020" msgid "Are you sure to remove version \"{0:s}\"?" msgstr "" -#. Convert video to version context menu item -msgctxt "#40021" -msgid "Convert to version" -msgstr "" - #. Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40022" msgid "Manage {0:s}" @@ -19252,12 +19298,12 @@ msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video version dialog title msgctxt "#40024" -msgid "Versions: {0:s}" +msgid "Versions Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Choose/Manage video extra dialog title msgctxt "#40025" -msgid "Extras: {0:s}" +msgid "Extras Manager: {0:s}" msgstr "" #. Add extra dialog text. @@ -19270,6 +19316,61 @@ msgctxt "#40027" msgid "The selected video is the \"{0:s}\" extra of the movie \"{1:s}\". Would you like to move the extra to this movie?" msgstr "" +#. Browse the computer files for the file to be added as version +msgctxt "#40028" +msgid "Browse files" +msgstr "瀏覽檔案" + +#. Browse the library for the movie to be added as version +msgctxt "#40029" +msgid "Browse library" +msgstr "" + +#. Select the movie to be added as a version +msgctxt "#40030" +msgid "Select movie to add as a version" +msgstr "" + +#. No other movies found in the library +msgctxt "#40031" +msgid "No other movies found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Add version: no similar movies were found in the library. +msgctxt "#40032" +msgid "No similar movies were found in the library." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40033" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as a version to another movie. Please add its additional versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new extra: a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into an extra of another movie. +msgctxt "#40034" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added as an extra to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40035" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie extra into a movie version. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the user picked an extra of another movie. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40036" +msgid "You are about to convert a movie version into a movie extra. Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version to a movie: the user chose a movie that has multiple versions. Ask for confirmation. +msgctxt "#40037" +msgid "The movie to be added has multiple versions.[CR]The type of the default version will be selected in the next dialog. The other versions will keep their current type.[CR]Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" + +#. Addition of new version: the default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be turned into a version of another movie. +msgctxt "#40038" +msgid "The default version of a movie with multiple versions cannot be added to another movie. Please move or remove the other versions first." +msgstr "" + #. Select default video version setting msgctxt "#40200" msgid "Select default video version" @@ -19310,9 +19411,9 @@ msgctxt "#40207" msgid "When enabled, a video with multiple versions will be shown as a folder in the video library. This folder can then be opened to display the individual video versions. When disabled, the configured select action will be applied." msgstr "" -#. Choose video version context menu item label +#. Choose video version dialog title msgctxt "#40208" -msgid "Choose version" +msgid "Choose version: {}" msgstr "" #. First choose video version and then select a player and play context menu item label @@ -19323,7 +19424,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Button label for video versions msgctxt "#40210" msgid "Versions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "版本" #. Button label for video extras msgctxt "#40211" @@ -19340,6 +19441,46 @@ msgctxt "#40213" msgid "If selected the remote player volume level will be synchronized with the volume of this application.[CR]Warning: Global system volume level may be different than the application volume level - they are controlled independently.[CR]This may lead the remote player to be set to 100% volume level if the application has 100% volume level but the overall system volume level is smaller." msgstr "" +#. Dialog title for the selection of the video extra +msgctxt "#40214" +msgid "Choose extra: {}" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for version rename action from Versions Manager +msgctxt "#40215" +msgid "Choose version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new version type (Versions Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40216" +msgid "New type..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new version type +msgctxt "#40217" +msgid "New version type" +msgstr "" + +#. Title of the dialog for extra rename action from Extras Manager +msgctxt "#40218" +msgid "Choose extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the button to create a new extra name (Extras Manager > Rename) +msgctxt "#40219" +msgid "New name..." +msgstr "" + +#. Caption of the dialog for keyboard entry of a new extra name +msgctxt "#40220" +msgid "New extra name" +msgstr "" + +#. Choose video version context menu item label +msgctxt "#40221" +msgid "Choose version" +msgstr "" + # Video versions #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40400" @@ -19479,7 +19620,7 @@ msgstr "" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40427" msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" +msgstr "DVD" #. Name of a video version, like "Director's Cut" msgctxt "#40428" @@ -19526,6 +19667,10 @@ msgctxt "#40436" msgid "50th Anniversary Edition" msgstr "" +#~ msgctxt "#36299" +#~ msgid "Allow the HDR mode of the display to be changed to best match the media.[CR]When disabled, Kodi applies tonemapping as needed to adapt the media to the current HDR mode of the display." +#~ msgstr "允許改變顯示器的HDR模式以配合媒體檔。[CR]關閉時,Kodi會以目前顯示器的HDR模式將所需的色調映射模式套用在媒體檔中。" + #~ msgctxt "#39194" #~ msgid "Enables advanced DXVA upscaler using NVIDIA \"RTX Video Super Resolution\" or \"Intel Video Super Resolution\".[CR]Used when video source is 1080p or less (progressive only) and source resolution is lower than display resolution.[CR]It's only available on specific hardware: NVIDIA RTX 40x, RTX 30x and Intel Arc A770, A750." #~ msgstr "啟用 NVIDIA 或 Intel 所開發的先進DXVA畫質提升技術。[CR] 當影片解析度等於或小於1080p(限逐行掃描式)並且小於顯示器解析度時可使用。[CR]此功能僅限特定顯卡提供:NVIDIA RTX 40x, RTX 30x 及 Intel Arc A770, A75。"