The Wormhole index structure was introduced in paper "Wormhole: A Fast Ordered Index for In-memory Data Management" by Xingbo Wu, Fan Ni, and Song Jiang (ACM DL). This repository maintains a reference implementation of the Wormhole index structure.
It supports Linux/FreeBSD/MacOS on x86_64 and AArch64 CPUs.
On x86_64, Wormhole requires SSE4.2.
On AArch64, Wormhole requires NEON SIMD and the crc
features on the target CPU.
The code has been tested with Intel Haswell, Broadwell, and Skylake CPUs.
It has also been tested on a Raspberry PI 4 running 64-bit ArchlinuxArm, and a Jetson Nano running 64-bit Ubuntu Groovy.
for a brief example of using Wormhole in Python. -
An old limitation about anchor keys has been removed (See Section 3.3 in the original paper for more details). Now Wormhole can store binary string keys of any patterns including any number of '\0's. A key's length can be 0 to UINT32_MAX bytes. (Internally: leaf-nodes' anchor key length <= UINT16_MAX).
provides a user-friendly interface. Seeeasydemo.c
for coding examples. thewh_
functions are thread-safe. -
API is a worry-free thread-safe wormhole API. At a small cost on each operation, users no longer need to call thewormhole_refresh_qstate
in any circumstances. -
(Merge a new kv with existing kv) anddelr
(delete range) operations have been added. They are all thread-safe.
Thread-safety: all operations, including
,inplace-update (inp)
etc., are thread-safe. Seestresstest.c
for more thread-safe operations. -
Keys can contain any value, including binary zeros (
). Their sizes are always explicitly specified. -
Long keys are welcome! The key-length field (
instruct kv
) is a 32-bit unsigned integer and the maximum size of a key is 4294967295. -
No background threads or global status. Wormhole uses a mix of user-space rwlocks and QSBR RCU to synchronize between readers and writers. See below for more details.
Clang is the default compiler. It can compile with gcc with $ make CCC=gcc
On our testbed, Clang usually produces faster code than GCC.
To build:
$ make
Alternatively, you may use O=0g
to enable debug info and disable optimizations:
$ make O=0g
presents how to use wormhole through a user-friendly API declared at the end of wh.h
$ ./easydemo.out
The wh_{ref/unref/get/put/del/probe}
and wh_iter_{create/destroy/seek/skip/peek/park/valid}
functions are all thread-safe.
Each thread should acquire a private reference using wh_ref
for KV operations.
is an example benchmarking tool of only 150 LoC. See the helper messages for more details.
It generates six-word keys based on a word list (words.txt). See sprintf
in concbench.c
$ wget
$ ./concbench.out words.txt 10000000 4
$ numactl -N 0 ./concbench.out words.txt 10000000 4
tests all thread-safe operations.
can be linked to any C/C++ program with the help of wh.h
The wh_*
functions provides a clean programming interface that helps to avoid common inefficient use of the Wormhole data structure.
If you're not sure which interface to use, just use wh_*
. Read easydemo.c
for more details.
Coding examples:
struct wormhole * wh = wh_create(); // create a new wormhole instance
struct wormref * ref = wh_ref(wh); // to access wh, a thread must obtain a reference
wh_put(ref, "hello", 5, "world!", 6); // insert a kv pair
wh_put(ref, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); // both key and value can be zero-sized
r = wh_probe(ref, "hello", 5); // r == true
r = wh_probe(ref, NULL, 0); // r == true
r = wh_probe(ref, "abc", 3); // r == false
u8 buf [6];
u32 len_out;
r = wh_get(ref, "hello", 5, buf, 6, &len_out); // r == true, len_out == 6, "world!" in buf (without the '\0')
struct wormhole_iter * iter = wh_iter_create(ref); // creates an iter on a ref
wh_iter_seek(iter, "h", 1); // seek for the smallest key >= "h"; the iter will be placed on "hello"
r = wh_iter_valid(iter); // r == true; You should always check if iter is valid after a seek() and skip()
r = wh_iter_peek(iter, buf, 6, &len_out, NULL, 0, NULL); // only need the key: will get "hello" and 5
r = wh_iter_peek(iter, NULL, 0, NULL, buf, 6, &len_out); // only need the value: will get "world!" and 6
// (you can also get both key and value using one call with two buffers)
wh_iter_skip1(iter); // skip the current key; equivalent to wh_iter_skip(iter, 1);
r = wh_iter_valid(iter); // r == false; already passed the end of the dataset
wh_iter_park(iter); // an iter may hold locks; It's a good manner to "park" the iter before sleep.
sleep(10); // not interacting with the wormhole instance.
wh_iter_seek(iter, NULL, 0); // need to do another seek to reactivate the iter
r = wh_iter_valid(iter); // r == true; on the zero-sized key now
wh_iter_destroy(iter); // now we're done with the iter
wh_del(ref, "hello", 5); // delete a key
wh_del(ref, NULL, NULL); // delete the zero-sized key
wh_unref(ref); // the current thread is no longer interested in accessing the index
wh_destroy(wh); // fully destroy the index; all references should have been released before calling this
Wormhole supports binary keys, which means you don't need to print integers into text when using Wormhole to index integer keys. Here are some quick examples for using Wormhole as an integer-key index. A little-endian CPU is assumed.
// 32-bit unsigned integer keys
u32 key = __builtin_bswap32(1000); // reverse byte order of key 1000
wh_put(ref, &key, 4, NULL, 0);
key = __builtin_bswap32(2000); // reverse byte order of key 2000
  wh_put(ref, &key, 4, NULL, 0);
struct wormhole_iter * iter = wh_iter_create(ref);
key = __builtin_bswap32(999);
wh_iter_seek(iter, &key, 4); // seek 999
u32 key_out, len_out;
r = wh_iter_peek(iter, &key_out, 4, &len_out, NULL, 0, NULL); // see 1000 in key_out in reversed byte order
r = wh_iter_peek(iter, &key_out, 4, &len_out, NULL, 0, NULL); // see 2000 in key_out in reversed byte order
If the simple and thread-safe wh_*
interface already meets your performance requirements, You don't need to read the following sections.
Using the wormhole_*
and whunsafe_*
APIs can maximize the efficiency of your code with a roughly 5%-10% speedup.
However, inefficient use of these APIs, such as repeatedly calling malloc() to prepare the key buffer, can easily hurt the performance.
There are a handful of helper functions (kv_*
and kref_*
functions) at the beginning of wh.h.
It's worth noting that the key's hash (hash
of struct kv
and hash32
of struct kref
must be up-to-date before passed to wormhole.
The kv_refill*
helper functions internally update the hash after filling the kv contents.
In a more general case, kv_update_hash
directly updates a struct kv
's hash.
Similarly, kref_refill_hash32()
calculates the 32-bit hash for struct kref
Performing the hash calculation at the client side can achieve the best efficiency on the server (the index operations).
and stresstest.c
are examples of how to use a Wormhole index.
There are three sets of Wormhole API: whsafe
, wormhole
, and whunsafe
: The worry-free thread-safe API. If you use Wormhole in a concurrent environment and want minimal complexity in your code, you should usewhsafe
: The standard thread-safe API. It offers better efficiency thanwhsafe
but requires some extra effort for blocking prevention.whunsafe
: the thread-unsafe API. It offers the best speed and efficiency but does not perform internal concurrency control. External synchronization should be employed when accessingwhunsafe
in a concurrent environment.
The functions of each API can be found near the end of wh.c
(search kvmap_api_whsafe
, kvmap_api_wormhole
, and kvmap_api_whunsafe
Note that each API contains a mix of whsafe_*
, wormhole_*
, and whunsafe_*
The whsafe
API functions are listed in the kvmap_api_whsafe
structure in wh.c
. The API consists of a mix of wormhole_*
and whsafe_*
The index operations (GET, SET, UPDATE, DEL, PROBE, INPLACE, MERGE, and SCAN (wormhole_iter_*
functions)) are all thread safe.
A thread needs to hold a reference of the index (wormref) to perform safe index operations.
An example of using point-query operations using the whsafe
wh = wormhole_create(NULL); // use NULL here unless you want to change the allocator.
ref = whsafe_ref(wh);
for (...) {
whsafe_put(ref, ...);
whsafe_get(ref, ...);
whsafe_del(ref, ...);
... // other safe operations
... // other safe operations
An example of range-query operations:
ref = whsafe_ref(wh);
// ... assume we already have a valid ref
iter = wormhole_iter_create(ref);
for (...) {
whsafe_iter_seek(iter, key);
wormhole_iter_peek(iter, buf);
wormhole_iter_skip(iter, 1);
wormhole_iter_peek(iter, buf);
wormhole_iter_skip(iter, 3);
wormhole_iter_inp(iter, uf, priv);
// other iter operations
// An active iterator is likely holding a lock.
whsafe_iter_park(iter); // Release resources to avoid blocking other threads
// it's now safe to do something such as sleep() or waitpid()
// ... start using the iterator again
whsafe_iter_seek(iter, key2);
// ... other iter operations
// ... do something
// must destroy iterators before unref()
Similar to whsafe
, wormhole
is also thread safe. It's often faster than whsafe
but requires extra caution when using it.
An example of using point-query operations using the wormhole
wh = wormhole_create(NULL); // use NULL here unless you want to change the allocator.
ref = wormhole_ref(wh);
for (...) {
wormhole_put(ref, ...);
wormhole_get(ref, ...);
wormhole_del(ref, ...);
... // other safe operations
... // other safe operations
An example of range-query operations:
ref = wormhole_ref(wh);
// ... assume we already have a valid ref
iter = wormhole_iter_create(ref);
for (...) {
wormhole_iter_seek(iter, key);
wormhole_iter_peek(iter, buf);
wormhole_iter_skip(iter, 1);
wormhole_iter_peek(iter, buf);
wormhole_iter_skip(iter, 3);
wormhole_iter_inp(iter, uf, priv);
// other iter operations
// An active iterator is likely holding a lock.
wormhole_iter_park(iter); // Release resources to avoid blocking other threads
while (condition not met) { // See below for explanation
// ... start using the iterator again
wormhole_iter_seek(iter, key2);
// ... other iter operations
// ... do something
// must destroy iterators before unref()
Wormhole internally uses QSBR RCU to synchronize readers/writers so every holder of a reference (ref
needs to actively perform index operations.
An ref-holder, if not actively performing index operations, may block a writer thread that is performing split/merge operations.
(because of not periodically announcing its quiescent state).
If a ref-holder is about to become inactive from Wormhole's perspective (doing something else or just sleeping),
it is recommended that the holder temporarily releases the ref
before entering the inactive status (such as calling sleep(10)
and reactivate the ref
before performing the next index operation.
// assume we already have an active ref
wormhole_park(ref); // this will avoid blocking any other threads
wormhole_resume(ref); // this will reactivate the ref
// continue to perform index operations
A common scenario of dead-locking is acquiring locks with an active wormhole reference, The following example could cause deadlock between two threads.
// Thread A has an active ref and try to lock()
struct wormref * ref = wormhole_ref(wh);
lock(just_a_lock); // << block here forever
// Thread B already acquired the lock and wants to insert a key to wh
wormhole_put(ref, kv); << block here forever
To avoid this scenario, thread A should either call wormhole_park(ref)
before acquiring the lock, or keep updating the qstate of the ref:
// Solution A.1: use wormhole_park()
struct wormref * ref = wormhole_ref(wh);
wormhole_resume(ref); // can use ref afterward
// Solution A.2: use try_lock and wormhole_refresh_qstate()
struct wormref * ref = wormhole_ref(wh);
while (!try_lock(just_a_lock)) {
// continue to use ref
The above issues with QSBR are specific to the wormhole
API. whsafe
does not have these issues.
A set of thread-unsafe functions are also provided. See the functions with prefix whunsafe
The thread-unsafe functions don't use the reference (wormref).
Simply feed them with the pointer to the wormhole index:
wh = whunsafe_create(NULL);
for (...) {
whunsafe_put(wh, ...);
whunsafe_get(wh, ...);
whunsafe_del(wh, ...);
... // other unsafe operations
... // other unsafe operations
executes a user-defined function on an existing key-value item.
If the key does not exist, a NULL pointer will be passed to the user-defined function.
A simple example would be incrementing a counter stored in a key-value pair.
// user-defined in-place update function
void myadd1(struct kv * kv, void * priv) {
if (kv != NULL) {
assert(kv->vlen >= sizeof(u64));
u64 * pvalue = kv_vptr(kv);
// create the counter
u64 zero = 0;
struct kv * tmp = kv_create("counter", 7, &zero, 8); // malloc-ed
wormhole_put(ref, tmp);
// perform +1 on the stored value
struct kref kref = kv_ref(tmp); // create a kref of tmp
wormhole_inp(ref, &kref, myadd1, NULL);
Note that the user-defined function should ONLY change the value's content, and nothing else.
Otherwise, the index can be corrupted.
A similar mechanism is also provided for iterators (wormhole_iter_inp
The inplace function can also be used to retrieve key-value data. For example:
void inplace_getu64(struct kv * kv, void * priv) {
if (kv != NULL) {
assert(kv->vlen >= sizeof(u64));
u64 * pvalue = kv_vptr(kv);
*(u64 *)priv = *pvalue;
} else {
*(u64 *)priv = 0;
struct kref kref = ...
u64 val;
wormhole_inp(ref, &kref, inplace_getu64, &val);
The wormhole_merge
and whsafe_merge
functions perform atomic Read-Modify-Write (RMW) operations.
In a RMW operation, if the search key is found, the KV pair will be passed to a user-defined callback function uf
(short for user function).
Otherwise, a NULL pointer is passed to uf
could update the KV in-place if it does not require any memory reallocation.
In such a case, uf
should return the KV's pointer back and the merge function will do nothing else.
If uf
want to replace the KV with something new, it should return a pointer that is different than the original KV pointer.
The uf
should not make memory allocation by itself.
Instead, the merge
function will copy the returned KV and replace the existing KV with the newly created one.
should not return NULL unless the key was not found.
The wormhole_iter_{seek,peek,skip,next,inp}
functions provide range-search functionalities.
If the search key does not exist, the seek
operation will put the cursor on the item that is greater than the search-key.
will return the item under the current cursor and move the cursor forward.
is similar but does not move the cursor. For example, with keys {1,3,5}
, seek(2); r = next()
will see r == 3
Currently Wormhole does not provide seek_for_less_equal()
and prev()
for backward scanning. This feature will be added in the future.
By default, Wormhole manages all the key-value data internally and only copies to or from a user-supplied
buffer (a struct kv
This draws a clear boundary in the memory space between the index structure and its users.
After a call to any of the index operations, the caller can immediately free
the buffer holding the key-reference or the key-value data.
This also allows users to use stack-allocated variables to interact with Wormhole.
The memory manager of the internal key-value objects can be customized when creating a new Wormhole (see wormhole_create
The customization will only affect the internal struct kv
Actually, the memory manager can be configured to directly use the caller's struct kv
object and store it in Wormhole.
This struct kvmap_mm
structure shows an example:
const struct kvmap_mm kvmap_mm_ualloc {
.in = kvmap_mm_in_noop, // in wormhole_put(), store caller's kv in wh
.out = kvmap_mm_out_dup, // but still make a copy in wormhole_get()
.free = kvmap_mm_free_free, // call free() for delete/update
struct wormhole * wh = wormhole_create(&kvmap_mm_ualloc);
struct wormref * ref = wormhole_ref(wh);
struct kv * newkv = malloc(size);
wormhole_put(ref, newkv);
// Don't free newkv! it's now managed by wh
Each of the in/out/free functions can be freely customized.
A few kvmap_mm_*
functions are already provided for common scenarios.
is identical to the kvmap_mm_ualloc
structure in the above example.
Wormhole uses hugepages when available. To reserve some hugepages in Linux (10000 * 2MB):
# echo 10000 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
A few macros in wh.c
can be tuned.
controls the slab size for leaf node allocation. The default is((1lu << 21))
(2MB slabs). If 1GB hugepages are available,WH_SLABLEAF_SIZE
can be set to((1lu << 30))
to utilize 1GB hugepages. Using 1GB hugepages can improve search performance on a large dataset. -
controls "Keys Per (leaf-)Node". The default value is 128. Compared to the default,WH_KPN=256
can offer 5-10%+ higher point query and update speed. However, range queries prefer a smaller node size such as 64. -
control the capacity (number of active references) of the QSBR RCU. The product of the two values is the capacity. For efficiency,QSBR_STATES_NR
can be set to 23, 39, and 55, andQSBR_SHARDS_NR
must be 2^n, n<=6. The defaults are 23 and 32, respectively. The QSBR registry can run out of space if there are a few hundred of threads, which is not a problem in practice.
A split operation will fail when 129 (WH_KPN + 1
) keys share a common prefix of 65535+ bytes.
In Wormhole, the maximum anchor-key length is 65535 (2^16) bytes, which is shorter than the maximum key-length (2^32).
Insertions/updates can fail and return false when a memory allocation fails. On memory-allocation failure, the hash-table expansion function will block and wait for available memory.
Some benchmarking results with some real-world datasets: See this page for more information.