- Automated os version selector to run UAC based on OS versions.
- Windows 10
- Windows 11 21h2/22h2/23h2
- Windows 11 24h2
- Windows 12 pre-release
- Windows server 2019
- Windows server 2022
- Windows 10 Home
- Windows 10 Pro
- Windows 10 Education
- Windows 10 Enterprise
- Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB
- Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
- Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
- Windows 10 Mobile and Mobile Enterprise
- Windows 10 IoT Core
- Windows 10 Iot Entreprise LTSC 2021
- Windows 11 Home
- windows 11 team
- Windows 11 Pro
- Windows 11 Education
- Windows 11 Enterprise
- Windows 11 Pro Education
- Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
- Windows 11 Mixed Reality
- Windows 12 pre-release
- !! More versions to be added !!.
- Windows Server 2019 Datacenter evolution
- Windows Server 2019 Standard
- Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
- Windows Server 2019 Essentials
- Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Evolution
- Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
- Windows Server 2022 Standard
- Make a ticket and list the windows version with the ticket, it will help me to work out a fix faster.
You can do it with the .ps1 or manual wit these one liners.
- output to working dir
Add-Type -TypeDefinition ([IO.File]::ReadAllText("$pwd\sl0puacb.cs")) -ReferencedAssemblies "System.Windows.Forms" -OutputAssembly "sl0p.dll"
- output to system 32
Add-Type -TypeDefinition ([IO.File]::ReadAllText("$pwd\sl0puacb.cs")) -ReferencedAssemblies "System.Windows.Forms" -OutputAssembly "C:\Windows \system32\sl0p.dll
- install Windows IIS, it is needed to get cmstp.(<< not needed any more with the below fix.)
- Added check for cmstp files, if not there copy from /cmstp/files/ to mockfolder.(no need to install IIS, as we copy the needed files to mockfolder from the repo.)
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy {Unrestricted or Bypass} -Scope CurrentUser
- Or use one of the bypasses like
type file.ps1 | poweshell.exe -no-profile
or what ever suites - Add a automation process to disable tamper once uac been invoked (this can be done!!)
Setup 23h2 (see additional fixes, i've added automated fix, or you can do it manual like this below section.)
- Fetch the location of powershell.exe for either v2 or v7.
- add a variable or make it auto check the exec location of powershell.exe
- add that dir to Start-Process {location}powershell.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList ('-noprofile -noexit -file "{0}" -elevated' -f ($myinvocation.MyCommand.Definition))
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy {Unrestricted or Bypass} -Scope CurrentUser
- Or use one of the bypasses like
type file.ps1 | poweshell.exe -no-profile
or what ever suites - Add a automation process to disable tamper once uac been invoked (this can be done!!)
- run the ps1 file
- Download these files from either this repo directly if machine has inet capabilities. (Or download these files and serve them with python :D)
- Get the files on the system
- cd to dir
- ./{File}.ps1
v1.6.0-beta rolled out
- Variable and function names have been replaced with single characters or meaningless names to make the code harder to understand.
- Comments have been added unnecessarily to confuse readers.
- Unused variables have been introduced.
- Formatting has been altered to make the code less readable.
- Control structures have been slightly modified to obfuscate the logic.
- The XOR encryption key is still present but obfuscated within the code.
- Added random hash identifier to the INF file.
- Added random hash identifier to the DLL file.
- Added check for cmstp files, if not there copy from /cmstp/files/ to mockfolder.
- Added powershell check for the .ps1 file (checks for powershell v1, v2, v7) This will fix the issue for 23h2 with the powershell path.
- Added check for cmstp files, if not there copy from /cmstp/files/ to mockfolder. (this makes it that there is no need for installal the cmstp before hand.)
- .ps1 file been re-dev by
Thanks sir, Tips hat. - Added check for cmstp files, if not there copy from /cmstp/files/ to mockfolder.
- Feel free to make issue ticket, if sum is not working, or support blocks missing.
- To assist me when creating a ticket, list ur windows version pulled with powershell and list it with the ticket.
- Feel free to bring idea's for improvements.
I am not responsible for U using it on non authorized systems, make sure u use it on systems u own or are authorized on.