Version 2.2
This is a Discord bot intended to provide entertainment to users of the University of Guelph Bachelor of Computer Science Discord server.
Written in Java with JDA API and built with Gradle.
Using MariaDB to store user info, game data, and message logs.
Hosted on a Google Cloud server with 24/7 uptime.
In src lies 3 package: command, database, and main.
command: Defines all commands used by the bot.
database: Defines the connectors to the database
and any methods which may be used to send SQL instructions to it.
main: Required startup code, EventListener overrides, and reading
data from a configuration file
Each package and its subpackages contain a package-info file explaining its contents.
All inquiries should be sent to Wink#0001 on Discord. I am always open to improving the bot in any way!