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AdSupport macOS xcode14.3 beta1

Alex Soto edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 2 revisions


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-11-12 15:59:00
+++ /Applications/	2023-02-11 16:43:06
@@ -10,12 +10,69 @@
+/// The object that contains the advertising identifier.
 API_AVAILABLE(ios(6), macosx(10.14), tvos(6))
 @interface ASIdentifierManager : NSObject
+/// The shared instance of the identifier manager class.
+/// - Returns: Returns the shared instance of the AdSupport identifier manager
+/// class.
 + (ASIdentifierManager *)sharedManager;
+/// The UUID that is specific to a device.
+/// The ``ASIdentifierManager/advertisingIdentifier`` is an alphanumeric string
+/// that’s unique to each device, and which you only use for advertising. Use
+/// this string for frequency capping, attribution, conversion events,
+/// estimating the number of unique users, advertising fraud detection, and
+/// debugging. On devices running iOS 14.5 and later and iPadOS 14.5 and later,
+/// your app must request tracking authorization before it can get the
+/// advertising identifier. For more information on getting the advertising
+/// identifier, see ``AdSupport``.
+/// The advertising identifier returns either a unique UUID, or all zeros. It
+/// returns a unique UUID in the following cases:
+/// - If Settings > Privacy > Tracking > Allow Apps to Request to Track
+/// is On, you’ve requested tracking authorization from the user by calling the
+/// <doc://> APIs,
+/// and received authorization, indicated by
+/// <doc://>.
+/// - If the user changes Settings &gt; Privacy &gt; Tracking &gt; Allow Apps to
+/// Request to Track to Off after authorizing your app, and leaves the
+/// permissions On for your app.
+/// The advertising identifier returns all zeros
+/// (`00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000`) in the following cases:
+/// - In Simulator, regardless of any settings. - When you call this API on a
+/// device running macOS. - On devices running iOS 14.5 and later and iPadOS
+/// 14.5 and later,
+///    if you haven’t requested authorization using the <doc://> framework. - If you’ve requested authorization using the <doc://> framework and the user declines, which results in an authorization status of <doc://>. - When a profile or configuration restricts access to the advertising identifier. For more information about restrictions, see <doc://>.
+/// As a best practice, don’t store the advertising identifier value; access
+/// ``ASIdentifierManager/advertisingIdentifier`` instead. Users can change
+/// their authorization for tracking at any time in Settings &gt; Privacy &gt;
+/// Tracking. Check your app’s authorization using the App Tracking Transparency
+/// API
+/// <doc://>
+/// to determine the user’s intent.
+/// For more information about asking users for permission to track, see [User
+/// Privacy and Data
+/// Use](
 @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUUID *advertisingIdentifier;
+/// A Boolean value that indicates whether the user has limited ad tracking
+/// enabled.
+/// - Warning: This property is deprecated. Functionality has been replaced by
+/// the <doc://>
+/// framework.
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled) BOOL advertisingTrackingEnabled API_DEPRECATED("This has been replaced by functionality in AppTrackingTransparency's ATTrackingManager class.", ios(6, 14), macosx(10.14, 11.0), tvos(6, 14));
 - (void)clearAdvertisingIdentifier API_UNAVAILABLE(ios, macos, tvos);
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