- HTTP range response for Fastapi
- Part of the code is based on changes to BáiZé FileResponse
- 实现了HTTP Range的响应类, 继承自starlette.response.Response, 可使用本机文件或sftp协议进行读取文件
pip install fastapi_range_response
A short example for fastapi application
import asyncio
import asyncssh
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi import Query
from fastapi_range_response import FileRangeResponse, AsyncsshRangeResponse
app = FastAPI()
async def download_local_file(full_path: str = Query()):
return FileRangeResponse(full_path, media_type='application/octet-stream')
async def download_sftp_file(full_path: str = Query()):
ssh_client = await asyncio.wait_for(
asyncssh.connect(host='xxx', port=22, username='xxx', password='xxxx', known_hosts=None),
return AsyncsshRangeResponse(full_path, ssh_client, done_close=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn