This is an R package to help users to easily reproduce charts that are
displayed on Public Health England’s
Fingertips data tool. Along with the
package, this package can be used to help users bring the
data on the website into their own outputs.
Get the latest released, stable version from CRAN:
You can install the latest development version from github using devtools:
# install.packages("devtools")
build_vignettes = TRUE)
Download this repository from GitHub and either build from source or do the following, that also requires devtools:
source <- devtools:::source_pkg("C:/path/to/fingertipscharts-master")
To install the package without the use of CRAN or
devtools, download the .tar.gz
file and then run:
install.packages(path_to_file, repos = NULL, type="source")
Where path_to_file
would represent the full path and file name.
Here are a couple of example visualisations the package provides. See the vignettes for a more comprehensive overview.
df <- fingertips_data(90366) %>%
filter(Sex == "Male")
p <- trends(df,
timeperiod = Timeperiod,
value = Value,
area = AreaName,
comparator = "England",
area_name = "Cambridgeshire",
fill = ComparedtoEnglandvalueorpercentiles,
lowerci = LowerCI95.0limit,
upperci = UpperCI95.0limit,
title = "Life expectancy at birth",
subtitle = "Cambridgeshire compared to England",
xlab = "Year",
ylab = "Age (years)")
df <- fingertips_data(c(90362, 90366)) %>%
group_by(IndicatorID) %>%
filter(Timeperiod == "2014 - 16" &
Sex == "Male") %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(IndicatorID, AreaName, Value) %>%
mutate(IndicatorID = paste0("x", IndicatorID)) %>%
spread(IndicatorID, Value)
p <- compare_indicators(df,
x = x90362,
y = x90366,
xlab = "Healthy life expectancy at birth",
ylab = "Life expectancy at birth",
highlight_area = c("England", "Dorset"),
area = AreaName,
add_R2 = TRUE)