VS Code theme based on hyper-snazzy with bright colors
Visual Studio Code theme based on hyper-snazzy colors from Sindre Sorhus.
#2c2f3d; #232631; #282a36; #616263; #54555e; #686868; #f1f1f0; #eff0eb;
#57c7ff; #9aedfe; #5af78e; #ff6ac1; #ff5c57; #ffcb6b; #f3f99d; #f1f1f0;
This theme is available for free in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
It can be installed by typing ⌘P
and running ext install vscode-snazzy-theme
or by typing ⇧⌘X
and selecting it in the extensions search.
- VS Code - Editor
- hyper-snazzy - Colors
- Alexander Bast - Inspiration